First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hi ladies , I'm new to this but due April the 9th , I have mild preeclampsia and I'm just a little curious of any of you other moms are having this ? I'm a little nervous to when they will induce me but my blood pressure has been all over the place but very high and a lot of protein in my urine , I just want to know if any you have any clue when they will induce me if the symptoms don't go down
Linzi - awww I'm glad its all going well so far! Hope you're progressing nicely!!! can't wait to hear about her arrival! EEEK! SO exciting!! PUSH!!! lol!

Sarah - Ha!!! Fingers crossed my dates are a bit out, for Linzi's sake!!! I hope I don't get them all right but a few days early, as that would be a bit of a nightmare for my date!!! lol! and I can it be time for babies already?!

Lauren - oh don't!! I'm going to start crying! :cry: lol! Aww its so true though, this forum has been SUCH a godsend during the past 8 months or so - its been SO lovely to have this little support network, and I'm SO pleased that so many of us stayed active and kept talking throughout the whole time! Its so lovely to go through the experience with other girls - obviously even though we've never met, but it doesn't matter! It still feels like we all know each other so well now!

I really hope we can all manage to keep in touch once our babies are here. It'd be lovely to catch up on how they're all doing - after all, we've been through the pregnancies together and we're going to be facing all the different ages and stages together too! teething, terrible twos, etc! hehe!

I echo what you said Lauren, massive hugs to all of you for being such fabulous friends/shoulder to cry on/ears to chew off during the pregnancy! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies , I'm new to this but due April the 9th , I have mild preeclampsia and I'm just a little curious of any of you other moms are having this ? I'm a little nervous to when they will induce me but my blood pressure has been all over the place but very high and a lot of protein in my urine , I just want to know if any you have any clue when they will induce me if the symptoms don't go down

Hi hun, I'm afraid I don't have any experience of pre-eclampsia so I can't really help :/

If you post on the main board though, I'm sure there'd be some girls on there who would be able to answer! Good luck xxx
I called her Charlotte. I rang martin at Dubai airport to say she'd been born. He made it to the hospital about 10am the next day.

I'm the worlds biggest softie but you just really get into a zone. It wasn't an active choice not to have pain relief but it really helped knowing I could if I wanted to.

Ill keep bobbing in.

Thinking of you Linzi and good luck the rest if you.

If I can go it so can you all, one thing I did learn was believe in yourself. Xxx
Hi ladies , I'm new to this but due April the 9th , I have mild preeclampsia and I'm just a little curious of any of you other moms are having this ? I'm a little nervous to when they will induce me but my blood pressure has been all over the place but very high and a lot of protein in my urine , I just want to know if any you have any clue when they will induce me if the symptoms don't go down

Hi hun, I'm afraid I don't have any experience of pre-eclampsia so I can't really help :/

If you post on the main board though, I'm sure there'd be some girls on there who would be able to answer! Good luck xxx

Definitely agree with what Hayley said, I haven't a clue at all but I'm sure someone in third trimester might know. If you develop full blown pre eclampsia, I imagine they would induce before the start of April though.

Nic, I'm sure Martin was devastated to miss the birth, but at least he was able to get home quickly.charlotte is a beautiful name, I absolutely love it. I hope my labour goes as well as yours!

Anxiously awaiting news of Lindsey!
Hayley, I'm sure we will all stay in touch :) we will still need advice, want to share stories and moan once in a while when our LO's are here!!

I too am waiting for news on Lindsey, I've checked this about 3 times since I've been up already lol
Oh yes, I forgot to say, what you said yesterday Lauren made me tear up!! It has been amazing having such wonderful ladies to share the journey with, and I for one will definitely need the help and support when LO gets here and I have no idea what the heck I am supposed to do!

I couldn't have asked for more lovely mummies to be to help get me through these last few months :mrgreen:

And now babies are arriving and it makes me even more teary :haha: especially if I get to see any pictures of their little baby cheeks!

And a whole load of us can now officially say our babies are due next week!!! :happydance: only Hayley's is guaranteed....but even still! Exciting!
I was going to update tomorrow but it's 3:30am and for some reason I'm wide awake (Dad and baby are both sleeping).

Sarah Lynn was born last night at 7:46pm after 16 hours of labor and two hours of pushing. She's 7lbs 9oz and 19" long and the most precious thing I've ever seen. I still can't believe she's mine and that I'm her mother. It's amazing and intimidating all at the same time. She doesn't cry much but will sit and stare at you. She makes all kinds of funny faces.

Overall, I'm really happy with my birth experience. I wanted to go natural but since my water broke, I was induced with pitocin around 11am. I still was able to labor without pain relief...all the way till 10cm! I used my exercise ball and during the most intense part of labor, Seth squeezed my hips together. For every single contraction. He was amazing.

At 10cm, I was screaming to push and the nurse was telling me no. Turns out Sarah's head was turned the wrong direction. They wanted me to lay on my side for a while to get her to move. I got the epidural, slept for an hour despite having the shakes, and then I was ready to push. I could still feel my legs with the epidural and pressure but absolutely no pain. It was awesome. I would have never had the strength to push for the next two hours if I hadn't gotten it.

I pushed for two hours but it honestly didn't seem that long! I pushed on my back, my sides, I used the squat bar which helped immensely, and then delivered her on my back. Most amazing experience ever. I didn't tear nor did I need an episiotomy. Still really, really sore!

We get released Tuesday morning so we're just hanging out and trying to get the hang of breast feeding before we go. Seriously, our bodies can do amazing things!!! Trust yourself! I'll post pictures ASAP!

That is such wonderful news! :happydance::happydance::happydance: welcome to the world Sarah!!

Sounds like you have done an amazing job, Lindsey!! I can't believe you got so far without any pain relief, you hero!

Absolutely amazing news! I hope you get some much needed rest, and that Sarah continues to be the strong silent type who won't keep you up too much :haha:
Congratulations!! :bunny:

Sounds as though you were amazing. I can't wait to see photos!! Well done xx

Nicola, we have added each other on Facebook to keep in touch if you are interested also? X
Oh yes please. I'm hidden because of teaching. Could someone pm me one name/email and then I can do the rest. I have pics of baby too xx
It's so exciting that our babies are starting to arrive! Reading about Lindsey's water breaking has definitely made it feel more real that in just a few weeks I'll be a mom. Where did the time go? It seems like it was just yesterday that I was starting this thread. I'm so glad that I've met you all. You all have been an amazing source of support and I couldn't have asked for better people to go through this journey with. :hugs: :hugs:

Also, since babies are arriving, I started adding their birthdays to the first post.

Hayley, I hope talking to your mom goes well and that your sister will wait a week or two before announcing her pregnancy.

Sarah, I know how you feel with the thinking the baby is never going to come out. Even though I believe I've lost my plug and have been noticing more low back pain/AF like cramping I really don't think Aiden is going to come on his own. Not to mention, my OB has basically said I shouldn't get my hopes up for him coming early since most first time mom's don't deliver early so it's kind of like I shouldn't even think too much of the things that have happened.

Lauren, I hoe your repeat test goes well today. How quickly will you get the results back?

Nicola, congratulations on the birth of your baby girl! I also enjoyed reading your birth story, thanks for sharing!

Lindsey, I've already told you in your journal but congratulations again!! I'm so glad you had a good birth experience and I'm really looking forward to seeing pictures of Sarah. I bet she is adorable!

AFM, my DH is working a lot not to mention his allergies are really bad/he has a cold so I've been spending a lot of time entertaining myself. I've got everything on MY to-do list done so just need DH to finish his list which has about 4 things left on it. Hopefully by the end of this week.

Yesterday, I got my nails done. It's so nice seeing my color on my toe nails again. I also bought more clothes for Aiden. I had never looked at Burlington before but they had so much designer brand stuff for like 50%-70% off the list price that I went a bit crazy buying stuff. At least I purchased mostly 9 month clothing so I don't have an overabundance of 0-3/3-6 which is what I have bought a ton of already.

Tonight, DH and I need to go and sign our lease renewal and then I believe we're going to pick up some groceries for meals this week.

My next doctors appointment is tomorrow. Really curious if I've progressed more since the last appointment since I believe I've lost my plug and have noticed some more AF like cramping/low back pain.
Oh nic definitely add me I believe, I'm looking forward to seeing some pics of Charlotte!

Brittany sounds like you are still keeping very busy! I can't believe you have clothes for 9months old already, you area super organised mummy! But with that much off designer stuff I can see why!

Ugh, I feel really horrible this evening. Sore head and feel like I could be sick right now, which is weird as I felt fine all day and very rarely feel unwell. Dh is upstairs putting our new bed together (our last one partially collapsed last week :dohh:, probably due to the small cow (me) currently sleeping in it!) and other than that nothing is new!
I tried to make sure I had a good supply of clothes for 0-3 and 3-6. I had nothing in 9 months and when I saw how much things were discounted I figured might as well start buying now. I really hope I don't have too much stuff. I was starting to worry a bit about half the stuff I have never getting to be worn.

Though I was thinking, if anything it's going to be the stuff people buy for him that wouldn't be worn. Obviously the stuff I buy for him is stuff I like. DH didn't understand that all when he was trying to explain to him that it doesn't matter if he gets more clothes at Christmas time when he'll probably be in the 9 month range.

Anyways, I hope you start to feel better. Being unwell is not fun at all. Especially at this stage of pregnancy when we have all these other aches and pains to deal with.
That is so true about the stuff you buy being the stuff you like. I know if my SIL were to buy my LO clothes they would be a very different style from what I would buy - based on what my nephew wears - so as you said it's probably gifts that will be less worn.

Plus, the amount of changes of clothes I've heard these beasties get through, you'll probably wish you'd bought more when it was all on sale!!
Nicola, my name is Lauren Purdy.

I've also not been feeling particuarly well :( I keep feeling sick and just off. I am getting really wound up at night too, not only can I not sleep for the life of me, when I do I end up waking up in loads of pain with my hips/pelvis from where I've been lying even though I roll over so often so it's not like I'm on one side all night. I've tried propping myself with my v pillow and normal pillows but nothing is helping. Then if I can I'll try and have a nap but end up with the same problem and waking up in loads of pain... Don't know how much more I can take. Oh and when I lie down I tend to get lots of pain to the front like period pains and my lower back hurts. I might buy something I can stand up against and wrap myself to it... Might sleep better lol.

I thought about buying LO some bigger sizes but then I think about all the time I will have once she is here... So I might save shopping for a couple months. I can then introduce her to the world of retail haha

I had my repeat bloods done today, don't have a clue if/when I will hear anything. I assume they will contact me if they are high again. Then I have my consultant appointment on Thursday.....

I am supposed to be meeting a couple of friends over the next couple of days but I really don't want to see them. Normally I am happy to see people but for some reason I just don't want to this week. Think I'll text them tomorrow and say I can't make it. I'm sure they will understand.

*yawn* so tired even after a nap about an hour ago. Defo going to try and get an early night.... See how much sleep I manage to get!!
when I do I end up waking up in loads of pain with my hips/pelvis from where I've been lying even though I roll over so often so it's not like I'm on one side all night.

I have this too. Is almost like my whole hip area goes numb or something, it's horrible. So then I turn to the other side and its the same again after an hour or so. :nope: not good.

Sorry you're also feeling rubbish today :hugs:

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