Sarah: Eeek I know!!! How exciting/absolutely terrifying! lol
Aww what a shame you lost the battle on Rafferty, I love that and it would sound so perfect on a little Irish baby in the accent! But I do love Benjamin too. One of my first boyfriends was Benjamin (Ben) and he was such a lovely guy, so I immediately think of him! I like it when you associate names with really nice people, really makes me like the name!
I don't have a middle name! Neither does my sister. My mum said she always thought middle names were completely pointless so she never bothered! My sister followed suit and her kids don't have middle names either!
But I'm breaking the tradition as when I was younger I was always SO jealous of people who had middle names, I actually adopted one for myself when I was about 6 and have always used it lol! (I suppose thats why my Mum thinks me using two middles names is "Ridiculous", since she didnt use any!)
Alex: Glad to hear your ok, was getting really worried!! Thanks for adding me on Facebook, glad we can keep in touch on there,.
Lauren: Lol @ the whole bar of whole nut. I ate a whole share size bag of maltesers the other day, I think its to be expected lol.
The women on 16 Kids are clearly mental! lol! I think the big family thing is lovely but geeeez, they are so extreme lol. I did go to school with a boy who was one of 14 kids actually!
And my childhood friend has 7 kids - and I REALLY don't think she's done having them! I think she'll end up having about 11....
Crazy! lol.
Oh god I'd have been the opposite with girls names! I found boys names hard enough coz there were so few I liked and it STILL has taken me forever to whittle down the roughly 10 names I liked to 3 - but with girls its the opposite problem! I love SO many, I don't think I would EVER be able to narrow it down!

She'd end up with about 15 names!!
Brittany: I'm sorry you're disappointed after the OB appointment.
What date did they say was the latest they'll let you go over now? Is there a standard in the States? (
I know its easier said than done but try not to worry too much. He could literally come at any time, with no warning at all.
My friend who had her baby on Sunday was stressing like crazy about it as she had been given an induction date for next Thursday, and was terrified about being induced again (her second baby so unusual for her to gone over so much!) - she spent SO much time stressing about it, saying how she felt like she was never going to come and how nothing at all was happening - no signs or anything. No plug lost, no cramping, nothing.
Then all of a sudden - it just happened! No warning, just in the middle of the afternoon - waters gone, and that was it! Baby was out like 7 hours later!
You really just never know.
AFM - I have nothing at all to report really! I just keep checking back hoping to see pics of Lindsay's baby - I'm swooning over all the adorable baby pics I'm seeing lately!
My friends little girl (born same day as Lindsays) is just adorable - she named her Summer Anais, which I think is gorgeous
Still haven't picked up the pram, found out tonight that my Mum hasn't ordered the Moses basket yet (she's having one made), and still havn't picked up the ready-made bottles for the hospital - so lots still to do! But somehow, I'm keeping calm and its not started stressing me - yet!
Tomorrow job is to go and collect the Easter outfit I ordered, and hopefully my mum will go and order the moses basket!
That leaves Thursday to get the pram and the bottles, Friday is my pre-op, Saturday my sister arrives and then all hell breaks loose and then its baby time lol.