First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Sarah - Aww you really never know! It could happen in an instant! Have you been trying anything like the usual RLT/EPO/Hot curries thing?!
Might be worth a go! My friend had her baby last week, she had literally just got to 39 weeks and ended up just going like that! No signs previously and all of a sudden...all systems go!

Lauren - Eeek! Any more signs since the restaurant episode?!

I will definitely keep you all updated, don't worry! ;) I probably won't get on to the forums until I'm home (I'm taking my Ipod with me but I don't know if theres Wifi in the hospital!) but I will definitely make sure I get it up on Facebook! :)

They retested me for the cholestasis thing too, and the retest was fine - my midwife said the same thing, e45! I haven't picked any up though. I should do that tomorrow!

Linzi - Aww I'm sorry you're not feeling great. I think its normal to not be feeling up to going out right now - everything is so uncomfortable and takes so long to do!

Sleeping - if anybody hasn't tried it, I would highly recommend Cussons Mum & Me sleep mist! I won a Bump gift pack from a blog friend otherwise I prob wouldnt have tried it, but OMG it is amazing!!! I wish I had discovered it months ago!
I have slept like an actual baby all week long since using it! I thought maybe it was just a fluke, but another preg friend bought one and she said its worked miracles for her too!

I also love the Mum & Me pregnancy shampoo, my hair looks all thick and shiny again after using it - its been a nightmare with any shampoo for the rest of the pregnancy! Just GUTTED its taken me until the very end of the pregnancy to find these products!! lol.

AFM - Just been to Tesco and OMG - was terrified my waters were going to break!! can you imagine your waters going in public?!!! :wacko:
(Although it'd be nice if they went in Mothercare...I read a story about that happening to someone and now she gets massive discount in there! lol)

I've been getting strong period pains on and off for a few days, and this morning my back was SO sore I could barely move....but tonight the period pains kept coming quite frequently and were very painful! And on Tesco my bump kept going hard and then soft! And I started getting a weird stabbing pain in my hip!

Its eased off in the last half hour or so though, so :shrug:
I have been so uncomfortable the last few days, I struggle to walk, drive, sleep, sit on the sofa... Eat! I struggle to lean slightly forward to put the food in my mouth. If I sit upright I'd just get it all down me.

Hayley I have that mist, my mum brought me that along with the bubble bath. The bubble bath is nice and the mist smells lovely but it doesn't help me sleep :( some nights I'm ok but every morning I wake up in loads of pain with my hips and back. I try cushions and stuff but nothing seems to help.

I went for my meal, brought a new dress which I will post a pic of up tomorrow when I'm on the laptop. The meal was lovely though, nice to catch up with the girls. I got a little bag with a few vests ect then opened my card when I got home and they have given me £70 worth of NEXT vouchers :) bless them.

My LO seems much more active recently, she never moves around this much. Still getting loads of tightening but only seems to happen when I'm sitting down, well that's when I notice it anyway. Then get the period type pains usually when I lie down.

Hope everyone is doing ok x
My water broke!! No warning, no nothing. Big gush that woke me up at 3am. No contractions yet. Waiting to call L&D. I'll update when I can. Wish me luck, ladies!! Looks like I might have a St. Paddy's Day baby!
Ahhhhhhhhhh Lindsey how exciting!!!!!!! I hope things start moving soon and that your next post is a piccy of your LO xxx
I'm still at home! Having light contractions. Baby is moving around a little bit. Just waiting for DH to get out of the shower so we can go. I wish I could just stay home because I'm so much more comfortable here but I know they want me to come in. I'm not as nervous as I thought I'd be!
I'm sorry I haven't been in for weeks. I went to my mums for a few days whilst oh arrived and ended up having my baby three weeks early.
Thanks for the support I hit in here ladies and good luck to all of you.

It's harder to post when you have a little one! Xx
OMG Nicola. We thought you had given birth!! Congratulations and hope all is well

Lindsey keep us updated best you can, makes everything feel so real!! Xx
AAAAARGH!!!! How exciting!!!!!

Nicola - congratulations! :D Hope everything is going well!

Linzi - AAAAHHH! So excited!!! Hope to see pictures of your LO sooooooon! Aww a St Paddys Day baby, how cute!!!!! She'll have the Luck of the Irish!! :D

(And WOOO my guesses are right with regards to order of birth so far! lmao!! I KNEW Linzi would go before me!! :happydance:....although Alex may have already gone, I think she has! )
Good luck Linzi, I did it 3 hours from my hosp without my husband here. You're going to be amazing.

Sorry everyone just you get so bogged down with everything xx
Jeepers, I popped to ikea and look what I came home to! One baby here and another one on the way!!!

Nicola, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope you are settling into mummy hood well, and have no doubt that you are doing a fantastic job. When you get a minute make sure you let us know all the details about LO and the birth!

Lindsey - oh my goodness! I am so excited for you! Can't believe your waters went in the middle of the night - proper TV style! I'm thinking about you and can't wait to hear the good news! And you're just right not to be nervous- you are going to do wonderfully!

No other surprises from anyone?!

My thrilling trip to ikea isn't so exciting anymore :haha:
I think Alex has had her baby too.....

Who was next on your prediction list Hayley???

It is so exciting though, I am so excited!!! :dance:

Nicola don't apologise, I hope to see a photo once your back on your feet :)
My prediction list was Nicola, Lindsay, me, Laura and then you Lauren lol. But I had Lindsay down for 20th March so I'm a few days behind!!

I wish we knew about Alex!

Ohhhh I can't wait to see the first baby picture! All these months we've posting and talking about it, and its finally starting to happen!! *squeeee*!!!
I'll have to do this in instalments but want to get some bits down.

I remember waking up having contractions but was able to get back to sleep. I don't know what time they were but was aware that I'd woke up a couple of times.

At around 2.30 am I woke feeling like I was having a contraction. I'd been having cramps for weeks before and it was always because of the iron tablets and once I'd been they'd go.

At 3.15 they were still coming so I went downstairs and started timing them on this amazing Internet site I found.

At about 4am I went to the loo and I'd been weeing in the dark because of parents being in bed. I wiped and it was all bloody so I guessed they were contractions and that was my show starting. I was the ring Mart but not hinting that I thought it was and waiting to see if they'd stop after I'd been to the loo. I had another few and warned mart that I was having them. At 5.30 we made the decision he would ring work as they were regular.

6.30am-parents got up and they asked me if I was sure.
7.30am still coming every four minutes but not lasting long. Mum rang the nearest maternity unit who agreed to take me should I need it.
They advised waiting for contractions to hit 2-3minutes lasting over a minute for 5-6 hours (ha ha) t as my first baby and I'd be ages!

Came home after having contractions around the park walking the dog for about an hour, they were every four minutes and I was able to breath through them.

Was contracting for a few hours and I had a couple of baths to ease them. Contractions were up and down from 4 minutes to 8 minutes.

Went to bed for an hour around 12pm and my mum was cleaning the house around me. At 12.36 I woke up having another contraction and for up. Went to the toilet and the pad was wet and all full of pink stuff. I asked my mum and she said she thought it was my show. Got dressed with a huge pad on and came downstairs. At 13.22 I was having a contraction and when I stood up I felt gushing and thing it might be my waters. Went into the kitchen quick before it got on the carpet and stood on a dog towel with my knickers down watching it drip out. Absolutely no control.

Went and got in the bath again whilst my mum rang the wars. Contractions weren't timed as I'd just got up so we estimated around 5 minutes based on the last couple.

They wanted to take me in but I asked to stay at home. Mum persuaded me to get checked and we finished packing my bag.

Contractions were about every 5 mins in the car and near the hospital I felt another gush and kept apologising to my mum for the car seats. She dropped me off whilst trying to park and I walked the little way to the antenatal unit. In there I tried to explain before getting another contraction and then more gushing. I was crying saying I'm leaking everywhere. The midwife came round and said I needed to be on delivery not here but would check me straight away to make sure.

They realised that at this point they were every two minutes and when they examined me she could see her hair and said I was about 4cm dilated already and was going to the delivery ward.

On the delivery ward I was in a room and given gas and air whilst having contractions. They asked about a birth plan as mine was empty. I wanted a water birth if they'd allow it and they were happy o me to take there's as it was free. About 30 mins later went into the pool in my full bikini. I wanted my pants on! This must have been around 4pm ish but at that point I had no idea of timings. They were checking babies heart beat every 15 mins and all was ok.

After about 10 mins in the pool I started to feel sick and ended up being sick in the bowl over the edge. I felt like it was the gas and air so I stopped using it. Roughly had about 45 mins of it and then that was it.

My sister arrived at some point to support with Martin not being there. I vaguely remember them talking about things and how long it could be yet. I was at this point feeling the urge to push so they tok my bottoms off. Contractions were long and hard and sometimes rolled into each other.

I had my eyes closed hanging over the edge of the pool. Focused on myself only. My mum and sister were encouraging my dad to go the rugby match as they'd be ages yet. I was at this point pushing but was so focused I wasn't making a sound apparently other than really deep breathing.

Unknown to me the midwife was checking behind me to see if baby was coming. She'd do it after every contraction but I knew that she was coming but then she kept going back up. The midwife kept shaking her head to my mum hence why they thought she'd be ages. The contractions were just a little short for me to get her head but after a few more I felt her lower and knew she was moving. The midwife tried to get her heart beat but couldn't find it as I think at this point she would have been in the birth canal.
Another contraction came and the midwife was sat down my sister and mum were talking and I made a sound which made them jump. Out popped her head. Panic ensued as no-one was expecting it!

The midwife said they don't interfere and was encouraging me o push her shoulders out. My sister was crying and came and grabbed my hands telling me to push. I held back as my body was telling me to wait for the next contraction. I didn't say no go anyone just waited another few seconds till it came and pushed down. They gave me her and I checked she was a girl. Her colour wasn't right and. Kept as,nig was she ok. They took her after another few seconds to give her oxygen and she was crying then. Born at 18.37 pm weighing 6lb 4ozs. At this point there were 4 extra midwives that had arrived for a mosey. The ward was very quiet and they were so shocked about how quick it had happened and just wasn't expecting her.

I had a little tear in a few places but they got the dr to come and stitch me up.

I don't know how I did it without pain relief. I do remember saying at one point that I couldn't do it and they were encouraging me. I said it a few times after having 7 rolling contractions.

Lots of spelling errors
Awww thank you for sharing Nicola :) so glad everything went smoothly for you. I hope for a water birth :)

Hayley, let's see if your predictions are right (order of them anyway :)) I can't remember what mine were lol ... I'll have to look back later.
Aww thanks for sharing Nicola - glad it went ok in the end! What did you call her? When did Martin make it back?

Lauren - lol! Lets see! Here's the list of our guesses:

Sarah's Guesses -

1. Hayley - 26th March, 6lb 11oz
2. Lauren - 29th March, 8lb 6oz
3. Lindsey - April 1st, 7lb 2oz
4. Alex - April 2nd, 7lb 14oz
5. Laura - April 3rd, 8lb 4oz
6. Brittany - April 6th, 5lb 7oz (I imagine both Brittany and Aiden are very petite!)
7. Me (hopefully!) - April 9th, 7lb 7oz (please god!)

Hayleys Guesses -
Nicola (nuttynicnak) - I think she's actually had the baby already!
Lindsey - March 20th, 7lb 8 oz
Me - March 26th, 7lbs 12oz
Laura - March 30th, 8lbs 8oz
Lauren - April 1st, 8 lbs 7 oz
Alex - April 3rd, 8lbs 8oz (Girl!)
Brittany - April 4th, 6 lbs 12 oz
Sarah - April 5th, 7lbs 3 oz (Boy!)
Brooke - April 7th, 8 lbs 10 oz (Girl!)

Laurens Guesses -

1. Hayley - 26th March
2. Alex - 28th March
3. Lindsey -29th March
4. Sarah - 30th March
5. Me - 31st March (just have a feeling she will be here by the end of the month)
6. Laura - 2nd April
7. Brittany - 3rd April
8. Brooke - 7th April
Just checking in! I was admitted to the hospital this morning about 8. I was only 1-2 cm dilated but 80% effaced. I stayed in triage until 11 when they started me on pitocin. Contractions are every 2 minutes and starting to get intense. I haven't been checked again yet but I hope there's been some progress! Right now just trying to relax, breathe, and watch my favorite TV show.
Nicola thanks so much for sharing your story! It sounds amazingly quick and you are incredible for doing it au naturale! Again massive congrats to you and I hope you an your little lady are doing well now.

Hayley your guesses are looking scarily good at the minute (although Lindsey might not agree if that puts her in labour for the next 3 days :haha:)

Lindsey it sounds like you are doing an amazing job if contractions are that close and you are staying so calm!! Sending you and lo all the luck in the world for a safe delivery, I really hope she is here soon!

This is so exciting! How can it be time for babies already?! The last 8 months seem to have dragged by, but at the same time I can't believe we are at this point so soon!
I can't believe we are at the stage of babies arriving either, even though it's an exciting time and it's something we have all been waiting for... Part of me feels slightly tearful to think 'this is it'. 9 months of aches, pains, sickness, heartbearn amongst other things... most importantly us guys talking to each other on a daily basis, listening to each others problems and being there for one another. Even though I have never met any of you, I feel as though I've made some amazing new friends... So before we all start dissapearing to have our little bundles I want to send you all cyber hugs to say thank you for being there for me :hugs:

So glad to hear you are doing well Lindsey *breath* hehe

Nicola, love the name you have chosen. My sister's name is Charlotte :)

Oo I feel all emotional now :cry:

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