
Mmmm Starbucks ice cream was on clearance for $1.80 a carton... So I got their vanilla and coffee ice cream... Yum. Too bad I'm so full :( I ate half of my chickpea curry and rice and I'm struggling to eat my ice cream but it's soooooooo good!

I'm watching "I didn't know I was pregnant".... Must be nice to not put on weight or puke or worry about the baby until it's time to pop him or her out!
I'm watching "I didn't know I was pregnant".... Must be nice to not put on weight or puke or worry about the baby until it's time to pop him or her out!

:rofl: Don't let Tainted know there are women out there that don't know they're pregnant, she might strangle them! (I know I would!!!)
Omg this woman didn't know she was pregnant because she had PCOS and they gave up birth control. No weight gain, no puking... Just had the ability to smell everything. She thought she had a cyst on her ovary that was about to burst and bam! Hours later she popped her kid out on the bathroom floor. Omg, I'm distraught with worry... Hoping baby makes it into the 2nd tri and hoping my next ultrasound on Wednesday goes well... I wish I didn't know lololololol
I honest to god have NO IDEA how a woman wouldnt know! Especially how I'm feeling! From throwing up to heart burn to firetits... To no period to uterine stretching.... Oh and didn't I mention throwin up!! LOLLL!
Who said this was a joyous experience... I'd love to meet them! Phil and I have talked extensively and we have (more me than him) decided that we are done after this baby. Even if somethin happens (God forbid) to this pregnancy! I just don't know how I'm going to get thru the next six moths let alone another 9 months of hell after this! BC that's what this has been for me... Hell! A miracle none the less however my body isn't cut out for pregnancy! Anyhow... Lol enough of that! I have come to terms with that and I'm 100% cool with this decision! Phil is gonna get a vasectomy!

Anyways... Mirna.. I hope it turns out for the best for you... I don't know how you would see even a uterine pregnancy this early thru ultrasound! I'm gonna pray for ya!

Blessed... You're right those women make me angry!
Hopeful.. I really hope you don't turn out like me. I starte on day and haven't looked back since lol!
Ergirl... Lol I'm totally the same way! I go spend 100$ an get home and realize i bought nothing! Lol ps old wives tale time... Craving spicy or protein and cheese.., it's a boy!
Ok gotta sleep early work day tomorrow... Yay heart burn!
I think those women are in denial on those shows. They all seem to realize something is off, but dismiss it like it's nothing. And really not being responsible enough to make sure? I have a very hard time believing 99% of those 'I didn't know I was pregnant stories'. There is the extreme small chance of someone gaining only minimal and having a period through. It is fun to watch though. Stupidity makes good tv :)
Hope everyone is well. Mirna? What's going on with you? Keep your chin up :)
I'm okay, just making sure my tummy I'd good and ready before I venture onto breakfast. Maybe a grapefruit and yogurt would be good. Slept great last night and am ready for a fun filled day talking to lawyers....oxymoron? Lol
Ersurgeongirl - I wish ice cream sat well with me, I go with frozen yogurt as it doesn't upset my tummy (slight lactose issues, even before pregnancy). Enjoy!
Thinking of you mirna :)
Tainted, I agree with you. I know I only want one child, going through this with diabetes isn't as bad as hyper emesis but it's still stressful
Hopeful, I hope the puking leaves you alone too.

I talked to my sister, the one who has my itty bitty super tall nephew, and she said she didn't puke until new years eve and she was about 8 weeks, then it lasted for 3 weeks. But my aunt never puked at all during her two pregnancies. My mom only got nausea with me and puke with my sisters (twins). So it looks like I can either puke next week or the week after or be one of the lucky ones and never get it. Not puking and very little nausea is making me nervous that theres something wrong :(
Morning all!

Tainted, ER, if we do get pg this will be our only pregnancy too. I can completely understand why you wouldn't want to go through this again!!! (For us it's b/c we're old! :haha:)

Hopeful, good luck w/ the lawyers. You have done such a good job of documenting everything, I have every faith that you will be victorious!

Mirna, how are you doing today?

Sugarlys, I hope work/life is great & keeping you busy.

It's snowing here today...perfect excuse to stare out the window... I mean study!!!
It snowed a little here too!

Uh, I feel queasy. Maybe I spoke too soon?
I'm procrastinating!!! Just getting up! Lol do being on call makes me not sleep... Which sucks! I keep thinking I'm going to miss the phone ring or something even though the ring is stupid loud and annoying! So I slept on the sofa.... My sex drive is back and in full force mode! Lol it's weird the stages I'm going thru BC for the last 2 ish months if you looked at me with love in your eyes I would have poked them out!!!! Lol
It snowed and is still snowing! Hiss! I'm done with winter! I want to wear summery dresses again nice flowy ones I love them! I need to move to the tropics!
I'm actually quite hungry this morning not a stitch of nausea, I actually didn't even think about it.... Maybe I'm turning a corner here... Almost 13 weeks... Crazy time flies!

Mirna ... AF?
Hopeful good luck with the lawyers'
ER... I so hope you don't get too sick.. There is no way you could survive this with diabetes.. I'm praying hard for you!
Sugarlys.... Where the heck are ya!
Blessed... Your not old!

And as for me I'm at the sports complex all day teaching swimming lessions to my clients with brain injuries!

Mariah out!
Tainted - LOL well aren't you just full of shits and giggles today! Love it!
I think your right, I think the sickness is finally starting to subside.

Ersurgeongirl - oh no, your getting the queasiness too? Hope it stays mild for ya :)

Mirna - you've disappeared on us. I'm hoping your okay and just needed some time to absorb things. :hugs: we'll be here waiting for you :)

Everyone saying you'll only have one. It's funny how pregnancy/delivery experiences can make you think that way. But once it fades from memory and you see that wonderful little being you've created everything changes. You start to consider different options. It's like you see the world as just about them, and sometimes realize you want to give them a brother or sister....just saying is all...just look at the number of people out there who have more than one :)
Here I am!! Ah, what a day. We got over a foot of snow here...and a teachers worst nightmare of the buses was in an accident on the WAY TO the school...whch means a bunch of kids had to stay an EXTRA HOUR AND A HALF waiting for a ride....haha I didn't get out until 5:30...took my 2 hrs to get home after that. It looks beautiful that I am home safe!

Lots of chats happened on here since I was on last.....I don't know about the whole "number of babies" thing....I always thought I'd want at least 2....but I haven't had the experience you guys have with a horrible pregnancy. Tainted, does the thing you have (forget the name) happen if you have it once during pregnancy, do you have it again? If so, I can def understand!!

Well, I am exhausted...I'll write more tomorrow!! :)
Oh, so your the one who got all that snow. We had virtually none here in London. It was just wet out today. They warned us we'd get 5-10cm, where it is who knows. Only a weather person can get their job wrong half the time and still keep it :) must be nice!
Hey ladies I was teasing earlier. If one baby is all you want then so be it. I just know tons who have changed their minds is all. Sorry this is so difficult for you Tainted, :hugs: you must be carrying one special baby!
Hello Ladies,
missed ya! sorry been having such a rough time and i wanted some time way from this whole issue but now i feel a bit better. ive been beating myself up about this whole thing. i got AF and today is CD2.the blood test obviously turned out to be negative.the doctor didnt suggest IUI or IVF which is great he told me to stay on clomid and metformin and progesterone until m pregnant he checked for cysts there are none. i love my doctor. whenever i go to see him i feel so much better. Bonus: he's so good looking LOL.
yesterday i was watching grey's anatomy and it was the episode when Kelly gets pregnant and they see the heart beat and the echoes. I BURSED into tears :( why is the world against me???
im convinced i WAS pregnant the lines were SO CLEAR and i had ALL the symptoms. i just dont know!! it must've been an early misscarriage even my hubby says so.
im just glad we're in a new cycle already. i wanna start taking care of my eating and concentrating on losing some weight this cycle!
:( I am so sorry Mirna!! I am a believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason, even if we don't always know what the reason may be, but that definitely does not help you feel any better. I am glad you are looking ahead to next month! If you have done it once, you can do it again!!
Don't worry mirna. I had strong beliefs that it was your month too. You may be right, it might have been a chemical... It's still heartbreaking. But maybe the timing wasn't right? Hopefully within the next two cycles you'll get a bfp and have a Christmas/New Year baby!
Mirna - :hugs: sorry you had to go through that. It's terrible to get a positive test then get AF a couple days late. I would assume you and your DH's assumptions were correct. Sorry for the loss. Natures way doesn't always match up with what we want but it's going to happen soon! Glad to hear you have a wonderful positive (& handsome ) doc :) keep at it for a few months (if that's even necessary) and before you know it, it'll be clear as day!
Hope you are staying safe over there. Sending you love and positive thoughts!

Sugarlys - sounds like your day was crazy!
It always baffles me how people seem to forget safety precautions and how to drive once snow actually hits the ground. That's really unfortunate the bus of kids was in an accident, it can be so traumatic for them.
I remember my grade eight grad, my mom drove me in to the school first to get pictures before our ceremony, we were stopped waiting to turn left, and some guy not paying attention smacked clear into the back of our station wagon! He was driving like 80kms and we were stopped, the impact was insane, it bucked the whole car frame. Since I was turned sideways talking to my mom I avoided whiplash but she didn't. I had to go in and get my photo done practically in shock. Once my sister arrived with my dad after and ran in to find me stark white, sitting there with a couple little bits of glass in my hair. I laugh about it now, but it really was a terrible experience. The funny thing is my mom told the ambulance to leave and she refused to go with them cause 'I'm not missing my daughter graduate damn it'! Lol, that's my mom :) ah the memories we have...

Hope the rest of you are well. Our meeting with the paralegal went well, have a strong case. Just want to meet a couple more to make sure we choose the right 'shark' so to speak.
I'm good, nausea but no puking since those two times. Sleeping much better, things are looking up!
Hi all! I've had such a lovely Saturday. Brunch and then we got a tiny Ipod shuffle that's perfect for when I run & a new printer. Mine was too old and kept messing up & soooo slow. So I just got a bunch of new toys today. K's now at the grocery store and we're going to grill out. :)

Hi Sugarlys! Hope you're able to stick around home and enjoy the snow. Did you guys go cross-country skiing?

Mirna, :hugs: I'm really sorry you went through such an emotional roller coaster to end up disappointed. One of my favorite sayings is "Man plans and God laughs". Nothing ever turns out like we'd planned does it? Never in a million years would I have thought that I'd be in med school, getting married and going through IVF all at once at 38. NEVER!!! But I've never been happier so maybe nothing turns out like we planned b/c we can't imagine just how wonderful it will actually be. Don't lose hope, you are going to be a mother. I hope you're spending the weekend w/ DH and doing things you really enjoy. I'm happy you have such a good support system including your doc. It can make such a difference during all this.

Hopeful, glad you liked the paralegal. It's always good to get a couple of opinions so I think you're smart to meet several before choosing. I was in a car accident when I was 15, my mom & I were rear-ended. I thought I was fine until a few weeks later, I had the hiccups & my dad jumped out at me to try and scare them away. I immediately burst into tears...he felt so bad!!!

Hi Tainted & ER, hope you're doing awesome!

Ladies, have a lovely weekend! :flower:

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