First TWW, looking for buddies! :)

Awww Yay!!!!!! That's a relief! I'm so glad your husband is excited now that it's confirmed. That's so great!! Congrats! Enjoy dinner and spending celebratory time with your hubby! :)
I am so happy you got it confirmed. That's so exciting. I can't wait to celebrate with my husband. Haven't seen him much because of our work schedules. Get to see him tomorrow finally. Have fun celebrating tonight!
Twinsie-Thank you! It was good to go out to dinner and just spend some quality time with my hubby. He is so excited he just cannot stop smiling. I'll have to wish you a happy anniversay once that day happens, though I might be a bit busy. :blush:

Js32313-Thank you! That will be so much fun to celebrate with him, any plans made yet for it?

We also stopped at the craft store afterwards and picked up a few things, we decided to not do the mugs to tell his parents but instead a photo frame and like a scrapbook page that says the best parents make the best grandparents. I added some baby stuff to it and it turned out pretty cute. I can't wait to give it to them on Wednesday!
Twinsie-Thank you! It was good to go out to dinner and just spend some quality time with my hubby. He is so excited he just cannot stop smiling. I'll have to wish you a happy anniversay once that day happens, though I might be a bit busy. :blush:

Js32313-Thank you! That will be so much fun to celebrate with him, any plans made yet for it?

We also stopped at the craft store afterwards and picked up a few things, we decided to not do the mugs to tell his parents but instead a photo frame and like a scrapbook page that says the best parents make the best grandparents. I added some baby stuff to it and it turned out pretty cute. I can't wait to give it to them on Wednesday!

Glad you had a nice dinner :). I can imagine smiling all the time when you think about being pregnant officially!
Lol yea you might be just a tad busy on my anniversary! :baby: are you hoping to find out the gender? I definitely want to! I love the idea of not knowing until the baby is born but I do not have that kind of patience!! Maybe the second time around?!

Wed. will be fun! Announcing your pregnancy is totally part of the joys of pregnancy. They will be thrilled! The photo frame idea is cute! :)

I'm nervous to take my test tom.. It's only 12dpo so only 50% odds it'll show as a bfp even if I am prego anyways, but wouldn't it be awesome to be apart of the % that gets to find out early!!? We shall see.
Akirkland - Congrats hun!!! How exciting!!! I am hoping for a bfp this month also because my moms bday is October 2nd and step dads is October 3rd! It would be a "happy birthday grand baby"! I'm so happy for you!

Twinsie - I think we are right on the same O time frame. I had a 5pm positive with OPK on 1/11 and early 1/12 but I don't do temps.

I took another test this am with FMU. Waiting on the result. AF is expected tomorrow but occasionally shows two days late so if this isn't positive I'm going to wait through the weekend. These are also wundfo test strips so we shall see! With my son, I used a first response and the positive line showed before the control line REALLY dark and 3 days before AF. I'm feeling like I'll have bfn's this month just because of how things went with DS. We shall see!
Twinsie-Yea, it was so hard to not talk about the entire time but this is so exciting! I am hoping to find out the gender, I can't wait for that. I wouldn't be able to be surprised during delivery because I am such a planner. I want to be able to stock up on the baby's genders clothing. You should so test! I think I was 12dpo when I found out, maybe 13dpo, I'm not 100% sure but I know I found out before anything was missed. Good luck and let me know how testing goes!

Reddirtmama-Thank you! That would be a great birthday gift! How fun! Let us know those results ASAP! I'm praying you both get your :bfp: soon!
Bfn again this morning. I'm going to hold off until Monday. DH is in town this weekend (yay!) and so I might not check in unless AF shows.
AKitkland- we don't have anything planned yet. We haven't had much time to talk. Just a few minutes here and there on his dinner break. I am just happy I get to see him. We'll probably go to dinner. Don't know what else. Just be happy to be together.

Twinsie- Good luck on you test. I hope you get a BFP.

RedDirtMama- I'm sorry you didn't get your BFP today but you still have time. That's good you get to see you DH this weekend. It is tough. I don't see mine from Sunday to Friday because of our workschedules. I work 8-4 and he works 4-2:30am. We live in the same home but really never see each other. That's hard enough. Enjoy your time with him. Are you going to do anything fun or do you just like relaxing together?
Hi ladies!! Can I just say it's so nice to have u guys. To check in with and get updates from!

So BFN for me this morning :(. Only 12dpo though so I'm not totally crushed. Deciding if I should test tom or wait till Sunday. I think AF is due Sunday night or Monday morning.. This morning after I peed for the second time, when I went to wipe the toilet paper had a very light brown tan ish color on it. Only a tiny bit tinted color . So I wiped again "deeper" (sorry if tmi) to see if I could get more and examine better and I got nothing. So idk what that was.. I'm only 12dpo so maybe it was implanting bleeding?? How long after the embryo implants does the bleed make it's way out the body?? I feel like if I implanted yesterday or the day before, it could be from that?? I'm really hoping it's not the start of my period coming!! I don't feel the usual cramping that I always get the day before period shows up. And my temp was still high this morning. So idk.

Sounds like we are on the exact same track redirtmama!! I hope we both have good news soon! Is your cycle 35 days like mine is? I didn't O till CD22. Enjoy ur wknd with hubby ! I hope you check in after and don't have AF!

JS- thanks! are you going to find out the gender?

AKirkland- I'm totally with you on loving to plan and know the gender so you can get cute gender type baby things ! I can't wait for that time to organize and plan! So fun :)
Looks like snow is def coming tom! Got all my beef stew fixings! Can't wait for a relaxing day snowed in.

Hope to hear from you ladies throughout the wknd! Any more symptoms? Prego pains? My cold has gotten worse! Head feels so congested!

Twinkie- that stinks you have a cold. I have been pretty lucky so far with colds which is surprising. I am a teacher and around little kids all day who pass everything's around. They said after the five year mark you build up immunity to it. I'm on year seven so seems to be right. Where did you say you lived agian? We have had lots of snow so far and bitter cold. I'm in Ohio. Not to bad right now tho. 30's. The spotting is a good sign. I had that spotting briefly on Sunday morning. I was sure it was AF. Then it was just gone. Got my BFP on Tuesday. Give it a few more days. You might still get it.
Twinkie- that stinks you have a cold. I have been pretty lucky so far with colds which is surprising. I am a teacher and around little kids all day who pass everything's around. They said after the five year mark you build up immunity to it. I'm on year seven so seems to be right. Where did you say you lived agian? We have had lots of snow so far and bitter cold. I'm in Ohio. Not to bad right now tho. 30's. The spotting is a good sign. I had that spotting briefly on Sunday morning. I was sure it was AF. Then it was just gone. Got my BFP on Tuesday. Give it a few more days. You might still get it.

Thanks for sharing your experience! I have a little hope restored :) do you know what dpo you were? I really want to believe it's implantation bleeding, just seems so late for that? When I know I ovulated Sunday night /early hours Monday morning. Which makes me 12dpo. I know the svg is 6-12 dpo for implantation, so it's not impossible, just seems late! I guess time will tell !
I'm not completely sure how many DPO as I wasn't tracking much. I was tracking CM just from what I read and think I I'd on January 6th. That would have put me 12 DPO on Sunday so it is possible. You never know what could happen. I was pretty sure I was out when that happened and then it just went away. I was afraid to test on Tuesday but my friend made me. I keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Ok thanks!! That timeline sounds like what I'm having now! I peer an hours go again and got some more light pinkish/brownish when I wiped. And some slight cramping . Did you have cramping Sunday?
I always get cramping the day before AF shows. So idk what to think! I think I'll wait until Sunday to test again. Btw, I live in a Connecticut! My twin is a teacher too. I'm a nanny for 4 kids ! I never used to get sick until I started nannying lol. Hoping my immune system will get stronger soon ! ;)
So BFN for me this morning :(. Only 12dpo though so I'm not totally crushed. Deciding if I should test tom or wait till Sunday. I think AF is due Sunday night or Monday morning.. This morning after I peed for the second time, when I went to wipe the toilet paper had a very light brown tan ish color on it. Only a tiny bit tinted color . So I wiped again "deeper" (sorry if tmi) to see if I could get more and examine better and I got nothing. So idk what that was.. I'm only 12dpo so maybe it was implanting bleeding?? How long after the embryo implants does the bleed make it's way out the body?? I feel like if I implanted yesterday or the day before, it could be from that?? I'm really hoping it's not the start of my period coming!! I don't feel the usual cramping that I always get the day before period shows up. And my temp was still high this morning. So idk.

Sounds like we are on the exact same track redirtmama!! I hope we both have good news soon! Is your cycle 35 days like mine is? I didn't O till CD22. Enjoy ur wknd with hubby ! I hope you check in after and don't have AF!

I'm normal 29-31 day cycle. I got a positive OPK on cycle days 17-18. So only 11 days past that. I'm really bad at this tracking thing. I have an app on my phone that alerts me when I'm supposed to O and AF! Haha. My app says AF tomorrow BUT I've been late by two days the past 3 cycles.

For symptoms, my breasts are insanely sore. I'm hungry all the time. And I pee a lot. No cramps or anything. On the flip side, this is all normal AF stuff too minus the peeing a lot. I'm sticking it out through the weekend though!
Redirtmama- those are good symptoms! Keep us updated!

My cramping stopped and I think my spotting did too .. We shall see !!!
I did have some cramping. I still do. I guess that's normal. I talked to the nurse at my doc office. She said it's everything starting to move and expand. I had a wierd pinching feeling on Sunday too. It was in the same spot all day.
I did have some cramping. I still do. I guess that's normal. I talked to the nurse at my doc office. She said it's everything starting to move and expand. I had a wierd pinching feeling on Sunday too. It was in the same spot all day.

Hmm. So I just went to the bathroom and the urine on the tp was a light pinkish/brown color this time, not just plain light brown I had earlier. Nothing has ever made it's way to my actual underwear. I only see the "spotting" when I wipe. Started around noon today and I guess still happening. I was hoping it would stop by now. From what I've read it could still be IB if it lasts a whole day but 2 days is uncommon. Guess well see what tomorrow brings.. Nervous!!!! Anxious... Excited?! This waiting game really is hard!

What other symptoms did you/do you have?
Reddirtmama-:hugs: I'm sorry you got a bfn, but you're not out until the :witch: shows up. It's still hard to see, I tested too early and saw that and was slightly crushed, I just also knew it was a bit too early.

Js32313-Well I hope it will still be a lovely weekend together. I'm sure there is much to talk about, be excited about and just enjoy right now. When we went out to dinner I couldn't stomach the food, it sounded good but eating it I just felt blah. Plus he ate these clams and they looked like buggers so I couldn't watch him eat those, they grossed me out. :haha:

Twinsie-It is amazing to have this group of women to talk to! I'm very fortunate to have gotten to know you all a little bit better, I love hearing about your days and how everything has been going in this TWW. I'm sorry you got a bfn as well. :nope: I'm hoping it's IB it sounds very promising, I was reading up on IB because I haven't even had a little bit of spotting yet, it can happen anytime and even until about 8 weeks or so. It's just the baby getting comfortable in your belly, so don't worry if you think it's too late for it to be happening. Also as long as it's not bright red, you should be just fine. My fingers are crossed that it's not AF showing up early. I hope you enjoy your weekend and that your cold goes away soon, my nose is still pretty runny here and there but I read that's due to my body wanting to protect the baby and not send anything to fight it off in case it could harm the baby.

As for any symptoms, I'm lacking a bit besides the cramping. You're right Js32313, it's suppose to be normal because the baby is just making room for everything. It can be scary though, I don't feel like AF is going to show up though but at times I do. I just feel really good lately, no morning sickness yet, (knock on wood) just some food aversions, using the bathroom more and I've been getting constipated a lot which is the only frustrating thing. Oh and I've been so gassy, I also feel little flutters that I've never felt before. I think it's just gas but man it's freaky due to never noticing it before or just never having it happen before. I love every second of it though. :flower:

All your symptoms sound so good reddirtmama, I really hope you get that big old :bfp: soon. I'm praying everyone that's trying does. A lot of my symptoms were AF ones as well, the heightened sense of smell has really kicked in though and omg it's so weird. :haha: I hope you guys get to experience that all very soon!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and if you do anything exciting please let me know! I'm at my aunts watching her kids and they know I'm pregnant so it's non stop questions and talking about what to name the baby. It's been so much fun so far! :hugs: to you all!
Reddirtmama-:hugs: I'm sorry you got a bfn, but you're not out until the :witch: shows up. It's still hard to see, I tested too early and saw that and was slightly crushed, I just also knew it was a bit too early.

Js32313-Well I hope it will still be a lovely weekend together. I'm sure there is much to talk about, be excited about and just enjoy right now. When we went out to dinner I couldn't stomach the food, it sounded good but eating it I just felt blah. Plus he ate these clams and they looked like buggers so I couldn't watch him eat those, they grossed me out. :haha:

Twinsie-It is amazing to have this group of women to talk to! I'm very fortunate to have gotten to know you all a little bit better, I love hearing about your days and how everything has been going in this TWW. I'm sorry you got a bfn as well. :nope: I'm hoping it's IB it sounds very promising, I was reading up on IB because I haven't even had a little bit of spotting yet, it can happen anytime and even until about 8 weeks or so. It's just the baby getting comfortable in your belly, so don't worry if you think it's too late for it to be happening. Also as long as it's not bright red, you should be just fine. My fingers are crossed that it's not AF showing up early. I hope you enjoy your weekend and that your cold goes away soon, my nose is still pretty runny here and there but I read that's due to my body wanting to protect the baby and not send anything to fight it off in case it could harm the baby.

As for any symptoms, I'm lacking a bit besides the cramping. You're right Js32313, it's suppose to be normal because the baby is just making room for everything. It can be scary though, I don't feel like AF is going to show up though but at times I do. I just feel really good lately, no morning sickness yet, (knock on wood) just some food aversions, using the bathroom more and I've been getting constipated a lot which is the only frustrating thing. Oh and I've been so gassy, I also feel little flutters that I've never felt before. I think it's just gas but man it's freaky due to never noticing it before or just never having it happen before. I love every second of it though. :flower:

All your symptoms sound so good reddirtmama, I really hope you get that big old :bfp: soon. I'm praying everyone that's trying does. A lot of my symptoms were AF ones as well, the heightened sense of smell has really kicked in though and omg it's so weird. :haha: I hope you guys get to experience that all very soon!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and if you do anything exciting please let me know! I'm at my aunts watching her kids and they know I'm pregnant so it's non stop questions and talking about what to name the baby. It's been so much fun so far! :hugs: to you all!

AF came :growlmad: :nope: So totally crushed. This whole waiting period really really sucks! Especially since my cycle is 35 days. I wait even longer and get nothing! I feel defeated. I know we haven't been trying long and lots of couples try for months and years but my twin got prego twice on the first try and I wanted to have it that easy too!! Boo.
The good thing is my LP was a 11.5 days this time vs the 7 days it was last month so the vitex seems to be working. I hope this next month I'll ovulate even sooner (went from ovulating CD28 to CD21 last month) so I really hope I ovulate at that normal 2 wks this month, CD14.. The waiting just drags!!

Anyways, let me know what you guys are up to. I can still live vicariously through you lucky prego ladies til I get my moment!

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