First TWW, looking for buddies! :)

Hi reddirtmama....
Good luck in your journey....sorry for your loss hun too
I'd like to wait with you guys. I am a little farther along though. Not completely sure when I o'd. This is our first cycle trying. I haven't done anything to keep track. I didn't think we were going to start until next month but husband decided to start over my break. My last AF started on Dec 17th but my cycles are not completely regular so I am pretty much just waiting. It's rough. Have some symptoms that seem possible but not sure if it's something else or in my head. Would be nice to have some friends to wait with.
I'd like to wait with you guys. I am a little farther along though. Not completely sure when I o'd. This is our first cycle trying. I haven't done anything to keep track. I didn't think we were going to start until next month but husband decided to start over my break. My last AF started on Dec 17th but my cycles are not completely regular so I am pretty much just waiting. It's rough. Have some symptoms that seem possible but not sure if it's something else or in my head. Would be nice to have some friends to wait with.

Welcome....oping we can pass time all together

Good luck for this last period was dec 18th i ovulated cd23 friday...3dpo now soooo tired of waiting lol !!
Whats your symptons
I am so tired of waiting as well. The not knowing is tough. I have some symptoms but know if it's related or something else. I'm a teacher so work around little kids who pass around lots of germs. Some started last Thursday. I started getting mild nausea. Just a little. Then I felt really fatigued. I work out 5 days a week. I was at gym on elliptical and was torture. Usually it's not so bad but I just couldn't push it at all. I have had nausea on and off since Thursday. Saturday night had really bad indigestion. Never really have problems with that. Sunday and today kind of a burning in stomach. I have a horrible headache today. Took temp to see if sick and it's slightly elevated. 98.8. For me that's higher then normal but not what normally have when have a fever. I'm new to this so not sure if it means anything, just a bug, or who knows just in my head. How about you? Any symptoms.
Reddirtmama-I'll look into that for next cycle if I need them. I've read a few forums on here and it seems a lot of people use those. Not a bad price either!

Welcome Js32313, it's great to have more people. How long are your cycles typically? Mine range from 28-31 days and that's what is helping me figure out when I have possibly O'd, though I'm like you and not 100% certain. Have you taken a test yet?
I was on the pill until this summer. I went off the pill in August. My doc said it was a good idea to see if cycles were normal after going off. They were generally between 28-32 since but then last month I went like 50 days. We weren't trying then so I had no idea what happened. I did call my doc and they said that does happen sometimes. I have been eating really healthy and working out a lot more to get healthier before getting pregnant. They said my body could be adjusting. I have a appt on Wednesday for my annual anyway so I am not testing before then. Going to see what they suggest about when to test since not sure what my cycle is right now.
Some people go awhile until their cycles get back to normal. I'd speak with your doctor about it when you go in. Everything sounds really promising though! You will have to let us know how your appt goes on Wednesday, are you planning on them running a test to see if you're pregnant while you're there?

I've been just exhausted today, I woke up with my husband at his alarm around 6am and didn't fall back asleep like I normally do. I was beyond tired to the point that I took an hour or so nap once he got home. I normally can resist taking a nap since I don't like to mess up my sleep schedule at nigh but today I just couldn't help it. Not sure if it's a symptom but might as well take notice to everything different.:blush:
Thanks for the info! All this date counting is confusing.

Akirkland: honestly, I plan on waiting to see if AF arrives or is late; if it’s late I’ll probably test within 1-2 days.

I hope you enjoyed your nap :thumbup:

Js32313- Hello, let me throw some baby :dust: on you. I hope your symptoms bring you some good news soon. Good luck on your appointment!
I don't know if I will have them test or not. I don't know if I will be late then or not since not sure of cycles. I'll see what they suggest. I'll definitely let you know how it goes. I plan on asking all my TTC questions. It would be awesome if I get a BFP this cycle but I am not counting on it. I know it doesn't usually happen that fast so don't want to get hopes up. Thank you for all the support. It is nice yo have others to talk to who are going through the same things.
hello ladies!!

how are we all today???

4dpo today....woke up in mddle of night with a stitch in my side but too early to mean anything and too high up!
felt crampy today.. like AF.....

felt soooooooo hungry too!!! all day!!

TMI.. gassy too!!!

anyone else?
Oddles: When are you expecting AF? I'm going to try and hold out until AF is late as well. At least that's the plan! Do you have any symptoms going on yet or anything that you've been noticing? Thanks, the nap was amazing! I just had trouble sleeping at night due to it, hopefully I won't nap today. :haha:

Js32313: Hopefully they can help you figure out your cycle, it will make it easier to know what's going on. My fingers are crossed that you do get a :bfp: I've read a few stories where people get them after just stopping birth control or having it be their first time TTC and they get them. Each person is different though. :hugs:

Emma: Hello! I'm doing well, getting ready to go see into the woods with my grandma in a few hours. I'm excited to see this movie. I've still been feeling crampy, it's been a few days now and I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm worried I have a cyst rupturing on my ovary or something because I'm known to get those.

Your symptoms are sounding promising! I don't really have much going on so far besides the same creamy/sticky like CM, cramping on just my left side and my boobs have been tender/feeling like little twinges or pulls in them. Could just be a mid cycle thing though as well though.

I hope all you lovely ladies have a great day and that the symptoms continue!
Hope everyone is doing well today. Symptoms are so frustrating. They could all be signs but could also be related to AF coming. I never usually have many PMS symptoms but my body is still adjusting to being off the pill so who knows if all mine are from that. I actually felt alot better this morning but then by afternoon had a horrible headache and stomach hurt agian. Been super hungry too! Tomorrow is the doctor appointment. I am afraid if they test it will be to soon since I don't know what my actual cycle is. I would prefer to test if I am late. When is everyone else testing? Anyone have dates planned?
I completely agree, symptoms can be so very frustrating. Today I've had a slightly bloody nose but it didn't last long. Could be from the cold, dry weather we have. I'm also experiencing more cramping but it feels like AF cramps and instead of it just being on the left side it feels like both sides now. Not sure what to make of it. I'm also just so tired and I've had a light headache for a bit tonight. To be honest I don't feel like this will be our month, it would just be too good to be true that the first month we NTNP I fall pregnant. So with that in mind I'm not trying to get my hopes up and the symptoms I do feel I've been trying to figure out what else they could be or maybe I've just never noticed them before during my cycles.

I hope your headache and stomach pain go away soon! I'd be nervous to have them run a test as well, but I would just do whatever the doctor advises me to do. I'm planning on testing the 25th of this month unless AF arrives earlier.

Baby :dust: to everyone!
how was the film Akirkland?? hope you enjoyed it and it took your mind off TTC just a little bit!!!

Js32313- im testing really early....ill be 7dpo on friday so starting then.. AF will be due the week after!! im A POAS addict!!!
will see what it brings.. good luck at the doctors.... your symptons do sound promising
im 5dpo today and when i got up off the sofa earlier i had major cramp on my right side.. felt like id pulled something!!!
will see what the rest of the day brings
I hate symptom spotting! For instance, I have super tender breasts this morning....but is that because I slept on my stomach last night (which I never do)?

Every cramp or twinge or weird feeling has me thinking... I might quit symptom spotting unless there is something major. :wacko: Going crazy with this wait!
Hey everyone. Just got back from the doc. No news yet. We did not test. I'm not officially late yet. My doc suggested not until I'm a week late. The appt went well. I asked all my TTC questions while I was there and it helped a lot I think make me less stressed. I am still thinking it won't happen this month just since we just started and were completely trying although I would love it if it did happen. So I am waiting to test until next week at least unless AF shows. I'm gonna try to stop paying attention to symptoms tho because I think I am making myself crazy. My doc said people who obsess and stress are half as likely to get pregnant. I need to find ways to relax. How's everyone doing today? What do you do to relax and not stress so much?
Emma-The movie was really good, I enjoyed it a lot actually. My grandma loved it too. I would recommend that movie to anyone who enjoys musicals. It was just fantastic.

Reddirtmama-Symptom spotting has it's up and downs I think. I like realizing what my body does but it makes me crazy because anything different or off just gets my hopes up when in reality it's probably normal for me and I've just never noticed it before. I'm trying not to really look into these symptoms as pregnancy ones more so writing them down so I can get to know my cycle a bit more. I so cannot wait to test but I also want to wait until AF is late. The 25th cannot come fast enough!

Js32313-I'm glad your appointment went well! Have you picked a day next week that you will test? I don't know if I agree with your doctor about those who obsess and stress, (maybe the stress part) but either the sperm reached the egg or it didn't. Symptom spotting won't change that. Just my opinion on that though. Maybe you could take a long bath? Paint your toenails or watch a movie? The stuff I'm doing to relax is just organizing my house, planning our trip at the end of the month and watching movies.

As for symptoms today, it's pretty much just like the other days. I seem to be getting headaches in the evening and become exhausted by 8 or 9pm. CM is still creamy but it seems to be increasing, still cramping a lot which if I'm out this month I'm going to go to the doctor to ask about. Just seems weird to me with how often and how many days it's been going on. My boobs are a bit sore but everything I have going on could just be my cycle and what happens to me. I'd love it if it meant I was pregnant though! :haha: Hopeful wishing!

Anything exciting going on to help with this wait for anyone? The days seem to be going by a bit quicker for me, I just hope it stays that way!
I think he was just trying to get me to relax. Said stop worrying and have fun with it. I do need to do that. Been reading to much. Worrying about the symptoms has made me crazy I feel. They could all be normal and I just never paid attention before it was on the pill so didn't really get. If this month doesn't workout hopefully I can at least get a better idea of my cycle since last month was so off and before that I really didn't track. I got the Ovia app on my phone now. I like it. I am not sure when I will test yet. Maybe wait til next Thursday or Friday. It will be a week from when the app predicts AF to arrive. Unfortunately since I don't know cycle it makes it hard.
Hello Lovely Ladies! I hope all is going well in your TWW! I've been a bit busy these last few days but have found a bit of time to post.

Yesterday which was cd21 I didn't have any symptoms out of the ordinary. I think it's because I am not paying as much attention to it. I don't want to get my hopes up that this is my month when it most likely isn't.

Today is cd22 and I'm not certain on how many dpo,(possibly 8?) not many symptoms besides heartburn, some nausea, sore boobs and twinges in my uterus. All of what could still be normal with my cycle.

I'm glad I'm writing all this down on here so next month I'll be able to go back and look at it and get a better feel for my cycles.

Oh! So I spoke with my SIL and asked her about her pregnancies, when she felt pregnant or knew. She told me that with her first she didn't even feel pregnant until she felt my niece move inside her. Her symptoms were not present for quite sometime and due to having PCOS it took time to figure out she was pregnant. I hope that comforts anyone who isn't having any symptoms or doesn't feel like it's their month. You truly never know!

A little over a week until I will test, I'm going to hold out as long as I can because I think it would be easier to see AF than a :bfn:

:hugs: and baby :dust: to you all!
Hey. Hope everything is going well. I am waiting until next week as well to test. Since I don't really know my cycle I don't want to test to early. I have been reading a lot of stuff and think maybe I O'd on Jan 5 or 6 so that would make me not due until next Tuesday maybe. It's just a guess tho so we'll see. I'm just going to wait. I agree with you. It would be easier for AF to show them see a BFN. Plus cheaper. I can't afford a bunch of tests. Anyone else test yet?

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