First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh babies!!!!

Thinking of you Hayley, can't wait for your update :)

Laura how exciting!! lets hope they continue to get stronger, think I will treat myself to something spicy ;) couldn't play with the breast pump though after it scared me last time haha

Brooke, hopefully the sweeps work and something will start for you too :)

I feel as though I am 100 miles from anything happening now lol.... boo :(

Last night I had an awful nights sleep, I went to bed about 11:45 and lay there until about 1ish. Adam came home from work around that time but stayed up for about an hour, I must have fallen asleep in between there. But once he got in to bed I needed a wee, so got up and once I was back in bed I couldn't sleep for the life of me. Must have been lying there until around 4, got up for another back in to bed, slept until 6, got up for a wee again but still sooo tired so went back to bed, was up around 8:30 for another wee (seriously, how many times can one person wee!!) but decided to go back to bed. Then I didn't wake up until 11:45 ish which is the latest I have got up in..... well, I can't remember the last time I have slept in that long. But got up...and guess what - went for another damn wee. I wasn't even drinking throughout the night so god knows where it was all coming from!!!

I am planning on doing bob all today. Normally I want to go out and do stuff all the time but in recent days I would much rather just lounge around the house. I feel like such a slob. I could do with catching up on some reading but I feel so tired all the time I don't think I could manage it...reading always makes me drop off!!

Super excited about baby news though :dance:
Laura that is so exciting!! I can't wait to hear how things progress! Thinking of you, and if it all goes forward quickly I hope that you get the home water birth you want!

I wonder if Hayley has been in theatre yet, and is now a mummy?! I would imagine so!

Brooke, that's great about getting your sweeps done, and hopefully LO will be here by Thursday! Totally grossed me out when you said your dr touched the baby's head though :shock: yuk!

Lauren: you and I, and Brittany, are still holding up the "pregnant and staying that way" side of things for a while then! I'm exactly the same as you - exhausted today after a crappy night's sleep, and no signs that I will EVER give birth!!

Afm, we are finally home, with electricity and heating restored :) there was an awful 19 minutes when I had to clear out the entire fridge and freezer as we just couldn't pretend that stuff would be ok treat ever again! All we managed to save was a tub of butter, and a bag of potatoes :haha: so guess what we are having for tea tonight?!
I really need to Hoover, dust and mop, but I'm just so exhausted today I can't bring myself to. Even bending down to put the washing in was a struggle. Not a good day.

I'm going to be checking back lots since things seem to be moving for a few of you, so you ladies better provide me with some babies to stare at ASAP!!
Lauren, sounds like Adam's job is very similar to my DH's. Only my DH works with sheetmetal so they do a lot of duct work, heating/cooling units, and any kind of custom metal stuff that commerical buildings need. Legally my DH isn't allowed to work in houses either even though he knows what he is doing.

Sarah, so glad to hear the electricity is back on!!

Hayley, good luck today!! Really looking forward to hearing your birth story and getting to see pictures of your LO!!

Brooke, not long until Thursday! Hope your doctor is right. :hugs:

Laura, Fingers crossed for you! Really hope this is it! :hugs:

AFM, the doctor last night wasn't able to do much of anything for me. I apparently have an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus and since viruses don't respond to antibiotics the same way bacteria does, there is nothing he can do but tell me to wait until my immune system fights it off. Of course, being pregnant by immune system is already weakened so it's going to take longer then it would otherwise. :( I'm so disappointed because the sinus headaches, the burning nostrils, ear pain, etc. basically has me wanting to cut my head off just so I don't have to feel it anymore. I'm exhausted and don't have the energy to do much of anything but can't really sleep either. I was told to use a neti pot though. He said I probably won't notice much of a difference in the first 24 hours but after that I should start to see some improvement. Lets hope so because I can't imagine feeling like this for much longer.

Doctors appointment tonight at 6 though I found out DH is only working until noon today so I'm trying to get it rescheduled for a much earlier time. I keep getting stuck on hold though which is really getting on my nerves. Seriously, WTH are they doing that they can't answer the phone. I literally sat on hold for 30 minutes before hanging up. Surely there weren't that many people calling to schedule an appointment before me...
I wonder if Hayley has had him yet too.... I keep checking fb to see if she has posted anything :)

Brittany, not the answer you were looking for then. What a shame they can't give you anything for it!! I don't really know what more to say really, I just really hope you start feeling better soon :(

I have just posted up a thread on main forum, but I am getting sick of how I am feeling at the moment. I have become massively anti-social and don't want to see anyone. I am happy to just sit at home by myself which is so unlike me :( I feel really bad for other people because I keep changing plans or making excuses not to see them..... my mum thinks its a type of nesting instinct but I'm not sure...
I've been feeling the same way as you though I'm not sure if my reasons are way different or not. I just find everyone really irritating at this point and therefore don't want to be around people. I'm sick and almost 40 weeks pg. I'm massively uncomfortable but it's like no one even thinks about that and instead can only focus on the baby. Like everyone keeps telling me it won't be long now or asking when the baby will be coming or wanting to know every detail about each appointment. I just feel like I want to shout, the baby is going to come when he feels like it and it doesn't matter when everyone else wants him to arrive.
I get like that too. Its like everyone has forgotten who we are and all they can talk about is the baby....its nice to be asked how WE feel once in a while. I just can't be bothered to talk to anyone unless its on here lol. At least I'm not the only one.
Lauren and Brittany, it feels so unfair that the others are progressing and having their babies and the three of us are stuck feeling crappy :hugs:

Brittany so sorry to hear that you are still so unwell - no wonder you don't feel like doing much. I hate it when people make everything about pregnancy too - like my mum is always saying stuff like "oh you must be so tired at the minute" well, yeah I am, but its because I've been busy, NOT BECAUSE IM PREGNANT. Or "you must have terrible heartburn because of the baby" no, I don't. So annoying that people or get we are people who feel stuff despite being pregnant.

And if one more person tells me I'm nesting :growlmad: I'm not nesting! I just don't have time to clean that thoroughly when I'm working 45 hours a week and travelling for 10 more!

Lauren, I don't think it's unreasonable to not want to go out and do stuff at the minute either.

We're exhausted, humongous (well I am!) and just want our damned babies here - but are sick of waiting. I don't want to see my friends at all because I feel HUGE and I know they won't understand that I am huge because I am about to give birth (supposedly) so instead I plan to spend the next 15 days (until induction) steering clear of everyone except my family and medical prfessionals.

God I feel so nauseous today.just goggled it and apparently it CAN indicate labour...but I won't get excited just yet.

Sorry for being such a whine today!
I think we are all in a moaning mood today lol.

I was feeling sick last week, along with the pains ect I thought it meant something but obviously didn't. I know my date is further than yours two but you know when you get all these little niggles and feel as though something is happening soon but doesnt, it gets rather annoying.

I have given up on housework today, I did the dishwasher earlier but that's it. I washed all my bedding yesterday so it all needs putting back on but I reeeeeally don't want to do it - so I'm not!
I usually wait until we go to bed and then Simon is there to put the new bedding on, especially now I tell him I can't stretch the sheet out in my condition :haha:

I think we are all allowed a moan at this stage, we've done pretty flipping well to get here, it's definitely our prerogative now!

And yep, when I feel ANYTHING I get so over excited...and then nothing. Like today, LO is going nuts in there, so I am convinced that must mean something!

I'm thinking of following Laura's lead and doing some nipple stimulation later.
I'd like to join the moaning! My "dream baby" has not let me put her down since yesterday afternoon. She's always disliked her bassinet but now we've added the swing and the bouncer to the list. I can feed her, burp her, swaddle her, rock her...but as soon as I lay her down anywhere but my chest she's wide-eyed and fussy. She slept on me all last night. I can't wait until my sling gets here because I've pretty much been camped out on the couch trying to keep the little miss happy. Now Seth tells me that his sisters are coming to visit after dinner and I'm just done. If she's fussy again tonight, they can reschedule.

I guess the honeymoon stage is over! It's a good thing she's cute.
Oh no Lindsey :( sounds like a thought night, you must be exhausted (whereas I'm sure Sarah is well rested after a cosy nap on us chest - the sneaky lady!) hopefully this is just a stage that will pass - and quickly! :hugs: will she settle for/with Seth?
Oh no, I hope she settles somewhere. After a while I bet it can become really frustrating. I am planning on having Adam hold bean just as much as I do (in the time he is off) then as much as possible when he is at home as I don't want her relying on me too much.

I read that doctors don't actually recommend nipple stimulation as it can make contractions more painful apparently... :/

Yes I think we are allowed to moan too :) I'm going to TRY and get an early night tonight. Then off to get my nails done tomorrow with the friend I don't really want to meet up with... Lol I'm sure it won't be as bad as I think it will though
Oh I don't want more painful contractions :/ definitely not. Laura must be a tough lady in that case!

And nope, it won't be as bad as you think it will tomorrow. Once you get out I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's just the process of dragging oneself out of the house which is not an appetising thought!
I hope so, too. For a couple of hours a day, the last 3 days she's wanted to eat seriously every 30 mins to an hour. Some things I've read say it's normal and she's just working to build up your supply and that it won't last forever. Other things say that letting them snack and then nap for hours is a bad habit to get your baby into.

I made the mistake of calling my mom and she basically said she didn't think my baby was getting enough to eat and that I should pump into a bottle to see how much I was producing, and that I should let her CIO in her bouncer rather than continue allowing her to sleep on me. She's way too young to CIO, imo. So confusing. Sometimes I think it really was a lot easier to take care of her when she was still inside of me!!
Lindsey, I know my LO isn't here yet,but at such a young age I would be of the school of thought that that eating pattern is normal (unfortunately for momma and her nipples :haha:) and she is building up your supply. She's used to having 24/7 room service through her umbilical cord, so no wonder she gets cranky now that's been revoked!

BUT that's just my opinion and I guess you just have to try a few methods and find out what you feel comfortable with and what works for you 3 :thumbup:
I agree! I found this article and it really makes me feel better...especially at 3am when I'm ready to cry because I'm hungry, have to pee, my husband is sleeping next to me, and the baby won't stop feeding and go to sleep!
Sarah does your mom also act like you're helpless because of pregnancy? I swear I can't talk to my mom about what things I've done during the day because half the time she freaks out like I'm supposed to be bed ridden because I'm pregnant. Okay, right now with me being sick I'm not doing much of anything but before getting sick I was still cleaning my house, going up stairs, out shopping with DH etc. like any other normal person but if I would tell my mom about that she would act like I'm supposed to be sitting on the couch all day and DH is supposed to be doing all that stuff himself. I don't know how many times I tell her I'm not helpless and am perfectly capable of doing most of the same stuff I did prior to pregnancy.

Then I get annoyed with everyone acting like my animals don't still need attention and stuff once the baby comes. Yea they're not people and aren't as dependent on me as what Aiden will be but that doesn't mean they don't deserve my time and attention too. I swear I will probably punch the next person that tries to tell me I'm not going to still love my animals as much as I love my child when he arrives.

MIL also has a habit of telling DH all this stuff as if she knows exactly how I'm feeling and her experiences will be the same as mine. Like she has made comments about how FF is so much easier then BF and that DH and I shouldn't be upset if I decide to FF. It's like STFU and just respect that I want to BF, there is no reason to even be thinking I'll need to FF at this point. DH was also talking to her about how I'm hoping to get an epidural soon enough that it will be partially worn off before it's time to push because I would like to actually be able to feel when it's time. Well MIL started going on about how I don't need to feel it because they'll tell me when to push. It's like I don't care if they can tell me, I want to be able to feel when to push.

Geez, I didn't mean to go off an a rant there but my word people have been irritating me so much lately and for the most part I've just been keeping it to myself.

Also I've been feeling nauseated off an on the past week along with being gassy/having more frequent BMs. I was blaming it on being sick but hopefully it is a sign of labor. Though at my last OB appointment when I told her I thought I lost the mucus plug she basically said that doesn't mean much of anything because it could still be weeks before labor actually happens.

Lindsey, I hope Sarah lets you get some rest soon! :hugs:
Oh Brittany the animals thing really annoys me too!
"Oh your dogs will have to get used to being outside"
"No more walks for those dogs of yours then!"

Um...why will I throw my dogs outside and ignore them? If they are in the way I can pop them into another room, or take LO up to their nursery (which is why we have the baby gate up, so the dogs can't go upstairs). And dear lord, if we stop walking them not only will I end up hugely fat, but they will tear the house to pieces! I mean, I'm not saying ill be out up the mountain the next day or anything, but my animals are very important to me, and the thought that I would purposefully ignore them because I have a baby really grinds on me. I'm sure they will have to take a few weeks of getting used to a new routine, but we'll all adapt!

And my mum is the same - I shouldn't be walking the dogs, I shouldn't be cleaning the house, I shouldn't be allowed back to our house because there is still snow on the street so I could slip :dohh: I know it's only because she cares, but it just gets too much! She is only trying to take care of me, but I don't want treated like an invalid- I'm pregnant, not DYING! (I hope!!)
Grrr for mil pushing FF on you. I don't mind what any one decides to do in regards to feeding their child - everyone's own choice, but its not on for anyone to be forced to do the opposite of what they think is best for their family.

There doesn't seem to be any sign of labour (other than waters breaking or regular contractions) that medical professionals seem to think indicates something will happen. Which is very annoying when all we want to hear is "yes that absolutely means your LO will be here ASAP!" They could just lie to us :haha:

Lindsey, that article is great! Lots of good tips, and hopefully once your new wrap arrives you'll be able to both have Sarah with/on you for as long as she needs while still getting some things eating :haha:
Oh don't get me started on 'advise' given from family. My dad actually said to me a few weeks ago 'you will get post natal depression, it might be a tiny but or it could be bad. But you know we are here for you. We know what it's like' WTF???!!! Then Jo (stepmum) automatically assumes I won't be attempting to bf. I've told her twice now that I will be trying and both times she has gone 'oh, I didnt think you would'..... Then they both try and give me parenting advise which I have to pretend I'm taking in. I disagree with many things they do when bringing their kids up. I certainly won't be taking anything on board. Jo is a funny one anyway, it's hard to explain. I don't think she is happy but instead of doing something about it she tries to make others look bad... So her life doesn't look so bad. If that makes sense? Not to mention money, they hate that we have more money than they do. But instead of just accepting it, they act weird instead - my dad makes out he has more... But obviously doesn't because he is borrowing money all the time. Then Jo will take the piss like when I told her about the changing bag I brought (it was one of the kids birthday so they had people round) and instead of going 'oo let's have a look' or something normal. The first thing she asked was how much we paid then tried to make me look like an idiot infront of her friends because I had spent ''too much'' on it. Oh piss off.

Arrrrgh. Well your rant made me have a rant :haha: family do drive me up the wall though.

Sorry your both getting moaned at about the dogs too. I'm sure people just love putting us down. 'no more exotic holidays for you, no more nice cars for you, you won't be buying yourself anything nice ever again because the world will revolve around your child' OMG. I wish people would just keep those things to themselves. Makes me more determined to prove them all wrong though!!!
Why are people so down on having babies?! They act like your life basically ends! And it's usually people who HAVE kids (and more than one!!) who are the worst! Surely if it were that bad they'd have quit after their one home wrecker came along :haha:

Ohhh we are a happy bunch today aren't we?!?! :rofl: pregnancy would be just about manageable if it weren't for other people I think!!

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