Thnx Winks and Tysonme. I'm going to read over that journal right now. I'm thinking of maybe starting my own ttc journal.
Quick question for anyone who as taken Provera. This is my first time taking it to induce AF so I can start the clomid. In the past I was given a different brand of medroxyprogestrone and I would take it for 5 days and on the 6th day I'd get AF. Well with the Provera I took it for 7 days and now 6 days lafter the last pill and still no AF. Instead I'm getting these horrible pains. It started sunday right after sex, but not during. It was such a curl up in fetal position and wait to die pain coming from everywhere down below. I took an advil and within half an hour it was pretty much gone. Throughout the day it was gone until that same night when it came back, but not as bad as the first time. Since then it comes and goes. I find it's usually worse when my bladder is full or empty, but not inbetween. And it hurts to urinate. Not burning or stinging like infection, but the muscles or something that help you "push". Not sure what it is, but it seems to be going away more each day. Any ladies have had similar problems? I tried a google search, but the symptoms are just too varied to inpoint what is causing the pain.