For those who have had big baby's


Apr 13, 2009
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How was it?

Anyone had a big baby and a small baby ? how do they compare?

Been told shes bigger than average and already being scared of birth im even more apprehensive now..

Anything you would or wouldnt of done had you known baby was gonna be big?

i dont reallly know? Ive just been told shes 'larger than average' .. ?
honestly hunny.. take that with a pinch of salt. i was told the whole way thru Roo was measuring big.. they told me at 2 scans to prepare for a 9.5-10lb baby.. and considering OH was 12lb (yep... 12lb!) i thought it was true.. so when she popped out at 6lb it was a big shock! i have 2 friends told to expect 4lb babies (one of whom was induced 2 weeks early because they were so worried baby was so tiny, and he was 7lb 6, 2 weeks early, and lous baby was the same! my midwife did tell me tho that often big babies are born easier than little ones, as they literally push themselves out too!

also.. really try not to be so afraid of the birth hun.. i was terrified too, and i wish now i could go back and do it without being so afraid, because i loved it!
its going to be THE most amazing, magical special day in your whole life babe... i promise! and the pain.. yeah it hurts like hell, but u know what, the pain is irrelevant really cos when you see that wee princess, it truely doesnt matter anymore! just try to be as relaxed and positive about it as you can, i think that really helps!
:hugs: Try not to worry as said above those scans can be off. I was told Hannah was bigger than average at my 20 week scan, and she was 8 pounds 10 ounces at birth, not huge I don't think but probably a bit above normal (she was also above average length wise). I won't lie giving birth isn't easy but it is so worth it in the end :hugs: Try not to stress to much and rely on your body to do what needs to be done
Thing is i dont understand why/how she can be so big because i was seven and a half pounds and so was the FOB. I was born at 38 weeks by c section because my mums pelvis was measured against my head and they basically told her the bones were too narrow for her to give birth to me... and the FOB's mum was induced because she was overdue.. so he was the same weight as me at like 42 weeks.. and i dont have G.D (got the results today) so how can she be so big??

Also, with me having far too much fluid, does that effect how she engages?? shes been at brim for like 2 weeks.. but not moving, Is that probably because shes unable to move down cos of the fluid?? or could it be my pelivs is the same as mums and just not wide enough for her head.. she was just over seven pounds at 36 weeks...

I just dont see how i can do it.. genetics say i cant.. but then they also say she shouldnt be too big! :wacko:

I'll prob be induced unless my waters break.. but im gonna go straight for the Epidural..
I didn't have a big baby, but was told to be prepared for him to be big by my doctor. He never did a growth scan, he just measured my belly and from about 30 weeks I was measuring 2 weeks ahead. My doctor told me to be prepared for at least a 8-9 lb baby. When he came out weighing 6lbs I was so releaved and was like, "WHAT?". I had a lot of amniotic fluid, which made me measure so big.
Aisling was quite big at 8lb15oz but I'd say I had a pretty easy birth, just had gas and air and didn't have any stitches. Unless baby is really really big, I don't think it makes too much of a difference to be honest. I second what the other girls said, I was terrified of the birth and I'm sorry I was so afraid now, it was absolutely fine :D
I was measuring big from 28 weeks and told she was a giant! She came out at 8lb 14oz but I also had loads of fluid so the giant baby was a bit of a worry over nothing. She never engaged and was back to back with me so I had an epidural so it was lovely after that! I did tear but stiches healed quickly. I was dreading it but once it gets going you are too busy to be freightend!
My midwife always said Earl was 'solid'. He was always going to be larger judging by family birthweights but at scan etc they never mentioned a size. At my last appointment my midwife said that I should expect over 8lb. At his birth the MW brought the scales into the delivery suite and we took bets. She said mid 8's (she's the professional remember!).....She weighed him and all I heard was 'Oh goodness!' from her. He was 9lb 6!

Personally I wouldn't be worried. I had a really healthy, straightforward pregnancy. Earl has always grown well and is continuing to do so. Your little girl is thriving! As fir the birth no-one can predict how it will go. A friend of mine had a 12lb'er on just gas and air, another friend her 6lb'er got stuck and she was in agony! My advice, try to relax and trust your body, your judgement and the experienced professionals around you. Their objective is to get you and your little girl through the experience safely. I was always sure he was going to be big, and I prepared myself for the worst - looking backm yes ~It was bloomin' agony, but Earl is here and I had 3 stitches ang just gas and air and A LOT of clary sage (get some!!! it works!!!).....not bad going for such a 'solid' lump of baby.
My lo was 8lb 5oz when he was born and id been told on all my scans he was going to be big.

I had 4 growth scans and was told he would be a big 9lber if not 10 so they do get it really wrong, his scans were showing he was in the 97th percentile but came out average.

Good luck with the birth x
:wacko: Its so hard to relax about it, I have tooo tryyy!

Im gonna get some clary sage :thumbup:

Thanks ladies! hopefully she wont be massive :shrug: xx
Was told Noah was 6-7lb at my 38 week ap. I measured 38 cm at 40 weeks, he was born 8lb 14oz (big for me as I was a size 8 pre preg and am now a size 6) and birth was awful and there was alot of damage, but that wasn't just because of size, my pelvis was too narrow for him to engage correctly therefore I only dilated to 8cm when they hauled him out due to distress. So most of the time they get it wrong, im sure you'll be fine hun :) xxx
Max was one told me to expect a big baby, my bump kinda did the talking :rofl: My frame is quite small, Im was size 8-10, so I was taken by surprise, I was geared up for a 9lber at most...the 1st thing the midwife shouted when he arrived was 'We have ourselves a Prop Forward' - rugby position apparently, OH had to let me know what she meant, he could see how confused I was :wacko:

The labour was manageable, had a rather bad tear, but all worth it :cloud9: Dont worry hun, it will all be fine, labour is crappy but something you can get through :D

Good luck, :hugs:
i just dunno, How likely is it she will be big considering me and FOB were both seven and a half.. and i was a 10before i got preg, i have a big bump, 3 weeks ahed, but i know i have that poly thing with too much fluid.. i just dont see how genetics can have me have a huge baby.. it isnt making sense
I was told Kyla would be 6lbish. She was 8lb 8oz, and only took about 10 minutes of pushing, no cuts, no tears, no pain relief, i had gas and air in my hand but prefered to scream lmao.

I heard big babies are easier to push out x
yeh if they fit in the pelvis, remember my mum had hers measured and was told it was too small and they wouldnt let me get any heavier than seven and half, was delivered by c section at 38 weeks.

Im just worried because of both put together, if FOB had been big or i had i guess id understand it more. its so confusing!

least i know i wont have to go overdue, thank god!

i hope shes between seven and eight.. hehe x
Tbh, think their estimates are sometime pretty far off. I was told they had to re-scan at first to check he wasn't too small, and they were constantly keeping an eye on it (because i'm pretty small), but he came out at 9lb4oz! Although I sort of knew he'd be big! My birth was awful...but he was lying sideways, some cervix was in the way and his shoulders got badly stuck and he ended up bursting a few blood vessels in my bum *embarrassing* lol (not to scare's really rare)...all i'm trying to say is that everyone's said here they so often get it wrong! And even if you have a big baby it doesn't nescersarily make the birth any worse or easier...don't think it makes much diff in most cases!

Try to relax...because it'll more than likely be completely fine for you :)

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