Woah, congratulations wannabeamom - hope this is really it for you! Keep us posted!!
I just thought I'd pop in to let you all know how my HSG went, as I know that some people might have to have the same thing.
I had been a bit worried about it and expected it to be quite painful, but it was actually fine. The doctor was really good and put me at ease, so maybe that helped as I was quite relaaxed, but he just inserted a clamp thing (like what they use for a smear), which was fine, then told me he was inserting the tube into my womb. I felt like a tiny tiny cramping for a split second and that was all. The nurse then told me that if that bit had felt ok then I'd be fine as that was the worst bit over. The doc then told me the fluid was going in (its the tiniest amount they use, which I was surprised about - I thought it would be about a pint of the stuff!!) and he then talked me through the images on the screen. It was really weird to see my insides and everything looked so tiny! The fluid went into both tubes fine so the doctor said there was nothing to worry about and no apparent problems. And that was it - over!!
I kept getting a slight twinge for a couple of hours after, and felt like loads of liquid gushed out at one point, but it was actually only a little bit (and I was wearing the pad they gave me so that was ok). And the best thing?? I don't know whether it's related or not but I got lots of EWCM at night!! I have been taking 2000mg of EPO up until the day of the test and also drinking grapefruit juice, so not sure which one of them caused it, but I was so excited as I never usually get it! The doc had told me that I might get a little bit of bleeding as he'd entered the womb, but that it shouldn't cause me any problem and we could go back to normal the next day (I'm pretty sure he meant BD wise!), but because I had lots of EWCM and no pain or anything we decided to go for it that night. Hey if my womb has a better opening than usual, than I'm not going to miss that chance!!
So, now here's to waiting. The next step is to go back to the consultant who will summarise all the results we've had and see where we go from there. Hoping to get a cancellation as don't want to have to wait months for this! x