Liz -love your siggy -I was trying to think of some way to incorporate the babies names too; but I wasn't very successful lol- may need to steal your idea. LOVE LOVE it!!!!
Can hardly believe Dylan is 2 months old and Dawson is just a week lol -they were due 1 day apart haha. I had Dawson weighed on Sunday and he was down to 7lb 15oz,getting weighed again Friday so will be interesting to see how much he has re-gained since my milk has come in. I had NO milk at all until night 4 (colostrum only) and then hardly anything for the next few days either, my wee guy was hungry ALL the time; both day and night and I was so exhausted. I have had a few days of constant feeding over the past 2 days, wee hungry hippo has been feeding constantly; hours and hours at a time. I was almost for giving up and giving him some formula -was beginning to think my milk making days were numbered (and have to admit to being really upset about it all last night -bit of a melt down tbh) but awoke this morning to lots and lots of milk and one very happy and contented baby today, thank goodness. Think it was probably the codeine and diclofenac I was prescribed for my spd and birth trauma combined with him being a biggish sized baby and just really hungry haha.
So hoping he sleeps better tonight now.
I had to take Dawson to the docs beginning of the week too. He has a lump on his cheek, which I thought felt like a fatty cyst but wanted to get it checked out. Anyway Doc agrees - feels like a fatty cyst so she was not concerned at present but it seems to be getting bigger

so I may need to take him back next week to see the paediatrician as it is a bit concerning. Doc told me it was (probably) fine and to wait until his 6 week check to see paed then but I am not so sure.
Can't believe you and Nat are both planning number 2 already lol - I know I was sure that this was my last one already but even if it wasn't (and I hadn't had severe spd lol) then I am still a bit raw from the labour lol - still at the 'never ever again' stage.
In saying that lol, in all seriousness, if I was planning anymore I would have loved them close together in ages

but not to be -spd and having a toddler /infant doesn't go well together.
Hope getting Dylan's jabs went okay Liz -I used to get so upset for my LO's when they had to go haha -used to hate seeing their little faces crumple lol
Nat -hope Ruby continues to sleep better, and glad the expressing is going well - Are you back to breast feeding or are you expressing only? As it has taken my milk so long to come in, I am going to wait a few weeks to make sure my milk is totally established and then start expressing too,so daddy can have a shot with feeding EBM too.
Hope the new house is fab and you are enjoying it -are you all unpacked and sorted now. What a busy busy time you have had, with new house and new baby lol.
Lori - Cant believe you have registered Grace at nursery already haha -I really need to look into childcare myself. I already know there are limited places for babies under 2 years so better get my skates on I s'pose. Really still in denial about having to go back to work lol -hoping for a lottery win haha, really am dreading it already -I worked when all my others were small and loved working AND being a mum but this time I just feel sick about it all- would so love to be able to afford to be a SATM this time.
Chelsie - Hi, hope all is well with you and Macie Moo
Well , I am feeling much better -even ventured out to the park without crutches for the first time in 6 months yay!!!! Was a bit sore the next day as I overdone it a bit but still was great just to get out there haha.
We registered Dawson's birth on Monday, so now officially Dawson James
We are (weather permitting) planning a trip to the safari park tomorrow with all the family, taking a picnic and driving round seeing all the animals, going to the sea lion show and letting the boys let off steam at the adventure playground. So looking forward to that, as long as my mw comes early enough (she has promised me first visit -as she forgot me yday and is a bit embarrassed about it all haha) and of course, if it stays dry lol.
Otherwise, just looking forward to continuing to feel better and to getting back to normal.
Love to all mums and babies
Hoping for fabbie news from Beadette real soon.
Take care everyone, and kisses to Dylan, Ruby Roo, Macie Moo and Grace (Goo?? lol haha -sorry!!)