For the girls that are late....

Anna - my CB also said not pregnant this morning... but I don't think we should give up hope until AF visits... I'm going for bloods today but won't get results till next week. I was talking with my friend who's son is 8 mo old now and she didn't get a positive until her AF was 7/8 days late.

Babyhopes - its strange that the dr didn't want to run tests... if he suspects something then it's his job to verify his diagnosis...
Anna - my CB also said not pregnant this morning... but I don't think we should give up hope until AF visits... I'm going for bloods today but won't get results till next week. I was talking with my friend who's son is 8 mo old now and she didn't get a positive until her AF was 7/8 days late.

Babyhopes - its strange that the dr didn't want to run tests... if he suspects something then it's his job to verify his diagnosis...

i'm 5 days late i'm going for bloods on the 10th if they can put me in
Babyhopes, have you had any luck at all with your tests? Ive got 9000 unread posts workig my way through and i cant find your thread!
what thread???

no he is gonna do tests but next week grrrr i didn have my medical card with me i forgot it :dohh: he just thinks i have it and so do i... im hoping im already preg and its not gonna take me ages to get preg... :(

though ladies... im abit worried... my shoulder is killing me and i have a pain in my side.. it hurts.. and only getting faint + on the test... it doesnt look good.. i dont wanna mention anything to david just yet cuz hes panics lol and hes be rushing me into A&E and it prob nothing... lol
If you have shoulder pain and pain in your side get straight to a&e! This is classic ectopic pregnancy symptoms! I do hope its not, but if it is you need medical attention ASAP.

This is very serious, and it may also explain the faint hpts.

Please hun get this attended to. I hope I am wrong and that its ok. I am thinking of you. XXXXXX
Hi everyone
It really is hard to follow everyones stories! I never thought this was such a huge support group :hugs:
I'm still here waiting too....7 days late but kind of depressed because it seems like the "symptoms" are disappearing :shrug: I feel quite normal except for the constant need to go to the bathroom because the CM continues quite active...
I've decided to wait until sunday to test again - a week after the last one...Anyone want to join me so that we can resist temptation together??? Hopefully it'll be worth it and I'll finally see a BFP!
You have really good self control! I have tested every day even though I know I shouldn't, just can't help myself!
hahaha Gina...been there, done that :) I think I'm going into the 'why the hell doesn't af show up so that i can get on with my life' stage...which is kind of depressing :cry: I don't want to lose hope so I'm starting to look at each day as one more when it might just come true this time...
hmm... I seem to be contradicting myself! What a roller-coaster ride...
Since last friday i got a very, very faint line and sunday i got no line on a different test i decided i have to MAKE myself wait a week before testing again.
It really doesn't help to be testing every day because it fills us with horrible anxiety and that can even delay your af longer if you're unfortunately not going to get a BFP...
Be strong and think positive :hugs:
Hi ladies ...

I am only 2 days late, i was due to have the :witch: arrive on the 26th Oct and so far nothing. On the 26th i had some slight cramping and now since then nothing. I have my fingers and toes crossed that she does not come lol. But the few times i have been a couple of days late and told somebody she normally arrives, so i thought i would write on this wonderful thread and see what happens :winkwink: ! I dont think i have had any symptoms and i dont feel pregnant (but i never did before either for a long time). Maybe i am not payin that much attention though as since i started TTC again i have noticed that alot of my AF symptoms are alot like preg ones so i dont pay much attention so i dont get my hopes up.

Sending you all lots and lots :dust: your way.
well ladies im 13 days late now and no signs of af, all negative tests, went to doctor yesterday and he said no point in doing a blood test because the urine test would ahve picked it up.....he was a right arrogant prick lol i just wish af would come so i can get on with my life and stop thinkin about babieS!!!!! my symptoms too are feeling liek their fading but could sjut be me making them up in the first place and them dissapearin as i loose hope, who knows
I am 2 days late now and feel some mild cramping, but still no blood...i've had odd cramping for at least 5 days now doesn't hurt, they are just really mild.
dont u just love those kind of docs.? ahhh i hate that because i always think well what if it doesnt show up on the test and they dont catch it.... im thinking the same thing though just hurry up and get here so i can move on and i think i made my self believe there was something there to and was getting neg. neg. neg so i gave up and now im thinking i might be or not who knows now so if i dont start by halloween im getting a blood test at my nov.2 apt!!!!!!!
my dr is like that hence the reason why i am not going back and im just going to try and wait it out!! Oh and to everyone who is late i didnt get my bfp when i was pg with my son until af was 2 weeks late so your still in the running as for me i think my body is crazy each time i do a hpt test and see a neg im shocked as i genuinely feel pregnant im in bed at 8pm every night,my bbs are still sore have been for the past month,still getting loads of cm but that comes and goes god i hate this wait!!
well morning all i got up at 6am and there was alot of pale yellow discharge, with a tiny pink dot in it, and when i went not so long ago i checked temp and it went up from 36.4, 36.5 and then not long ago 37.0 i was like wow ive not got out of bed yet though to wee sense 6am, anyway i went to the loo and there is pale white discharge now.

what does this all mean?
The temps meaning nothing hun, you need to take them the whole way through your cycle to compare them relatively. Are you testing today?

Good luck. X
Ignore the temps anna, they will go up and down as the day goes on and since you havnt temped pre-O they are pretty usless in detecting pregnancy as you dont know whether or not they are unusually high for you, just adds to the confusion!:dohh:
I am now on what would be cycle day 31, my cycles are never this long! I have been really tired for the last 2wks, and had sore boobs/nipples for about 8 days but that went away a couple days ago. Have used Boots hpt and I am having a nightmare... there is a line there but i don't know if it is just an evap line - is showing up in less than the 10 minutes u have to throw it away in but you do have to look at the test in bright light to be able to see it...argh... what do u think guys?:wacko:
I am now on what would be cycle day 31, my cycles are never this long! I have been really tired for the last 2wks, and had sore boobs/nipples for about 8 days but that went away a couple days ago. Have used Boots hpt and I am having a nightmare... there is a line there but i don't know if it is just an evap line - is showing up in less than the 10 minutes u have to throw it away in but you do have to look at the test in bright light to be able to see it...argh... what do u think guys?:wacko:

do another test tomorrow morning an evap is gray not coloured
anna since you've decided to wait until Sunday we can form the 'WE CAN WAIT' group :winkwink: that way we'll keep each other motivated not to test before that...Hopefully Sunday will be our day! It's got to happen some time...
I'll think I'll start a new thread for this :)

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