Ask4joy thanks for your insight. I have been worried about a chemical pregnancy. I'm also a believer and we've had a lot of people praying for us which is interesting. DH is still convinced that I'm pregnant, and he doesn't just say things like that or get excited easily like me lol.
That being said, this weekend, I had nothing but negatives so I thought I'm either a) crazy, b) one of those women who can't test until a week after their period is late or c) having a chemical pregnancy.
Today, however, I had three faint positives! Two of them were pink dye, though the first was a dollar store test and it was so faint that I decided to go ahead and use a CB+-. It came out with a much clearer line, though still faint. I waited about an hour and took a FRER and it too had a very faint line. That can't be a coincidence.
Anyhow, I do realize that this could be a chemical. I have also been concerned about an ectopic but I haven't had anything but mild cramping and back pain, though I'm still keeping an "eye" on it nevertheless.
For now, I'm going to relax and wait until Thursday to test again. I think it's a good sign that the positives came back today and that I had three and not just one, despite being faint.
I woke up with sore bbs and some mild cramping this morning. Other than the weird fluttering that is the most consistent thing going on, I feel "normal."
Thanks for everyone's support so far. You ladies are awesome!\
Angela - thanks for your thoughts. I am on a testing thread as well, but a week ago I was convinced that my faint positives would get darker when they didn't, so I've been asking them for their input as well. That being said, I have a lot of symptoms in common with confirmed pregnant women here, and while I don't put a lot of stock in that, there's just something making me hold on to that hope. After so many years of TTCing, I have developed a very healthy skepticism. As for your question about screening, I'm not sure I would want to, though I also don't know if I'd have much of a choice because no matter what, with a unicornuate uterus, my pregnancy is high risk. That being said, I wouldn't abort a DS baby either.
Ask4joy that's great about a reassurance test, and also really exciting!