from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Hi Ladies

Well, sunny again today (not quite so warm but we can't have everything I s'pose) and more importantly my DH has fixed his car; and I got mine back today yay!!!!

So have taken Ben to the park - it nearly killed me -took us about 50 mins to do a 15 minute walk with me on my crutches lol, hands are blistered, pelvis is sore, hips are aching and my abdo muscles are in spasm lol -BUT it was worth it -just to get out the house for a few hours ,see his little face all happy ,we bought hotdogs and icecream cones (with flakes in yum), he played in the kids play area; on the climbing frame, and with the sand diggers and the poochy got to swim in the Loch before we headed back to the car.
Can't see me doing it every day lol but definately worth it for today. And it will probably rain tomorrow anyway haha. Dog happy ,number 2 son happy so that suits lol.

nb - I haven't had any painful BH this time so far, but remember after DTD in the last month or so of my last pregnancy I would have really sore BH -was convinced each time that I was going into labour, oh really sore. Brave of you to go cycling tho' -even without my sore pelvis I couldn't cycle just now lol , I think I'd just topple over if I tried haha.

MM -will go onto FB and add you soon

Justmarried -oh your shopping trip sounds very exciting, I am desperate to go and buy something new now; or maybe just pull all the stuff out of my cupboard and look at it again. I did pick up a few more babygrows today lol - need to watch when Ben is about he was a bit ''you buying more clothes for the baby?? tut'' [seemed apeased after realising that babies can't eat hotdogs or icecream lol] My crib, cot, moses basket, pram, car seat, and swing are all up the loft out of the way just now -cannot wait to have my nursery completed and to get all the stuff put together in there.

Well, I am off to chillax on the sofa for half an hour before I start on dinner, My sun lounger jsut coapsed under me and OW!!! on top of all my other aches too -a sore coxxycc. DH is stil on a shift I hate (11am - 7pm) so cant even wait for hime to come home and make dinner. Roll on next week when he'll be home at a more reasonable hour lol (hopefully !)

Lotta love mums n bumps - hope everyone is well xxx
Hey girls.
The weather is lovely here this evening....much nicer than yday! We have someone here helping hubby to do worktops for kitchen, so I am enjoying sitting in the garden!
Another successful shopping trip today, although ended up buying a lot more maternity clothes for me than things for baby! H&M have huge sale at the Newcastle store so got loads of summer bargains! Very happy....and my mam treat me to a beautiful dress and some lovely linen trousers! So I will be nice and cool as the weather heats up - but hopefully look stylish too! Hehe!!
I hope all of you girlies are well, sorry it's just a quick hello, but I'm about to eat a yummy MacD's that hubby has brought me in for tea while he's in kitchen. I will catch up with you all properly later.
Lots of love

Wanna - sorry to hear your struggling so much with the pain, wish somebody could go sort you out with some treatment and make you feel better!
nb- hope your finance chat goes well and you can get the house you want
justmarried - i'm well jealous, I want to go shopping 2 days in a row too!

had first nct class last night, nothing really that I hadn't read already was talked about but did meet 4 other couples in the area due around the same time. However, 2 of them know the sex of baby and are keeping it a secret... which I dont understand.... but I guess a lot of people are doing it now. but it was nice as we might share costs on private pregnancy yoga classes as none in our area. 1 week down, 5 more to go! plus I booked in for hospital run active birth class and hydrotherapy/aromotherapy class! but have to wait until June for those!

I dont know about you guys but I'm soo looking forward to maternity leave, my last day is 18th June and I can't wait. Time has been flying by!

well must go to sleep now! I'm knackered! and i'm constantly getting kicked from inside by my little alien!

sweet dreams all!
Hi Ladies -cannot believe the sun is still shining lol :happydance::happydance:- notice the forecast is for more snow just a wee bit higher upland than us over the weekend tho'; so thinking it must be gonna get cold again soon.

Weighed myself yesterday and I am now 11stone 10lbs haha :blush: -OMG started off at 9stone 4lb -how much weight has everyone lese put on??? I know its baby number 4 and I am a bit less mobile now than I have ever been but still -Are we not meant to put most weight on from now on in???:shrug: I am gonna be enormous lol -am hoping its not a 10lb baby I am growing -dont fancy pushing that out haha.:haha:

I am going for my glucose tolerance test next Wed (due to having PCOS) and am going to ask the mw's about having a home birth. It has taken me a while to get DH on board, he's still a bit nervous about it tbh, but I dont want to travel to the main hospital (30 mins away) and have the risk that they send DH home after the birth. With my last son, even though I requested a maximum 6 hour stay post birth, there was still a period of time that DH was sent home (because I was sent to a ward and it wasn't visiting hours!!!). It wasn't too bad because Ben was born at 08:06 and we were sent up to the ward at about 11am and was still home by 2pm, so the elder kids and my sis got to visit whilst still in the labour ward BUT after that, I was told to wait til the paediatrician had seen the baby, wait for the physio to come round, wait on the breast feeding advisor to come etc etc ,and I know these ppl are worth their weight in gold when needed but I didn't need them and DH and older kids were sent home to wait in limbo until I had 'permission' to leave lol. What if he was born in the evening? ,DH would be sent home and I would more likely have to stay all night, and then wait until all the doctors done their rounds etc the next morning .I know how long these things can take lol!! My last labour was real quick too, and I am more worried about delivering on the motorway roadside, then they'd keep me in for infection risk observation aarrghhh!! No thanks just want to have my baby and be at home. Or if they let me deliver at the CMU -no visitor restrictions,no medics to fight with, just midwifes and then straight home lol.
Not sure if my mw's will be happy though, so wish me luck. :thumbup:
Any thoughts on your birth plans yet ladies??

Anyways - so glad it's Friday -another week by, I love it when the weekend comes around and I can get to spend some time with DH - and also that he can do the driving and we can get out more lol :haha:

Have a great weekend ladies, hope the sun is shining for you all.
MM added you on FB -enjoy your 4d scan and add pics so I can see and be jealous lol :winkwink:
nb -hope you get some positve word back about your house :thumbup:
justmarried -yay for more shopping lol - I think I have more clothes maternity wise than I wore pre pregnancy haha -not that all of them still fit me now.:happydance:
Mrsbeanbump -Aren't the kicks just fab?, I can lie and just watch my belly move and see little apendages starting to poke through for ages, never seems to stop amazing me that we have a little baby in there haha :haha: (even fourth time around lol:haha:)

Lotta love ladies xxx:hugs: xxx
Wow what a weekend! I have a very well travelled baby, s/he has now been to Mexico and France!

My Dad had flown to Geneva on business on Thursday at 6am on probably one of the last flights that day and then was stuck! So I managed to get him on a train to Paris and finally found a hotel after calling around various places for over an hour!

I then booked myself a crossing on the Euro Tunnel for 5.20am which meant leaving my house at 3.45am! I talked Mum into coming with me, and we got to Calais for 8am. Dad text to say he was on a train to Lille (the only one he could get) so thankfully my TomTom had French maps on it and guided us on the 2 hour drive to Lille, it was actually really straightforward!

We got to Lille, Dad jumped in at the train station and we zipped back to Calais, got on the Euro Tunnel at 2pm and back to the UK for 3. I had to drop Dad at Gatwick and then managed to get home for 4pm, my god was I tired!

I had a nap, some dinner about 8pm and then slept!

The new car came on Thursday so it was really lovely driving all that way in my swanky new X3, I LOVE it!

Everyone has been commenting to me this weekend that my bump is looking bigger, but I am starting to feel quite down too when I am wearing summer clothes as my arms have gotten so big. Wana - I am the same my weight in January was 76kg and at my midwife last week it was 86kg :( she actually said she would be happy for me to weigh less when I see her a week on Thursday. My arms have always been my weak point and I did lots of press ups and little arm weights before our wedding last year so I need to have a google and see if I can still do it now.

I met up with all the Vegas brides I got to know over the last 2 years of wedding planning on Saturday night which was really good fun! Had such a good time in Covent garden and it was a gorgeous day for it. I am sure there will be lots of pics on facebook.

Gossipgirly - Cannot believe you are 10 weeks already! Have you kept it a secret or do lots of people know already?

Hubby's brother was due over from Dublin on Saturday which obviously he couldnt but he has just text him now to say he has booked on a coach over and the boat and will be here at 11am tomorrow so he is really pleased. His Mum is stuck in Spain though with her sister!

Well I think that is all of us now officially in the 3rd trimester, how quickly has that happened?! I dont really have any thoughts on a birth plan, other than I think I really want to avoid pethadin, sorry if I spelt that wrong, I am guessing my midwife and I will discuss it a lot over the next few weeks. Wana I can totally understand why you want a home birth and not to have to stay in, I think I would be the same in your position.

My plan at the moment is to try and stay at home for as long as is possible!! xxx
Hey ladies!
Wow NB what a weekend!!! Busy busy least you got to drive your lovely new car! Hehe! And your baby is deffo well travelled! Hehe!
So far I have put on about 1 stone 6lbs....was 1 stone 8lbs last week, but I have somehow lost 2lbs in a week....not sure how though! Think its about 9kgs (ish). Im at midwife on Thurs for 28 week bloods so I will have to check then, and see if Im within the ok range.
My bump is def getting bigger too! And after 2 weeks off work, people were saying I looked huge today...they also said I am blooming tho, so I was pleased with that! NB I got some lovely maternity tops/dresses in H&M last week and they have floaty type sleeves (if that makes sense), so they are still cool enough for summer, but cover your shoulders and the tops of arms....they are really feminine too.
Wanna - I hope your mw is happy for home birth to be arranged.....wish I was brave enough to request one.....maybe for 2nd or 3rd I might be brave enough! Hehe!
Well ladies, after a mega busy day at work I am shattered! Loved being back though....totally love my job and I know Im going to miss the kids so much when Im off! They are all so excited about me being pregnant! Bless them!
And most of them are amazing and have done some fab project work over the hols so I now have a lovely pile of marking to complete! Woohoo! So I best get started! (May need a nap first tho!)
WOW gossipgirly! How exciting! When is your 12 week scan hun?!? Woohoo!
Love and hugs
Hi Ladies :flower:

Wow does sound like a busy w/end nb -glad you got your dad back safely though, and like justmarried said -great opportunity to test drive the new car!!! :happydance:

Re: the weight gain thing lol -I really love my bump; but fat knees, fat shoulders, fat elbows -didn't even know you could get fat elbows lol why????:shrug: One good thing here ladies, I cant remember how much weight exactly I gained last pregnancy, but was HUGE then too and had lost all the excess weight and more within 3 months of his birth with breastfeeding (and even much sooner with the previous pregnancies; however dont remember being quite so large with those two -I suspect the spd hasn't been helping and I luckily didn't have it with the first two babies at all so was much more agile and able to keep fitter). There's a girl in my DD's year at school who is expecting, just a few weeks after me (sad I know ,only just turned 16) and my lovely DD and her friends keep commenting on how tiny she is, ''I mean she's got a bump but hasn't put weight on anywhere else'', and then ''why are you so huge???'' lol -NICE!!! Also they've mentioned that I 'd better join a gym after baby arrives and ''OMG, are you still going to be fat after the baby gets here??'' What a horrid teenage daughter I have sometimes lol.:haha::haha:

justmarried -I'd never have considered a home birth for number one (or two for that matter either lol) but felt that with number three it was totally pointles going into hopsital as I laboured in the house until I was ready to push(less than 2 hours) and got to the hospital just as he crowned lol (and that hospital was only 5 mins drive away lol) but still have to broach the subject with the mw's on Wednesday. I know they can't really refuse etc, but I hate confrontational situations and if they really put up a fight I'll probably just say okay lol.:nope:

MM -saw your scan pics on FB -lovely, must have been so exciting to see on screen.:happydance:

Glad everyone seeme to be doing well, it's nice to hear some good news, take care ladies xxx:hugs:
Morning ladies!

WE GOT AN OFFER ON OUR HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:

It was a silly offer, at £45,000 less than what it is on for! But they made lots of positive comments and seemed really keen, we asked our agent to tell them that while we are happy to review offers they need to be a little higher and he told them he would definitely be coming back with an increased amount so we are keeping everything we have crossed that we will get a more reasonable offer today! We need him to raise it by about £25k more than he has at the moment, and then we can make a reasonable offer on the house we like, woop woop! We are both very excited but trying not to be too!

So please keep everything crossed, I know thats a bit tricky for you Wana! That we get good news today, god that would just make my year! Obviously in addition to the whole having a baby thing hahahaha! :thumbup:

Justmarried - I am going to weigh myself at my Mums this weekend, we dont have any scales which is probably a good thing or I would be obsessing! I have cut out all crap and just been snacking on fruit at work, I need to do my exercise DVD tonight which I fully intend too and then hopefully I will be the same as when I saw my midwife last week as my bump is most def larger this week.

Thank you for the heads up on H&M, I have a few tops from there which are lovely, I might head into Kingston this weekend. My Mum and I are doing a car boot sale on Sunday so fingers crossed for a good profit for that so I can buy some more baby bits! I am watching about 25 Humphrey's Corner items on ebay at the moment!

I am very jealous of your job, when I left college I wasn't sure what I wanted to do and I really regret not doing a teaching degree, but I only got 2 D's at GCSE Science so I would have had to re-take the exams and I couldn't face it! Two of my friends are teachers though and another is training now and they absolutely love it! While my job is interesting it's a very male orientated industry and can be quite repititve and boring at times.

Wana - Oh you poor thing being compared to a 16 year old!! But brilliant how quickly you took all the weight off last time, I am very fortunate that from our current house or the new one (eek!) I am walking distance to our village shops, and with dog walking and my friend being across the village I plan to walk everywhere this summer and shift those pounds! I did it for my wedding last year so I can do it again!! I really want to breastfeed but I hear such mixed reports on whether it does help with the weight loss, I intend to do it anyway so will just see it as a bonus if it does help I guess!

Does anyone know how long you have to wait to join weight watchers after giving birth?

Hubby's brother has managed to get himself over from Dublin, he was due on Saturday but should get in via ferry and coach around 11am today, his Mum is still stuck in Spain though so she will be disappointed she might not get to see him. Luckily she is staying with her sister so she doesnt have to worry about accomodation etc, just getting home!

The ASDA Baby and Toddler event starts today until the 8th May, going to go and do a little browsing!

Hi Ladies

Just been to the ASDA baby event - bought a baby walker lol -I know it's a bit premature but thinking that by the time I want one, I'll defiantely not find one for £25 and also will be on maternity leave and reduced wages by then so thought what the hell!! Also bought an activity mat, more baby wipes (12 packs for £9, I mean that's brill -when my youngest son was a baby I remember paying £2.99 a packet or 2 for £5 if I was lucky lol). There were a few other bits n pieces that I thought I'd quite like but not really need (iykwim lol?) so I'll keep an eye out for them at the end of the event when stuff is reduced to half price lol. I had my sister with me and we loaded up one trolley to overflowing (she was buying too lol) , then had to get assistance from a member of staff to push another trolley around for us haha.

My sis gave me 4 huge boxes of baby clothes today too, so I am off to look through them and start getting things washed and freshened up - I just love looking at tiny baby things yay!!! Lots of Aiden's stuff will be too small but she has given me the up to 7 1/2 lb stuff and a few smaller items(just in case) cos Aiden was so premature (3lb 11oz at birth and 5lb 12 when he was discharged home) but also the newborn and 0-3 month stuff too, so lots to go through.

nb -everything crossed for you on the house front, really hope you can get a good price on your current house and be able to put an offer in on your dream home too.
We have a dog too ,and I plan on lots of combined dog and baby walking to help shift the extra pounds too (as soon as my pelvis is strong enough of course).

I dreamt last night that LO was a girl haha -I delivered the baby in the house, in a birthing pool and looked down and lo and behold no dangly bits. Said to DH 'well we defiantely can't call him Ethan now'' lol Been thinking all day now, how clear was the gender scan?, could we have been mistaken?? lol I have bought all blue stuff lol
I am quite sure that the sonographer defiantely pointed out penis and scrotum so really not any chance of them being wrong but still lol - it got me a bit worried lol.

Anyway - ttfn ladies I am away to look at tiny baby clothes xx
Have a good day everyone xx

Wana - Sounds like you got lots at the Asda baby event! I ordered 2 boxes of nappies, newborn and then the next size as well, which I think was 10lb to 14 or something?? My sisters babies were both 10 pounds and Jody wasnt all that small I was about 8 so I am thinking based on that I better be prepared, who knows!

I also got the Tomme Tippee baby kit with thermometor and nail clippers etc for £10 as that seemed a good deal. I have still been going a bit ebay crazy recently on Humphreys Corner things so I didn't need any clothes!

I have bought a HC pyjama case, which is really just a cute stuffed toy! A frame which takes 3 photos, laundry bag, 8x unisex baby vests, a snuggle blanket, 2x sleepsuits and some bookends, and I am still bidding on a lamp, a set of 3 canvas pictures for the wall and once we have the baby and know its name someone on ebay makes these wooden letters at 20cm each, decorated with HC characters and also a wooden toy box too which can have the baby's name on!

So I have gone a little Humphreys Corner crazy but it is just too cute! In Mothercare they dont seem to sell any unisex clothing so I have been pleased to find these bits on ebay!

In other news on the house front, the people slightly increased their offer yesterday, so we made an offer on the house we like, our buyer is ready to exchange in 5 weeks so the people we would like to buy from have said if we offer them £20,000 more!! Then they would accomodate the chain and move into rented accomodation, so we are now waiting on my estate agent to speak to our buyer and ask them for their highest and final offer to see what we can do.

I had that conversation with my estate agent last night though, and I called her at 10am today as the suspense was killing me and she said she hasnt called him yet!! I am quite miffed by that as I dont understand why it wasnt done at either 5.30ish yesterday or this morning?! I will wait for her to tell me what he says and we get this chain underway before I start stressing over little things like that.

Oh man I hope this works!!

Well my little one seems to be having night time disco's in my tummy, last night was hilarious, it was making me giggle how much s/he was dancing around in there, and also definitely a fan of satsumas! I ate two yesterday and got big kicks of approval!

Other than that I haven't got much to report on the baby front apart from loving my ever increasing bump! xxx
Wow nb -sounds so promising -fx'd for you -hope they put you out of your misery soon and let you know what's happening.
Wow 5 weeks is perfect too, give you another 7 weeks (or so) to put your stamp on it and make it homely for baby and get your nursery done lol. So hoping you get it !!!! xxx :hugs:

Lol @ EBay and Humphries corner stuff lol :haha::haha:-I am exactly the same but with my Lollipop Lane nursery stuff haha -have even seen those letters for babies name in Fish n chips design too- If we ever decide on a name then I am getting them too. :shrug:
Maybe should wait until he's born though lol -went to my mw appt/ GTT today and another woman was being tested too -which was great , really made the time pass quicker having someone to talk to -anyway -she has had multiple scans due to placenta praevia and after being told at 20weeks that her lil bump was blue (and picking a name etc) she was then told at 24 weeks that NO defiantely girl lol. She is happy lil one is healthy but after 4 girls and only one son was quite excited about having aother boy. I know this is so rare to get it wrong, but still what if?? Lol - wishing I 'd stayed team yellow now me thinks haha.:haha:

I spoke to mw re:homebirth today and she is getting the community team to contact me in the next few weeks to discuss things further -she can't see it being a problem though as long as all my bloods come back okay (she also mentioned my spd as a possible reason to go to hospital but as I said I was refusing epi or pethidine then she said okay), she did say there is another confinement due the same week so if both babies arrive at the same time then I''ll need to go in but then what are the chances of that? So all good today, all bloods done and BP perfect, babies hb 140 bpm, he is head down and measuring 1 week ahead of dates. And also no mention of going under consultant led care - she was quite happy that I seemed less depressed and that I am coping with the pain only using regular paracetemol now, so even if the home birth doesn't work out, I may still be able to deliver at the CMU YAY!!!

Had some other lovely news today too -got a msg from an old friend on 'friends reunited' saying that she had been off work for 6 months and was returning on Monday after adoption leave. OMG So excited for her :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:-I haven't spoken to her in about a year and didn't know she'd been approved, never mind got her little one. She fell preggers way back in 1994 (same time as my first baby) and the pregnancy was ectopic- she was really lucky to surive; the tube ruptured and she was really ill. Then she had several miscarriages over the next 5/6 years or so and they couldn't pin-point why. They tried IUI, and eventually IVF which both failed and then when she was about to be granted an adopted child, her mother became ill with cancer and the adoption agency said that because she was going through a traumatic time they had refused her application as they didn't think it was fair on the child. It has been so hard for her, and I am so happy for her now -she'll be a great mum too. Oh happy days. I really could cry (happy tears of course lol) for her.

Anyway - that was abit of a ramble wasn't it? lol - been a good day today xx

Hope all you ladies are doing well and bumps growing nice n big n strong - did anyone see in the third tri July baby thread that there has been a July baby born alreaady?? -wee tike was only 25 weeks gestation but so far is doing okay. OMG -She wasn't due until 30th July either -kind of scary!!!

wow wanna, no I didn't see baby born already... makes you wonder if we should be packing our hospital bags!!
nb- hope you hear something on your house today! can't believe the estate agent didn't call as the people putting in the offer probably would have liked to talk about an increase overnight! Too bad you can't fire her! or can you? didn't you say you were in a contract with the agent?

Unlike you lot, I didn't have any luck at the asda baby event, but I didn't go to ASDA living either, just the asda store and it was only one aisle(the normal aisle) with nappies and wipes and no 'stuff'. So I left with nothing! (first time ever I think) But we went to morrissons at the weekend and there was a sale there for nappies at £2 per pack so stocked up on those. I've gone a little nappy crazy as of late, I have loads of size 1's, 2's and 3's! I like to buy them when I can get them under 7p a nappy! and I've got loads of wipes too! I'm getting quite obsessed/pathetic at the whole thing, I got a £2 coupon for pampers at sainsburys yesterday in the post and I'm just so excited about it! I've heard pampers are much better than huggies but I've got loads of both so will soon be my own judge!
Have my anti-d 28 week jab tomorrow... not looking forward to it, had it at the amnio and it hurt, I dislike very much injections! and they're going to take bloods. I've not seen my new midwife since week 23 and now it doesn't seem like she's very keen to come to the house anymore and if I want to see her I have to go register at another surgery temporarily (if the surgery agrees) in order to see her. It was my suggestion though, but I felt she might have forgotten me!
Wanna - i'm starting to contemplate home birth.... I've always favoured the hospital approach but I'm starting to think I'd be a lot more relaxed and cared for at home with 2 midwifes and where hubby wouldn't have to leave. starting to get stressed hubby might have to leave....
well not too much else going on here, weather is beautiful and I've got tomorrow afternoon off work for injections and friday off as a lieu day from some overtime last month! yippee, not sure what I'll do with my free day but I'm deffo looking forward to it!

well talk to you all later!!
Hey ladies!!
Hope you're all good! Oh dear, scary about the lady having her July baby already!! Glad all is ok though! My hospital bag is pretty much packed, hoping I dont need to use it for a while yet tho!!
NB - I have everything crossed for your house!!! Hope you get sorted very soon! Moving in 5 weeks would be fab!!
Wana - I need to get to Asda!! Love getting bargains! So exciting! We have all nursery stuff, so just need essentials and maybe some clothes....we're decorating nursery at the weekend, in prep for furniture arriving on 1st May! I will post piccies when it's done!
Mrsbeanbump - you are brave to consider a home birth - wish I was! Would be amazing to have a baby in my house....such a family thing to do!! But not sure Im quite brave enough!!
Well, I have had a lovely day today.....busy busy busy at work as we have 11 staff off stranded I did a good deed and covered a class during my free period....but then had loads of marking to do so stayed at work til 18.15!!!! So Im pooped now! Hubby had made tea for me coming in so big smiles!!!
Hope ladies and bumps are good!

Well the wait continues on the house, my gent FINALLY called him at 'lumchtime' and then called me back at 3.30pm! Not quite sure what took so long to tell me about their conversation?! She said he was going to speak to his girlfriend and come back to us...very frustrating.

Wana - That is scary about that lady thinking it was a boy and had a girl, but I am kinda jealous we are still on team yellow, although I did watch the last episode of One Born Every Minute last night and it makes me so excited when I see a couple who don't know and how excited they are to find out, I always refer to the baby as he and my sister told me the other day that she thinks I know and that one day I will admit we did all along, I said I promise I dont know!!

MrsBeanBump - We are stuck in a contract with our agent until Wednesday, so just under a week to go with them, but I assume if this negotiation is still on going we cant change agents. I spoke to the agent acting for the house we like yesterday and he was actually telling me what my agent should say to our buyer and I was telling her, doesnt exactly fill me with confidence!!!

I really wish he was negotiating this on our behalf, I am not sure she is experienced enough but kinda stuck now!

I have read that pampers nappies are better too so thats what I have been buying, I dont want to have too many to move though, just incase we do, so I think I will have to hold off buying anymore for a few weeks!

Both Jody and I have the day off tomorrow too, I am doing a car boot with my Mum on Sunday so going to empty our loft of crap! Have a good day off, its meant to be lovely and sunny!

Justmarried24 - Well done you on doing your hospital bag already! Can I ask what you have put in it? I feel totally stumped on where to start!

Well ladies, I am off to attempt to bury myself in work and not think about when the estate agent will call, which isn't going to happen but its nice to think I can take my mind off it! xx
Hi Ladies

nb- how frustrating -these ppl just don't realise that this is a HUGE deal to you and you want to know NOW!!!! So hoping for good news today. :thumbup::thumbup:

As for not knowing baby's sex -it IS very exciting, I never found out with any of my previous pregnancies and it is so wonderful on the day finding out. :happydance::happydance:I really don't know with baby 1 and 3 whether I would have found out if I 'd been given the opportunity though -I only had early scans with them; but with baby 2 I had amnio and could have found out but decided not to -it was so hard finding out the baby was high risk for Down's and going through with the amnio that after we found out baby was okay it didn't matter to us at all -boy or girl. This time, I had a slight preference (:blush:feel terrible saying this now:blush:) for having another daughter and thought that if we knew then it would give me a chance to really get used to it; didn't want to go through the whole pregnancy thinking 'could be a pink one this time' and be, well a tad disappointed on the day:blush::blush:. I am 99% sure that would never have happened but I was afraid it might. I have to add now, I am totally delighted we are having another boy:cloud9::cloud9:, and love him to bits already but just 'needed' to know back then lol. And also, I needed to prepare other ppl too, some ppl are really horrid when they hear you are on boy number three '' oh what ashame!!!, was sure you'd get another girl this time'' etc I have heard and it really pisses me off -NO it's not a shame, I love my boys and will love this one just as much.
Rant over lol!!:haha::haha:

oh justmarried -well done on packing your bag, I will need to start thinking about this I s'pose - even though I am planning a home birth it's better to be prepared. My sister had not bought anything for her impending baby until she was 30w +5 d -she had a family holiday before hand and had always said once the holiday was out the way she'd start buying then. At 30w +5d she ordered her pram and at 30w+6d she went shopping for her hospital stuff. Whilst shopping (luckily had gotten practically everything by then) she started to bleed heavily:nope:, phoned an ambulance and was taken to hospital, where they had to give her a c-sect the following day due to placental abruption. She had all her bags of shopping with her lol -her hospital nighties ,maternity pads, tolietrties, slippers etc lol. I hope this doesn't happen to anyone here but I s'pose pays to be organised -espec since after the birth, she spent every day with lil Aiden in NICU /SCBU so really didn't want to have to be trailing around shops etc.

Mrsbeanbump - hope your mw appt goes okay and that your inj isn't too bad. I must admit, one of the main reasons I want the home birth is so that my DH isn't sent home lol - but also because my spd may make getting about really difficult after the birth for the first 24 hours and I dont want to have to buzz nurses to help me get my lil guy out of his crib or anything. I'll have 4 ready made servants at home all anxious and willing to make tea, hold the baby, change the baby etc so if the worst hapens and I am bedbound for the first day or so, our lil man will have his big brothers, sister and daddy on hand to care for him.:flower: Plus I must say the thought of having 2 midwifes to myself, (rather than sharing the 2 oncall CMU staff with up to three other ladies) is really appealing too lol.:haha::haha:

Have a good day/ weekend ladies -the sun is attempting to break through the clouds here but still a bit chilly brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and after my excursion out yesterday I'll probably be having a home chillaxing day today anyway. Take care everyone ,love to mums n bumps:hugs:xx:hugs:
Hey girls!
Happy Friday!!! I am so pleased it is Friday! I am shattered today! Woke up thinking it was Sat today, so I was upset to find I had to go to work!! I have a lot of year 8's (12/13 yr olds) on a Friday so it's always tiring as I feel like a childrens entertainer at times!! Hehe! They are fab tho, and they did some AMAZING presentations creative....they blew me away! Bless them!
NB - I'll copy the list I used onto here later on chic, its saved on computer somewhere! Dont seem to have loads of stuff, but think I have all the essentials!! And little lady has a bag too! But thats not completed yet as need to wash stuff and dont want to do that too early! Eeeee not too long now lovely ladies!!!
Wanna - cant believe your sister gave birth so early...bless her. Was bubs ok after his time in hospital? Must have been a scary experience!
NB - Any more news on the house?????? I am so hoping you get sorted!
Mrsbeanbump - how was your appt?

Well I had 28 week appt yday....all was well. I am measuring only 27 weeks, but still within range on chart, so nothing to worry about. Mentioned to midwife about the faint spell I had last week and she said I need to take it easy on hot days, as pregnancy and heat dont mix and can cause low blood pressure!
Ooooh we collected our new car yday! I love it!!! Its a proper family car! Cant wait to get "princess on board" stickers for little lady! Hehe!
Well, we are painting the nursery tomorrow in prep for furniture arriving next weekend!!!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend and I hope the weather is nice for everyone!
Huge hugs to mummies and bumps :hugs:
Hi girls n bumps

Justmarried -glad your mw apt went well, is that you onto 4 weekly or 2 weekly appt's now? My next one is in 3 weeks, but my mw said that there are loads of mums-to-be due appt's at the same time and they are getting too thinly stretched so I think they are trying to stagger the appointments a bit.
Good news on your new car too, I am looking forward to getting mine valeted only -as it is so dirty at the moment, I am just unable to clean it right and DH has promised me he'll get it done properly for the arrival of the little man.

My lil nephew is doing great now, thanks!!
He was hospitalised for 8 week in total (3 1/2 of these in NICU, then down to SCBU) but is doing really well now. He is awaiting neurosurgeon review though, as his skull bones have fused prematurely and they reckon they'll need to break his skull to fix the problem to prevent his wee brain growing incorrectly. Ouch!!!!

Here's a pic of him just born so cute :cloud9:
Aiden early days (1).jpg

Have a good weekend everyone -forecast says the sun will shine, so hope so the rain is so depressing
aww bless wanna, your little nephew is so cute! soo tiny!
justmarried - i'm looking forward to seeing your list too for your hospital bag, i've not done anything about it yet! and I know first babies usually come late, but... I think its best to be safe than sorry!
nb- news on your house yet?? I'm just as anxious for you! hope they put in a higher offer and you dont have to wait the weekend!

I had a lovely day off today in the sunshine! I went to asda living store where the baby sale was much better than at the regular asda. I think I have an obsession with buying nappies on sale! and the wipes too!!! I have some prices set in my head where I dont want to spend more than 8p a nappy and £1 for a packet of wipes, and when I see the sales and I can get cheap nappies I can't help stocking up!! Plus I've started buying pampers which are generally more expensive, so they had pampers boxes for £12 at asda for 144 nappies, so I bought 2! I've started buying size 3!s I'm got an assortment of 1s,2s, and 3s now. Then I went to dunelm and got this really cute safari blackout blind! wasn't too expensive and I've been reading baby is more likely to sleep through the night if the room is completely dark.

I had my 28w appt at the hospital as had the anti-d jab again! :( I dont like injections, and she took blood, and I dont like needles! a friend went with me this time as I couldn't be bothered to go from work to my house to get the husband as its a lot quicker to go straight from work to the hospital. Anyways, they measured fundal height and i'm measuring at 31cm! MW was a little concerned and had to go consult with someone else but came back saying it was good I was going to have a growth scan at 33 weeks (34 week is bank holiday), and that I could be 3cm either way on fundal height and it would be okay and because I wasn't measuring too big last week at the scan she felt it was okay. Plus I'm quite tall. So back to my mw at 31 weeks and growth scan at 33. Think we're going to have a private 3d/4d scan next weekend. The scan place is having a 20% off sale!

well, hubbys sister is here now for the weekend from wales so hugs to bumps and mummies!!! take care!!
hey girls, aw wanna ur neph is a lil cutie :) lil fighter aswel!

aw justmarried u still have bonfire babies in your siggy and im having my very own bonfire baby :) wouldnt it be spooky if i was a week early and had bub on bonfire night!

hope ur all well jel of all the baby stuff buying im not allowed to buy any yet gotta get wedding over with first! :) xxx

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