From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

MrsW that's really scary, but I'm glad the baby has decided to stay inside for a while longer. Every day at this stage means so much. Fingers crossed you are far, far away from your delivery date still!

I had a friend with placenta previa, she was in hospital so many times as they thought she'd give birth and in the end she made it to just over 38 weeks.
Just seen the success rates at complete fertility
Fets were 59% and fresh cycles 48% so looks like they are right in what they say in frozen being better though could also just be fluke!
Mrs W that sounds so scary! Glad you're both ok!

Star that's interesting stats. Wonder if it's because all frozen are day 5 embryos so they know they have a good chance and their fresh cycle might be a mixture of day 2, 3 and 5? Sounds more promising for my one little frostie left!
Thanks ladies!

Cmo that's what I was going to say about the results too, only the best quality embryos make it to freeze so they should have a better chance of implanting. X
Ooh didn't think of that being the reason, you're probably both right then x
Hope you are well today Mrs w and getting lost of rest where possible xx
Thanks lovely, off on holiday today to centre parcs so lots of relaxing! X
In Hi how is everyone?

Mrs w how was centre parcs? How's bubba?

Ash how are you?
star - I'm doing good. Just trying to wait patiently to meet these little babies. They have names now, Oliver Allen and Lucy Johanna. I've started setting up their rooms and I've finally (just last week) started feeling them move. I mostly feel them when I'm laying down in bed but their kicks are getting really strong sometimes so I'm thinking I will feel them more often soon. DH really wants to feel them but can't yet :(

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Ash isn't feeling movement just the best! I love it. I guess you'll get more and more as the twins get bigger with 2 sets of feet, knees and hands to poke and kick you!!

Thanks for asking star! Our holiday was nice thank you, really relaxing although I did bleed again on the holiday and spent 24 hours in the local hospital which was a real shame. I've since been diagnosed with vasa previa which is where babies blood vessels are unprotected and covering the cervix. It's very dangerous for baby and as long as I don't bleed again, my section is booked for 35 weeks! Not long to go st all and I don't feel prepared!!

How's everyone else, how are you star? When are you going to do your fet?
Mrsw- it really is the best feeling! DH got the feel Oliver from the outside last night. It was really sweet! :D I will start feeling them more but my doctor said at some point (sooner than with singletons) I will stop feeling them as much because they run out of room much faster. :(

Oh gosh I'm so sorry to hear about your vasa previa. :( Good news is they seem to know how to manage and deal with it and you'll be meeting your little one in 5 weeks! That is going to be here before you know it.
Lovely names ash, the movement is so exciting, I'll never forget the first single kick I felt from madeleine in the middle of the night when I was laying there awake (as usual) it was the best 1 single kick letting me know she was there and OK xx

Mrs w, sorry to hear that Mrs w, you really haven't got long to go now, you must be so excited /nervous?
I'm thinking Sept for the fet, I've managed to lose all the paperwork from when I last went to the clinic though so need to contact them for what meds I'm meant to be getting and the number too order them, don't know how I managed that! Xx

Ladies I need some weaning ideas
So far we have mainly been doing purees, zone finger foods but I do get scared of choking
We have tried

- Baby porridge, weetabix and ready brek
- Pureed carrots, swede, sweet potato
- Pureed pears and strawberries
-Mashed banana nd avocado, not keen on avocado
- Pancakes, the ones you buy and put bit of butter on
-Rice Cakes with houmous or peanut butter
- Toast and cheese cubes
- Broccoli not pureed

Any other ideas of safe finger foods or purred ideas for lunch that isn't just fruit or veg?
Hi ladies

Hope everyone is well. We've had such a busy weekend, it was orla's christening yesterday, she looked such a little princess. I'll try upload a picture. Can't believe she's almost 7 months!!

Star - weaning wise we're trying pretty much anything and a lot more textured stuff now.

She has porridge and a little fruit fro breakfast, lunch and dinner she has something savoury then a pudding. She loves her food! I got the Ella's kitchen book so batch made a lot of meals from it but also have some pouches in the house for when we're out and about. Gave her some toast lately and she loves that! She's cut out a bottle she'd have mid afternoon so I give her a snack if she's looking for something, normally a biscotti biscuit or some Ella's puffs but can't wait til I can give her a bit fruit instead like mango fingers or something. I also just got some of the Ella's yogurts and hipp fruit pots which she likes but they're quite big so it lasts 2 meals.

Pretty much just trying anything. We had homemade chicken lasagne the other night so I puréed it into a thin texture and she took that no problem. I'm finding it hard to find plenty variation though and think of new ideas.
Here's my little princess at her blessing yesterday


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Ahh orla is beautiful! Hope you had a happy day which I'm sure you did

We tried a Mashed boiled egg today but she wasn't keen, she loves fruit pots so I use them when we're out and about, I think I will get some pouches or jars as she does seem to enjoy them a lot more than what I make myself so might try different ones for now until I'm a bit braver with the finger foods
Broccoli she loves as a finger food

Also do your babies sleep on their backs still? Madeleine went through a phase of rolling to her front then luckily went to her back again but last few nights has been rolling again and it scares me, at the moment she's on her side which I can cope with but worry about her sleeping on her front as last night the alarm on the sensor pad went off and she was on her front but think she had just moved off the mat as was higher up the cot
Her sleeping still isn't great at night, last night she was awake at 11 for 15 mins then awake from 1 til 3:15 just wouldn't settle then up again at 5:30 for 15 mins then up at 6:15!
Wish me luck for tonight!
Once they can roll from back to front on their own, it's safe for them to sleep on their tummies or sides. But still no blankets, pillows, toys, etc in the crib/cot.

I'm feeding my 7 month old little chunks of meat and fish, along with puréed veggies and beans. Also, plain yogurt and infant oatmeal. I haven't introduced much fruit yet because I want him to like non-sweet foods first.

It worked with my older son, who likes a bite of cake, but prefers healthier foods. But each kid is different, and you only have so much influence on their preferences.
I tried some scrambled egg the other day and didn't get a great response with it lol!

Orla is all over the place in her cot. She must move constantly, I normally find her upside down in the morning. She rolls constantly aswell and will sleep on her front. I was the same as you and would panic, she does roll right over back to her back but she can only master rolling to the left so I was worried she'd get jammed and have nowhere else to go but she seems to navigate the cot quite well lol

Sleeping wise, she sleeps all night but often lets out a cry. Her eyes are still shut so it rarely wakes her but she can be really unsettled. Normally we get about 10 hours sleep from her at night so really can't complain.
Quick question, are your babies in their own rooms?
Madeleines still with me, not quite ready to move her yet, just wondering where your babies slept x
Orla is still in with us too! I can't face moving her into a room by herself!! DH is on holiday next week so I'm determined to move her cot through while he's off. She sleeps a good 11 hours overnight but you here her making noise when we move or when dh gets up for work so I think she really needs her own room now to get some peace. I remember when she was first born and in her Moses basket thinking it would be ages before we had to move her, can't believe the time is here to do it already!
Glad I'm not the only one, madeleines sleep is unpredictable still so I can't face moving her yet or I'll be forever in and out and it's bad enough sometimes with her next to my bed! Last night she slept through but I'm not going to be fooled again that this is it!
Last night she only woke up once for half an hr
She keeps rolling on to her front that wakes her up then she cried as she doesn't want to be on her front and doesnt think to roll herself back
She does it automatically though but hopefully it will pass
How is everyone?

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