From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Hello all, how is everyone?
It's been quiet in her lately :)

We've progressed since last post and Madeleine is in her own room, she still wakes 1-2 times a night and has 2-3oz of milk each time but it's not too bad
She normally wakes 5-6am which is sometimes a struggle when been up in the night if it's 5!

Were planning a christening soon if we can get a date that's works, proving rather difficult!

She's crawling everywhere and pulling herself up, sometimes she will pull herself up then let go looking pleased with herself while I crap myself lol
Don't know where my tiny baby is gone, she's been replaced by a very wriggly, hyperactive fidget bum!

She's not that interested in food, we have ready break or weetbix with fruit for breakfast, lunch is finger foods and dinner is pureed with lumps
She's still sick quite a bit sometimes though and Dr said milk is still more important at the moment, i thought ahe would like food more but she really isn't bothered about it that much!

Hope you're all well xx
Hi star glad you're well.

We were just saying that I've no idea where our little baby has went! She's constant now! Not quite crawling yet but it's amazing how quick she shuffles about on her bum! Sleeping wise we're doing ok, she's in her own room and has taken to it well. Can be a little monkey to settle but once she's asleep that's her til 8-8.30. Think she's teething again so a bit unsettled just now.

Food wise, we're fine at breakfast and has a weetabix or porridge but not overly fussy at lunch or dinner. Finger foods end up on the floor or I need to cut them up and feed them off a spoon. Quite happy to hold a bit fruit or a crisp and eat them but not to keen on the proper food! I'm trying to get her more in the swing of finger foods before we go on holiday so we've got more options at meal times.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Hi ladies,

Our little boy arrived at 35 weeks 2 weeks ago now! We spent 11 days in hospital while he was in nicu but we are home now and he's doing really well! He was 5lb 2oz! <3
Ahh well done Mrs w! Happy happy news, glad you are both OK, have you chosen a name yet?
Congratulations xxx
Hi all how is everyone?

Mrs w how are you and bubba?

We're OK here, getting ready to start the next fet
On my next cycle

How are all our babies?

Madeleine is growing so fast like they all are I expect!
Seems like every week is something new, she can stand without holding on and says mama, dada, buba and waves and says bah for bye lol

She's copies everything others do like shhing, kissing and blowing raspberries

She's still not great at night awake around twice a night and sometimes takes half an hour or bit longer to settle back in cot, she's asleep immediately but it's when I put her down she wakes back up and cries straight away, little monkey

Makes me nervous about trying again but she is expanding his taxi business and taking on more drivers so will be around more to help
Currently we have long days on out own or other family members

I'm going bk to work 2 mornings week and 2 of my sisters are babysitting a morning each

Hope you're all well xx
Lovely to hear from you, can't believe you are about to do a fet!! So exciting and time went so fast. Do keep us posted on the cycle, will have fingers crossed for you.

We are great, little man is doing so well, 7 weeks old now (2 weeks corrected) and we are settling into life as a four finally. He's slowly having more awake time and starting to focus and look at us. He's absolutely gorgeous!
AH I bet he's totally handsome :)
What is his name?

I know it seems so quick for the fet all of a sudden but because of timings etc I probably won't be able to try again until Jan if it doesn't work, keep everything crossed for me!
Hi all, how are you all and babies?

I can't believe how quickly time has gone and in 6 weeks time or so madeleine will be 1!
She's such an energetic baby, doesn't stop, started walking at 9 months and tries to climb on everything in sight, managing to climb on my nest of tables and stand on it not holding on, I swear I'm going to have a heart attack watching her sometimes! I think she gets it from DH haha
I work one day a week sisters babysit half a day each and do other bits of work from home the rest of the time
We go to playgroup one day a week and nursery for 3 hours in another day, this is just for her own good to socialise and get used to it but she seems to love it if killed me leaving her the first time but I know she is fine. Another 2 days a week she spends the day with her cousin who is just a year older when I go to work and when I babysit her one day a week for my sister to work so every day is pretty busy, I think actually she gets her climbing and non stop energy from her cousin, she sleeps for 30-60 mins a day in the mornings and that's it til bed time which can be 6:30-7 she still wakes once in the night but is a bog improvement on what it was a few weeks ago!

I have had my transfer for fet and got a extremely faint positive yesterday, have yet to test this morning as DH worked late so still in bed so will see what happens today and let you know

Hope you are all well xx
Congrats Mrs W!

Babes is in daycare. She finally wants to walk, but she's not quite there yet. I'm sure it wont be long now. I've been back to work since the end of September.

How's it going Star? I'm hoping to jump back in next year. Unfortunately I didn't get any frosties, so I have to start all over again.

Hope all is well!
Hi rosina, glad you are well, my bfp did get darker and comfirm with blood test so 5w4d today x
Star congratulations, what wonderful news!! How are you feeling so far?

All going well here. My biggest monkey is at school now so spending time getting to know my littliest monkey! 16 weeks old now (11 weeks corrected) and a fairly happy little chappy.
Thank you Mrs w, I'm feeling OK so far, just tired as anything when it gets to the afternoons
Glad your little boy is doing well!
Congrats Mrs W, you must be loving every moment.

Star, I'm so sorry about your loss, I really didn't see that one coming. Thinking of you. :(

We've also been trying for #2, not particularly successfully thus far. I had a FET in October that resulted in a chemical pregnancy and now preparing for the next FET in a week and a half. Getting so tired of this game. On a positive note Henry is just amazing. He has turned into a beautiful little boy, very loving and happy. Started walking just before his first birthday and hasn't looked back.
Hi ladies, not been on for a while and just catching up.

Star I'm so sorry for your loss and 3chords for your chemical. It's so unfair having to go through this to get our babies that will be loved so much.

We haven't really thought about FET yet, think we're going to get next year out the way and get some things done in the house and our savings boosted again and try early 2018. We only have one little Frostie so not overly hopeful that we'll be so lucky again first time but we'll give it a bash. I always said I'd never do another full cycle so I've kind of made my peace with only having one baby and if a miracle happens again then brilliant!

On another note, I can't believe my baby is one on Friday! Where has the year gone? It's been so amazing watching her grow and she's become a feisty little girl who makes us so happy. Just getting the final things ready for her wee party at the weekend, think I'm going to be an emotional mess! And I'm into my last 3 weeks before going back to work! This whole year has went way too fast!

Hope all the babies are well! Take care xx
3c even though I know it can happen it was still such a shock at the scan, didn't even cry til last then had a meltdown so feel better now
I think I am just starting to bleed so at least that's something if I am going to miscarry naturally, hopefully at the next scan 10-14 days it will all be over and I can look into trying again next year

Cmo, I am glad to hear you are doing well, it's unbelievable year has already gone by! Our babies are getting so big and clever! Every stage is still excited though!
Oh star I am so sorry to hear that you have had a loss :hugs: I remember my mmc being such a big shock as well. Look after yourself lovely. I know you wanted a small gap but your little girl is still so young, you've plenty of time. xx

3chords I am sorry to hear that you had a chemical too, this journey is so tough and unfair. Good luck for your next fet.

CMO - enjoy the party!
Thank you Mrs w
It's definitely all over now so glad it happened quickly and naturally, will just have a scan to confirm things and hopefully try again in the new year
Hi all just checking in to see how everyone is?

Madeleine and I are both well, had another fet this month which was a bfn so trying again in a few months

We keep ourselves busy with groups and days out, I've just cut out going to work now so will do bits of paperwork at home if needed but that's it, some weeks might not need to do anything but I just want to spend my time with madeleine and not always have work on my mind like it was all the time!

I hope you and all your babies are well, o can't believe she is 16 months!
Hi Star it's good to hear from you! This group has been very quiet lately! Sorry to hear about your BFN, that sucks! How many Frosties do you have?

We're doing good. I'm working part time just now and a lot of nights which is better as I don't feel like I'm away much at all. Filling our days with lots of baby groups aswell. Orla is a right little character now that her personality is really shining through, she's just so funny! We only have one frostie but I think we're definitely going to use it probably this time next year if it doesn't work I always said I'd never do another full cycle but we'll see what happens.....

Hope everyone else is well!
Hi cmo! Good to hear from you too, we've got 5 frosties so hopefully one will work soon, don't know how many more times I can cope with doing it otherwise!
I love this age, they're just so funny and coming out with new things all time
That's good about your work, Im a worrier and was always thinking about work and what I should be doing and I just had to stop!
Glad you are well xx

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