For a start...

I'm Katie, 19.

I was having a fling when I found out I was pregnant. I was really scared and confused at first because I didn't really know how to react. Then I had to have an emergency scan a week after I found out because I kept waking up in agony and I had a suspected ectopic. Everything turned out to be fine.

I told my baby's father about the baby, who was obviously in shock. Then he turned out to be a person I didn't think he was, and he tried emotionally blackmailing me into having an abortion - he kept saying how much he loved his job and didn't want to be a dad. I wasn't mad at first because he admitted he was scared. Then he asked me whether I wanted to keep 'it' and when I said I don't know he said repeatedly that I had to get rid of 'it'. I ignored him and then he texted me two days later with more of the same and then when I told him I was keeping my baby he told me to keep him updated. Not spoken to him since and that was at the beginning of November last year.

So yeah that's me.
I am Brittany, 22 tomorrow, and my daughter will be 1 year old in 2 weeks. I go to school half time, work part time, and care for my little girl (and do crochet stuff on the side for extra cash)...
My idiot sperm donor (or Douchey McDouchebag, as I and my family like to call him) didn't want anything to do with the baby (we had been together a couple of months.. long story, too.. right after I lost my job...). Then he tried to bribe me with $2500 to get an abortion at 12 weeks (not happening). I didn't hear from him my entire pregnancy (although his girlfriend would drunk dial me at 2am and leave nasty messages randomly), and a week after I had my daughter he text my sister asking if I had her yet (well.. he said "did she have the kid yet?" and a week and a half after my c-section, told my sister I needed to "get over it, it was ONLY a c-section"... jerk...) We sent him 1 picture, and he disappeared for a couple more months.. text my sister 3 months later harassing and threatening her and my family (notice he doesn't contact me directly? Which is great, because if he ever decided to pop up out of nowhere and try for custody, I can actually say he didn't contact me at all).

He hasn't bothered us since we called the cops on him and informed him that if he stepped foot on our property, we would shoot to kill.

Thank goodness. :D
Katie, 20, and expecting in april.
I got here because I had sex with an ass. Being the gullible person I am, i fell for the "we'll be together forever cuz I. Love. You." act. a bit bitter =)
It's been a while since i used this website!
My labour story is on here somewhere. My little girl is now 3 years old :cloud9:

Introduction to how we became single mums?
I got pregnant when i was 17 and gave birth at 18. I wanted to continue my education and went back to college. I didn't have any time for my ex and we just grew apart (so i thought) turns out he actually met another girl and started dating after we split. After all the 'Im not gonna date im just going to concentrate going in the army and our daughter is my first priority' bullsh*t.

Didn't believe him anyway due to years of lying... But yeah, I finished college and im now into my first year of university :thumbup:

Doing it on my own has made me so much stronger! i wouldn't change it for the world. Even though its not exactly a preference not to have a father figure for my daughter but hes a rubbish father anyway... His step dad is a better male role model and hes not even blood related!

Stay strong single mummies! We don't NEED men :flower:
I didn't like the way my ex was. He cared more about drinking every time he got paid and it started getting to me and i finally had enough and i dumped him but....... i didn't know i was pregnant when i broke up with him. Not that that would have influenced me to stay with him. My baby deserves better and that's what i am doing. :)
I'm Sophia, 18 and I have a little girl called Isabella (Izzy) who's 7 and a half weeks :)
Well, FOB is an ex who I was only with for a few months but after we broke up we carried on seeing each other and sleeping together. He then said he wanted to stop seeing me and I didn't know I was pregnant then. He didn't act well when I told him and he tried to get me to have an abortion and I knew I definitely wasn't going to.
Around this time I was talking to another guy. We got together when I was about 8 weeks pregnant (he knew and was supportive)
He was amazing through the whole pregnancy and was there at the birth.
And last week he decided he didn't want to be with me. I am heartbroken after everything we've been through.
What makes it harder is that he still wants to see Izzy because he still see's himself as her dad.
Also, I haven't heard from FOB for months.
Im 19 got pregnant and he left
he now has a fiance and she had a kid too
We dont talk
I wrote censored it felt more appropriate
My name is Steph, I am 23 and I have a gorgeous little boy named Harvey.

Some of you may have noticed my posts already, but here is my story. I started dating Chris in October 2010, I was happy and very much in love. I couldn't have found a nicer man, he was sweet, caring, loving, romantic and I just fell hook line and sinker for him. Pretty soon after we started dating he moved in with me and I don't know why, but in March 2011 I stopped taking the pill and just didn't bother to start taking again. I did tell Chris I wasn't on the pill, he accepted it and wanted a family with me.

Low and behold, April 2011 I fell pregnant with harvey. At first Chris didn't believe me, but when I had that first scan he suddenly realised I wasn't lying. Things started going wrong from then and suddenly his anger got so much worse. Everything was my fault and I couldn't do anything right for him. But I tried to make the relashionship work and for the rest of the pregnancy I let my mood get worse and worse and get verbally abused everyday.

I thought my waters broke in January and was taken to hospital, Chris didn't come with me, his brother was there and they were playing on the Xbox, he didn't want to know. So I went, my waters hadn't broken, but I was booked in for an induction. Chris went spare... why? I don't know...

I went into hospital on the 4th february to start the inducing and then on the morning of the 6th february I had an emergency c-section because Harvey was unwell. Chris blamed me for the section and I never really understood why he blamed me, he just did. And when Harvey was home, he couldn't give two damns about Harvey, let him cry when he was hungry and refused to get a job! Wouldn't support us, and well, I just gave up.

Harvey was 2 weeks old when we split up and suddenly, all chris wanted to do was do everything for Harvey - how ironic?? I have been trying to organize access with Harvey and Chris and as many of you know Chris has him overnight at the moment at a mere 6 weeks old. That'll soon change. Nothing is good enough for Chris and he'll continue being nasty until he has full custody of Harvey (which will NOT happen).

I am so much happier since being split from Chris... I just miss Harvey when he isn't with me. I really hope to get things sorted next week. Now that the CSA and Mediation are involved, things should start getting sorted. xx
I am 31 and the fob is 47. I thought we were just starting a family, but apparently he has a girlfriend and takes care of her two children. I haven't heard from him in two months.
My husband left me and our 4 month baby 2 days before christmas saying he didnt love me. This was a huge blow because although I knew he was a little down and I was fed up battling to make him see the reasons he should be happy, I never doubted his love for me and he never let me think otherwise. Although I am glad I no longer am living a lie, I am angry he didn't even want to try and give it another shot, particularly because we never argued or anything and hadnt had a bad marriage.
Hi I'm stefani I never introduced myself so though I would. I'm 22 and I have two little girls jaymee & Kat. Fob and I were together 5 years and he was the only person I've ever loved which makes this so much harder.

We split because he seemed to have a really hard time keeping it in his pants and I was tired of the cheating. It sent me over the edge when I found naked pictures of this other girl on his phone. Real great guy. Were trying to get along for the girls sake. We still spend one day a week as a "family". And have managed to agree on a schedule for the girls without involving the courts. He's a great dad and I couldn't take my girls away from him they deserve to see their dad just as much as their mom and we both want what's best for them
Hey girs!

my name is Carolyn, I am 23, have 2 children, both have different dads, Evie is nearly 4, I split with her dad, after a rocky relationship but we did end and we both agreed it was for the best, he then turned into a idiot, then went okay again, and now hes got a new girlfriend and is claiming hes the best dad ever, I am actually in court with him on the 8th may as he wants access set in stone, but anyway, Evie does see her dad, she goes every weekend....

My son is nearly 1, I was head over heals in love with his dad, he was the most perfect person ever at the start, till I fell pregnant, Ollie was planned, we both wanted him more than anything, and although I know ollie's dad adored him, he didnt think the same of me, as much as i tried :( so after him leaving me, for months on end, he finally went for gooda month ago and ive not looked back. he left me once when ollie was just a few months old, i had terrible pnd, but he didnt care, he left me again when he was around 5 months, then this time, ive had enough. hes 23 and i dont think hes ready to settle down just yet, which breaks me because i am, I just feel like he lead me along, got a baby out of it and now im left to pick up the pieces, but anyway, ollie sees his dad, as and when he wants, which isnt much, and even then he goes out and leaves him with his parents... i dont get a penny off him, infact i dont get a penny of either of the dads of my kids....

anyway sorry ive rambled on lol xxx
Im Jemma 17 and have a little girl Evie who is almost 7 weeks, was 'seeing' FOB for 4 months before i got pregnant and we tried to make it official never really worked though he was never around and there were rumours of him cheating on me, thought it would improve once Evie got here but it didnt he spent hardly any time with her and just made more and more demands on me so in end we split and here i am!

I can't believe I have never posted in this thread :dohh:

My name is Victoria.

I am 29 and for 2nd time in my life I am a single Mum.

Mollie was born when I was 17, her Dad has not seen her in 11 years.

Taylor was my 2nd daughter from a new relationship, she was born asleep at 40 weeks.

Katie is my 3rd daughter (same Dad as Taylor) and she is nearly 3.

Her Dad and I split last April after a furious row which resulted in him receiving a caution for battery and him losing his job from the caution.

I see him daily but there is no love lost.

He is a fab Dad but as a partner he sucked!!!

So that's me :)


I'm Mariie :hi:

I'm 24, due Oct 9th ...

FOB & I were together for around 6 weeks ( Known each other for around 4 years on & off )

Split 1-2 weeks before :bfp: ( My choice! )

Lookin' forward to time with just me & LO :thumbup:
My ex cheated on me :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:. It is going to be hard but I am going to do this!!
Hello, I'm Natsku. Split up with my OH about a month ago for various reasons I won't go into but we are back on speaking terms now and are trying to figure out a good arrangement for him to spend time with Maria.

Well, it's been a long time coming but I think it's time I unpack and move in to this section officially. Technically I'm still married, but FOB and I have been physically separated (living in two different states even) for about 11 months. I think I put 9 months on another thread, but it's been since September so almost a year now, hard to believe.

FOB and I were married for 3 years, a bit over one of which we actually lived together. He was in the military for the first year, and cheated on me with two one-night stand girls when our daughter was just a newborn. After he left the military, we lived with his parents for a year, during most of which he wasn't working. I couldn't deal with his irresponsibility anymore, couldn't deal with his manipulativeness, couldn't deal with his jealousy or the fact that he says I'm the one who ruined the marriage by actually being angry that he cheated.

We've decided on a custody agreement (I get placement, LO will stay with him for one week every three months) and he's finally wised up that he'll actually have to pay child support whether he likes or not, so divorce papers will be filled out this coming Friday. I'm def stressing about the future as I have no idea how I'm going to make this work financially and without a car, but I've got help and a place to live no matter what so I'm trying to be optimistic and confident that I can do this on my own.
Hi i am jackie i feeel old lol i am 32 and this will be the third time i will be a single mom. You'd think i'd learn by now.( just a note also my 1st 3rd and fourth pregnancy were conceived on some form of birth control.)

First time i was 17 and me and FOB split before i knew he didn't know until after my son was born and made it clear he didn't want kids so he has for the most part not been in my sons life except briefly when he was 4 and FOB decided he wanted to be a father that only lasted a few visits and after that he admitted he couldn't be the father my son needed and my son had no interest in seeing him anymore either. so It has been 10 yrs since we've heard from him.

the second time was with my 2nd and 3rd children i was with their father for 4 yrs before i got pregnant we had planned on getting married and things were wonderful, but the second i got pregnant think started going down hill. He didn't want kids wasn't responsible and his personality took a total 180. but we slower were working though things. Then he decided he couldn't do it and left and we were split for 6 months and then got together again and thats when my 3rd was conceived. things just went from bad to worse to the point it got physical i almost lost my son on one occasion and had left him. after my son was born he convinced me to give it another try and things were good for awhile and then went right back to where they were and worse and i left him again.

Things got pretty bad to the point there was a restraining order and criminal charges laid. There was a whole bunch pf other nasty stuff like him taking off with the kids and nasty court battle. we didn't have any contact for 2 yrs. at that point we began to be civil to eachother for the kids sake so that both mom and dad could be at functions and what not. and now he has really stepped up to be a great dad. then a few months ago he moved out quite a ways away from us for work so now he only gets to see the boys two weeks in the summer and every other holiday. He whines to me about it but i say it was your choice to move their in school now and you live to far away for them to go on weekends.

I am now 26 weeks pregnant with twins (i just found out a few weeks ago). Me and the FOB were dating for about 2 yrs. Honestly thought he was different. When i found out i was pregnant he wanted me to have an abortion and i told him that's not something i could personally do. He told me he was too old to start over and didn't want anymore kids( hes 40 and has two grown children already) I told him this is my choice what i am doing he needs to make his, he could walk away or he could stay and he chose to walk away.
I still see him every now and then in passing and he knows its twins now but we don't talk at all about the babies or anything really.

This time i am having a hard time with i can't seem to get mad at FOB even though he has walked away and that how i know how to deal with becoming a single mom i need to be able to get mad and say screw you but this time i am honestly just hurt and sad. and even when he was walking way he wasn't an ass about it. lol this may sound weird but i need him to be an ass.

But really since my first i have always considered myself to be a single mom i never got any help at all from FOB #2 so i have always taken care of my kids by myself.

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