aww sorry to hear that cazd..yeah blooming inconsiderate witch she is ah! well she got me in my sleep and i woke up to find her..funny thing was i was dreaming i was writing a post on BNB and then woke up!! lol!! xx
OMG - that is really doing the rounds!
sorry she got you too - but dreaming about bnb?! - you're getting addicted
Peekaboo - I got my thermometer from superdrug for £5 - its a digital one with one decimal point.
Some ladies swear by 2 decimal point - proper BBT - thermometers... but mines been just fine to pin ov and predict af...
LOL!! i know im realy getting addicted! i luv it here..feels like home i guess..its also easier to be open with women in the same situation and who you havnt met..if that makes sense..aplace where you cudnt realy say the things you do on here in the "outside world!" xx
Girls I'm moving on. Not going to gush. I joined this group to not have to deal with all those people who found it easy to fall. Cazd all I can say is that I think it was the HSG clearing stuff out. Thank you all sincerely for your support.
Sorry I disappeared ladies, couldn't get on BnB then had an exam. I am 6dpo so not in sync with you guys.
Wannabe you could do IUI it's super cheap and still hubbies sperm without invasiveness so it is treatment but with a little helping hand and natural conception. Worth a thought.
kelly9..thanxu..hope my gyno will go through ALL my options and treatments..i dont care what i do as long as i get my BFP!! (or should i say me and DH BFP ooooopps)!xx
I am feeling same as always. Boobs have started to hurt which they normally do around now I believe. My chart is good this month, got a super high temp one morning I was like wow... oh no I think the cats going to blork... yeuch! I got him mostly onto the hard floor so it was easy to clean up lol.
So 11dpo today so excited to call the clinic. DH and I saw Dane Cook last night he was so amazing and funny! My tummy hurt from laughing so much. I can't wait till he comes back to calgary so we can see him again.
oh no - Mrs N? And you didn't pop an egg!
I was walking the dog this evening looking at the moon thinking - it'll be full again soon... wonder if she'll Ov second time round?
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