Hey lovely ladies!!
I really need to read through and catch up but also want to share birth story (without it being HUGE!) with you guys!!
Hope everyoone is well!!! We are doing really well, cannot believe Grace is here, she is just so adorable....I cannot get enough of her!
Ok, brief (as poss) birth story then I will add some piccies. Were not putting pics on FB so just gonna put a couple on this thread for my lovely Bonfire ladies!
Tuesday 21st July - normal day. Went to shop to buy magazine, kept getting the same pains I had had on and off for ages! Made pasta bake for tea. Phoned mam at 7ish to say no change, still pregnant etc. Had 2 really big close together pains at about half 7...really took my breath away, then NOTHING! AGAIN! Andrew on computer, so I chilled out watching tv. Had nice bath 9pm. Washed and dried hair. Lay down to read about 10pm. Andrew came to bed just after 10, chatted, got comfy. 10.45 - felt a pop and gush! Jumped up....ooooh think its my waters!!
Phoned hospital, went in to get checked out...pouring down with rain! Awful wet, miserable night like it had been since about 5pm here! Confirmed waters had broken, not having reg contractions so sent away at 00.20am (21/7) and to come back if reg contractions or at 11am on 21.7 to be given pessary to start labour.
Went home, Andrew in bed, me on sofa, trying to sleep. Contractions ever 12 mins or so, then every 15, then every 10 - pretty irregular!
Up 8am ish on 21/7. Had shower, checked bags, got sorted, went to hospital. Was monitored for an hour or so, and checked cervix....still closed!! Very soft but not dilated at all! Contractions about every 10 mins and regular at this point...not too painful. Went to hospital for 11am
At 1.20pm was given pessary to induce labour. Monitored for another hour, then allowed to wander around. Contractions began to get more regular. Went for chips to café using TENS machine every 5 mins at this point. Painful but bearable!!
Was back in induction room and just relaxing when mam text to say she had arrived and was downstairs waiting until we had private room. Was expecting to have to wait til examination at 6ish but got moved to own room at 5ish. Was told I would be examined again at 6.30. Pains getting worse. Closer together. TENS still working but also used gym ball and did a lot of pacing!
6.30 examined only 1.5-2cm dilated!!! Really gutted as pains were coming stronger and contractions more regularly, every 2 mins! Was allowed gas and air now! Woohoo! Managing with gas and air ok. Pains were bad but ok. MW decided to give me Oxitocin (sp) drip as was concerned about me getting too tired if dilation was to be so slow throughout! I was also worried. Put on very low dose via drip.
9.30 Examined by Anita 4cm dilated! So gutted!! Pains were agony, I was exhausted and could not see light at end of the tunnel! Was told to keep going and next internal would be 12.15am (22/7) Oxitocin turned down as my body appreared to be contracting too regularly.
Kept going, pains were awful! Felt I needed to push! Kept feeling like I needed a huge pooh!!! Told Anita
.she said these were signs baby was coming but I wasnt ready yet. Still needed pooh, had a slight breakdown and didnt think I could keep going. Vomitted everywhere!!
11.20pm Decided I wanted an epidural. Andrew ok with this as he could see how distressed I was. There was to be a wait for an epidural, so decided needed diamorphine as could be up to 2 hours before I could have epidural.
11.35pm injection of diamorphine given. On call anaesthetist came and said he could do epi in next 5 mins. Anita not happy, she wanted to examine me first due to all signs that I felt ready to give birth. Examined me
.fore waters intact, she popped them, and within mins I was fully dilated and allowed to push!!!! So pleased she examined me as really didnt want to have epi if it could be avoided!!
Baby Grace Elizabeth arrived at 00.01am 22/7 weighing 7lb10ozs very alert as diamorphine didnt take full affect, however I was slightly out of it, but had 2nd tear so probs for the best I was a bit gone with the fairies as I needed a lot of cross stitching done dueto the shape of the tear!
Breast feeding going well and we are so in love!! Long labour but so worth it!!
Got to dash as need to feed Grace! Will be back with pics later....
