First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Linzi - AWWWWWWWWW! Congratulations!!! It sounds like you did amazingly well!!! :)
I can't wait to see pics of Sarah! YAY! I hope you feel less sore soon! And such a lovely weight and length!! awwww! Did she have hair? Do you think she looks more like you or OH?

Nicola - Charlotte is a lovely name :) Glad Martin managed to get there quite quickly!! Aww :)
I'm on Facebook here -

Hip/pelvis pain in bed - This drives me mad!!! Its been happening for months - some nights worse than others. Its so hard to describe the pain but it always wakes me up. And even if I change sides, it doesnt take long to come back! I try shoving a pillow under me which can help slightly but it doesn't make it go away completely :/

Feeling unwell - I've been like this too! I was up and down last night feeling really queasy and thinking I was going to be sick - never was, but the feeling was there. Had an awful headache on and off all night and day today too.
And I had a PROPER emotional outburst last night! I was LITERALLY screaming like a banshee and crying about something my friend had done that annoyed me (asked me to change the date of the babys christening coz its her new boyfriends mothers birthday....erm let me think....NO!)

But I keep reading on the third tri forums that getting really emotional or moody can be a sign that labour is coming :/

Another baby! - My friend had her baby yesterday!!! :happydance: I'm waiting to find out what she called it, all these babies are getting me SO excited!!!!

My sisters scan - I'm attaching a pic of my sisters scan from today. Quite sweet, bless! Mad to think this was where we all were not too long ago and now they're all popping out! hehe!
Any guesses on gender?! I'm not very good at skull theory!!!
Hayley - its really strange seeing someone's first scan :) I keep looking at mine which are in a little frame next to me and I think back to how I felt when I first saw her on the screen. I'm afraid I am no help with guessing the sex either lol. Great news about your friend too :)

I have been a little emotional too, I actually very nearly threw my phone against the wall earlier. When I was trying to go to sleep for a bit Adam called (as he always does when I try and sleep) then I had about 3 texts come through from people THEN an email. I got so angry!! Then when I decided to just get up I dropped the remote on the floor which made me even more angry. I was crying earlier about something on tv too. Overall I feel quite irritable.....its got to be the hormones.

I went around to my mum's today to see her new little miniature chiwawa, I posted a pic on facebook :) honestly, I have never seen a dog so small in all my life. She is adorable!! I'd be scared or kicking or standing on her though lol. Picked up my beanbag from her too - which I just remembered that I left in the car. I'll have to get it tomorrow as can't be bothered to go out now.
Added the ones on here that have said, i think anyway? Have I missed anyone?

Pics will follow in one second.
I bought 0-3, a couple of newborn and some 3-6 with a 9 month coat that was reduced in Tesco. Now had to go out and buy all newborn and early baby things. As you will see she is tiny, but with huge feet for some reason. Explains the kicks in the ribs!!

I thought she was going to be too big for newborn!


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OMG she is tiny!!!! and that coat is huge haha awwww she is lovely though :)
Charlotte's newborn coat is huge on her! I guess you never know if you'll need newborn clothes or not since some babies never fit in them and others are in them for awhile. Is Charlotte in newborn or did you have to go and buy preemie sized clothes?

I'm right there with everyone else with the hip/pelvic pain. I basically don't want to move around. Getting out of bed is excruciating but no matter what I do I still have to get up to pee about 3-4 times a night. Then turning over is also painful. I feel bad for DH, I'm not sure he's getting much sleep with all the moaning in pain I'm doing these days.

I've been having a ridiculous amount of heartburn/acid reflux too. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat everything causes it. We just have to keep telling ourselves we don't have much longer!
Also, this is probably TMI but is anyone else leaking urine? Ever since my last cervical check I've been having to wear panty liners since I'm leaking urine. I don't even realize it's happening until I go to the bathroom and notice the panty liner is yellow with pee. It's definitely pee too and not amniotic fluid but ugh, it makes me feel so gross.
I have a feeling I am leaking....its only after I have been for a wee though :/ I will go to the toilet then straight after I will feel slightly wet. Its horrible. I might have to wear a pad also to see what colour it is. Its been happening for a couple of weeks now... not nice!

I love seeing photos of little tiny newborns. Makes me really excited about meeting LO. I wonder whether she looks like her 3d scan piccy? awww :baby:
We've got some newborn and some early baby dependent on where they are from. Coats seem to really bury her more than clothes.

It's a case of buy a few of everything and then when she is born you'll have to get what you need. I think she is gorgeous but just think that is me being biased!
Nic I sent you a little message on fb :) that coat is huge on Charlotte!! Makes her look even teenier than I'm sure she is!

I'm glad this pain I'm having at night is normal then, I worry a lot that everything I feel is abnormal. Not glad that you lot are suffering as well though :nope:
Not got the message. Poke me and I'll do it that way. Or pm me your link. Xx

I had all the pelvic pain and ended up on crutches at the end. Getting up was excrutiating.

Weeing was loads. I never leaked see but had a bladder op at a younger age and used a device to strengthen my muscles for the whole pregnancy as I knew I'd end up being incontinent. Plus I never went to term x
Everyone will look at their own baby and think they are the most special little thing in the world... End of the day we have created that new little life.

Charlotte is very cute though and so tiny! I just want to pick her up and give her a cuddle :)

I have been peeing 3-4 times during the night and think I lost track of how many times during the day. We are going through lots more toilet paper though!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one with the pain either. Times like this where I wish i had a water bed or something... Mmm that sounds like heaven actually
Awww Nicola she's sooo cute and teeny weeny! Awwww!!!
What coat is that? I can't quite make it out from the pic but it looks very similar to one I bought from Matalan which is a Dumbo one - I got newborn in that, I hope it fits lol!

I've got a Newborn coat (different one) in my hospital bag, a newborn cardi, 3 0-3 suits and 3 newborn suits - I do have a few tiny baby which OH can bring with him if we need them! Awwww so exciting!!!

Leaking - I haven't noticed any myself, apart from the usual sneezing/laughing episodes! And the going for a wee and then as soonas I've pulled my knickers back up I feel like I need to go again!
Hayley: one week today until you head in for your section!! That is so soon!

Nic: my link is I believe. Hopefully that works!!

peeing: I haven't actually noticed any differences in the last few weeks. I worry if I only pee once at night though that I must be dehydrated, so I need to get on that today as I only did pee once last night. But no leaking from me (yet). And boy does that inspire me to do some pelvic floor exercises!

Feeling lots better today, i think yesterday was just a day when I didn't eat right and that made me feel sick. I'm struggling to get up in the mornings though, all these lie ins are going to be the death of me when LO finally arrives!!

Lindsey: any pictures of Sarah yet for us to coo over?!
Hello all! I'm is still inside! For various reasons which I don't really want to go into I had to go away from B&B for a while, tbh I probably won't be around much more now but wanted to say hello/goodbye before just disappearing forever and leave you all thinking I had left and had my baby or whatnot!

I've seen a few ladies have already had their babies, massive massive congrats to you guys. I wonder who'll be next!

Good luck to all the ladies waiting to have their babies, hopefully we won't be much longer now! I have tried to add a few of you on facebook so I don't lose touch completely. My name is Alex Hawkes so please feel free to add me to keep in touch. I'm sorry that I'm not going to be on here anymore, I may update my journal occasionally but that is probably all. Thank you to you all over the last few months for your kind/amusing/supportive chat and words of kindness and wisdom. It has been fabulous sharing this experience with you all.
I know I have already spoken to you Alex on fb but glad to hear you are well - shame bubs is still inside though hehe

I don't have anything exciting to report, still can't sleep, still achy, still getting pains but still nothing happening.

I have just eaten a whole big bar of cadburys whole nut :O I am watching 16 kids and counting on tv at the moment and these women that continue to have babies are crazy. I couldn't go through this 12, 13 or 16 times!!
Oh Lauren I forgot 16 kids was on tonight! Dh is now searching for it on +1 to record it for me! Thank heavens you reminded me! And don't worry, I ate a whole box of cadburys fingers earlier. But honestly, there are hardly any in there (24 according to the box I.e. not enough!) sorry you are still sore, but hopefully it won't be for much longer!

Alex,so glad to hear everything is well with you and LO, and I'm glad you added me on fb so we can keep up to date on there instead of on here.

Afm: I have been majorly panicking for the last two weeks about boys names. AGAIN. We both went off Max....and then I went off Freddie...and it just all went to the dogs. But after a lengthy discussion tonight (during which I was gutted to lose the name Rafferty as dh thinks its too posh...) we have now eventually decided on Benjamin Lucas Jay. Weirdly, Lucas was also suggested tonight, and dh loved how they sounded as a whole name, so much so that we have thrown out our dad's names as middle names as it didn't flow at all.

But thank heavens. It's such a weight off my mind! Now I have to work on him to get Rafferty in for the next baby...!
Aww bless you, you two aren't doing too well with names are you!! I can see LO being born and you changing the name again! :p I do like Benjamin though, will you be shortening it to Ben?

I did feel a huge sense of relief once we had decided on a middle name. I know they aren't majorly important but I felt I needed one to be ready.

Mmm chocolate fingers :)

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