First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Oh don't even joke about changing our minds....I did say "ok that's us sorted! For at least a few days..." I think the problem is that we have very different tastes in boys names, and none of the names we both like have really grabbed us. I was trying out a few earlier (round the house, out loud, like a crazy lady :haha:) and none felt right, but I have always really liked the name Benjamin, in fact I used to have a dog called Ben lol!

Dh said he isn't convinced about shortening to Ben, but I think we probably will end up doing that. As long as we stick with the name :dohh:

The damn baby will probably come out a girl now and all this worrying will have been for nothing!

I'm the same, I even said to Simon that middle names aren't ever used.......but I still feel like they are very important too. A have a friend without a middle name and I just think that's weird!
To be honest I was so relieved when we found out we were having a girl because we had absolutely no idea what we'd call a boy.

Well it's not long now until we find out what your having :D
The OB appointment was so disappointing. Nothing has changed since last week. :(

I asked about induction again too since the OB I spoke to about it awhile back was not my primary OB. Well now I don't even feel optimistic about being induced on the 5th at the latest as my primary OB may let me go more then a week over if I haven't progressed anymore by next Tuesday.

I mentioned DTD to DH on the way out when he feels a bit better in hopes that, that would help get things moving before the next appointment and he turned me down right away. Definitely not what I wanted to hear when I feel so unattractive right now and am already disappointed with the way the appointment went. It just irritates me so much that his reasoning for not wanting to do anything with me is because of how much pain I'm in. I just don't get why he thinks he needs to be so worried about me being in pain, especially if I'm the one asking him to have sex with me. He just makes me want to pull my hair out!!

I just want Aiden to come already. I'm so tired of being pregnant. I'm tired of the pain, the constant heartburn/acid reflux, I just don't want to do this anymore. :cry:
Sarah: Eeek I know!!! How exciting/absolutely terrifying! lol

Aww what a shame you lost the battle on Rafferty, I love that and it would sound so perfect on a little Irish baby in the accent! But I do love Benjamin too. One of my first boyfriends was Benjamin (Ben) and he was such a lovely guy, so I immediately think of him! I like it when you associate names with really nice people, really makes me like the name! :)

I don't have a middle name! Neither does my sister. My mum said she always thought middle names were completely pointless so she never bothered! My sister followed suit and her kids don't have middle names either!

But I'm breaking the tradition as when I was younger I was always SO jealous of people who had middle names, I actually adopted one for myself when I was about 6 and have always used it lol! (I suppose thats why my Mum thinks me using two middles names is "Ridiculous", since she didnt use any!)

Alex: Glad to hear your ok, was getting really worried!! Thanks for adding me on Facebook, glad we can keep in touch on there,.

Lauren: Lol @ the whole bar of whole nut. I ate a whole share size bag of maltesers the other day, I think its to be expected lol.

The women on 16 Kids are clearly mental! lol! I think the big family thing is lovely but geeeez, they are so extreme lol. I did go to school with a boy who was one of 14 kids actually!
And my childhood friend has 7 kids - and I REALLY don't think she's done having them! I think she'll end up having about 11....

Crazy! lol.

Oh god I'd have been the opposite with girls names! I found boys names hard enough coz there were so few I liked and it STILL has taken me forever to whittle down the roughly 10 names I liked to 3 - but with girls its the opposite problem! I love SO many, I don't think I would EVER be able to narrow it down! :wacko: She'd end up with about 15 names!!

Brittany: I'm sorry you're disappointed after the OB appointment.

What date did they say was the latest they'll let you go over now? Is there a standard in the States? (

I know its easier said than done but try not to worry too much. He could literally come at any time, with no warning at all.

My friend who had her baby on Sunday was stressing like crazy about it as she had been given an induction date for next Thursday, and was terrified about being induced again (her second baby so unusual for her to gone over so much!) - she spent SO much time stressing about it, saying how she felt like she was never going to come and how nothing at all was happening - no signs or anything. No plug lost, no cramping, nothing.

Then all of a sudden - it just happened! No warning, just in the middle of the afternoon - waters gone, and that was it! Baby was out like 7 hours later!

You really just never know.

AFM - I have nothing at all to report really! I just keep checking back hoping to see pics of Lindsay's baby - I'm swooning over all the adorable baby pics I'm seeing lately!
My friends little girl (born same day as Lindsays) is just adorable - she named her Summer Anais, which I think is gorgeous :)

Still haven't picked up the pram, found out tonight that my Mum hasn't ordered the Moses basket yet (she's having one made), and still havn't picked up the ready-made bottles for the hospital - so lots still to do! But somehow, I'm keeping calm and its not started stressing me - yet!

Tomorrow job is to go and collect the Easter outfit I ordered, and hopefully my mum will go and order the moses basket!

That leaves Thursday to get the pram and the bottles, Friday is my pre-op, Saturday my sister arrives and then all hell breaks loose and then its baby time lol.
Brittany- sorry you're going through the last bit like this. I was on crutches for the last few weeks of my pregnancy with SPD. The pain was excruciating and topped off with all the acid/insomnia/ etc it really does make you feel like that. I just used to count everyday as achieving something rather than looking into the future as my due date.

Things like the last week where I was at work. Counting down the last Monday. The next week counting down my first Monday off. Lots of things like that really helped me to get through the days. I know I'm lucky as she came earlier but from week 33 onwards felt like hell. Xxx
Well it's 2 AM and I'm unable to sleep thanks to heartburn. At this point, I'm not sure if the heartburn/acid reflux I'm having constantly or the MS I had in the beginning is worse. :(

Hayley, my OB didn't give me any kind of date but did mention it's not unsafe to get to 42 weeks even though they don't typically let you go more then 41 weeks. If they let me go 2 weeks over that puts me at April 12th being the latest. It's so disheartening when I've been thinking April 5th would be the latest based on what the other OB said so I just find the idea of having to deal with the pain, heartburn, inability to sleep, etc. for possibly another week to be really upsetting.

So I guess I get to be in limbo until next Tuesday with the whole induction thing. I think if I've progressed some more we can get an induction date set up. If not then I don't really understand what's going to happen since I don't have any more appointments scheduled after next Tuesday since the next appointment is supposed to be the postpartum appointment. :shrug: I guess I just don't understand why they can't determine the latest they'll let me go over and then schedule an induction for that date. I'm not asking to be induced early or anything.
Brittany I'm sorry your appointment didnt go well. Fingers crossed that by next week you will have progressed more, and they will be willing to tak about induction dates that you feel happier with. I know how disappointing it is to basically be told you will get your baby in this date and then have that taken away, so I really feel for you. All we want are answers about when the latest is we will meet our baby...what's so hard about that?
My SIL, however, was 40 weeks pregnant and told she was 0cm dilated and not effaced at all, that they wouldn't do a sweep as no point...she went into labour less than 24 hours later and Jacob arrived after 12 hours! So even the best dr doesn't know when things will start to move, and by this time next week Aiden could even be here! Hopefully once he is, you will forget the horrible pregnancy time you've had with the ms and heartburn, and before y know it you'll be ready for another :winkwink:
That was mean and rude of dh. I'm sure he thinks he was just looking out for you, but he needs to remember to look out for you emotionally as well. I was complaining to Simon about how puffy my face has gotten the other day and he shouted "for heavens sake woman would you stop moaning!" And I just burst into tears, which nearly knocked him off his feet! They forget that we are getting frustrated and upset and that we need more support than ever.

Hayley I do definitely see your mums point about middle names, but I'm glad you are bucking the trend and going with two! That'll make up for you never having an official one! Sounds like you are going to be kept extremely busy until next Tuesday! I think that'll be for the best otherwise you might send yourself mad waiting! It'll be nice once your sister arrives as well to have someone new around to help take your mind off it. And then this day next week I fully expect to be getting mushy over pictures of YOUR gorgeous LO!

Afm I have been really stiff and sore the last few days after taking the dogs out, and it made it so hard to sleep last night. I had that horrible weird numb pain when I slept on my right hand side, then when I turned onto my left I started getting cramps. Plus I felt nauseous again last idea what the heck is going on at the minute but I am not liking it at all :haha:
I've been keeping up with you ladies on my phone but have yet to get to a computer to post pictures. Hopefully tomorrow!

We were discharged from the hospital Monday night. Sarah loved her first road trip; she just sat there looking around. Then we got home...and she screamed for the next 5 hours! It was pretty overwhelming and I ended up crying too. :( She finally went down at 4am for a few hours and then Seth's mom watched her after I fed her so I was able to take a nap. I felt like a new woman after that. Also, she has been wonderful since so I wonder if she was just overstimulated from all the visitors and hospital procedures. We were also struggling to breastfeed at first but I think we're starting to get the hang of it.

We're just trying to get into a routine now. I've been co sleeping more than I wanted to but I feel like she's so far away in her bassinet. She falls asleep faster and pretty much sleeps until her next feeding when she's next to me, too. I want to try the bassinet more, though. We have our first appointment with the pediatrian tomorrow. And as for me, the recovery hasn't been bad. The pain was the worst once the epidural wore off but I haven't really needed meds since I've been home.

I know I was freaking out about Seth's mom being here so soon but it has been the biggest help. She's been cooking, cleaning, and holding baby when we need a break. So it all worked out for the best!

Congrats, Nicola, on your baby! I wonder who will be next!
Its nice to hear from you Lindsey :) glad things are getting better, I can see why everything got too much on your first day at home. I am happy that Seth's mum has been a big help to you. You will soon get yourself in to a routine, just takes a little while :hugs:

Brittany, sorry to hear about the mess with the dates :( but as the others have said, you never know, your LO might decide to make an appearance soon. I am sure things will work out though and even though it feels horrible waiting at the moment, you will wonder where the time went once he is here. Also sorry to hear about your OH being an arse....

I am still struggling with sleeping which is driving me up the wall. I was so tired last night but just ended up lying in bed staring at the wall for a couple of hours. I must have gone to the toilet for a wee about 4 times within the space of a few hours too. Something else that is really annoying me now is that I have had an upset stomach for three days. I am still eating as normal and drinking plently of water. I don't want to change my diet too much because I know what will happen - I wont be able to go at all!! Hope it sorts itself out soon.

Hayley, how exciting. Everything is coming so soon!! :happydance:

When I think about how soon it will be happening I have this strange overwhelming feeling where I panic. But I am excited at the same time. Its going to be so weird having a baby at home when I spend so much time by myself.... :wacko:
Lindsey, so glad you're doing well! And are getting a hang of the breastfeeding. I'm also glad Seth's mom has been such a big help. I'm planning to have my mom stay with me for a week or so after Aiden is born to help out around the house and with him when I need a break so hopefully everything goes well with that. I can see my MIL trying to be at my house every day just because my mom is which will definitely drive me mad considering how she behaves. :wacko:

AFM, was having some pretty painful contractions last night but they only lasted about an hour and then they went away. I'm going to be so excited once they actually result in something. I think since my to-do list is done, I've gotten more irritable about being pg because I'm so bored. I have nothing to do so I spend all my time watching tv or browsing the Internet which obviously I can only do for so long before that gets frustrating. I feel like DH doesn't get this at all and it doesn't help that he's sick. He basically comes home wants to eat dinner and then go to bed so even while he's here I'm still stuck trying to entertain myself because he feels to crappy to do anything.
Brittany, when you say you were having contractions what do they feel like? I get pain on and off sometimes but don't really know what they are... sorry to hear that you are getting bored and fustrated. Thats how I get if I am stuck in the house too long, can you not go out by yourself at all? Are you close to any shops or anything? I try and get out when I can even if its just to the supermarket to pick up milk, we need to get out to break our days up. I went to meet my mum today for a couple of hours, we had a coffee and walked around a couple of shops so that was nice. I loved the idea of being off work but I do miss socialising and being out the house.....Think once we have our babies it will be different as we will be really busy looking after them but it is still important that we get out once in a while, especially once our OH's are back at work ect.

While out with my mum today she brought me one of those plaster things where you put LO's hand and foot in and it leaves a print.... thought that was cute, can't wait to do it :)

Oh, I rang my GP earlier as I hadn't heard anything from them about the bloods done on Monday. All the receptionist could tell me was that it said 'stable' on the results. So I guess there is nothing wrong there. I am still bloody constantly itchy - although the E45 really helps, it leaves my skin really soft too :) I have my consultant appointment tomorrow we will see what they say :/
Lindsey I'm glad to hear that all is going so well with Sarah after a small hiccup when you arrived home. I'm pretty sure we will all end up I'm tears at some point - the whole thing must be so overwhelming. And you are probably right about Sarah being overstimulated, I can't imagine what it's like to be in the dark and quiet for 9 months, then suddenly you're out and everyone is staring at you etc! Also thrilled to hear that bf is getting better :thumbup: that gives me hope for when its my turn! Great to have some help from seths mum as well, I'm sure she is loving being able to help out so much too.
I'm glad you aren't in too much pain overall, I have to say you have set the bar super high for the rest of us!

Brittany I know exactly what you mean about getting bored and frustrated when its just TV watching and Internet surfing. It also makes the day pass so slowly. I agree with Lauren about getting out as much as possible. I know it isn't easy sometimes depending on where you live etc, but I find even nipping out to the shop, or to my parents for a while, and taking the dogs for a walk really makes me feel better. Fresh air is the best thing for boredom IMO!

Lauren I am right there with you on the upset stomach, and the poor sleeping. I definitely feel your pain. I'm not sure this is a happy thought, but in a few weeks we'll be wishing for this sleep back I'm sure! :shock: great news that your tests were all normal, and I'm glad the e45 helped - I used to have eczema and it was great for that.

Afm standard midwife appointment today, and then my last one with her next Wednesday. Everything was absolutely fine, apart from the awkward moment when she asked how this compared to my last pregnancy, and I had to then tell her that pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Very awkward moment. Also, the student midwife asked if she can be at the birth, using me as one of her case studies, so I said yes as she's very lovely. So that'll be another person who gets the pleasure of staring up my foo! Lucky her! She's also coming to my hospital appointment in 2 weeks, which is my "tickle and sweep" and Simon calls it :dohh: is anyone else getting a sweep in th near future?
MrsHippo - We sound like a right pair! Hope your results come/came back okay this time round? I'll explain mine further down.

Nuttynicnak - Congratulations! She's absolutely beautiful and sooo tiny! :cloud9:

DoggyLover - I've been feeling quite stiff the last couple of days. More so in the tops of my inner thighs? Struggling to get up off the sofa and getting out or turning over in bed is absolutely ridiculous :dohh:

AsForMe - 39 weeks tomorrow and counting..

Had MW appointment this morning. She rang the hospital to get the actual levels from my blood tests from my hospital visit last week.
The bile levels in non-pregnant women can be from 0-6. In pregnant women, they can be from 0-14. Mine were 10 :dohh:
Because they were raised but not out of range, I had bloods retaken and dropped them off at my doctors at lunch. Hopefully i'll get the results back tonight - if not, tomorrow. The look on her face wasn't too promising but she didn't say much..? Also, she didn't seem to happy that my sister was induced for the same thing..

If they've raised any, I have to go in to be induced. If they're over 14, then I can't have a homebirth - but obviously i'd be induced anyway...

Other than that, everything else is ok.. baby's heartbeat fine, measuring fine, 3/5's engaged still but she said she won't drop anymore until i'm actually in labour.

Next appointment is next Thursday (28th) - my due date. She said she'll do a sweep but she's hoping i'll have delivered before then?

Appointment after that is at the hospital on the 5th April - growth check and another sweep. Again, presuming I haven't had baby already!

Everything is set up and ready now, her bedroom is all done, everything at my parents house is all set up.
The dining room is now cleared and just has my pool, a stereo etc in there. My room there is all ready, fresh bedding, moses basket set up, pram set up in the corner.

Just waiting on our little lady!

All day today i've felt really stiff and LO has been soooo awkward with how she's laying. She has been pushing outwards alllll day :( It's so uncomfortable and hurts sometims as she's literally stretching my skin even further! I just want something to happen now... :coffee:
I think most women are booked in for a sweep around 40 weeks aren't they? I have my mw appointment on Monday so I guess she will talk to me about it then?

I have been watching some programmes on BBC3, they are on every night at 9. The two on last night were about how men deal with labour and these two guys went on a course spread over 2 weeks with midwives to prepare them for labour and how to support their partners. It was nice to watch actually, then got to see the babies being born at the end - which I cried at. lol. Then the next one was with Stacey Soloman and talking about post natal depression in young women. That was quite interesting. There was this bit about baby massages too which looked nice to do, it is supposed to be good for bonding too.

Oh and for the UK ladies, if you don't already know - there is a loss on OBEM either tonight's or next week's episode :( I want to watch it as I enjoy the programme but I know its going to break my heart seeing that..... so don't know what to do. I'd hate to worry myself too.

Laura, must have submitted my post as you did :)

Your levels came back higher than mine, hopefully they will stay at that or reduce though. The results here only take 2 days, is it the same at yours?

I saw your photos on fb, how exciting :D

I am a little worried about my hospital appointment tomorrow.... well not worried, as such.... but I worry that they are going to turn around and say 'she is measuring big so we will be inducing you on X day' I really don't want to be induced as it means I won't be able to have a water birth :( but we will see, if it needs doing it needs doing.
Laura you sound like you are literally ready to pop then!nthats great news about her being so far engaged (I'm not engaged at all yet which I find worrying...), she is definitely ready to go!

Fingers crossed that your results come back with no higher numbers and you don't have to be induced, and get the home birth. I saw your pics on fb and you are all ready to go. Just waiting for little miss to decide that she is ready!

Baby engaged yeah, meant to say before that the midwife said my baby isn't engaged at all yet. She said she is right down there, head literally on the brim of my pelvis, but the head is still considered 'free'. Is anyone else not engaged? It really bums me out as it makes me think its going to be ages yet. Also, I literally cannot walk and bounce anymore that I am to try and ram them down in there!
Lauren, I've been having contractions for awhile but didn't even realize that's what they were until last night at my OB appointment. I had one while I was sitting on the exam table and my OB was able to tell me that, that was what was happening by looking at my stomach. I'm not sure if everyone's stomach looks like this when they're having a contraction but everytime I've had one I've noticed my stomach looks like an 'm'. It's like my belly button kind of sinks in and then the skin on both sides of my belly button pops out. DH was able to see the contraction happening at the office and he said my stomach looked like a butt. :haha: As for how they feel, they feel exactly like period cramps. Hope that helps you some when it comes to determining what your pain is.

I'm also able to get out of the house if I really need to but driving is starting to be a pain. Because I'm so short I have to have the seat pulled all the way forward to reach the pedals so my bump gets squished by the steering wheel so it's not exactly comfortable which is why I haven't been going out.

Glad nothing was wrong with your blood test results. At least the E45 is helping with the itching and leaving your skin really soft.

Good luck with your consultant appointment tomorrow. Hopefully everything will be fine and they won't have to induce you. I'm really wanting to go naturally rather then be induced myself but I want to at least have an induction date set up in case I don't for the latest they'll let me go over my due date.

Sarah, my OB hasn't mentioned anything about a sweep. I'm not sure if they do those here?

My OB said the baby was engaged but she never said how much he was engaged. I should have asked at my last appointment for her to check that but I was so disappointed with what she was saying about the induction that I just kind of wanted to get out of there.

Laura, really hope your levels aren't over 14 so you can still have your home birth. I saw you had everything set up on FB, I imagine it would be really disappointing if you weren't able to use it.
Brittany, driving is definitely more of a pain for me as well, but not for the same reason. I find it hard to lean forward enough at junctions to check the oncoming traffic because my bump is so big :blush: and sometimes it presses down because I lean forward so far that it hurts. Not good.

Sweeps are a standard thing here, but now you mention it I've never heard anyone from USA mention them on bnb, so maybe they don't do them at all. Basically the dr or mw uses their finger to open your cervix and 'sweeps' around it, trying to separate the membranes from the cervix to get things moving. It apparently only works in around 40% of cases to bring on labour, and only if your cervix is already favourable.

The dr told me last week that if you have a sweep done and you don't leave with your eyes watering from the pain, it hasn't been done right :shock: I was also told some people need gas and air to get it done! So while I will definitely have one done just in case it does work...I am not looking forward to it!
I know a few people who had the sweep and had no discomfort whereas some other said it was just uncomfortable. I suppose it just depends on how it's done and how things are with you.
Oh that's good to know Nic! Maybe this dr is just an evil bitch who enjoys torturing people :shock: hopefully mine won't be too bad then!

How is the beautiful Charlotte getting on today? And her mummy?
Lindsay - I'm glad Seths mum has been a big help! I think most new mums probably get overwhelmed when they first get home especially if baby isnt settling - it must be such a shock, after all this time of waiting suddenly they're here and there's a whole little person to worry about!!!
I'm glad you felt better after some sleep though and everything is going well now! :)
Can't wait to see pics!

Lauren - I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow.

Everybody else - My memory is crappy,I know there were more things I wanted to reply to but I'm on my phone and I can't scroll back! So I will just say I hope everybody else is well and all the upcoming appointments go well.

OBEM - so glad it wasnt tonights episode that there was a loss! I havent heard about there being one, where did you find that out Lauren?
I definitely don't want to see it, especially not at the moment! :/

Contractions - I have the period pain thing all the time lately! They're very infrequent though - like I couldn't possibly time them because they only last seconds, and sometimes they happen every minute for an hour and sometimes its just once or twice and then nothing!

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