For those who have had big baby's

Hiya, try not to worry I was the opposite and was told Jacob wasn't growing properly and was sent for several growth scans as they were worried he was too small. I has hardly any bump - was even wearing my regular jeans when I went into labour and Jacob was 7lb 2 and he was 2 weeks early so dear only knows what he'd have been if he'd stayed in there a bit longer. As for the pain yes it is really sore but you do forget about it pretty quickly and to be honest it's getting the head out that's the hard part so even if you do have a big baby they may be long and thin so try not to worry as the weight estimates really are just guess work, they have no real way of telling.
I was to shocked at the size of callie when she came out.. I was 6lbs 14 when I was born and my oh was 7 lbs exactly.. so when they said 9lbs 3 oz I was like Nahhh... she cant be! lol but she was. I had to get internal stitches from her comming out so fast... I dont think it was the size of her.. but like someone else said she literally pushed herself out lol.. it was fairly easy, with no pain medicine.. I wish she wasnt so fast because I feel like I got ripped off of the whole experience so make sure you really enjoy it :)
So do you think genetics dont count for much then? was her dad big?

We were both 7.7 and neither FOB or me are tall, im 5'2 ish and hes about say 5'8ish? short for a guy.

My mums pelvis was measured and too small and i was a c section baby at 38 weeks, so allowing the half a pound a week rule MY guess, would be baby could be up to eight and half born at term... and my chances of section are muich higher because i know i have a small pelvis.

Would that sound about right?? (FOB was born 7.7 at 42 weeks... )
WIth my 2nd baby i was told all the way through oh ur having this huge baby. even had a date to be induced, and she was 7lb 9!!!! 5 ounzes heavier than my 1st. This one im having this time, im already being told its huge! showed this week at 5lb in my growth scan, but when compairing to others on here im not the biggest, so time will tell. Try not to get to worked up over it
Its just cos i KNOW my pelvis is small, i just cant see how its gonna work! : /
I was prepared for a giant baby since I was 8.5lbs and OH was 12 (eek! was worried about that!) - They estimate LO would have been around 9-10lbs if he had been full term, but he was 4 weeks early. You never know though - their estimates can be far off - so try not to worry!! My friend had a 10lb baby and it went really well. The bonus about a larger baby is that they tend to sleep for longer periods!

I don't know how much genetics play a part. But I am 5'-7" and OH is 6'-2" - so again I thought he would be very large!!! He was the same size as other full term babies though at 4 weeks early. Size from the outside doesn't mean much either - I looked really small but LO wasn't - he was just squished. LOL

Plus - I recommend the massage - I had one a week before LO was born and it was heaven!!!
yeah actually i dont mean like size i mean weight, Lol. its the head im worried about!!

I am gonna google massages, dunno if i can afford one, are the expensive?
I kept getting told he was a "nice size" and when i asked if that meant he was gonna be a 10lber or summit they went quiet and tbh my bump wasnt huge either but i was expecting a big baby after all them comments! He was 8lbs 6oz so not huge and i had a ventouse delivery not cause of his size but i'd been induced and only found out that day had no sleep and couldnt push anymore so had it as maternal exhaustion xx
how was the ventouse if you dont mind me asking?? If i dont end up with a section i will most probably have intervention of some sort.. if i dont itll be a miracle!
It was fine i was so high i didnt give a crap anway he just said im gonna do a small cut now and suck the baby out (LOL) usually i would of been horrified but i was in so much pain i screamed at him to "get the baby out NOW" i was numb down there cause of the episiotomy so it was fine. Once he had the ventouse on babys head a few pushes and i twas done!
i dont think it makes a difference to the birth, a girl i know had a 10lb baby, and was fine no cuts or tears, sophia was 6lb 6oz and i had to be cut twice, i just could not get her head out. they were wrong aswell, they induced me at 39 weeks, saying to expect a very small baby cause she had stopped growing, but 6lbs isnt too bad, she was quite short though.
also i was born at 8lbs 4oz, my brother at 8lbz 9oz.
sophias dad was over 7lbs.
my great nan even had twins that both weighed more than sophia. we're a family of big babies, but sophia wasnt. :) will be fine. x
aaannnddd breaatthhee....

lots of good points ladies, i will try and stay calm!
Honestly hun it aint bad. I worried about having to be cut but i seriously did not give a flying you know what. Your either in too much pain to care or high from gas and air or numb from an epi LOL! Once your in labour its so full of adrenaline from fear, excitement for meeting your baby you really dont care!! I promise it is not that bad that last bit was trhe best for me, yes it hurt, but i knew i was soo close to meeting my baby that it was magical to. :)
How was it?

Anyone had a big baby and a small baby ? how do they compare?

Been told shes bigger than average and already being scared of birth im even more apprehensive now..

Anything you would or wouldnt of done had you known baby was gonna be big?


I measured 3 weeks ahead right until the end, and was told Niamh would be around 10lbs. Niamh was 7lbs 11.5oz. She was long, not big. They couldn't tell the difference from the scans.
Hopefully shes just long, but i doubt it cos were both short! They measured her tummy and head and femur? The tummy im not worried about cos she cud of had a full bladder, her head.. was 33cms i think? notes are downstairs. never know maybe he just got a short gene and his uncle or something is tall and shes inherited a bit of tallness... but we are ALL short on my side!

What about inductions? chances are ill be induced so that makes it worse doesnt it?
I was kinda induced...i had a sweep and went into labour on my own but my BP was high so they put me on a drip to speed things up. FWIW, me and my husband are both small (i'm 5'5 - 5'4ish) and his 5'7 and archie was so heavy as he was a long baby. his stil very long now in the 90th percentile for his height but only 50th for his weight xx
I was induced, LO was back to back and I broke my back 5 months before going into labour. I went all naturally, no stitches or any complications and I am crap with pain.

I've said it in another thread, but I really recommend you read Childbirth Without Fear asap, as I think it could help you relax a little bit. :hugs:
My lo was 10lb 8oz and i had him naturally with no pain relief and it wasn't that bad the worst bit was having 10 stitches afterwards as i had a small tear. No one had a clue he was going to be that big as i was measuring bang on for my dates so it was a bit of a shock. My midwife told me that most people who are told they will have a big baby don't and its mostly fluid but if you are measuring big they have to tell you there is a chance the baby will be big, she said its silly because it just worries ladies for no reason.

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