Hi ladies!!! Sorry I been MIA but I was busy having a baby haha!!
Leo Stuart Arnold arrived 2nd October at 4.27am!! 9 days early!
My waters went with a massive gush at 11.15pm on Saturday night, we were sent over to the hospital to be checked out at around 1am, no contractions so I went home.
Got home and contractions started around 2am, by 2.20 am I was in the bath, I stayed in the bath until around 3.30am as I decided enough was enough. We arrived at the birthing unit at 4am and he arrived at 4.27am!!!
Total Labour from waters breaking was 5 hours 19 mins (or something like that)
Established Labour was approx 1 hour 27 mins
They had to guess as they didnt have time to actually examine how far dialated I was as they were about to but the head was there!
I was pushing for a grand total of 5 mins!!
So yeah I just made it to the birthing unit on time!!