First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I actually read up some more on breast milk after posting in here. You can freeze breast milk up to 12 months so you won't have to use it right away since I know I have also read to not introduce a bottle until the baby is around a month old to prevent nipple confusion. As for thawing it, if you don't need it right away you can leave it in the refrigerator overnight and thaw it that way. Or you could thaw it in a bowl of warm water.
Oh yes, seconding what Brittany said, when I used to defrost breastmilk for my nephew my SIL said to do it in warm water, it defrosts and warms all at once.

Also, my SIL used to pump into freezer bags specially designed for breastmilk, and pop it straight in the freezer so she had it there when she needed it rather than keeping any in the fridge. She always made sure to date it so she used "older" milk first.
Thanks for reading up on the breastmilk thing :) 12 months is much longer than I had imagined. I think freezing is a great idea, especially if you want dad to feed as well, he can just get it out the freezer, defrost and pop it in a bottle.

As for fat babies ... There is actually a name for it and apparently it's really dangerous as they don't cope we'll with labour, take up more nutrients and are more likely to get stuck. I never even knew about it. I assume they can tell by feeling you, if you think about it, the staff that work in that area must feel thousands of babies within the stomach.... And I'd assume the doctors will be trained at some point to know the signs. I don't really understand the difference between a fat baby and a big baby though. To me a 10 pounder is a very big baby but would they be considered a fat baby? Or just big baby? I might have to look it up online tomorrow.
ILoveLucy: That’s exciting that you have your next appt the same day as mine, although I am hoping that I may have already had bubs by then.

Nuttynicnak: Hehe wow now I’m totally loving Charlotte’s name even more. Beautiful choice and it totally suits her. You haven’t added me on fb yet, but feel free to whenever you have a minute. Are you having anymore luck with the breastfeeding?

MrsHippo: That’s great that your lil girl isn’t as huge as that scary mw said and that she is on track for size.

LinzyLou: I hope that the breastfeeding doesn’t stress you out too much. Who would have thought that something as seemingly simple as breastfeeding could be so darn difficult.

Doggylover: Haha I think that I have missed out on the nesting, don’t get me wrong my house is tidy and clean, I just don’t have a burning urge to clean everything in sight, which I am kind of miffed about actually. I was hoping I would get the nesting instinct to clean and tidy and have a huge burst of energy but alas it didn’t happen and instead I have enough trouble moving and getting up and down from chair and the like hahaha.

Freezing breastmilk: I bought these awesome breast milk freezing trays that freezes them into sticks and then you can just drop them into any sized bottle.

I was wondering has/is anyone else kind of hesitant about taking anything to bring on labour? Like I want to start RLT and what not as I don’t want to go overdue, or at least not too far overdue, but I don’t want to force bubsy to come until they are ready. Does anyone have any thoughts on this at all? Or am I just starting overthink/overanalyse things now?

My friend came over the other night and brought curry for dinner, I think she was hoping it would induce my labour and she could claim she helped with the process. But unfortunately it didn’t do anything, even after I had the leftovers for lunch yesterday haha.

Yesterday I thought I may have been making some progress because the baby felt soooooo far down and was making it very uncomfortable to walk or move. But I have woken up feeling like bubs is much higher. I think I may have done too much the day before yesterday and that’s what was causing the pain. It is definitely easy to overdo it in the last few days of pregnancy I think, and then you really really pay for it.

I’m pretty happy at the moment as I had a pretty good sleep last night. I found that putting a folded up blanket and a cushion underneath the head of my mattress made it easier for me to sleep and move, as I wasn’t completely flat and there for having to lift my entire huge body every time I wanted to roll over hehehe. I also think my puppy dog Lola is starting to sense something is happening as she has started getting very clingy and wanting to sit near me and on me and even slept on the bed next to me last night lol. Hahaha speak of the devil she just jumped up on the couch next to me and is trying to sit on me, which is proving difficult as I have the laptop on my lap and a huge belly poking out above that hahaha.

Hehe I thought I would share with you girls that my hubby calls me his pet penguin coz I waddle when I walk. And he said last night that he is going to miss me being pregnant. He loves rubbing my belly and feeling our bubby kick and move and also loves commenting how big my belly is hehe. In saying that he will miss me being pregnant he is also beyond excited and keeps asking me and my belly every night if we will be having a baby tonight hehe.
From my understanding RLT won't induce labor it will just help with the pushing stage when labor does happen. So you could drink RLT and the baby will still come when he/she is ready. I've been drinking two cups of my third trimester tea (its main ingredient is rasberry leaf) a day this week.
Bstar- will add when I get a second. I'll go back and get your full name and look.

Just travelling home today 3 hour normal drive so 4 hours with baby stops.

Still trying but she's still being her stubborn self and not staying long enough to get a full feed. Going to try my nipple shields when I'm home.

I've read about freezing breast milk and did plan to build up an expressed supply but with all the feeding issues not sure ill be able to get this going. I also know storage is funny as you can store it in the fridge door. Think because its not a cool as the other areas.

Rlt helps to thin the cervix in labour to help your baby out. One of the things they said when they examined me was that my cervix was paper hin which was a good thing. It just helps with dilation.

I think her name suits her too and so does everyone else. We have Phoebe and Heidi but it just didn't seem to fit her when she was born.
They said she's fine for tongue tie. Thanks for suggesting it though as I never heard of it until one of the other bnb ladies suggested it.
Nic, hopefully in the next few days you and Charlotte will get bf sorted and the nipple shields will help ease your discomfort until you do.

Brooke - :haha: at your dh calling you penguin! If Simon dared to insinuate that I am waddling he'd get kicked! (Even though it's true!!) I just upped my dose of raspberry leaf capsules today. As Brittany said I think they are supposed to help thin the cervix rather than bring labour on. A Dr friend I know said the only one of the old wives tales that works is you may give your penguin loving husband a big smile tonight! :rofl:

Lauren: Also not sure how they would decide if baby was fat or just seems like such a weird concept to me that they would feel a 'fat' baby!

Afm: we are snowed in today with no electric, and two vomiting dogs. Fun. So I had to desnow-in myself (if that makes sense?!) and head to my parents for things like HEAT and the availability of a method to cook food!

One good thing came of it though - when I got up and waited to see if the electric would come back on I cleaned the kitchen cupboards I've been putting off for days!
Hellooooo All!

Brooke - Thanks for adding me on Facebook! Will be nice to keep up on there :)
Lol @ your hubby calling you that! Aww its sweet that he'll miss you being pregnant!!
My OH keeps asking me if I'll miss being pregnant - the answer is always a very loud "NO!" lol.

Lindsay - Aww I love your profile pic of lil Sarah! So cute! I haven't read up on BF at all as I know I'm not able to do it, so I don't have any advise for you but I hope you're able to carry on and it all goes well.

Lauren - I can't remember if I've already commented on your MW appointment?! But if I haven't, I'm glad everything is good!!

The "fat" baby thing I have only ever heard of as "Big Baby Syndrome" - I'm sure that can't be the medical term, but I've seen lots of cases of it being discussed on B n B. I saw photos of someone who had to have a c section coz the baby was so large and it was deemed unsafe for him to be born naturally - he was just over 10 lbs I think. He didn't look too big but the umbilical cord - OMG! It was like a massive thick piece of rope!

Sarah - Oh no I can't beleive your snowed in! This is NOT the right time for snow for all of us! Eeeeeeek!!!

AFM - Thanks for the comments on my moses basket! :) My mum picked it out for me as a surprise, I'm really happy with it! I love the little elephant on it and the text! I can take it back to have his name put on it if I want to, but I don't think I will bother incase I want to use it for another baby, or give it to my sister if she has a boy or sell it one day!

I'm gonna post pics of my pram in a minute - I love it! It comes with the buggy attachment too so when he's sitting up I just take the basket off, and attach the seat.
I'm worried about how big the basket is though! My car is only a Citroen C3 and our car seat is a big bulky one! So I don't know how we're going to get the baby, and the pram in too! eeek!
I want to have a practice but with the weather being like this I don't want to take the pram outside!! lol.

I can't BELIEVE the snow!!! For goodness sake!! I'm worried about the clothes I'm taking in to the hospital, I never thought I might need to be buying snow suits to bring him home at the end of March! :/

Also my sister and my nieces are travelling from Devon by train tomorrow morning for the birth week, we're all worried that their train may get cancelled ...then goodness knows what we'll do! :/

Today I had my pre-op - waited bloody aaaaages to be seen, but the pre-op itself was fine.
The midwife was LOVELY - she made me feel very calm. They just did my blood pressure, weight, and took some blood.

She said that I need to arrive at 7:30 am on Tuesday - but I'm last on the list for the surgery! There are 3 people in front of me, and obviously any emergency cases will go ahead of me too - so I'm probably looking at early afternoon before I have the procedure.

I'm dreading having to sit in there waiting for so long as I'll just work myself up into a big panic!

Plus its nil by mouth from the midnight - meaning I can't have even a sip of water from midnight the night before until after the operation! :wacko:
I'm DREADING that as I feel really sick and unwell if I don't eat for a while - and not even being able to have a drink will kill me!!! :wacko:

I'm a bit annoyed too as they've changed the visiting hours!!! We've already planned out Jons time off around the visiting hours we were given, and now they're all messed up!

They were supposed to be 8am-8pm - he's off all day the Tuesday and Wednesday, but I will probably still be in on the Thursday and he's working that day - we thought it wouldn't matter as he doesn't start work until 2pm so we thought he would have from 8am-1.30 pm with us. But now they're saying Dads visiting hours are only 11am-8pm! :/

Plus the open visiting hours aren't just 3.30-6.30 anymore, they're 2.30-3.30 and then 6.30-8.00 pm :/
That's really annoying as I didn't want people in and out all day, I just wanted one slot - and I wanted it to be just Jon at the end of the day, not other people too! Grrr.

Oh well!
Pram Piccies:


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Hayley,mean you just ask your family to come in the earlier slot and then have Jon alone in the evening, so you kind of make the best of the visiting hours to suit what you like? And no food or water from midnight? :shock: surely that's not...healthy?! Plus what happens to people when they have to do an emergency c section? They'll have eaten and drunk stuff surely?

Snow so at 2pm I got a phonecall from Simon saying he was stuck and could I come and get him (I have a 4x4) so I leave my parents and get about 100m down their road, which is a single track country lane, and someone coming the other way gets stuck in front of me. So I phoned Simon and told him I couldn't get past, and he said it was ok someone had towed him out. So I tried to reverse my car back through the snow....but in the 10 mins I had been stationary the snow had piled up so heavily behind my car that I was then stuck. Simon managed to drive to within half a mile of the house before he had to abandon his car, and he walked to get me, and we walked back after ditching my car (which was the stuck between two other stuck cars - one of which ripped its whole front off trying to ram through the snow :wacko:)

So we are currently at my parents, both our cars stuck at various points. My dad made it home by abandoning his car and walking half a mile, and my mum is still attempting to make it home after leaving work 4 hours ago.

So if I go into labour now we are screwed as the roads are totally impassable. Which probably means that I will go into labour any second now!

Fun day!
Hi girls,

I had a look in to the fat baby thing and the word she used (I recognised it once I saw it) is macrosomia - otherwise known as big baby syndrome. fetus or infant that weighs above 4000 grams (8 lb 13 oz) or 4500 grams (9 lb 15 oz) regardless of gestational age but that to me doesn't make sense. The consultant has confused me now :shrug: oh well, I think I'll just not think about it!!

Hayley, I didn't know you were going for a classic pushchair. Its very pretty :) I know they tend to be rather large so good luck trying to fit everything in your car lol. I remember going to the zoo with Reuben when he was really young along with Freya and it was a right performance. I ended up putting the carrycot on the back seat, Reuben was in his carseat, Freya was in the front in her carseat (she would have been 3 at the time) and his pushchair frame was squashed in the boot. I had to squeeze his changing bag in there somewhere too. It was a right nightmare!! Fortunately my pushchair is quite small so hopefully I won't have any problems.
I can't believe your date is sooooo close!!! I am so excited :D
There is nothing worse than being nil by mouth. When I was in hospital last year I had three days of it!! If the surgery keeps getting delayed due to emergencies and you start feeling dehydrated, don't just deal with it and suffer, ask to be put on a drip. Rinse your mouth out with water when you can too, it will help a little.
They ask you to fast before any surgery due to the risk of being sick and choking on it. When your rushed for emergency surgery the risk of choking isn't as much of a risk when compared to the reason your having the surgery...if that makes sense?

Brooke, the penguin thing made me giggle :haha: it is sweet that he will miss your bump though. Adam is very hands-on with my bump, he talks to it, kisses it and always has a hand on it when he is close :)

Sarah, can't believe your snowed in. It has been snowing here all day but hasn't gone as far as only settling on the cars. Its just wet everywhere else. Fingers crossed LO doesn't decide to come tonight otherwise you'll end up with a home birth!!!

I don't have a huge amount to report, been in eye casualty with Adam this afternoon - he suffers with recurrent corneal erosion, for those who haven't heard of it before its when the cornea (the thin layer of skin on your eye ball) tears. He has suffered with it for about 14 years and they still won't do anything about it. The rupture happens a few times a year, each time he ends up in loads of pain, can't open his eyes as when one eye moves so does the other.....its not the best. I said to him this morning 'lets hope bean doesn't decide to come today otherwise we would be buggered!!' lol. He is still in pain now though, they put a bandage lense on it but that just protects the eye...but he still has the pain. Because he is more light sensitive too I am sitting in the dark :roll:

I have had stomach ache alllll day too. It has recently settled down which feels better as it has been rather uncomfortable.
Sarah, the weather sounds awful where you are. Hopefully the snow doesn't stick around too long, espcially with a baby on the way in around a week. My mom ended up having me during a blizzard and since they were stationed in the southern states while my dad was in the military, snow isn't common there. The hospital didn't have heat, there weren't plows or salt for the roads, etc. so it definitely wasn't a good time to be delivering a baby.

Hayley, I can't believe you will be having your baby on Tuesday!! Though I imagine it will be rough with the not being able to eat or drink anything until after the operation. Like you I get really sick if I haven't eaten in awhile and my cold seems to have made that even worse.

As for the visiting hours, like Sarah suggested, could you not just tell your family they can only visit from 2:30-3:30. That way you don't have people in and out all day and it can still be just you and Jon in the evening.

Lauren, sorry about Adam's eye. How long does one of those tears take to heal? It sounds really painful.

Hope your stomach ache goes away soon.

AFM, not really anything new to say, been drinking tea and laying around the house most of the day. I'm still dealing with this cold so I feel pretty crappy. Really hoping this sore throat goes away soon. I can deal with all the other stuff that colds bring but I have the hardest time dealing with the sore throats.
It can take a full day or two to heal...he seems to be able to keep it open now although its still painful for him.

Sorry your still not feeling well, hopefully it will go soon!!

I just started feeling a little upset... I mentioned a while ago about not being too happy about the lads discussing this stag weekend. Well its now official, they are going to Ibiza on the 13th June or something around that date, he has also just sent the money over to the person booking it. The weekend seems to have extended too - first it was going on a Friday evening then coming back its Thursday to Monday!!!! I'm not happy at all but feel as though I cant do anything about it. If I told him I wasn't happy he would just be in a mood with me and if he agreed to not go I would look like the worlds worst girlfriend to everyone else. And what could potentially happen around then is him working away all week, booking Thursday off, spending a few hours with me, goes off, comes back Monday at whatever time, maybe see him for a little bit then he is off working away again for the rest of that week. I feel really angry and upset at the same time. I feel as though he is being irresponsible by leaving us :cry:
Sarah - OMG the weather sounds awful there! Its really bad here in Liverpool and is supposed to be even worse tomorrow, but at least here the roads are mostly main roads so they're treated and usually perfectly managable by mid day - I know its a different story where you are!
I can't BELIEVE we are having to face snowy conditions given our due dates for Goodness sake!!! WHAT is going on?!

Lauren -I can't believe they would consider a baby big at 8lbs 13oz! Especially as the sonographer told me that 8lbs 8oz is the average weight now! Bizzare!

Yep, I always wanted a classic pushchair :D I've never liked the modern ones - I know they're more convenient for the parents, but I like the prettiness and I think the classic designs look more comfortable for the baby!
My sister had one very similar to this (but pink!) for her kids, and I loved it back then!
I don't think that I'll use the parasol all the time as it would be a bit fiddly and in the way.
It comes with the buggy/seat too for when he's older and a new hood, which is pretty handy! So it will still look nice and new once he moves up to the next level :)

They're so expensive these prams but the good thing is that they don't devalue if you look after them - my cousin had one and she sold hers on eBay after two babies had used it, and still got over £500 for it!

I def want to have a practice with getting it in the car but I just don't want to take it outside in this weather!
We'll fit the basket in the boot and it will prob have to be either the chassis in the back next to the car seat, or in the front by the passenger seat and I'll have to sit in the back with the baby. (I don't want the baby in front coz of the airbag!)

That makes sense about the risk of being sick. Do you think it'd make a real difference if I snuck a bit of water in the night?!
I just think I'll pass out if I dont have a drink! Especially as I'm last on the list for the surgery anyway!

As for the Ibiza thing, I absolutely don't blame you for being miffed! I think you have every right to be - I would be FUMING if Jon booked onto something like that so soon after the baby arriving.

I think you should absolutely tell him you're not happy with him going, and sod whether his mates think you're the worlds worst girlfriend - I think any woman would be put out by it, and at the end of the day you're about the come the mother of his child so that gives you much more right to have a say than just being his girlfriend.
He's gonna have to get used to thinking about you and the baby before anything else so he might as well start now! :winkwink:

Brittany - I know! Scary!

Sore throats and tooth ache are the worst things in my opinion! I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

AFM - Lol @ The visiting hours thing. Most people with normal families would probably be able to tell their families when they want them to visit, mine is NOT that kind of family!!!
They will come when they want to!

As my sister and nieces are coming all the way from Devon especially for the occasion, I feel like I couldn't tell them when they can and can't come and visit.

Its more just a pain because of Jons working hours - we'd planned them all around the visiting hours we were supposed to have, and now they've changed them it just doesn't work well at all - it means on the Thursday (and Friday if I'm still in) that he'll only be able to see us for 2 hours before he has to leave for work, and by the time his shift ends the visiting hours will be over :wacko:
Morning girls,

Snow has come down really heavy over night. Looks like I won't be doing anything out doors today unless it's for a walk.

I woke up shortly after 6 in loads of pain in my lower back, no matter what I did it just hurt. Walking around helped a little but didn't stop it so I got my hot water bottle and popped that on my back while propping myself up, I think it's helped the pain but it's rather hot so all I can feel is hotness lol. I hope it goes soon as its really annoying. It hasn't spread to the front so I doubt it means anything. TMI but I've been really gassy which has been causing belly ache so don't think that helps, took a rennie deflate tablet thing, hopefully that will help.

Hayley, I sipped water when I needed it but if the nurses catch you they really moan. So I'd say only take it if you feel you really need it. I understand no eating but don't know why patients can't sip water.
Glad the pushchairs keep their value, they are the sort of prams that have been around for a long time and I believe they will still be around in the years to come.
Oh and as for the stag thing I don't know what to say, he will go anyway so I doubt me saying anything will help. You'd think I'd be used to him not being here by now but there is a difference between working away and going away to just drink and be a bloke.... I think the best thing I can do is try and keep myself busy. I thought about a spa weekend and my mum said she'd look after bean but I was thinking I could even go to Cornwall or something. It's not like I need to book time off work or anything. Only problem with that is Cornwall is a 6 hour drive or so.... But it's so nice down there, especially when the weather is good. So I might look in to it. Don't know who I'd go with as everyone I know always seems to have no money. Soooo might be a trip with just me and bean.

Ughh I'm tired, hardly had any sleep :sleep:
Brittany that sounds like quite an experience your mum had giving birth! Luckily so far my lo has stayed put so I haven't been in the same situation! Sorry you are feeling so rubbish. I hope aiden stays inside until you start to feel better as I can't imagine how rotten labour would be when already feeling sick.

Lauren hopefully you aren't having back contractions- I've heard some people feel all their contractions in their backs and its apparently horrendous. I didn't sleep well last night either, so I know how that bit feels at least.
Sorry to hear you aren't happy about OH going away on the stag do. It's annoying that you will hardly get to see him at all in that two week period :( but really it'll be him missing out because he'll be missing out on seeing lo, and I think once lo arrives he will hate the fact that he's arranged himself into something and will miss such a big chunk of time with you both. Simon is also going on a stag that weekend, but its to the Lake District :haha: so not quite the crazy weekend in Ibiza!

hayley where did you get your pushchair? I haven't seen anything like it anywhere! It's such a classic, absolutely beautiful! And very unique. You will be the envy of mummies every time you set out the door!

Afm second day in a row with no electric as its also now out at my parents. My car and Simons car still stuck (not due to snow, mine is stuck between two other people who are stuck due to snow!) and Simon and my dad tried to drive in my mums car back to our house to pick us up some stuff but the roads are closed because so many cars have crashed! But yet 20mins down the road at my sisters she has no snow- which is where we are heading to now as I haven't showered in far too long, among other problems.

One thing I'm very annoyed about- since the electric is off the freezer will defrost all our food- all the freezer meals I made for when lo arrives will have to be thrown out :( about 15 things in total. :( I'm so pissed off about that!
Lauren, so sorry your OH will be leaving you. Have you explained to him you feel? My DH goes on a hunting trip every Novemeber for 5 days and the place they go to is several hours away with terrible cell reception. So it's pretty much 5 days of no communication between DH and I. I told him I was not comfortable at all with him being so far away/unreachable in case something happened with the baby last November. I imagine I'll be feeling the same way this year even though I would have had Aiden by then. Maybe he would be willing to compromise and only go for a few of the days rather then the whole time? Not sure if that's possible given I don't know how far Ibiza is from where you both live.

I've had the lower back pain on occasion too. I've even had it with contractions but still nothing has happened. I'm also right there with you about the gas.

Hayley, I also was surprised that 8 lbs, 13 oz didn't seem that large. A lot of people have 8 lb babies these days. Not to mention, one website I was reading on said the average baby weighs between 7 and 9 lbs.

I'm sorry about the visiting hours situation. If it makes you feel better, if my family lived in the area they would come to every time block. Or in my case, stay the entire length of the visiting hours which is basically all day. I'm really hoping my family respects my wishes and don't show up to the hospital or I will have no alone time with DH and our baby until the middle of the night when we'll be sleeping.

Sarah, I'm so sorry you are still without electric and that all your freezer meals will have to be thrown out. Have you considered putting them in a cooler and keeping them outside? We've done that before when we've lost electricity in the winter.
Sarah can't believe you still don't have electric, they mentioned it on the news this morning. Parts of Scotland and northern England are without it too. I'd also suggest putting the stuff outside and bury it in the snow if it hasn't already defrosted.

Well I had the horrible back ache from 6-10:30ish, went in the bath and went to sleep for a bit when I got out. I thought it had pretty much gone, we decided to go out for a bit as I wanted to buy a rain cover for the carseat and since being out the back pain has come back, my lower stomach hurts on and off too. I'm confused about what it could be, could be early labour but everyone always says ''you'll know when your in labour'' and even though this is painful and uncomfortable it is something I can deal with - I just moan a lot lol. I guess only time will tell.
Lauren - Don't be walking round in the snow, you might fall over! The snow makes me SO paranoid about walking around lol.
I saw Kate Middleton on the news yesterday outdoors at some scout event and all I could think was "ffs she's pregnant and they've got her walking around in the snow!!" (By the way, where on EARTH is she hiding that baby?! Isn't she like 6 months along?!)

I hope your back pain eases off. I keep getting a regular stabbing pain in my back that makes me walk like an old woman first thing in the morning, but it goes after I've walked around a bit. Is it like that or more of a regular pain?

I think I will have a few sips of water the night before if I need them. Especially if my turn isn't until last anyway! I'll try not to drink anything once I get to the hospital, that should be plenty of time for the water to have disappeared anyway as I'll probably be waiting around at the hospital for about 4 hours at LEAST.

I think the time away sounds like a nice idea if there's no way to stop Adam from going. I think it wouldnt be so bad like Sarah said, if it was at least in the country especially as you're used to him working away anyway, but being so far away seems unfair on you :/

Sarah - Aww thanks :flower: The pushchair was from The Liverpool Pram Company, but its made by Eichchorn.
A lot of people in Liverpool have those kinds of prams as that shop is really popular, but in Devon they're pretty much unseen - my sister had a very similar one when she had her daughters and people in Devon would stop her in the street just to have a look at it lol.

Oh no, I can't believe what bad timing it is with the snow and electricity! I hope you're able to get your cars out soon! Has the snow eased at all?

If its still really cold outside, I'd try what Brittany suggested and put the freezer meals outside in a cooler box - might save them, worth a try after all your work!

Brittany - Yeah it is odd about the weight thing isn't it!

I hope your family respect your wishes with the visiting hours too. I guess I'll just see how it goes over the first day - At the end of the day, they'll have the baby all to themselves once I'm home as Jon isn't taking his week off until the following week so there'll be nobody fighting over the baby. Plus on the Thursday I'll be wanting them to come in since Jon won't be there, so maybe I'll just ask for my family to only come to one visiting slot on the Wednesday.

Panic - So I've been feeling pretty calm about the whole procedure on Tuesday, until last night....

Last night I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep and started thinking about whats going to happen on Tuesday, and almost had a panic attack :/

I'm not worried about most of it - the spinal, the theatre, the incision, the procedure itself - doesn't worry me.
What panics me is the thought of being unable to move - I HATE that feeling when your limbs go dead and I've been known to panic before when I've woken up with a dead arm! So I don't know how I'm going to react to the temporary paralysis from the chest down! :/

I'm worried I'm going to freak out and have a panic attack in there. I don't like not being able to stop things once they've started - I HATE being out of control. So the fact that once its done, its done until it wears off a few hours later if terrifying me :(

I was even thinking about trying to induce labour this next couple of days just to avoid it!!! :wacko:

ANGRY RANT! - I need to just get this off my chest as its cracking me up.

I booked the Christening for 28th April - my "friend" Dori was harrassing me to finalise a date because she's supposed to be one of the god mothers and she's travelling from Devon for the event, so she needed to book the time off work and book train tickets. Thats fine.

The vicar at my local church is on sabbatical until May so I had a hell of a time getting hold of the temp vicar, but finally did and booked the date - I text Dori and told her the date.

(A little back story on Dori - she is married but she left her husband last year, she then started dating Jack and moved in with him 4 weeks ago. 2 weeks after moving in with Jack, she left him and moved in with a new guy called Phil....)

Dori text me back and said "Hi Darling, Really sorry but the 28th April is Phil's Mums Birthday so its no good for me. Can you re-arrange the date and let me know? Thanks".

So I was FUMING!!!! I mean...A)If that date was no good for you, you should have mentioned that when you were harrassing me to book a date, B)You've been with Phil for TWO WEEKS - I do not give a shit that its his mothers birthday!!! and C) AS IF I am changing the date of my childs christening to suit you - if you can't come, you can't come! End of story!

I was REALLY angry so I chose to just not respond because I can do without getting into arguments at the moment, my intention was just to leave it a week until I've calmed down and then tell her that no I'm not changing it and its a shame she cant make it.

But THEN - I log onto Facebook yesterday and PHIL (the new boyfriend) had sent me a private message!
Basically saying that the reason Dori couldn't make the christening is coz his mum has invited them to go away for a weekend in Cornwall for her birthday, and that Dori is very upset that she hasn't heard back from me about the Christening - she's worried that she's annoyed me and she has a stomach bug at the moment too so she doesn't need the stress so can I please respond to her and let her know!!!


Is he for REAL?!!!!

I do not give an actual shit! I have a LOT of things on my mind at the moment and unfortunately Dori's stomach bug is NOT ONE OF THEM!!

I can't believe how cheeky he is! Plus there's no way he would have sent that message without her knowing, so she is a cheeky selfish bitch too!

Do they not think I've got other things to be worrying about at the moment?!!!

I don't even know how to respond - I'm tempted to just ignore his message too because if I respond I'll be telling where to go and how to get there :growlmad:

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