Well,Hello girls,I'm in here with you now...well have been since Friday, but weren't sure what was happenin!? (dick!) Anyway. I have split up with the fiance + dad to my baby. Basically because I've been really depressed/moody in this pregnancy,and have been takin it out on him, (I couldn't control myself),so I've been constantly crying over it. We've argued nearly everyday,cause of it,and it's ''Made'' him depressed,so he said he wanted time alone to 'think' about things. Things meaning us. Well I aint one for bein pissed about, im 8months pregnant,and the last thing I want is to wait for my fuckin fiance make his mind up what he wants. So were finished. He doesnt trust me at all. He calls me names. (always has wen weve argued) but I give him shit too. I cant not argue back lol. So yea, I'm single, depressed, and ive got his fucking name tattooed on my hip!!!!!

Arrrrrrgh men! Why do I pick arse's up!?! Honestly, I thought, right he's the one I want kids with, get engaged to, etc...... And look, Im gonna be a single mum

- That in itself makes me shivver! I never ever wanted to be a single mum. But I WILL manage. I am determined. Alls I feel now though is, numb....upset.....confused....? What goes on from here? :S