Lauren - Don't be walking round in the snow, you might fall over! The snow makes me SO paranoid about walking around lol.
I saw Kate Middleton on the news yesterday outdoors at some scout event and all I could think was "ffs she's pregnant and they've got her walking around in the snow!!" (By the way, where on EARTH is she hiding that baby?! Isn't she like 6 months along?!)
I hope your back pain eases off. I keep getting a regular stabbing pain in my back that makes me walk like an old woman first thing in the morning, but it goes after I've walked around a bit. Is it like that or more of a regular pain?
I think I will have a few sips of water the night before if I need them. Especially if my turn isn't until last anyway! I'll try not to drink anything once I get to the hospital, that should be plenty of time for the water to have disappeared anyway as I'll probably be waiting around at the hospital for about 4 hours at LEAST.
I think the time away sounds like a nice idea if there's no way to stop Adam from going. I think it wouldnt be so bad like Sarah said, if it was at least in the country especially as you're used to him working away anyway, but being so far away seems unfair on you :/
Sarah - Aww thanks

The pushchair was from The Liverpool Pram Company, but its made by Eichchorn.
A lot of people in Liverpool have those kinds of prams as that shop is really popular, but in Devon they're pretty much unseen - my sister had a very similar one when she had her daughters and people in Devon would stop her in the street just to have a look at it lol.
Oh no, I can't believe what bad timing it is with the snow and electricity! I hope you're able to get your cars out soon! Has the snow eased at all?
If its still really cold outside, I'd try what Brittany suggested and put the freezer meals outside in a cooler box - might save them, worth a try after all your work!
Brittany - Yeah it is odd about the weight thing isn't it!
I hope your family respect your wishes with the visiting hours too. I guess I'll just see how it goes over the first day - At the end of the day, they'll have the baby all to themselves once I'm home as Jon isn't taking his week off until the following week so there'll be nobody fighting over the baby. Plus on the Thursday I'll be wanting them to come in since Jon won't be there, so maybe I'll just ask for my family to only come to one visiting slot on the Wednesday.
Panic - So I've been feeling pretty calm about the whole procedure on Tuesday, until last night....
Last night I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep and started thinking about whats going to happen on Tuesday, and almost had a panic attack :/
I'm not worried about most of it - the spinal, the theatre, the incision, the procedure itself - doesn't worry me.
What panics me is the thought of being unable to move - I HATE that feeling when your limbs go dead and I've been known to panic before when I've woken up with a dead arm! So I don't know how I'm going to react to the temporary paralysis from the chest down! :/
I'm worried I'm going to freak out and have a panic attack in there. I don't like not being able to stop things once they've started - I HATE being out of control. So the fact that once its done, its done until it wears off a few hours later if terrifying me
I was even thinking about trying to induce labour this next couple of days just to avoid it!!!
ANGRY RANT! - I need to just get this off my chest as its cracking me up.
I booked the Christening for 28th April - my "friend" Dori was harrassing me to finalise a date because she's supposed to be one of the god mothers and she's travelling from Devon for the event, so she needed to book the time off work and book train tickets. Thats fine.
The vicar at my local church is on sabbatical until May so I had a hell of a time getting hold of the temp vicar, but finally did and booked the date - I text Dori and told her the date.
(A little back story on Dori - she is married but she left her husband last year, she then started dating Jack and moved in with him 4 weeks ago. 2 weeks after moving in with Jack, she left him and moved in with a new guy called Phil....)
Dori text me back and said "Hi Darling, Really sorry but the 28th April is Phil's Mums Birthday so its no good for me. Can you re-arrange the date and let me know? Thanks".
So I was FUMING!!!! I mean...A)If that date was no good for you, you should have mentioned that when you were harrassing me to book a date, B)You've been with Phil for TWO WEEKS - I do not give a shit that its his mothers birthday!!! and C) AS IF I am changing the date of my childs christening to suit you - if you can't come, you can't come! End of story!
I was REALLY angry so I chose to just not respond because I can do without getting into arguments at the moment, my intention was just to leave it a week until I've calmed down and then tell her that no I'm not changing it and its a shame she cant make it.
But THEN - I log onto Facebook yesterday and PHIL (the new boyfriend) had sent me a private message!
Basically saying that the reason Dori couldn't make the christening is coz his mum has invited them to go away for a weekend in Cornwall for her birthday, and that Dori is very upset that she hasn't heard back from me about the Christening - she's worried that she's annoyed me and she has a stomach bug at the moment too so she doesn't need the stress so can I please respond to her and let her know!!!
Is he for REAL?!!!!
I do not give an actual shit! I have a LOT of things on my mind at the moment and unfortunately Dori's stomach bug is NOT ONE OF THEM!!
I can't believe how cheeky he is! Plus there's no way he would have sent that message without her knowing, so she is a cheeky selfish bitch too!
Do they not think I've got other things to be worrying about at the moment?!!!
I don't even know how to respond - I'm tempted to just ignore his message too because if I respond I'll be telling where to go and how to get there