
Hopeful, that's wonderful the scan went so well. I didn't even think about twins! My bday is Oct 12th so I think you have an exceptional due date! ;)

Mirna, I'm so sorry. Perhaps you're just not far enough along for a digital to pick it up. :hugs:
i got a BFN on the digital :(

Stupid digitals. I know so many ppl who have had that happen. I think digitals should only be used a week after expected AF. Get some other pink dye tests. I still think your preggers.
No pics tonight, too sleepy to bother going downstairs and playing on the puter. Sorry, tomorrow I promise I will.
You know Mirna it totally could be that you just don't have enough beta hcg! BC those other three totally yell your preggo! Like those are alllll wayyyyyyyy darker than my questionables... I didn't keep pictures I shoulda! I was like telling at Phil... LOOK AT IT! IT'S THERE! He was like honey... I know u realllly wanna be pregnant but.. There is no line! I didn't get a pure no questions asked BFP until 8 days late with AF! And I had no symptoms! Don't get down just yet! Keep peeing on those sticks! And congrats!

Happy pancake Tuesday!

Blessed I hope all went well today! I was praying for you!
Hopeful I'm so glad everything is going well with ONE baby! Lol
Ergirl... How are you feeling
Sugarlys... Pee away! I can't wait! Did you use the mucinex this month?

AFM, I'm back to the basics... Barfing my hole off more than usual! Yesterday was the worst day of my pregnancy! I drive back from Edmonton and threw up 4 times... In the truck and that's only a 3 hour drive! Dr said I could up my dose of diclectin and I'm going to try taking them before I sleep so I can maybe not throw up in the am... Well see!
I thought 2nd trimester was supposed to pleasant! Lol guess I have true hypermesis! Lovely! This has been so brutal for me I really never want to do this again! I know how bad that sounds but somethin needs to give here!

I love Phil being here! It's great to have someone rub my back! And take care of me when I really can't do much! I keep losing weight but not in my belly... My pant legs are really baggy and my waist is starting to get snug!

Glad none of u are going thru this!
Night ladies!
Hey ladies...going to post quickly...I am exhausted.
Tainted - glad Phil is spoiling you - you deserve it!! Sorry you are feeling rough again!!
Hopeful - glad the US went well! I am sure you are relieved to know all is well!
Mirna - I would keep trying with the non-digital...those pics def looked positive to me!!!
ER - glad the inlaws are getting there...I'm sure by the time the babe gets here they will be obsessed :)
Blessed - hope the appt went well and that you guys are feeling okay!

AFM, no, I prob won't test until AF is due....can't handle the daily disappointment...
I am hoping I am preggo...I don't feel like I am though. This is so hard to go through month by month....I don't know how people do it month after month, year after year.
Hope you all have a great night (or day!! depending on where you are in the world!) Mirna, I still can't believe you live in Lebanon!! The internet sure makes the world a small place!!!
Blessed, that's how I was. Most women can't turn a digi pos until weeeeeks after af was due. Get a frer! As long as af doesn't show!
Hopeful, I'm waiting for us pics!
Tainted, I'm so sorry you keep puking! I hope it slows down soon then stops or else that's going to be a long 7months!
Sugar, Im still sending baby dust your way!
Tainted, I think the night dose of your med is a great idea, FX'd it really helps.

Sugarlys, I'm with you. The first month we TTC I POAS everyday and it was so disappointing each time. I started waiting for AF after that. It is very hard each month but maybe that just makes the joy of succeeding all the sweeter. (I know, I'd go ahead and skip the extra sweet & take a BFP now too!) Babydust you way! :)

The pre-op appt was no big deal today. The doc did an US to get a good idea of how he wanted to proceed and now I just go in next Tuesday. Ladies, have a good night! :hugs:
thank you all for your support! I cried my eyes out this morning dont know why i got so emotional.this whole thing exhausted me.m not even sleeping at night just waiting to POAS.and all day m obsessing and checking the 3 tests i had every 10min to see if the lines r still i decided im not gona obsess.gona leave it to god.i have no other choice than to wait and see.
Till now no signs of AF which is greatttt im still kinda cautiously hopeful.if af didnt show up today or tomorrow ill test back on friday.m not even gona buy any tests anymore. Gona force myself not to obsess.
Mirna - Stay positive, i know its hard but you can make it :) Also, I was crying the day before and the morning of my faint test because I had given up, hmm, pregnancy hormones.

Blessed - So Tuesday is the day. I will be sending you all my positive vibes, and cant wait to hear how it went and that your are all clean in the pipes region and ready for you baby :)

Tainted - Maybe it takes a couple of weeks for the hormones to balance out and taper off after they have peaked. It cant just happen like a light switch at 12 weeks, or i don't think it can at least. I'm hoping this is just a slow process that's only going to improve for you.

Sugarlys - I hated the TWW after the first couple as well. After that it just gets so disappointing and frustrating. I'm all for you waiting as long as you can to test. I could never make it till AF but one or two days before didn't kill me. Good luck :dust:

Ersurgeongirl - Well here it is. The round little yolk sak and the blob of a baby. Its so hard to tell by these early ones, the heartbeat was what really got me smiling :)
awwwwwwwww soooo cuteeeeee i love ittttt!!!omg being pregnant and having life inside of you is suchh a miracle. Hopeful,er you made me soooooooo excited!! No af til now yippppiieeee i hope i survive til the end of day!!
Blessed illll be praying for you tuesday!! It will pass!
Sugarlys honey the tww is the hardest! Just be busy and try to get ur mind of it although i know its hard sending love and lots baby dust your wayyyyy
oh shit i just wiped and got dark yellow to brown cm sorry tmi
i hope its not af!!
Uh oh. I hope it's not Mirna! There is no way you'd get anything other than white on those tests unless they detected something. I'm praying your bean sticks. Luck, luck, luck! XO
Okay everyone let's join in and do an anti :witch: dance :happydance:
haha hopeful :happydance:
ok i give up m so confused lol at this point i would just like an answer so i can move on with my life!
Maybe it's late implantation bleeding! Also remember you can bleed during pregnancy... Remember I did only a week after I found out for about 4 days!! Freaked the crap outta me!
I'm praying for you Mirna!
Blessed... Tuesday you'll be on my mind for the entire day. You will do just fine and before u know it.. You'll be preggo with twins... Haha get it all done in one shot hah.
Hopeful.. How sweet is that picture! I'm going for my next US on Monday! So hopefully we will be able to see more than a blob this time lol! Only 6 more weeks til I can find out the sex! Haha
Sugarlys... Babydusties babydusties !!!!!!
ER when is your next US?

I haven't thrown up today but taking more diclectin at night makes me feel a smig groggy... Yuck I dislike this feeling however will take it over vomit ANYDAY!
I just need a small break!
Ok so I'm on call for our entire agency... This equals like 300 clients and 350 staff members... Yikes I hate doing it. From today until next Wednesday at 8 am! Pooooo!

Pray for me lol!
Hopeful, LOVE the US!

Tainted, I'm really glad you're not throwing up. Groggy is an improvement! You definitely need a break. Can't wait to see the US Monday! I wouldn't mind twins... :haha: I'm sure you can handle all the clients w/ one arm tied behind your back, you're a warrior!!!
thank u ladies! Im hoping and praying that the evil witch stays away.blessed ur smilies crack the hell out of me lol
tainted yaaaaaaayy for not sooo excited to see that u/s!! Ill keep u updated ladies!
:growlmad: af, you better stay far away from mirna!:growlmad:

Awwww such a beautiful ultrasound picture!

My puppydog is napping right now. Took him to the vet for his annual check up and then to the groomers because the dog smell in my tiny car was making me ill. He's a 71 pound black lab/pointer mix. Adorably annoying and super energetic lol. I need a nap too but I need to start getting my homework done. Sooooo far behind!
Definitely hoping your AF stays away Mirna!! The wait is HORRIBLE isn't it?
Blessed - haahaha I laughed so hard at your pictures...yipe!! If anything scares AF away, that'd be it! YES to twins (for you, not me!!!)
Tainted - wow, that is a big responsibility - hope it is a quiet few days!
Hopeful - that was SUCH a beautiful picture :) Definitely a keeper!!
ER - haha I was picturing a small dog until you told she was 71 pounds. Hope all is well with you!!

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