from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Nope still here lol -looking more n more like Tuesday and induction..

Nat if you really want to breastfeed hun then you should be able to still stimulate production at this stage, but dont feel bad if formula feeding is working out better for you - as long as she gets milk then Ruby will be happy.


Oh hun i'm so sorry! Will they do anything tomorrow or just wait til induction? Fingers crossed that tonight is the night! I'm so sorry.

I just had a quick hand express and milk came from both, a tiny amount but it's there so I'm going to get my pump going as soon a Ruby goes down in the morning and see if I can encourage my supply, yay!! X
Nope nothing now until induction - then straight into labour ward to have my waters broken. NOT looking forward to that!!! Means my body wont have had time to build up any natural endorphins and moves directly into full blown labour pains - oh the joys!!!

Baby by Tues night anyway -that's all that matters at the end of the day I s'pose.

Going to go and stand in the moonlight haha -see if the powerful full moon can help lol

Good Luck wth the feeding hun xxx
Oh Donna bless you flower! It can't be pleasant for you!! But you have got through this fortnight brilliantly! I'd have been pulling my hair out!!! Can't wait to see pics of your boy xxxx
Well that's it then I s'pose, induction tomorrow

Big fat failure
Hey ladies... aww Donna i am so so sorry to hear you are still waiting!
And please don't think you are a failure!!!!!! Good luck for everything tomorrow babes!

Nat - got my fingers crossed for you that you get your milk going again. And hope the new house is going well too!!! :flower:

Liz - Glad that little Dylan is doing well and gaining weight!

Lori - Loving the name Grace, and what an amazing birth story... sorry it was such a long labour tho, and the stitches are hell arn't they?? All worth it tho :winkwink: Mine are near enough gone now... but still a couple of ones there that irritate :wacko:

Other than that all is good here, Macie is a proper boobie monster and a proper hungry baby lol. She's gained weight now and already passed her birth weight after loosing some after birth! she was 7.2 at birth, then lost weight and went to 6.13 and got weighed today and is now about 7.11.... what a little fatty haha. But yet, newborn clothes are still too big for her, grrr lol.
she's just long and skinny haha. The sleeping is getting better now, just hope it stays that way. well i best shoot as she will be waking soon for a feed lol.

Love to all mums, bump fox, Dylan, Ruby and Grace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

P.S got everything crossed for you Donna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey girls

HUGE hugs to Donna - just think tomorrow you will have your baby - and please do not say you are a failure, he is just so cosy in the fab home you have made for him. Not long to go now sweetie :hugs:

Grace is doing well, only up twice between 12 and 8 this morning to feed (takes about 45 mins for her to get full and then nappy changed too) which means I had around 6 hours sleep...which means I feel great today! Andrew slept through one of her feeds too so he feels good too! He is in the garden doing the decking whilst Grace is sleeping and I am finally catching up on the world! It is a mad few days with visitors! We still have a rota going with guests each evening this week! Aarggghh! Keep thinking after the weekend things will calm down!!

Nat - how was your night with Ruby afterher awake time? hope it was ok hunni. Hows the new house? Do you love it! x

Chelsie - aw Macie sounds adorable! Good weight gain too! Woohoo! Hope some of her newborn clothes start to fit soon hun! x

Liz - its great to hear things are still good! Cant believe how quickly time has flown since you had Dylan!! Wow!! Quick Q about BF Liz - were your boobs solid when your milk came in? My milk came in on Sat night / Sun morning and yday and today they feel mega heavy and full and hard. Not painful but a bit tender! Hope its normal!! x

Neen - hope things are good my lovely!! x

Well, I'll upload a couple of pics now then Im gonna try have a little nap whilst all is quiet! Hehe! We have decided not to put any of FB at the min so you ladies are getting a peek on here! Hehe!

Lots of love and hugs to all



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Two more of Grace


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Aww hun... Grace is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In answer to your milk coming in, mine were rock solid for a couple of days after the milk came in and now they dont get mega hard as i think they've worked out how much Macie wants hehe... and she feeds so bloody often hehe.
Grace really is precious - well done hun and a lovely size too - so hope my little guy is still a 'little' guy when he eventually makes an appearance too; and not toddler sized lol
Ah thanks ladies! I just love her so much!
And thanks for the breast advice Chels! They are so so hard now, and she has fed twice since I wrote that last post. They did go soft after she fed, but now are growing harder! Ive read up a bit on engorgement and it sounds like that what it is....hoping in 48 hours they die down a bit!
Not long now wanna! And Grace was a whole 7 days late and still a nice size (and considering they est weight at 4lb12 at 32 weeks, I was worried about her being huge!)

Little rest now, then just one set of visitors tonight, at 6ish...hoping they only stay til 7ish then we can get a bit of rest before the night begins! Hehe!

Ah Lori she is so beautiful! What a stunner!

Donna, please don't say you are a falure - you are under enough pressure without you feeling guilty over something you can't control flower! you are a fab mummy of 3 and a bump and he is just too darn comfy and doesn't want to leave you!! He'll be a true mummys boy! Wishing you lots of luck and love or tomorrow!!
So excited for you tomorrow Donna!!! Less than 24 hours now and you should have your little bundle in your arms!!! (But heres everything crossed you might start today and get your homebirth) And not a failure either, he's just going to be extra special and then you'll have a story to tell him how he didn't want to come out when he gets older!!

Nat, I was thinking about you the other day when I read a post somewhere else about bringing dried up milk back and how you should pump every so often and its' known to bring milk back but I didn't want to mention it in case you are getting on well with the formula, but if you still want to bf, by all means pump pump pump!! I'm sure it will come back!

Lori- I looked like Jordan for about 24 hours and I remember thinking, jeez, I was looking forward to sleeping on my tummy and it was impossible with 2 huge watermelons!! but it only lasted like 24 hours... And Grace is GORGEOUS!!! you must be well chuffed and just in love with her!! When your rock solid I found holding dylan in the Rugby hold helped him latch on best, but I wasn't comfortable for a long time with that position until he got a bit chunkier... which he sooo is now!! sorry it seems you feel a bit overwhelmed with visitors, remember to make signals for them to leave so you get time to yourself, such as saying it is grace's bathtime or bedtime... hope it calms down for you soon!

chelsie- glad bfing going really well for you!! I find its such an enjoyable experience!

Neen- Yay for your peak!! I never got into the lingo with ttc, I dont understand it!!- when do you get to test??

Well, someone in another forum very nicely told me how to resize my pics so they can fit on here so I'm attaching one from Dylans first trip to the beach!! Rob had day off today so we went out to skegness, the beach is lovely there!!! and then you go towards the pier and the people and it gets a bit ghetto, but we had a lovely day!

Looking forward to meeting baby fox in piccie asap Donna!! best of luck for tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you!!!


Liz, I love Skegness - its chav central!! Love people watching and seeing how many mobility scooters you can count (due to all the benefit cheats! LOL)

Bead's mum has a van in Chapel st Leonards and we often go!

The low, high and Peak you hear me ramble on about is because i've been using a Clear Blue fertility monitor this cycle to help me pinpoint O - after the MMC's I was a lttle messed up cycle-wise!

Hope all are well - big loves x x x x
Oh I hope I have the Internet by the end of this week!! It's driving me bonkers not being able to use the laptop and posting from the iPhone is rubbish!!

So I'll keep it brief as it's 3.30 and I'm hoping Roo will settle quick as she was awake at 2.30 and an hour is usually her limit :)

Liz - thank you, I should have just text you!! That's so nice you were thinking of me! As soon as I get up, which is between 5 and 6, I'm going to sterilise my pump and bottles and get pumping! How's all your end? Love the pics of Dylan at the beach! I can't wait to take Ruby somewhere exciting!

Lori - Grace is gorgeous!!! How did you find choosing a name? Was it hard? Or did she just instantly match it?

Chelsie - that's fab news about Macie regaining her birth weight, and some, well done you!! They didn't weigh Ruby when they discharged me last week so I've no idea but as she upped her bottles to 4oz a time I'm pretty sure she has gaine well ;)

donna - now none of this chat please!!! Why on earth have you failed?! You've had more to cope with than anyone or ever heard of! Your sickness was off the scale, then you've been housebound, signed off work and forced to wait longer than any of your bonfire buddies to meet your little man, on top of this you've also managed to run a house, decorate it AND look after 3 children, so come on then, which part of that is a failure?!!! You need to switch your take to being excited, the end is in sight! And proud of how well you have done to cope with everything that you've had too over the last 9 months!! Now there's motivation for you at 4am hahaha!

Nina- peak!! Yeah baby yeah!!! I'm still stalking, just useless at postog from my phone, thanks for stalking here too, very excited for all that I sincerely hope is coming your way this month, god I cannot think of a soul on earth who deserves it more!

Anyway ladies I think she is sparko so i'm hoping to be that way myself in about 5 mons! Less if i can!! My mum has leant me an ikea chair for he nursery so we've managed to do the whole night time routine and hubby is snoring contentedly next to me!! Hopefully he won't ve so tired tomorrow as his first day back on Monday was pretty difficult!

I typed too soon, she is still fussing and showing no signs of sleeping!

Have a happy Tuesday all and donna I have verything crossed that after this long wait your teeny tiny man pops out in a pain free 45 minutes!!

Lots of love ladies xxxxx
Thanks ladies xxxx

Have to admit to being terrified this morning - the prosepect of having my waters broken BEFORE any contractions have started is really scary. I have been there before, and I know how intense the contractions can become immediately on breaking of waters. At least when my waters were broken for me previously in other labours, I had at least laboured - I had the chance to at least build up endorphins in my system and was thankfully already 10 cm and ready to pop; just dreading having to still get from 3-10 cm having had no endorphins there to help me cope with the pain.

I know its worth it in the end, and I know its short lived on the scale of things but still absolutely shitting myself (sorry for the bad language a tthis time of the morning lol).

Plus I am SO tired, couldn't sleep last night, eventually got to bed about 03:30, then a couple of toilet breaks in between lol (be glad when they are over for sure) and now up and need to leave in 25 mins.

Poor DH was up with me too, as everytime he turned around yday, I was in floods of tears - I mean SO emotional, couldn't help it- absoltuely sobbed for Britain yesterday. I dont ever remember crying so much -now how silly is that???? -You are of course right Nat -I am getting my boy today, it should be a joyous and happy occasion and still I spent all day crying(????????).

Feel like I have let everyone down, the home birth team, my DH, the kids, ppl on here God!! even neighbours who heard that I was delivering at home and were so excited for me. Everytime I look at my birthing kit or birthing pool I cry lol.

Need to give myself one huge PMA pep talk -cos I know stressing, crying and fear of the birth are ONLY going to mke things worse and more painful lol.

ttfn ladies -will update as soon as I am able -wish I was doing it from here, in real time, excitedly telling you all about contraction timers, about my waters going and midwifes arriving etc; lol- getting to fill my pool and all the other little exciting things I planned for over the past 4 months.Oh well!!

I am bringing my baby home today ladies!!! Yay!!!
that's only natural to be so emotional u have been pregnant for a awefully long time and havnt had the easiest of pregnancys and I'm sure u havnt let anyone down things just don't always go to plan with births and people now that. You must just be making too much of a lovely home for little man :) which just proves how much of a good mother you are.

Can't wait to here from and good luck I hope u get some endophones pumping, looking forward to see pics of the little monkey.

Will be thinking of you today xx
Good luck Donna! I'll be thinking about you and I can't wait to see your little man! x x x x
thinking of you today Donna, sorry you've been so down yesterday. Its surely been a rollercoaster for you! I was hoping you went into labour last night!

Do they have to break your waters straight away?? can't they give you something to start the contractions first?? (I'm not sure what it is but I'm sure they can bring on labour without breaking waters straight away?)

Well have a great day Donna!! It's going to fly by, update us when you can! xxx
Good luck Donna... i hope everything goes nice and smoothly for you today and cannot wait to hear about it all and see pics of the wee man!!!!

Wishing you all the luck from me and Macie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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