
Hey ladies :)

Sugarlys- any word on the thirst thing?

ER- how's baby? How r u with minimal sleep?

Tainted- pics of Jett? Hope you are doing well and mom had given u space or gone.

Blessed- I know you won't see this but on the off chance you pop in, I miss you. Hope you are well.

Mirna-??? Are you still around?

AFM- OB checkup- no real progress (1cm at most) posterier cervix, baby still head down and in pelvis, if I was 2cm or more I could have had a sweep :( so now I wait another week, I'll just sit here and use my evening primrose, drink red raspberry leaf tea, and possibly get busy with hubby if I'm not too sore and grumpy.
If I go over they let me go 10 days max, then induction through breaking my water, meds are a last resort. Common baby, we do not want to get to that point!
Hey! Wow, hard to believe you are that close, Hopeful! Very exciting. I hope that things progress on their own and you won't need to much intervention!

As for the thirst thing - I was fine last night...didn't wake up thirsty once (woke up lots to pee..hah) but wasn't thirsty. Maybe I hadn't been drinking enough those other days or had eaten salty foods? I will still mention it on Monday!

I finally found crib bedding that I is so hard to find gender neutral stuff. So I found this:
We are very 'outdoorsy' ppl so this should fit nicely!
Aw, that's cute. Very Bambi but not so girly.
My sons room was that shade of green.
This time I was given a free bedding set from kev's cousin.
It's cute and girly and will work just fine.
Still need the furniture though. I need a dresser to store her stuff, and somewhere to change her for when Xavier is sleeping his room is off limits.
Baby Leo and I are home from the hospital. I've got a bad case of baby blues... Everything is so overwhelming and I've been crying over the dumbest things and just being so overwhelmed. First my dad was cussing up a storm telling me to return the carseat because instead of bringing it up to the hospital room to adjust it to baby he waits until we are in the car to adjust it... With limited space to figure things out. Then he kept looking at all the shops on the way home, so it was very stop,go,stop,go driving... Leaving me in a panic and with a sore incision area. We get home and my sis and nephew are here... And he hasn't had a nap and keeps screaming, which overwhelms me and made me cry. Then I realized that since baby lost a lot of weight, he slipped out of his baby bracelets... I call the hospital but they already cleaned the room. Luckily my awesome nurse is going to recreate the bracelets for me with the extra hospital stickers from my file and mail them to me. Ugh, I never had any emotional freak outs during pregnancy, but now it's coming all at once.

Baby lost weight... He's now 6pounds 12 ounces. He's slightly jaundiced. He's also possibly tongue tied, which is why he's having a hard time latching. Pediatrician appt tomorrow morning to monitor his weight and jaundice and tongue thing. Right now I'm just pumping and feeding via bottle and supplementing with formula as needed.

Didn't expect the boobs to be hard as rocks... Owwwwwww
Baby blues is pretty normal, but if it doesn't clear in a couple weeks it could be worse. It is pretty overwhelming dealing with so many changes all at once, especially without a second parent there at all times. Get help with the breastfeeding. My son was tongue tied too and it was frustrating at times getting him to latch especially when your boob is rock solid. Try expressing a bit first then getting baby to latch once it's a bit more pluable. It worked for me. Also make sure when he opens wide you jam as much boob as you can in there, seems weird but works wonders. Don't let others get to you Hun, it's so normal to be bothered by the slightest things, your sleep deprived and functioning on sheer instinct. Just shut your self in a room if need be and sleep with you and baby. I spent quite a few days mainly in bed besides food and bathroom trips.
Good luck. Seek out help if you need it. No ones just knows what they were doing when they became a mom, no matter what they tell you. They all like to pretend to be experts after the fact instead of being supportive.
You got it lady. I've been there. I also had days where I'd cry just cause he was crying. Motherhood is not perfect...but you learn as you go.
I posted a couple times but my phone actually isn't posting them... Well see if this one goes thru! I'm not avoiding just got annoyed with technology
Glad to read everyone is doing well!
Thanks for the help! Baby is breastfeeding amazingly well now... Basically I pump for a few minutes to ease the "hard as rocks" feeling and then he feeds... Shoving more into his mouth seems to help the latch :)

Today is my 27th birthday and he is the best birthday present ever lol

Is it normal to be kinda anxious over the fear of SIDS? Its not keeping me up all night quite yet, but I'm pretty worrisome over it.

In other news, baby daddy is being baby daddy. He texted me yesterday asking if he could come over and see the baby. I said sure, what time so I could make sure he's fed before then. He then texted me back saying either today (yesterday) or tomorrow. Okay whatever, just let me know.... I told him I was giving him his bath tonight (yesterday) and he said he doesn't want to miss it. 630pm rolls around and I ask him if he is still coming over for bath time. He said no because he was still working on the condo as it passed inspections and he needs to move all his stuff and his gf stuff in this weekend (he has until October 7th off....) but he asked if he could come over tomorrow evening (today). Fine, sure, whatever. Part of me thinks that it's bullshit that he thinks our schedule is going to work around his schedule and that we will be available when he wants to see us and another part of me is thinking but at least he appears to want to be part of his life so I should be as accommodating as possible.


In other news, I leaked through my bra, breast pad, breast shell (nipple issue... Now semi resolved), and tank top yesterday. Good thing I wore a sweater over the tank top. For some reason my right boob produces a million times more milk than the left side and it just constantly leaks at an alarming rate. I've been sticking towels in my bras and tank tops, the overflow is insane.
That's the worst when you type a huge lying post and it gets lost. I started highlighting and copying it before I hit send so not to lose it.
Well it must be the weekend cause Kev is grumpy again. I'm so over this. I'm not talking to him unless necessary and if he cops an attitude with me. He really needs to stop or this is not going to be a very nice time for him. I'm sick of having to make excuses for him, 'oh he's just stressed about the move, the baby' whatever, there is no excuse for being a moody jerk all the time.
I've got a huge list of things we need to get done today and he's already dilly dallying and trying to clean a light fixture and landing that we don't have proper equipment for, instead of showering and getting ready to go get stuff done.
ER - glad the breastfeeding is going better. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Good luck with baby daddy - sounds like he doesn't understand that babies work on a schedule!

Hopeful - I'm sorry things aren't going well. You are right, there can't be that many excuses for someone. You are carrying a child and aren't that grumpy. I hope that you guys can get things worked out because you have an exciting day coming up soon! How are you feeling??

AFM, I'm 35 weeks today...crazy! It is still so surreal that within a month or so I will have a baby. Hubby is painting our nursery on Monday so that will get things moving. Then we need to buy a carseat and a mattress and then we are pretty much ready (except for the hospital bag). I go for my Dr appt on Monday and will find out the results of my ultrasound. Oh, the thirst thing is pretty much gone...haven't been thirsty at night for 3 nights...I must have had something salty that day!

Today hubby is working so I am making pickles, freezing tomatoes for sauce and making pumpkin soup. Trying to use all the stuff out of our garden! Have a good day all!
Okay so this site or my Internet is messed up. I tried to edit my comment like five times with no luck. I meant 'long' not 'lying' stupid autocorrect.
So I talked to Kev, well tried to while he argued. But I think I got my point across to him. He's still touchy but seems like he realizes my feelings more now. I think he is stressed about new house and how the earning/paying falls on him right now. I believe he really feels like I have all this time on my hands while at home, while he works his butt off. Why do men assume parenting is easy? Especially when they come home and lose it when the kid is cranky for two minutes? Any time I've ever left him with the kid he's had to send messages asking for help, or needs to harrassment me asking 'when are you coming home'? He should know its tough and draining. Whatever, he's a goof!
Anyways, after the last of my spotting from being checked ended this morning, I got more tonight when I peed. Still looks like old blood so I'm not thinking much of it. Got some weird pains today and Braxton hicks. Not trying to read into this stuff but really want to be hopeful.
Had my dr appt today. He was happy with my health etc but after my ultrasound the placenta is still low so I need one more ultrasound to decide for sure whether or not I will need a c-section. :( Obviously it is not my first choice of delivery options, but I won't have a choice if it doesn't move up.

Other than that, everything went well!! Hope you are all doing good today! :)
Sugarlys- glad baby is fine. Sorry about the placenta :( how low is low? Usually they give a measurement. C sec is not a first choice for a lot of us, but in some cases necessary.
As much as a csection isn't our first choice, it's not horrible. I'm finding recovery to be pretty easy... Well except for yesterday when I got my staples out. They removednthem yesterday due to my diabetes (they usually take them out before you leave the hospital) and the incision looks great but the healing is slow due to the diabetes.

Which ever way gets baby out safely! Plus no hemroids from pushing! Lol
True! I guess it is better to know you are having one in advance than have to go through 30 hours of labour only to find out you need one (like our poor friend Tainted!)
I will know more after my next ultrasound!

ER - how is the baby??? Is the breastfeeding still going okay?
Hopeful - how are you feeling? No, he didn't give me a measurement...I will ask for one at my next appt! Thanks! :)
True! I guess it is better to know you are having one in advance than have to go through 30 hours of labour only to find out you need one (like our poor friend Tainted!)
I will know more after my next ultrasound!

ER - how is the baby??? Is the breastfeeding still going okay?
Hopeful - how are you feeling? No, he didn't give me a measurement...I will ask for one at my next appt! Thanks! :)

I agree with you perhaps having one planned is better than expecting a natural birth only to have to have one. Poor tainted, and I so know how that was for me 23 hours of labor to have an emergency one not expected. It's heartbreaking though you are glad baby arrived safely.

I am feeling good,just feeling need to be proactive in getting things happening. Dtd last night and man was that awkward. I'll spare you details but belly really gets in the way, lol, takes a bit of the heat from the moment away if you know what I mean.

Tainted & ER - hope mothering is going well for you :) pics!!!!
Pics will be up soon! Promise!

Leo is the best thing that ever happened to me :)

Somehow I've already lost 18-20 pounds of the 40 I've gained
Wow... I'm glad you are healing well ER! I'm just starting to feel better but I blew an inner stitch when I sneezed and I got an infection from it and its taking forever for my body to heal from that! :)!!!
I hope that they either decide to give u a c section sugarlys or you just go naturally... And not do like a hundred years of labor then them say OHHHH time for a section like me! Cuz that sucks! I'm super happy that everything is healthy.

Sorry I've been vacant... Phil is home and I tend to drift away while he's here so we spend tons of time together!
Things are going really well here! Like I said I'm healing well finally! ER girl I had my staples taken out after the hospital too.. But I liked it when they took them out bc my incision was healing and itchy so it weirdly felt good! Lol
Jett is growing like a weed and believe it or not... He will be a month old in 2 days! Crazyyyyy!
He gets weighed and measured again next week.

Oh ladies... It's snowing! Lol wtf! Grossss! So Jett and I are having a pj and movie day!
He's getting better at sleeping! He does however have trouble passing gas and pooping first thing in the morning but once he gets things rolling... All good! :)!

Ok gotta change señor poopy pants!
Wow, Tainted. A month already?? Time does fly!!! I am glad Phil is home and that you are enjoying some family time - has your Mom gone home?? Snow? That is cruel. I checked our long range forecast today and they are calling for wet snow here on Thanksgiving Monday....yikes!

ER - wow that is a lot of weight gone quickly! Crazy since it takes 9 months to put on! Can't wait to see some pics!

Hopeful - haha, I can't believe you even mustered up the mood to dtd...I can't imagine. It's been like a month for us and it was so awkward and uncomfortable...luckily hubby is amazing and understands. Maybe baby will be a Thanksgiving baby?? Can't wait to hear!

Yes, I would definitely rather know in advance I was having a csection than going through labour to do it...I just don't like the idea of the recovery. What is the scar going to be like? (So vain!!!)
We got our nursery painted yesterday and bought a car seat and a crib mattress. Things are coming together!! If I need a c-section do you think it'll be before my due date?

Anyway ladies, enjoy your afternoon!!

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