for our rainbow groups catch up Xx

Sorry post or lose
My phone got stuck

My blood,tests came back
Liver is a good bit better
But it turns out thyroid seems to be autoimmune problem
Not sure what's the plan yet or if it's a wait and see thing.

I'm goin to Pilates now in Wed with s
I lovevit
S was doing some of the moves UN his high chair today
Love to all
Laura, do they think the liver issues and thyroid issues are related, due to an autoimmune disorder? Or are they 2 separate problems? Hope you start feeling better soon. How I wish we could all live closer to support each other better. Big :hugs: to you and Simon.
Amy ~ Oh to think its Sunday, but find out its Saturday would be fantastic! Bet that'd feel like a 3 day weekend!

Jess ~ :wave:

Laura ~ Thyroid bring an autoimmune issue...I hope they find your course of treatment soon :hugs: Are you feeling alright? How fun Pilates must be and Simon sounds so sweet! Darn daylight savings ruining your plans! Our time goes back this weekend, I'm afraid Pierce won't adjust and will try to go to bed by 6:30p and up at 6am :dohh: You'll have to dress Simon anyway and post a pic if your phone will let you...sweet little spider!
Laura glad that liver came back better but sorry to hear of the thyroid issue. :( When do you go back to find out what the plan is going to be? How are you feeling? So cute about Simon doing his pilates moves in his high chair! <3 Daylight savings time throws me too! I cant seem to get up before the sun. My body is like "Nope, I dont even see the sum TRYING to come up so we are not getting up!". lol

Angel & Jess - what are your plans for Halloween??
With thyroid it's like I thought
Wait and see, keep upping meds as needed
Am being sent to endocrine person but as long wait.
Will prob be told the same there
But I think my allergies, liver,and thyroid,aall hve immunity links
So he or she would be person to ask :-D
I'm fine just lacking in energy,a bit
Both s and me hve as virus so we ignored Halloween :-D
Shame :-D
I might put it in him tomorrow for pic
Cos we r getting better :-D

Hope walls well
Love to all
Angel s is aall over d place with the hour
Hope p adjusts better xxx
Hope you all had a lovely evening...i tried posting pics of P, but it's saying the files are too large *whomp whomp* I'll try from my laptop later xoxo

Laura ~ I hope you get answers from the endocrinologist!

:wave: ladies. Thinking of you all :kiss:
Hi ladies. Trying to keep up with you all but life is getting so very busy here.

Laura, so sorry about your health issues. I have a long list of unusual health issues that have been going on since Natalie was born and have gotten much worse since my last 2 pregnancies. Getting pregnant with Sophie 2 months after carrying my little Angel for almost 20 weeks really wreaked havoc on my body. Of course I don't regret a thing, but my goodness. Things have changed for me, and for the worse. I haven't even been able to go to the doc yet, but am almost certain I have Lupus. I even have the butterfly rash on my face. I have been going for years to the docs and they don't want to listen to me. I am textbook for this illness and docs basically just laugh it off. There are many autoimmune disorders out there, so it might be another that I have, who knows. I hope you get answers soon though. It must be hard for you taking care of a baby and having to deal with your own health issues, big :hugs: to you. So sorry that you and Simon were sick for Halloween. Do they make a big deal about Halloween like they do here in the states? It has gotten very big the last few years. I can't believe it is already November. Now the Christmas season is here. Goodness time flies!
Angel, I can't wait to see Simon's Halloween pic. What did you end up dressing him us as? I know you mentioned a skunk or something else. Can't quite remember. I bet he looked incredibly cute. Just noticed on your ticker that he is almost 15 months!! Time flies! Did you dress up for Halloween? Is your dh still home?
Hi Leslie. Hope everything is going great and the babies are growing just fine. Hope the spotting is letting up. I know it has been a great source of stress for you. But I see that the babies are growing away so maybe its just your bodies way of adjusting to the pregnancy. Big :hugs: to you and your sweet rainbows.
Bethany, I hope that Lorelei had an awesome 1st bday. I am sure you are a proud mama! Happy bday sweet Lorelie!!:hugs:
Sophie still hates food. I am positive she has a digestive issue. She looks to be in pain after eating any solids. She spits up and hiccups and she even cries. So I am sure she has some type of acid reflux issues.

Sophie finally had her 15 month appointment a little late, she just turned 16 months. The doc didn't even want to listen to us about her lack of eating. Why wasn't he concerned? She is 29 pounds and just under 34 inches, she is off the charts for her age. He said she is the size of an average 2 year old. So because she is so big, he says there is no need to worry. Wtf!! Sorry but if she isn't eating and barfing up all she eats and always in pain, there is a problem. So at my constant nagging, he made an sent a referral to Children's Hospital Oakland. So I am happy about that. So they can check her throat out and see if there are any stomach issues. Ugh! I don't know why docs around here brush off issues so much.
Jess is Sophie still on reflux meds
Sinin is Luke that too if he isn't on enough meds
He takes 3.5 ml of zantac twice a day
And 10 mg losec in morn.
It took a lot of my complaining to get losec too
but it's made a huge difference to him
S is always high on weight and height chartsSotheby ignore concerns
When his teflux is under control he has a great appetite.
Did u ever try multi vitamin
It does work increase appetite

Hope u get sorted for both of u soon hon xxx
Laura, thanks for the advice! You wouldn't believe this but the docs have always refused to give me a prescription for Sophia because of her weight and size. Its not fair because genetics is genetics and she can't help being big. She is lean by the way, not very chubby at all just heavy. They say they only want to give medicine if she shows failure to thrive. But thank God this doc actually listening after me pushing and pushing and referred us to a gastroenterologist. I always wonder if she actually ate much more because she hardly eats at all, how much heavier she would be by now. lol. Because she is already breaking my back when I pick her up. lol. I get jealous when I see how well other babies eat and my Sophie eats like a bird. :nope:. I am so happy to see that the medicine helps Simon. This gave me some hope that once she is treated her appetite will change. How is Simon doing these days? I hope you and him are feeling better. Sophie was also sick during Halloween, those darn shots gave her fevers and her poor legs. She was limping because of those needles they stuck in her thighs. :cry:
My little stinker! I worked all week with him on the head piece, told him it was a hat! He was happy to put it on for trick or treating <3


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It was tough getting a picture that he was staying still!


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Jess & Laura sorry the babies (and you Laura) weren't feeling well on Halloween :hugs:

Jess ~ Hurray for gastro specialist looking at Soph! Poor baby having to suffer all this time, good for you being persistent! How many shots did Soph have to get? I dread next Tues b/c it's P's 15 month appt and he will get 2 shots. The Dr will try to convince me to get his flu shot at the same time, but 2 shots will be tough enough for us to handle. I'll take him back in 2 weeks for his flu shot. Ughh, vaccines! And you need to use some of that persistence to get help for yourself! Maybe you should get a referral for an endocrinologist too!

Leslie ~ :wave:

Amy ~ :dust:
Angel, Pierce looks absolutely adorable. I just want to cuddle him when I see those pics! Sophia only had like 1 shot from her 1 year shots and another one for 15 months and she is all caught up. My dh refused the flu shot, he thinks its totally unnecessary, so we didn't give it to her. I have never ever given any of my kids a flu shot, and they didn't push it in the past. So do what you think works best for Pierce. I would wait the 2 weeks though. Poor Sophie, those shots really hurt her chubby thighs. So did Pierce get a lot of treats?
Happy belated 1st birthday to Ms Lorelei!!!!!! :cake: Bethany... :kiss:

Laura, Im so sorry sorry to hear about you not feeling well and that you guys had to miss out on Halloween. :( I really hope you guys feel better soon :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Jess, sorry to hear about your LO not feeling well either. Is there nothing they can do for her? Thats pretty crappy of them to say "because of her size we cant give her these meds" and then not offer an alternative. Or maybe I missed that lol Either way grr to the dr! I hope she feels better.

Angel, P is so darn cute!!!! I LOVE his outfit!

Leslie, going to check on your journal to see how you are doing but hope you are doing well!

I must say that when I do have a LO, Im so glad I have you ladies here. You all do such an amazing job with your LO's and just wonderful mothers! :flower:

Happy Monday to everyone and hope its a good week!
You'll be a great Mommy Amy...can't wait :dust:

G'morning ladies! :coffee: I'm dreading P's shots today *sigh* I wish my DH was like Jess' and would say no flu shot, but he listens to every suggestion & recommendation my Dr makes. I know P gets his last DTap <~~important and something else today. I'll ask the Dr which 2 she recommends for today.

Hope you all are doing's starting to get cold here :cold:
Hi ladies...slacker here again, sorry!

Angel Pierce looked so cute in his costume!! I love it! Did you get to eat all his candy? Understand how you feel about vaccines but ( my opinion I'm not trying to push it) it's much safer to get then not. I just saw an article about a child passing away after not getting a flu shot. So scary. I made DH get a flu shot this year with me. He has never gotten one!

Laura I hope you and Simon are feeling better and things are figured out health wise. Wish doctors had better, faster answers for you!

Jess hope you and the girls are doing well. Thanks for thinking of me!

Amy thinking of you as always. The time has come where your rainbow is coming to you! I agree that pointers from the ladies here will be wonderful when we do become moms.

Happy belated bday to Lorelei , Bethany! Hope all is well

Random, paranoid long was it until you ladies did not have cramping while pregnant? I know it's still early and can be normal it just makes me worry sometimes. I'm still spotting on and off so I know that can be it too. Why can't things be clear cut and easy?

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