First Timer looking for others in the first tri to chat

Goodluck luck to both of you co foster and jello I have absolutely everything crossed that you both get good numbers xx

The MS is starting to kick in a bit now I get waves of nausea but it hits me in the evenings xx my bbs are not too tender just slightly but they are huge swollen up so much and my belly is so bloated that I can hardly get in any of my jeans theyre starting to feel uncomfortable to wear but the worst has to be the tiredness I feel constantly tired but then keep waking up during the night. I had an awful dream last night that I went the toilet and when I wiped there was bright red blood it seemed so real that I woke up and went straight to the toilet to check thankfully all was okay not a drop of blood to be seen. I guess Im getting more anxious as my scan is only a week away xx

Oh, I hear that! The exhaustion is unreal, but at night, I can't sleep at all! I have no trouble nodding off around 8 or 9, but then I wake up at 4:30 and can't get back to sleep. I can't tell if the exhaustion is from the weird sleep cycle, or from the baby. Probably a little bit of both I would think.

My jeans have been tight for a few weeks now, just from bloating. It's a little annoying, tbh. I lost 47 pounds this year, and these jeans were just starting to get loose on me. I know that it's not permanent, but sometimes it just feels like all my hard work didn't really pay off.

And dreams are crazy for me as well during pregnancy. With my son, I used to have very vivid nightmares that had nothing to do with pregnancy or a baby, but were terrifying. I'm just waiting for those to start again lol that's what I get for being such a horror movie buff.

I had my blood drawn again this morning. Should have the results tomorrow. Hopefully I'll know earlier in the morning, they've been calling around 10 with the last few. :D
I’ve been having crazy dreams too. I had a horrible nightmare last night. :( I guess it’s just my brain dealing with my fears!

Thankfully I haven’t been too bloated. I’ve been taking a fiber supplement and probiotic daily which seems to be helping. Breasts are swollen though. I guess after the extreme bloat I had with IVF (and mild OHSS) this feels like nothing!

FX for good results, Jello!
Hey all just a quick update...had another faint positive this morning. I could actually see it without taking it out of the casing so that’s awesome. :) Still not as dark as I’d like to see it.

I don’t know if I’ll get any results back from tomorrow until Tuesday, but hopefully I’ll hear something!
That’s great, fostermom! I hope you get good news!

Just an aside, I noticed your ticker says 5w6d but if you are just getting faint BFPs now it’s probably more like 4 weeks. By 5-6 weeks hcg would be very high and be giving very dark positives. So you probably ovulated later than you think!
Angela - I've wondered that...I just don't see any other days on my chart that I can legitimately say that I ov'd other than where I first saw a shift. I missed the day after my low temp, so it could have been then, but that's only a day's difference. If I can figure out how to get a picture of my chart on here I'll post it to see what ya'll think!
Foster - you could have just implanted a little later so no worries! If you ovulated the same day as me (just an example), our little zygotes could implant days apart, and who ever implanted first would measure farther ahead even though we both ovulated the same day.
I agree with jello foster as sometimes it can take up to 10 days to implant which is nearly 2 wks the bloods you get drawn will tell you more Ive seen people on pregnancy test threads get faint BFPS on tests all way through first tri but bloods came back really good, everyones body works different but youve dobe the right thing booking an appt

Jello goodluck with your bloods xx

I havnt had any more crazy dreams but it sounds like a common theme and jello Im the same I dropped a dress size and now Im going back up again I know its the bloat but its still annoying x
I hear ya Jello and Angela! I gained 10 pounds after 3 rounds of clomid. Lost 15 then gained it all back with IVF. I lost 3-5 before my BFP but I’m still about 10 pounds heavier than when I started fertility treatment. Still within a healthy BMI (23.5) though so I guess it’s ok.

Does anyone else wake up absolutely starving? No MS but I’m so hungry my stomach aches when I wake up!
Ask, I'm currently laying in bed and the only thing about to get me up is my stomach growling! I go to bed still so full from dinner and wake up like this every day! Thankfully no ms yet! Hoping I'm lucky!

Good luck with the appt today foster and your results jello!
My nausea has gotten worse but I'm coping pretty well. I just don't really want to eat anything.

Keep us updated those with appts coming on!
So the doctor's urine test came back surprise there...mine were negative this morning too...but they were also negative two days ago so I'm thinking I'm an every other day kind of person...who knows. Anyway, my doctor was really sweet and said that she wouldn't leave me hanging over the weekend and would give me a call with her cell phone if she doesn't hear back about my blood test by the end of today. I'm just really nervous. I've wanted this so much for so long that I don't know if I can take another disappointment.

Bbs still a little sore, temps still high, and I woke up with some minor cramping and nausea this morning.

Good luck Jello!
Fostermom - I’m sorry about the bfn at the doctor’s office. The blood test will be able to give you the real answer! Hoping for good news and that you don’t have to wait too long!

Starlight - So sorry about the MS! Glad you are coping. Have you tried ginger tea?
So sorry to hear that foster let us know how the bloods go I hope you get good results x

Starlight that sounds grim like ask has said ginger is meant to help with MS luckily mine isnt too bad Im not throwing up but get waves of sickness mainly in the evening it feels like travel sickness like when you try to read something in a moving car x

Jello I hope everything went well today xx

And guys the hunger feeling is awful mine doesnt happen in the morning but does during the day it feels like Im starving like my stomach is completely empty and I havent eaten in days its crazy xx
Foster - I'm sorry to hear that! Fingers crossed that the bloods come back positive!

My blood results came back today - 7990! Whew! That's a doubling time of every 53 hours since last Thursday!

Ultrasound is scheduled for January 4th at 1, and first prenatal appointment is scheduled for January 11 at 2:30. :D
Hi all...well, my hcg blood test came back at 0. I put in a call to my fertility specialist to see if I can get some serious answers about what could have caused so many false positives and all these crazy pregnancy symptoms.

I've really appreciated your advice and support through this and I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies!

Merry Christmas.
I’m so sorry, foster. I know you really had your hopes up. I hope you are able to get some answers.

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