First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

The company he works for are awful, they treat the blokes really bad too sometimes. For instance, Adam will be working nights and he will get a phone call from the office telling him he needs to do a day shift the following day which he has to drive a couple of hours to and be there at the crack of dawn - THEN go and do his night shift after. I am sure a lot of what they do is against the law but no one ever says anything because the company seems to like holding grudges.... :/ Adam won't leave though because even though they are crap, they pay much better than a lot of other companies. So I guess its hard for them. On a plus though, Adam came in at joint 1st :) so that SHOULD mean his job is safe :) but again they are keeping everything to themselves for a bit before announcing exactly what is going to happen. I do feel sorry for his friend coming in at 20, someone had to come in at last place though. I don't think it would be so bad if they did all this marking up then just told the guys who is going and who is staying, instead they are dragging it out. Not fair at all.

I feel as though I've taken a few steps back now, thought all the aching and cramping meant something was going to happen but being told she isn't engaged feels like I have just been told it won't be happening any time soon. I know that isn't 100% the case...but feels like it.

haha well I very rarely go to the hairdressers just because I don't trust them ;) but in the handfull of times I have gone, I've never had a bad experience. They have only ever cut off as much as I wanted them to. Guess its one plus to having long hair, when ever I go I always get compliments rather than them deciding to cut it all off lol :D
I manage to go maybe once a year - I'm so lazy about it! My hair is long enough as well, so when it's been a long time since my last cut it doesn't tend to look too horrific (or at least not that I can tell!) I think it's the change that I don't like, but my split ends were a it out of control this time!

What does Adam do for a job? They probably treat them so crap because they know they pay more than similar companies and therefore the guys will be unlikely to complain or leave. Like a weird blackmail situation. And :happydance: for him being joint first! I'm sure that's a huge relief!
Hiya Ladies,
I'm about to head for bed and I'll try to write a full reply tomorrow. Just wanted to say that my due date has officially come and gone *sigh*.
For some silly reason I thought that I would go early or at least on time. All that worry with my blood pressure and platelets made me think it would happen before now. So yeah still in the waiting game. I haven't had any niggles or pain, bubs was rather active before and seems quite far down (if I place my hand between the bottom of my ribs and where the 'outline' of the baby starts it feels like 5 fingers worth of empty uterus). I have appt with the dr in the morning so I will see what he says. I kind of want him to induce me but I'm also rather scared of that as most ppl say it's like instant intense pain so gah that makes me nervous.
We have tried sex a few times but still nothing. Sorry tmi. I've also had a few cups of the raspberry leaf tea.
Anyways sorry for the whinge just needed to vent a little.

Btw if I don't reply until late tomorrow goodluck Hayley, you're going to be a mummy tomorrow! Yay!

Doggylover, I hope they can sort out the power thing sooner rather than later for you guys. I saw it on the news here in Australia earlier, so it must be something major if it made the news all the way over here.

Mrshippo I hope that Adam gets to keep his job, even though his company sound like jerks, his income and the stability of his job would be a big stress atm, so hopefully that will be eased soon.

Anywho I'm sleepy so I will write more tomorrow, unless I miraculously go into labour in the wee hours of the morning hehe, it's 1.17am in Tues 26th atm.
Brittany, your cold sounds rough!! Especially being pregnant at the same time. What a good DH to go get you medicine so that you can at least get some relief and hopefully some sleep! Get well soon.

Lauren, if it makes you feel and better my baby was still high up when I went to the hospital. I still had her within 12 hours, although it did take 2 hours of pushing to get her to come down. Don't let it discourage you and keep bouncing on your exercise ball if you have one!

I'm not sure what getting made redundant means (is that like going from a temp position to a permanent one?) but the process sounds like crap. Everyone can see how they compare to everyone else?

Sarah, I still can't believe you're without power. :( I love going to the hairdresser! My hair is so thin and fine that it looks really scraggly if I don't keep the ends trimmed. That being said, I've had more than one bad experience. My cousin is a hair stylist so she cuts my hair. I'll never let her color it again, though, because she bleached the crap out of it (my hair was literally as white as Gwen Stefani's) and it took almost a year or my hair to recover!!
Lindsey getting made redundant means losing your job. It's not the same as being fired as over here that usually means you've done something wrong, instead it usually happens when a company can't afford to keep as many staff and have to let some go. How is the lovely Sarah doing today?

Brooke :hugs: I'm sorry you feel disheartened about passing your due date. I know I will be exactly the same. We build up to this important date in our minds and then....nothing. But LO will get here eventually, and hopefully that will be in less than 2 weeks, if your drs are anything like ours over here. I understand what you mean about being induced, I'm scared after hearing all the stories too, and am pretty sure I will have to have it done :( try yelling at baby to get out - that's what I'm doing with mine at the minute!!!
She's good! She let me get a little more sleep last night. She's lying here next to me making faces!
Hayley- good luck tomorrow, thinking of you.

Sarah- still no power is really bad. It's a good job LO hasn't arrived otherwise you'd be really struggling and staying at somewhere that isn't home after birth can be difficult. I had the week at my mums and it was hard as it wasn't home.

Brooke- sorry you're feeling a bit down, I'm not sure how I would have felt had the baby gone over. I'm lucky in the fact she was early but not too prem that she would need help. I was struggling in those last few weeks and that makes me think how would I have managed going over my due date. I'm sure it'll start soon. Have you had a sweep yet?
Sarah, I can't believe you're still without electricity!! Hopefully they get it turned back on soon. I can only imagine how frustrating it is being without.

I usually don't like going and getting my hair cut either since most of the time I feel like the hairdresser never knows what to do with my fine, curly hair. I went and got my hair cut after the MS went away at a salon since I got a coupon for a free cut and style as a treat to myself once the MS finally left. It was awful!! The guy did nothing but tell me how ugly my hair was because it's so fine. At one point after he washed it, he pulled my hair into a low ponytail and said it looked like a rats tail!! Needless to say, I walked out of there feeling like utter crap. Guess I know why they send out coupons for the free cut and style. I don't imagine they get business any other way.

Lauren, I'm glad to hear Adam's job is most likely safe. I really feel for you both especially with a baby on the way. I remember when I was a lot younger the place my dad worked shut down and none of the employees were told that the place was closing until about a month before Christmas. Needless to say, there was no way for my parents to do Christmas gifts that year for my sister and I since there was no way of knowing how long it would take for my dad to find another job.

I also know how you're feeling thinking things are happening and then being told otherwise. I felt the same last Tuesday when I had a lot of cramping and was pretty sure I lost the mucus plug only to find out I hadn't made any progress with effacement or dilation like I was expecting. It really does suck getting excited thinking our babies are going to be arriving and then being told not to get our hopes up yet.

Brooke, I'm sorry to hear your due date has come and gone. If it makes you feel better my OB basically keeps telling me not to get my hopes up for being on time/early since most first times moms go over.

AFM, I'm still miserable. The cold medicine has not been providing relief. I actually feel like I've just been getting sicker rather then getting any better. Even the treatments I've read online (gargling salt water, steam inhalation to help congestion, increasing fluid intake) aren't providing any relief. As pathetic as it sounds, I've been in tears quite a few times thanks to whatever it is causing me to feel this badly. I'm going to see a doctor today at 5:30, hopefully he can do something to help because I'm starting to feel really depressed because of how awful I feel.
Sarah, Adam is an electrician. He works on commercial buildings rather than homes so if he did loose his job he'd have to try and become employed by a company rather than go self employed, and as you are aware the job market is pants at the moment!! He does stuff in houses like puts in new sockets and stuff for us or family but legally he isn't allowed to do work in houses. But coming in up top should be a good thing, he is happy about it anyway :)

Lindsey, Sarah is such a cutie. She has changed already though, think its really strange how quickly they change. I love it when they start looking like their own little person though - rather than just a baby (if that makes sense lol). Its nice to hear your LO was still high up, makes me feel better :) I am still getting stomach ache. It is sooo fustrating though, I am sick of aching and things hurting me.

Brooke, I am sure your LO will be here soon :D let us know what your doctor says tomorrow. I got the impression from the MD today that its the consultant at the hospital that decides when to have you induced....but every region works differently. Keep us updated anyway!!

Can't believe Hayley is having her LO tomorrow, I am so excited. Although feel sorry for her as she is really worrying about the op ect. Sent her a message on fb wishing her good luck and told her not to keep us waiting too long for a photo hehe

Brittany I am so sorry to hear you have been feeling so bad :( I hope your doctor can help you :hugs:
Lindsey Sarah is getting more beautiful everyday! Those photos are beautiful :cloud9: you are such a lucky mummy to have such a beautiful little lady, who is very considerate letting you sleep as well! She sounds like a dream baby!

Lauren oh I imagine trying to get a new job as an electrician at the minute would just be horrific :/ such a dangerous job though - when Simon changes a bulb I get worried he'll electrocute himself (and he's very handy so no need to worry!)
I can't wait to hear Hayley's news tomorrow either, also sent her a wee good luck message on fb, and she was saying to me she's nervous too, but I know she will be 100% fine, and by this time tomorrow there will be another mummy in the club! (And we'll still be waiting!)

Brittany I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling worse. I hope your dr was able to help? This is just the last thing you need when so heavily pregnant. I can't believe that hairdresser was so rude to you :growlmad: I have a friend who has insanely curly hair, but hers is really fine as well, so if she straightens it it looks so wispy, so I know exactly what you mean about yours. Unfortunately my hair is the opposite and is hugely thick. It's pretty easy to control, but hairdressers always marvel at how much there is - like I can do something to get rid of it?!

Nic I hope you've been managing to get some rest after your hectic and horrible day at the weekend. How is Charlotte?
And yeah, it's bad enough being out of the house just the two of us, if I had to bring a LO "home" to somewhere else I would hate that!

our electric is back on!! :happydance: thank goodness. It came back on at about 4pm, but because the house has lost all its heat we are at my parents tonight to let it warm up. But I'm so thankful that its back, and now I'm back to yelling at LO to get out of my uterus!
Yey for the electricity :dance:

Yes him being an electrician worries me sometimes, especially when he tells me he got a shock....then comes home and shows me :shock: it will go in at his hand or a finger then you can see where it actually left the body. It will be a painful looking round mark.... he hasn't had that happen for a while though. He is very good at his job so it doesn't happen very often!!

Ahhhh I can't wait until LO is here. I keep looking at her photo - my profile pic, and thinking about what it will be like once she is here. I get really excited one minute then s*itting myself the next lol. What is a scary thought though, this time next month ALL of us will have had our babies OMG.
Oh don't, I had a major freak out last week - what the frig do Simon and I know about taking care of a newborn baby?!?! We've looked after my nephew since he was born, but that is just not the same at all! I am worried we are vastly underprepared for what we are about to face!
I worry if I think about it too much but at the same time I think about how natural it is to bring up a baby. A dog doesn't get told how to look after her pups, instinct kicks in and it works. Not that I'm comparing us to dogs lol, the point I am trying to get at is that our mothering instincts will kick in and we will just know how to care for them.

I was talking to my mum the other day (I speak to her about everything baby related :)) about worrying about not knowing what to do if she chokes or hurts herself, my mum said that no one can be prepared for something like that, but we just know how to deal with it. I hope she is right :)
Hi Girls

So sorry I haven't been keeping up with things for the past few days. I have been reading everything but I've been too nervous/worried/anxious to post anything :/

I've just been a bit all over the place and up & down emotionally, completely terrified about tomorrow and the procedure!

I have been keeping an eye though to make sure that nobody has gone into labour or anything.

I am going in to hospital at 7:30 am tomorrow, the current plan is for Jon to go in with me but I'm not 100% sure that won't change as I'm really panicking at the moment and I know my mum is better at calming me down.

All being well, I will update as soon as possible with pictures and birth story etc.

If anybody goes in to have their babies while I'm out of action, I hope everything goes smoothly!

Hope you all keep well, best of luck to each and every one of you and I hope something happens quickly for all of you *hugs*

Good luck, Hayley! You will do great and will have your little one in your arms before you know it! I'm so excited for you. :hugs:

So I had my dr appt and he did an internal and said I'm 1.5cm dilated (YAY!) and he touched the top of baby's head. So Im assuming thateans that the baby is engaged.
He also said he gave me a gentle sweep. He sent me for more bloods to check my platelets, I also had a trace of protein in my urine. He didn't say what my BP was so I assuming it was ok. Oh and he sent me for my flu jab lol.

I go back tomorrow for another ctg/fetal trace and the dr said he will do a sweep. So all going well the dr reckons I should have a baby by Thursday. Hehe just in time for bubs first Easter hehe.

Anyways I'm out doing some last minute stuff so I will write more when I get home.
Maybe Baby?

Quick little update :)

Had a cheeky chicken jalfrezi for tea last night ;) and went to bed at about 10pm. Tried out nipple stimulation using my electric breastpump and by 11pm I had my first contraction :dance:

These carried on, every 10 minutes, until I fell asleep at 3:45am (ish).

Woke up at 6:35am to use the loo and noticed a bit of pink tint on the tissue. Got back in bed and contractions started again a few seconds later - again, 10 minutes apart.

I've come down to my mums (cause mums know everything ;)) and they're still coming. Within the last hour have got down to every 6-7 minutes :dance:

They're not overly painful just yet but make me tense up slightly with each one..

I'll try and update if anything else happens - I hope this is it!! xx

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