from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Afternoon all!

Well we finally have some developments on the house situation, after much neogtiation on Friday we FINALLY got the buyers to get their offer up, so it is now only £15k less than what our house was on the market for. They kept going up by 1 or 2 thousand and it was so annoying, luckily we had 2 people who wanted to view on Saturday and we said he needed to make a decent offer or we wouldnt cancel the viewings, so he did!

We then contacted the estate agents to put an offer in on the house we like and the owners were still stuck in Tenerife, they were having to get a boat to Spain, stay over night and then on Saturday catch a flight to Birmingham and then drive home, so they have asked that we wait until Monday to discuss any negotiations which we said was fine.

It is fine, but I would also LOVE to know right now that the house is ours!!

I am trying to not let my mind run away with me and dream about new sofas, and decorating the nursery etc etc!

Justmarried - thank you for the offer of your list of packing items, I would love it whenever you get a chance. When I was planning my wedding last year I was the Queen of lists and felt very organised and now I am just useless when it comes to the baby shopping! We have got a few bits now, I think as we don't have to keep the spare room clear for viewings I ought to get everything out so that we know what we do and don't need!

Mrsbeanbump - You will love the 4d scan, I can't stop looking at our pics as I am just so amazed to have an inkling of what our little one looks like, it is fascinating! Sorry to hear about your injection, I am still waiting to hear if they will want to scan me again, in a way I hope they do!

I got my £190 Pregnancy grant through on Friday and today my Mum and I made £227 at the car boot sale we did so I am going to have to spend it soon! I am going to try and pop it into my savings account and wait until after my baby shower but I think it's really unlikely I will be able to wait that long!!

It is our 1st wedding anniversary on Saturday and hubby is surprising me with a day out, cannot wait!

I hope everyone had a good weekend, we had gorgeous weather yesterday but unfortunately I am full up with a sore throat and cold etc so not feeling too fab today.

Mrsbeanbump - sounds like your lil man is growing well, and yay for getting another scan and another chance to see your little guy before he arrives. I am sure fundal height measurements aren't always so accurate to baby size though as my youngest sis had a tiny bump at full term with her son and he was nearly 10lb in weight when he was born, whereas her daughter born 3 years earlier was a tiny 5 1/2 lb's only lol. BIG shock to my sis - poor thing lol and none of the newborn baby things fit him at all (which has worked out really wel for me as she has given me loads of wee shorts/ tees and rompers that she'd bought for him,as he was a summer baby too and they are all brand new lol).

nb -CONGRATS on your house sale!!! Brill news, and good luck for today, hope you get the house you want. So exciting, new house, new baby, new car lol. Is your new house needing anything done immediately or is it in 'walk-in' condition? Apart from the obvious nursery lol.

Well ladies, I know babies have a tendancy to be late but I was just thinking today, its only about 8 weeks until we are all classed full term OMG Getting so close to baby time - I can't wait (although will def miss my bump and the baby wriggling about-inside lol) and I really need to get onto my DH about the decorating lol ,all renovations are completed (thank God?!!) but still the walls need prepped and papered and a bit more paint work.

Have a good day ladies, love n hugs n hope all mums n bumps are well xx
p.s I forgot to ask about my HIP grant D'oh!!!
I'll need to get it next time. xx

And well done at the car bootie nb -that was great!! And have a fab anniversary x
Well no news as yet today, a bit annoying but for some reason it doesn't seem to be playing on my mind as much as selling our house was last week. Perhaps if we were in direct competition with someone to buy the house I might be more worried!

The house is in 'walk in' condition, it isn't 100% to our taste and the kitchen and bathroom will need renewing at some point in time, but other than decorate the nursery and sort out the fence so Buster is safely locked in there is nothing we need to do, which is just fab!

Everything else can wait until next year!

I would love to get this all sorted today, hopefully their journey home wasn't too bad and they are ready to get negotiating!

I am full up with cold today, blowing my nose every 2 minutes and cannot breathe at all it is so blocked! Going to have to get some more Otrivine drops at lunch time as it is driving me bonkers.

I look like Rudolph as well from all the nose blowing!

Wana I am exactly the same, I cannot believe I am 29 weeks on Friday and that I finish work in 9 weeks too! I have so much on between then and now that I hope the time flies by.Hopefully with moving home that will take a lot of my time up so I won't be counting down too much...wishful thinking!

I am going to miss my bump so much too! xxx
Hey ladies!
Woohoo NB - so exciting about your house! I have my fingers crossed that it all works out!!
Wanna - god that sounds scary! 8 or so weeks til we are full term! Goodness me! I am the same as you, going to miss my bump and feeling bubs wriggle! So excited to meet her tho! Got another scan in 3 and a bit weeks so get to see her again!
Mrsbeanbump - make sure you post piccies of the 4d scan! Bet it will be a fab experience!

I posted HiP form today, so should have it in next couple of weeks. A friend at work got hers within a week. I already have the money spent on various things...I have a list of things from Mothercare I still need! Hehe!!!!

I LOVE lists! I was exactly the same last year when I was getting married! I use them all the time at work....I have a million post it notes around my computer screen at work....reminders of everything! And I have lists for jobs to be done in the house too! Hehe!
Here's the list I used girlies....Wanna you're already experienced in the birth and hospital thing, so please let me know anything you think I have missed out sweetie....

Maternity notes
Dark towels
Wash things - shampoo, cond, shower gel, sponge, creams, make up, face wipes, razor
Toothbrush (I've put one in for hubby too) and toothpaste
Clean nighties x 2 or 3
Cardie or dressing gown
Maternity towels or Super size sanitary towels
Breast pads
carrier bags for dirty things
Comfy outfit for coming home


cotton wool
6 vests
6 babygros
scratch mitts
Coming home outfit
Baby blanket

I have a holdall for my things and a smaller bag for little lady.
Hope this is helpful girls....please let me know anything you think I have forgotten or anything you think might be a waste of space.

We cleared nursery and painted yday and hubby is putting border up tomorrow in prep for furniture coming on Sat!!! I am so excited to get furniture in and to start sorting her drawers and wardrobe out! I will post piccies once it's sorted!!
Well ladies, I am off to have a bath as been having terrible back pains today. Oh, also, how many braxton hicks have you ladies been having on ave per day? I have had about 8 at work today and some were really painful! Does anyone know if this is normal?

Love to mummies and bumps
justmarried-thanks for the list, guess I should get packing! can't believe the time has flown by, I'm 29 weeks today! re; braxton hicks, I can't say I've had any, I only feel baby repositioning himself a lot, not really kicking. Whenever I rest my arm on my bump its like he is always pushing it off telling me to move! hehe

nb- hope you hear some news today up the chain and that there won't be too much 'negotiating'. you've got so much going on! I dont know how I'd handle all that, plus getting bigger and its harder to move around... or at least thats how I'm finding things.

wanna- even though you are looking forward to having baby, you must also be excited at getting back to being more mobile. You've probably had the worst symptoms of all of us and the end is in sight now. Hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery and you can get right back into being active with your family... you hubby must be really supportive!

well not much going on today. 8 weeks left at work! yippee! and 5 of those I've got as 4 day weeks!! yippee. I finish on 18th June. NCT class tomorrow night, hopefully I'll learn a bit more than I have the past 2 weeks.

What else does everyone have left to buY? For big things I'd like to get a nursing chair, I think dutailier ones are to be well comfortable but I'd like a stylish chair too. I also need to buy the pram... and i'm still not any closer to deciding! and a moses basket, travel cot for the downstairs and I'd like a vibrating bouncy chair. But I'm hoping to get these at the baby show in may. unless I find some really good deals at boot sales! I wont be opposed to getting a bargain and boot sales are only just starting up with the nice weather... our town has its first one on saturday so watch this space!! I plan to be selling to though, so we'll see if hubby can hold down the fort while I have a nosey around!

Well, I'm off to go make tea now! Enjoy the rest of the day! xxxx
Morning ladies:flower:

Mrsbeanbump -Yep totally cant wait to get my mobility back, just the little things that I take for granted normally lol- like running up the stairs to the loo, or taking a shower:shower: (I need to to take a bath as I cant stand for extended periods but then need assistance in and out lol) or getting up to answer the phone, half the time the other person has hung up by the time I get there lol.I just hope the symptoms fade fast, how the hell do you push a pram with crutches lol??? DH is having 3 weeks off after the baby is born and my older kids will be off school too ,so at least I'll have help around the house.

justmarried -great list, it's been so long since I had to do it lol- I hardly remember anything I packed or wished I had packed in hindsight lol :haha:, but I would add bf-ing bras - if planning to breastfeed, baubles for tying up long hair, and of course car seat for taking baby home. Last time I was home within 6hours so didn't really need to pack too much, but with my first baby I was in hospital for 3 days, and tended to wear nighties with buttons down front for ease of bf-ing with pj bottoms /jogging bottoms around the ward. Comfortable and discreet for those early days with HUGE maternity pads lol. Plus other than coming home clothes, my hospital supplied all the baby things (nappies vests etc and formual too if planning on ff-ing -but check this as some hopsitals differ).

I have had BH most days for the past 2-3 months, usually after a period of activity (which isn't that often for me lol) which I find uncomfortable at times now due to my ever stretching and tearing abdo muscles (which are in fact worse than the spd pain some days :cry:- lol -I tell you, I must be getting too old to be having babies lol), I dont remember getting them in my first pregnancy until the last few weeks but defiantely had them contantly with my youngest too, from about 16 weeks. And I think I have mentioned before but latterly, :blush::blush: all the time after :sex: -thought I was going into labour on several occassions becasue they had me up and pacing the floor for several hours before subsiding. Hear it's great practice for the real thing though, so all good lol :haha::haha:

Hope you get good news about your house today nb.

Have a good day everyone, luv to mums n bumps xxx

Well apparently our offer and the other person who likes the house are pretty much the same, and we both have the same timescales for moving so it was now a decision for the vendor to decide who they would rather sell their house too! We are hoping and praying that due to us living in the village already, we bump into them around and about at the park and in our local pub so we have chatted to them a few times, and they know I am pregnant that they will pick us! The other person lives in London and is renting out his flat and getting a buy to let mortgage to move in, so pick me, pick me!!!!

The estate agent called me about 6 last night and said we should know this morning, its 10am, come on!!!!

Justmarried - Thank you for your list, I am going to get cracking on ordering anything we need, the only thing extra I could add is my friend said she put 2 small bottles of water in the freezer and took them with her, she said it was so nice to have something cool for the back of her neck etc and then cool water to drink as it defrosted in a hot hospital room!

My HIP grant took about 10 days, I got it through on Friday, I was impressed with the speed!

I had braxton hicks after my cycle ride but since then dont seem to have had anything, will keep you posted if that changes! I am so jealous of you decorating your nursery, now that we are potentially moving all plans are on hold. I am still Humphreys Corner shopping on ebay and everything is in boxes but we won't set anything up. If for any reason the baby did come early the moses basket and crib are at my Mums and ready to go so we could make do with those for the meantime. Have fun decorating! Would love to see pics!

MrsBeanBump - I think having the whole house moving thing to focus on actually distracts me from thinking about being pregnant and the baby coming etc, I am sure it might not seem that way in a few weeks time if we lose the house we like and need to find somewhere though! But for now I am going to try and remain calm!

We have our first NCT class tomorrow evening, so I hope we find it useful, I think hubby might get more from it than I do. I am hoping there are some nice Mums for me to befriend.

The main thing we have left to buy is our pushchair, we have decided on the icandy apple, and now we need to actually do something about it! Other than that I think its just the little bits like most of Justmarried's list for my hospital bag hahahaha! We have the cot, crib and moses basket, and all the bedding, I just need to get the car seat and base out of my sisters loft and the changing station from her house that she is kindly giving us. I am sure there is probably something else I have forgotten but for now I seem to think I am reasonably sorted, I need a list!!

Wana - I hope you have a 'good' SPD day today!

Well everybody please wish me luck that my mobile rings very soon from the estate agents with good news!! xxx

Good luck with the house today NB!! and we've (I mean I) have been thinking icandy apple but not entirely positive.... i'm feeling a bit stupid that we've bought the maxi cosi cabriofix car seat and base already and dont have the pram, but the icandy apple is supposed to be compatible and I really like the look and the big shopping basket underneath....
well just wanted to pop in to say hi, off to NCT in a moment, as I said hopefully I learn something tonight! We were in it for the friending opportunities as well, there are 4 other couples and hubby knows 2 of the guys from work!! o well... the ladies in the class might try to get a yoga teacher for us but not sure if it will work out...
was in Hull today for work so had quite a car journey today about 3-4 hours in a car and I wasn't driving and I could feel every time the guy driving was 'braking', I think its the first time I've ever felt car sick!! and I'm supposed to be going to leeds tomorrow as well so another 3-4 hour car journey round trip!! eek, not feeling so well just thinking about it!!
have a lovely evening everyone!!
Just saw you can get £5 gift cards to mamas and papas when you click this link

you have to be signed in to mamas and papas website and I've just registered hubby too and will get another one for him :)

Hope all is well today! learned loads in NCT class last night, looking forward to next week. Really tired now so off to be lazy and watch some tele!!
Hi ladies

nb -any news?, I am so nervous/ excited for you. Really hope you get it!!! How did the NCT class go ?

Justm - wish it was me painting my nursery lol -I have the paint sitting there but have still to complete my DD's bedroom and move her stuff etc, then I can clear her old room and get the nursery started. Cant wait to see everything come together ,hope its as nice in real life as it is in my head lol. I agree -post pics when you are done, and I'll do the same (althought there may be a bit of a wait for mine still lol)

MrsBB - Did you get booked for a 4d scan? how exciting if you did. And good luck pram shopping, there is so much out there lol -it is quite overwhelming. I bought mine so long ago now ,I am desperate to get it back out and have a shot lol- need to wait on the house being completed for that though -still living in a bit of a building site lol -although much improved on before.

My DD started her standard grade exams yesterday, I am so nervous for her lol- she had PE yeterday, is away sitting her English today and has Chemistry tomorrow -I so hope she does well!!Although I will be out of pocket, as I have told her she wil lget £100 for every 1 she gets £50 for every 2 haha -could be an expensive August lol. Last year she ''really'' discovered boys and found going out with her friends to be the most important thing in her life and she subsequently done really badly in her prelims- I think she thought it was going to be easy though, and she got a shock when the results came in so hopefully that has given her the kick up the backside she needed. She has really pulled it together since then, although I am hoping she didn't leave it too late.
Wish my little princess all the luck in the world xxx (p.s I cannot believe she is nearly 16 and sitting exams lol -time really goes by much more quickly than you'd imagine lol)

Have a good day ladies xxx
Hi ladies,

Well we are still no further with the house buying situation, they can't even name a price that we would need to meet for them to accomodate us by moving into rented accomodation because there is nothing to rent! They are moving to get into the catchment area of a local school and can't find anything temporary. But they are viewing 6 houses in the catchment area on Saturday, so just got to hope that they like one of them and it is an easy chain!

We won't know anything until after the weekend now, which is a little frustrating but we always seem to bump into them in the village so fingers crossed we will!

NCT last night was good, I am not sure I would be best friends with any of the women in the class but they were all nice, there is a South African girl who looks positiviely terrified and asked whether she can insist on a c-section so I have a feeling she was being honest when she said she really knows nothing about birth! We didn't cover a lot as one couple is stuck abroad due to the volcano so I think it may be a little more in depth next week, here's hoping!

I saw my midwife today and she said baby is head down and feels nice and stuck in my pelvis so she thinks s/he may remain that way now, I had the glucose test and she will contact me if anything shows in my results. I wouldnt be suprised if it did as it is so common in my family.

I see her again at 31 weeks and she said I need my hospital bag packed by then, eek! So going to get cracking on that this weekend. Hubby has planned a 'surprise' day out for our wedding anniversary on Saturday so maybe if it includes shopping I can pick up the bits we need still.

Work has been manic the last two days, I used to deal with a lot of the sales and new business but since announcing I was pregnant I handed most of my fresh leads to a colleague to look after while I am off, I touched base with a client yesterday and was horrified with the feedback and impression they had been given of us. I had to report it to our manager, who had a word with our new Sales Guy and suggested that maybe he go on the next visit with him, only if he wanted, and he said he did, then he comes in this morning for about an hour, and then now he has gone AWOL!

So I have spent my morning trawling through his emails and client records to ensure he didn't come in just to take anything important and we still arent 100% sure he hasn't, grrr I hate situations like this! :wacko:

At least it is nearly the weekend, shame the weather is going to totally suck!

Hope all Mums and bumps are well, when I was getting into bed last night, my stomach actually hurt as my muscles were contracting so much, very odd feeling! xxx
Hey ladies.

Hope you are all well. Just a quick stop off to say Im off to mat assess unit as been having more and more BH since Tues! Very uncomfortable so midwife wants me to get checked!!! I'll update as soon as I know more! Just waiting for hubby to get in so I can go! Really worried, dont want her to come out yet!!!

Love and hugs
I hope you're ok Hun!!! Good luck & I hope you get to come home soon!

Lots of love xxxxxx
I am attending my first aromatherapy massage today, and I am a bit anxious. My spd has been really bad for the past few days and I am so scared she hurts me lol- it's done by the midwife and she recommended it to help with the spd pain so I am hoping she is right. I just cannot imagine how she is going to get me comfy for doing the massage lol. And she solely works on the back, whereas my pain is all in my groin, front of pelvis and inner thigh; so may be a waste of time but I'll give it a shot anyway.

ttfn ladies, nb -fx'd for good news regarding the house this weekend, Justm fx'd for just good news in general xx

Love to mums n bumps xxxxxx
Justmarried - been thinking of you, hope all is ok?

Wana - how did it go? I hope it was more of a success than you expected it to be. And fingers crossed it will help to alleviate some pain for you.

I obeyed my midwife and ordered a few bits for my hospital bag from Mothercare, so I will get that packed next weekend! One of my friends asked what do I plan to do about milk in case I can't feed well, is anyone else planning on taking bottles just in case? I am going to have so much stuff they will think I am moving in at this rate!

Hope everyone has a lovely bank holiday weekend, I am looking forward to my 'surprise' day tomorrow for our first wedding anniversary, very exciting!

Lots of love and sending PMA to you justmarried xxxxxxxxxxx
justmarried - how you doing?? you get released yet?? hope all is well! thinking of you!

wanna - hope your aromotherapy goes well and alleviates some sort of pain!

nb - enjoy your suprise day for your anniversary! I can't believe it is going to be May tomorrow!! where did all the time go!!??? Good job on getting your bag together, and re; the feeding, I'm not going to bring anything to feed the baby as I've been told in case of emergency they'll be able to provide whatever you need at the hospital. So if I plan on breastfeeding and it doesn't work, well then hospital will make sure baby has something else to eat...

I've not booked my 4d scan yet, I'm still internally debating with myself whether I can justify the cost, plus all the other people at nct keep talking about how 'bad' it is for the baby to hover on the face.... which I dont necessarily believe but somehow its making me feel guilty!!

Well, I've not much on this weekend, we might go to a boot sale and hubby is out tonight with a works do. I'm going to try to get more bits and bobs together so maybe I'll have a go at trying to put my hospital bag together!

speak soon! xxx
Hey ladies!!
So sorry its taken me so long to get back on!!! All is well but our internet has been keep going off and on! Everything fine with baby, no dilation or anything to worry about. Basically, I have a very active baby, strong ligament muscles in my tummy that are being stretched and a lot of Braxton Hicks! The tightenings they monitored were coming every 10 mins or so and baby seems to then stretch out at same time so OW OW OW! Very uncomfortable!!
Sorry Ive not got long to catch up, were haivng friends round in an hour and I need to go make chilli and pasta dishes to feed them with! Hehe!
Love and hugs, and thanks for your concerns!!
Catch up with you all soon lovely ladies.....and bumps!
Enjoy the bank holiday weekend!!
Oh hun I'm so glad all is ok! I kept waiting for an email to come into my phone to say you had posted! I hope the BH have eased off for you, I've only had them once & that was bad enough!!

My anniversary was really lovely yesterday, we had bacon sandwiches for breakfast & watched our wedding DVD followed by a trip to London, we went to hamleys to try & find a present from us for the baby but there wasn't really anything that caught our eye, from there we went to Chinatown for lunch, which was SO yummy!! Then we headed to Oxford street & hit up selfridges for some retail therapy. In the evening we had a few drinks with our friends who all came to Vegas with us for the wedding last year.

Today I went to john lewis with my dad & finally ordered our push chair! We went for the iCandy peach I'm the blackjack colour combo, I love it! It is due in about 6 weeks so in time for the babys arrival.

Hope you have all had a good bank holiday weekend, enjoy!!x

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