For the Reproductively Challenged xxxxx

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well I had my appointment with the doc - basically just keep trying she said. :hissy:
I mean, really what uis the point if I'm not ovulating, it's not like there's even a teeny weeny chance of pregnancy with no egg!
I've got to try again for the day 21 progesterone, which is a guessing game really because I don't know how long my cycle will be.
I said I was worried about PCOS and she said it didn't look like I had it, I don't have any of the other symptoms and my testeosterone is normal so that was reassuring.
Her thoughts were that this could still all be pill related - damn things, they really should warn you when you go onto the pill that it can take a year to get out of your system!! or maybe they do and I wasn't bothered back then.
Anyway, we carry on with this cycle and see where it takes us. I am praying so hard for ovulation, please please please please please!
Thanks Peekaboo!! Although I am not sure if I really qualify as a graduate from this group! ;)

Kelly, they are all lovely here!!!!

(I did say I would continue to lurk, hope u don't mind x)
Mum2bewaiting, did you have any idea you might be pregnant this month? Any symptoms, or do anything differently? Hope you don't mind me asking!

My AF was due yesterday but isn't here yet. Don't feel like I could be pregnant though - don't feel any different to how I usually feel before AF. I haven't tested (don't believe in doing it til I'm properly late!). My cycle always used to be bang on 28 days (to the hour just about) but has been a day longer two or three times in the last few months. I'm pretty sure it will arrive today so not allowing myself to hope (especially as I have nothing to indicate that I could be pregnant).

Will keep you posted anyway. x
Good luck too xx

Of course I don't mind, I just didn't feel quite right, put it down to work, but then after my meetings realised that I still didn't feel normal, I guess the biggest clue was that usually in the week leading up to AF I got really spotty, moody and my (.)(.) hurt like hell, but I didn't get that at all... I still wasn't expecting it though as was only 1 day late when tested...
peekaboo! either you're in line for a :bfp: or we'll be cycle buddies - I'm just waiting for the :witch: to land after playing hide and seek for the past 2 days!

Mrs N - we'll just have to join you in some serious SS for Ov this time round xxxx
Cazd yes I Have been through the preliminary appointments and bloods and HSG. DH and I will have waited for this upcoming apt for 3.5 months and it has been so hard! I am excited because I feel like I will finally have a shot at getting a BFP instead of knowing each month that it is very unlikely that DH and I conceived. I am relieved to know the date of our appointment as it made the witch coming so easy to bear! My cycles are timed perfectly to start IUI right after our apt to! Witch should show either 1 or 2 days before the apt or the day of, just in time to start the clomid. So hopefully we'll be on track for starting the end of sept.
peekaboo - im rooting for your :bfp: girl.. i hope u get it.

Kelly - i m happy things are moving for u and as i said i will be starting IVS around same time... i hope we both get good results..

Cazd- i just wrote in your journal... i hope witch is there full on.. so u can ahem "plan" ur next cycle.

jen - hope u feeling better after ur GP appointment..

:hi: to everyone else..
Kelly - bet you just can't wait for it all to start !!!!
What's the HSG like - is it really painful? I think I've got it in store for me soon!
And what's the procedure for IUI?
they're doing that and clomid - ooh - it must be so exciting to know that you're in with such a good chance !!!!
Hi ladies, thank you so much for the kind words, but unfortunately the damn :witch: got me this morning, almost two days late, so thats me out.

On another note, have been with DH for our FS appointment this morning (its all happening for me today isn't it!). I thought I'd write what happened in the LTTTC section in case any other ladies in there want to know what to expect. Basically got to go for more tests, but I find the whole system very stressful and annoying (more about that in my other post!!).

Will head on over there and write up my report!

Hope you're all doing well today.

Oh and I should mention, I've decided I'm going to take a different plan of action this month. I've been thinking about the fact that my AF has been a couple of days later in the last few months (whereas it ALWAYS used to be bang on every 28 days previously) and I think its because I'm worrying and have TTC on my mind a lot. In the last couple of weeks I've felt really weighed down and just a bit stressed out. So I've decided that this month I'm going to try as hard as possible to forget TTC.

Because I know I have tests scheduled in anyway so am moving forwards, I'm not going to track my cycle days this month, not going to check CM and just going to enjoy time with my DH. We're going away for a couple of weeks too which I hope will give me plenty of time to relax and have fun. I'm not expecting to get a 'surprise' BFP by taking this approach but I just think my body needs a rest from stressing. So after today I might not be on here much as I'm going to be keeping myself occupied in other ways and hopefully getting a nice rest. Hope no one will mind me going missing for a bit but I promise I'll come back!!

Heya - sorry the old hag got you - we're both on CD one then!
Don't worry about taking a break - I'll do enough obsessing for both of us!

going to go find your LTTTC post now!
Hey cazd the HSG for me was the most painful thing I have ever gone through, worse then.... perhaps I won't say what it was worse then, I don't want to scare you. I apparently have an overly sensitive cervix so it was worse for me then others but others still say it's not fun at all.

For IUI you can go naturally or with meds. I am using meds so clomid in the beginning to get me to produce hopefully more eggies then an HCG trigger shot to get me to ov earlier if the eggies are ready since I don't O till cd19 normally then so many hours after trigger shot on the day of insemination DH goes in and produces his sample which is then washed to separate the good spermies from the bad then the good ones are squirted into my uterus as high up as they can get with a long tube like device. Then I lay back with feet up for a bit and off I go about my usual business. I think for our first try we'll do 2 inseminations just to make sure we catch the egg or get the best chances. I am hoping for 3 follicles from the clomid. I think I get an ultrasound to for monitoring purposes.
hiya.. how are we today?

peekaboo- dnt worry about taking a break... i did too couple of months ago but after that obsessing came back with a venegance... lol...

cazd- when i had my HSG done, it was a bit uncomfortable.. but didnt hurt much .. As Kelly said it depends how sensitive your cervix is.... the mistake i did was just after that i went back to work.. i shdnt have because i was uncomfortable.. may be it was dye or anything else i dunno .. other then that it was OK... oh and ya.. forgot to mention.. i had a pain killer half n hour before the prcedure as per my dr's instructions.. hope it helps xxxxxxx
The pain killers totally didn't help me and I took advil and tylenol!
I am good... DH not so good he caught ringworm from somewhere! Now I have to worry if my cat has it... he is indoors all the time.. what a headache!
One busy week at work, and I've missed a lot!

Mum2bewaiting, congratulations! Great that you got your :bfp:. Wishing you a healthy and happy 9 months!

Peekaboo, sorry :witch: got you! Good though that the FS appointment went well. I'd be :grr: about the waiting, too. Hopefully the tests will get you some answers!

Jen, I really hope the CBFM will clear up the question of ovulation. How's it going so far?

Kelly, 3.5 months of waiting for your appointment just stinks! The end is in sight, though. FXed that IUI will be just the thing for you.

:hi: to the rest!

My month is dragging along like usual, but I'm excited because I have my next big FS appointment next Wednesday :happydance:. We're going to discuss what to do next, since I don't think Clomid is doing the trick for me. We'll see what the doctor recommends (and if I want to do that :muaha:).
going well thanks, got my first high yesterday and another today. everything crossed it may reult in an eggy being released this time around!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you Mrs N!

Oh so on a better note pretty sure the doc was wrong and DH doesn't have ringworm I think he has something called pityriasis rosea. Which would explain why I haven't caught it and why the rash didn't glow under a black light. Bad part is there is really no treatment for it, it just goes away by it's self.

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