thanks hun, nope didn't ovulate again *where's the eye-rolling smilie??*
crossing everything for this cycle - trying the soy again and upping the dose this time around. If no luck I'm back to the docs for Clomid.
I hope the soy works but still think the clomid is a good idea, you are so patient I would have filled the clomid script right away! I bet you get pg fast once you get O'ing on track!
I won't lie Cazd my HSG hurt like a son of a beep. But glad you got it.
I don't think I am, I get sore boobs and heartburn but it's normal. The only thing is that my boobs don't normally hurt this much. I don't test cause its pointless. AF will show up thursday or friday if sat comes with no AF I will test. Boob soreness should fade in the next day or so.
Cazd I tested this morning and voila! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16 cycles told it would never happen naturally and we did it! I just can't believe it! Will POA digi tomorrow and take a pic for you guys!
Woooah Kelly that's fab! Please share your secret- how did you do it?!?! This thread is turning into a lucky omen for some people. Lets hope the BFPs keep on coming!! xx
Thats it I am PREGNANT! I am healthy so no need to take anything. Have my first scan dec 16 I will be 7.5 weeks by then. I just noticed my ticker moved over a block! Yippee!
Well DH was sleeping as he worked late and I got out of bed with sore BB's so though I have 4 more IC's left why not rip the bandaid off and get over with the bfn so I did it and thought I saw a shadow right away but dismissed it brushed my hair and got toothpaste in my mouth when I turned my head and there was the line! I freaked out I grabbed the test and looked at it several times incase it disappeared then put the toothbrush down with the toothpaste still in my mouth then called my mom. She freaked out and cired then I did then I told her I had to rinse my mouth lol. After talking on the phone about 30 min after BFP I went to the bedroom turned on the light and said Chris you have to get up right now in an excited but stern voice he looked up all confused then I help up the stick and said because i am pregnant then jumped in bed with him and after a second he clued in and hugged me. It's been a whirl wind since then!
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