For a start...

Hi I'm Lisa and I've been a single Mummy now for coming up 5 months. I might be a minority as my LO's Daddy and I still get on really well. We were together for 5 years, engaged for 3 and all was rosey. It was only in the year before we broke up that things got rocky. We'd just grown apart and wanted different things from life. Our priorities had changed and the best thing to do was to go our seperate ways. It was still heartbreaking but I'm in a very fortunate position of him still being very involved in Amelia's life and we communicate really well. I feel very lucky believe me x
Hi I'm Lisa and I've been a single Mummy now for coming up 5 months. I might be a minority as my LO's Daddy and I still get on really well. We were together for 5 years, engaged for 3 and all was rosey. It was only in the year before we broke up that things got rocky. We'd just grown apart and wanted different things from life. Our priorities had changed and the best thing to do was to go our seperate ways. It was still heartbreaking but I'm in a very fortunate position of him still being very involved in Amelia's life and we communicate really well. I feel very lucky believe me x

This is me with Lucas' dad, we made a mutual decision to split as we just weren't on the same wavelength anymore and didn't want arguments to make us end up hating each other. So we split now (well 2 weeks ago!) as friends and are hoping to continue as friends so that as Lucas gets older we can still share milestones together with him without things being awkward :thumbup:
It is hard though because we clearly both have some feelings there for each other but were coping and hoping things will get easier over time.
Hi, I'm Magee. My ex and I split when I was 24 weeks pregnant (I have an 8 week old baby - who just farted in her sleep :haha:). We tried to work on our relationship, but it just became obvious it wasn't going anywhere positive. Last week I told him it was over... so now it's over-over. He's a very difficult man, so I'm really nervous about what's to come. He's visited LO a few times but hasn't talked to me while he's here. I guess I'm just looking for support from other women going through something similar. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.
Hi, im Sophie, single Mummy to Archie who is coming up 5 months. Archies Daddy died when i was 31wks pregnant so iv got Arch all to myself. He is a great little boy who is the image of his dad. Who knows, maybe il find someone in the future but im happy being a single mummy at the moment.

Hey Im leah and Im 18
Im a single mom to Gracelynn Elizabeth.
I split from the FOB a month ago. He was making me miserable and just was making life a living hell.
He is now taking it out on Gracelynn and being a part time dad. He really doesnt want to see her
I've tried to be goo friends with him for Gracelynn's sake but all he wants is a relationship
and ruins everything we tried to do as a family. So right now we are not really on any
speaking terms.
Hi im leanne, im 26. I split from the FOB last week. I knew it was coming for a while, he is lazy, nasty and unsupportive so i had to end things with him, he has since deleted me off facebook and everything else and we havent spoken at all. It hurts alot but i need to focus on the future. Im only 18w 6d pregnant and have a long way to go but im exited to mee my LO and if my ex doesnt want anything to do with my baby then its his loss.
thanks to everyone who has posted in here, youv all inspired me :)
My name is Chelsee I'm 21 and I'm due August 14th. My boyfriend decided that he would much rather go out to bars all hours of the night and meet other women than stay together and raise a baby. He took me out and broke up with me in front of all of his friends and left me in a town I had never been to. He says that he wants it to work, but I should be ok with him going out and not complain and if I do he'll walk out and take care of his kid by simply sending money every month and that's it. I honestly don't want his money if he's not going to see the baby b/c to me that's not a father.
It's hard to get over it b/c we planned this pregnancy and moved from Texas to Pennsylvania together. I'm here pretty much alone and I'm not sure if I should wait it and see what he finally decides or just go back to Texas and leave it at that.

I know I seem like I'm whining a lot but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks =)
Hi, I'm Petal. I was in a relationship for 10 yrs until my ex walked out on my son and I for someone else. In a moment of weakness in Jan, I got pregnant. He hasn't changed so I'm doing this alone
I'm Jo, 27, I have a 9 year old son who I raised alone. His dad visits but is very unreliable and we only seem to stay on friendly terms if I'm single.

I'm now expecting my 2nd child (with someone else) and have somehow ended up doing it alone again.

I never did make the smartest choices in life but my son is happy and this one will be too.
Hi I'm Camille and I have two beautiful children Verity(2 1/2) and Fletcher(almost one) and I've been single since Fletcher was born. FOB and I met in Holland on an exchange project(I'm from the U.S) and we had Verity when I was 17, almost 18. We stayed in Holland until she was a few months old and we were fighting constantly so I decided to move back to the U.S, FOB followed us and we got back together and had Fletcher. FOB decided 10 months ago that he was done with us and he's now living in New York.
Hi I'm Laura, 26 and mummy to Harry.

My ex didn't treat me well at all and I am much happier on my own. I would like to meet someone else eventually but not at the moment.

Me and Harry are loving spending lots of time together and Harry is happy that he has a happy mummy now!!
Hi I'm Camille and I have two beautiful children Verity(2 1/2) and Fletcher(almost one) and I've been single since Fletcher was born. FOB and I met in Holland on an exchange project(I'm from the U.S) and we had Verity when I was 17, almost 18. We stayed in Holland until she was a few months old and we were fighting constantly so I decided to move back to the U.S, FOB followed us and we got back together and had Fletcher. FOB decided 10 months ago that he was done with us and he's now living in New York.

I LOVE your childrens names!!!!
Hey all,

I don't post here much but I needed to vent and figured this was as good a place as any....

I found out I was pregnant in late December, and the first person I told was the father; he said he would support whatever decision I made, but that he preferred if I terminated the pregnancy. I contemplated it for awhile, then decided after 9 weeks to give the baby for adoption. He wasn't really for adoption, but said he'd be supportive.

Flash forward to mid-January, I finally told my mom, and she was deeply hurt and saddened of course...I told her I wanted to give the child up for adoption and she absolutely forbade it. So with that, I became deeply depressed knowing I wasn't ready to care for a child. I struggled for a long time with feeling punished. I told the father what my mom said, and he told his family that we were going to be having a child.

The problems with he and I began in February, when I would ask him to go to appointments with me, and he would refuse by saying he needed to work. Communication was up and down, and got frustrating to the point that I did not talk to him as much and began doing things on my own. In March and April, he came to some appointments, but I still felt that he wasn't really there like he said he would be.

For awhile, he wanted us to move in together and be a family, but I always felt like that was only because we were having a child and not because either of us truly wanted to. Yes, I would have liked to have been a family, but I wanted us to work on things first and make sure. Communication was still a problem between us. It also seemed like he did not want to do much unless I agreed to move in with him.

Fast forward again to May; I began to avoid him so as to avoid conflict, and he would call repeatedly. We did recently meet up to try and resolve things, until last week when I found out that he's seeing his ex again. I confronted him about it, albeit angrily and emotionally, and he said he would not have gone to her if I'd agreed to be with him.

So as of now, we aren't speaking. I don't know if we'll speak again but I know that I am hurt. We both have done some hurtful things, and the stress of the situation has also borne down on my mom, whom is now upset with me because I said I still want him in his son's life despite all this. I'd rather not have to go through the courts although that's how it will probably turn out...

I don't know what to do now, with the only two people who really knew about this pregnancy not speaking to me. I just want to make things right with my mom and not have to go through a terrible custody battle with my child's father....I feel very lost and alone. I know it's all my fault, all because of bad communication on my part.
Hi I'm Donna, I'm 38 (OMGGGGGG lol) and now a single mummy to JJ. TBH I've always felt like a single mummy as it was me supporting my baby financially and in all other ways too, his dad loves him to bits but has never financially supported him in any real way. No strike that - up til he moved out he never gave a single penny for him, for any of his stuff, barey gave me enough to cover his share of the bills and moved out to his own place in April. Since then he sees JJ couple times a week, has him for the weekend and has been giving me a pathetic 50quid a month. He was under the impression we are still together but living apart (I let him believe this to lessen the grief I was getting from him) told him the other day that no I don't want to be with him and he asked straight away if I minded if he got back with his ex. My immediate thought was 'Go right ahead but do you think she or anyone else would want you' lol. Oh yeah and he also decided since we're no longer 'together' that he's cutting JJ's money to 20quid a month. Daddy of the year eh lol

So now that I've officially ended it, I've decided to mosey on in here.
Hi im laura, a 28yr old single mummy to an 8yr old, 3yr old and a 20mth old.

Basically im here now because i spent 10yrs being physically and mentally abused by the father of my children and decided 7-8wks ago that i'd had enough.
Hi my Lo is Brayden he's 7 months old!
I ended things with FOB when the abusive tendencies/drug abuse started to affect my caring for LO/LO's well being, so then FOB decided drugs and parties were more important than us, has seen LO maybe 10 times most of which were forced visits.
Not going to get into it because I could write a novel that's the short story :thumbup:
Hey all

I am new here too, 22yr old solo Mummy to my gorgeous girl.

Its just been the two of us since she was 7 weeks old, and its been a rollercoaster of a year since! Now that things are finally settling down I am returning to fulltime study - as I am going stir crazy staying at home all day every day, and living in a new town I need to get out and meet people. I want to get to a position that I can get off the benifit and earn enough to support me and my girl on my own - as her father continally lets us down with his empty promises
Hi all...I have a gorgeous 9 yo daughter...i ended things with her father when she was 3 yo...things between us were at there worst starting when she was about 2 months old...we did a lot of arguing...then when she was about turn 3 I found out that he had been seeing someone else since she was a baby...found out from my little girl :cry: I told her she was going to spend the day with her dad and she started telling me about daddy's friend and how they took naps together :growlmad:...I confronted him, he denied it...finally admitted it...said it was a mistake he loved me...blah blah blah...things went from bad to worst...told him i deserved better and he then decided it would be a good idea to hit me in my face!! The next day I went to court and filed for custody of my daughter...i def wasnt going to be with a man that put his hands on me!!

I am now in a wonderful healthy relationship with my future husband :thumbup: ...he loves my daughter and I like we deserve to be loved...he has a beautiful little boy and we are very happy!!
Hi im laura, a 28yr old single mummy to an 8yr old, 3yr old and a 20mth old.

Basically im here now because i spent 10yrs being physically and mentally abused by the father of my children and decided 7-8wks ago that i'd had enough.
Good for strong for your 3 angels!

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