Hi Ladies,
Can't believe it's been a month since I last visited! Time flies!
MrsW, take care my friend. Low lying placenta sucks! I had that and went to ER multiple times. At one point, my bleeding was so bad, we thought we lost the babies. But our babies (all of ours!) are little fighters
Star, I am starting to wean the girls slowly from their milk intake. So far, they have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I do make most of our food except their lunches, which we added a couple of weeks ago. It's easier to pack the store bought baby food than anything else. I started with pureed food and just steamed everything and used my food processor to puree it. Then every month, I tried a bit coarser blend. At 7 months, I added protein into their diet by boiling chicken wings (softer meat than thighs) then pureed it. I added the protein into their veggie puree and cooked the veggies with the leftover broth. But most of the time, I steamed the veggies. Squash is favorite. You'd think they'd like potatoes...but no..they don't like it as much. Never use food processor for potatoes. It comes out like glue lol. At 7 and 1/2 months, I started feeding them our food when we go out. Salmon is great! Meat is soft and they can easily gum it. If it's something that's a bit hard, I'd food process it with the best food processor in the world...my mouth and teeth! I know it sounds gross but it works. I am like a mama bird with 2 little birdies to feed ahahahha. Now at 9 months old, the girls can eat soft rice, scrambled eggs, salmon, and snacks without being pureed. I start slow
. I tried baby led weaning and it wasn't for me. It was hard to watch them choking. So I tried my own way of weaning
. You'll figure out what's best for you and Madeline.
3chords, Henry is super super cute!!! Red hair and striking super blue eyes! oh my. He's going to be a heart breaker in the future
Ash, I see you are living in the Bay area. Me too!! Let me know if you have any questions
. I think since you are having fraternal twins, the risk of early birth is lower. But still eat a lot! They'll take everything you have
. 38 weeks is considered full term. Plus, even if they are born 36 weeks, but if they are mature enough and over 5lbs each, they could go home with you
. I had Kaiser and got the best care from them. Not sure who you have but I am sure they'll provide you with the best care. My perinatalogist recommended extra iron intake since there were two of them. Not sure if yours recommend it too.
For the ladies who are starting solid soon, Mumi & Bubi is a good product. I love it. I have NUK to freeze my baby food, but man oh man. Taking them out was a struggle. Mumi & Bubi definitely much better.
When the babies were in the NICU, I told my husband that I wanted another one because I wanted to experience "normal" pregnancy. One that doesn't required multiple ER trips, living in the hospital (although I do like hospital food. Go figure!), and a full term baby. We found out recently that my husband's grandmother (his dad's mom) was an identical twin also. My grandfather was an identical twin too. Now that we have an identical twin, the chance of having another one will be pretty high. I am not sure if I can handle another set of twins. Granted that everything is much easier now than 6 months ago. The girls are babbling like crazy, screaming together in stereo, playing with each other, grabbing each other's toys, but yet loving each other. It's great to see. I am still not sure if I am ready for another 4 hour feeding. The girls are sleeping through the night now and sleep in during the weekend, which are AWESOME! But for whatever reason, my body is still on the 4 hour schedule
. Grrrrrr...
Now, what to do with the rest of my 4 frosties
. If it's according to what I want, I'd transfer them all. But, man, daycare is super expensive. It's like a mortgage payment. Can't afford another two at the same time. Anyone has leftover frosties and not planning for another baby?