From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2013
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Hello All,

I created this thread for those of us who went through multiple injections, blood, sweat, and tears to meet our rainbow babies. Others are of course welcome too :). Let's share our long awaited pregnancies together!

A little about me, I went through IVF w/ ICSI. I was lucky to be successful at the first attempt even though my doctor only gave me 30% of success rate. At early scan (6 weeks 2 days), we saw that only 1 embryo implanted out of 2 and saw a heartbeat. However, baby was measuring a few days smaller. A couple of weeks later, we saw two babies with two heartbeat and they are measuring spot on. So here I am waiting for my identical twins.

Feel free to share a little something about yourself :).

Due Date Tracker (I'll try to update as much as I can):

ILT (me! :D) - for now 10/05/2015 but could be some time late September if the babies decide to come out earlier. :pink: :pink:
Faith77: 10/22/2015 :pink: :pink:
BethK: 10/23/2015.
Kaye: 10/23/2015. :pink:
Star25: 11/03/2015. :pink:
3chords: 11/05/2015. :blue:
Rosina: 11/15/2015.
CMO: 11/20/2015.
First: 11/20/2015. :blue:

Fun websites: choose the "Your Baby's Development". Plug in your due date and you can see the baby moving. Fun to watch :). Plug in your due date then it'll tell you what's going on day by day. I found it very informational and something that I can share with DH so he feels a bit more involve :).
Hey ILT, great idea starting another thread. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by coming over here!

A wee bit about DH had a vasectomy reversal back in 2011 and after 3 years of TTC we accepted Icsi was our only option. We had our 1st round of treatment in jan/ feb and we were absolutely over the moon when we got our precious BFP last Friday. Still very early days and I'm very conscious of saying I'm the 'big P!!' as I so don't want to jinx us but we're both very excited and looking forward to our scan on 3rd April!!

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all xx
Cmo, I keep thinking about that too!! But, I am tired to keep thinking I am going to jinx myself all the time ahhahaha. So I decided to screw jinx and live life free and happy :p. It is what it is! If something happen, then we'll try again :).
Hello ladies :)

As you know ive just got my bfp after over ten yrs ntnp and lttc with a bit of burying my head in tje same in between!
After having ivf with half my eggs fertilised with icsi I have 8 frozen embies as had to freeze all die to ohh, fast forward to Feb where I start my FET and on 7th march got a bfp at home and everyday until otd on 11th march when beta was 87
First scan 31st march when I'll be 7 weeks, completely scared and excited but just want to enjoy it as much as I can!
U know what ILT you're so right! Why am I worrying?? Right now I'm pregnant and I need to believe it and enjoy every second of it. Totally true what you say and I always believe that what's for you won't go by you. I need to relax, chill and if anything does go wrong then we try again!
Thanks for the invite star. Great group ilovetomatoes and hi again 😆

After ttc for 5.5 years, I had to lose 5 stone to get help. We had our first round of icsi which started in January. After retrieving 8 eggs we were so upset to only be left with 1 embryo for a day 2 transfer.
We are still in shock that it worked! We had an early u/s 6wk1day and saw baby sac, yolk fetal pole and the heart was pulsating.
We have paid for a private reassurance scan this Saturday as I can't wait till 12 weeks.

Can't wait to go through this journey with you all xx
Hi Kaye, nice to meet you. Congrats on your pregnancy.

When does it start to sink in and feel real??
Thanks for setting up this thread ILT...

Dh had a vasectomy reversal in 2010 which didn't work due to scarring. We did our 1st ICSI cycle in Jan 2013 which resulted in a chemical pregnancy and no frosties and a 2nd fresh cycle in the June was bfn, again no frosties. Oct 2014 was our 3rd fresh ICSI which became a freeze all with 3 frosties due to OHSS. 1st single frozen transfer this month gave us a surprise bfp with a beta of 342 on 9dp5dt. Scan on 7th April (@ 7 weeks 5 days)

Over the moon, but the worrying hasn't stopped and still expecting this to be taken away from us but trying to stop worrying about what I can't control! Will be lovely to continue to support each other as you ladies have been lifelines through this x
Hi Star :wave:!! So happy to see you hear. I am expecting a few more of us to show up soon!

Cmo, it's hard though but we just need to keep reminding each other to relax.

I've heard women have miscarriages at 20 weeks or more. So, passing the first trimester is not a guarantee. I think I will feel better when I have my babies in my arms.

So, I am not sure if you ladies have discussed genders with your DHs. DH and I talked this past weekend. I, personally, want a little girl but will be happy with boys of course. I have a strong suspicion that I am carrying two boys. So, I talked to my DH that I might want to try again if we are currently having boys. He said...honey, a while back my coworker told me this. Having a boy means that you only have to worry about 1 penis. Having a girl means to have to worry about all of the penises out there! LOL!! I still want a little girl though :p. We'll see. We might end up with 2 girls!!
Looks like everyone was posting at the same time :D.

Kaye!! I was just about to go to your thread and send you the link :D. Good to see you here and can't wait to see your U/S!

Cmo, I think once you keep talking about pregnancy and buying little items, then it starts to sink in a bit. It didn't even sink in for me after we saw the heartbeats. Maybe when I start waddling!! ahahhaha.

Bump!! Hi :wave:
Kaye, I understand your thoughts around booking a private scan.

I've been thinking about hpt testing at 5, 6 and 7 weeks just to give reassurance but I'm not sure whether it will help or make it worse, and whether to use FRER or a digital.
ILT, I love your DH's theory about boys and girls lol!!!

I'd love a girl as loads of boys in both families, but either will be my special little munchkin.

It's a shame that identicals can't be 1 of each lol!
Bumpsparkle - I did another 2 IC this weekend. Just to make sure I'm still pregnant.
We got the scan for £40 and it's at a medical centre so they said they will try a normal u/s but if needs be will switch to internal.
I'm here! This was a great idea ILT!

As for anyone who doesn't know, got my first beta today at 126! I am pregnant and I am so so so excited!!!!!

Are we all having November babies?
Congrats beneatmywing!!!

My due date is 25th October. What date is everyone else?
Yep BMW, nov for me! 20th I think. Gonna be a great Xmas this year!

DH is convinced it's a boy (his mum is a little psychic and she says it's a boy). On my side of the family I have a nephew so a girl would be nice but I honestly don't care either way. Will any of you find out the sex?

I've embraced my fear.....updated my status and added not one but two tickers. Go meeeee!!
Yep BMW, nov for me! 20th I think. Gonna be a great Xmas this year!

DH is convinced it's a boy (his mum is a little psychic and she says it's a boy). On my side of the family I have a nephew so a girl would be nice but I honestly don't care either way. Will any of you find out the sex?

I've embraced my fear.....updated my status and added not one but two tickers. Go meeeee!!


I will definitely be finding out the sex of the baby. I have girl nieces as well, so it would be cute to have a girl so she has someone to play with, but either or, as long as he/she is healthy and happy!

Love the tickers!
Bump, the digi only shows 3 plus after a while. So I think IC or FRER is better if you just need assurance. They are cheaper :D. And yes, it's a shame that identicals can't be one of each. Oh well. I am lucky enough to get pregnant...let alone pregnant with twins. BTW, I can't wait to see your U/S!!

Cmo!!! Love the tickers! We'd definitely find out the sex. It drives me nuts that I can't buy any clothing items or any decorations since I don't know the sex of the babies yet.

Ladies, I added Due date on the front page. I'll try to update it as often as I can :D.
I can't decide if I want to find out or not. I don't think I'll be able to resist when it comes to my scan.

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