from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Hey girls!!

Just a quick hello! Things still going really well! MW and health visitor happy with Grace so were pleased! Grace is generally only waking once thru the night, so we both feel great! Off to register Grace at nursery (for NEXT JUNE!) haha! and to see Andrews mam. Andrew is off work today so its lovely! He is also off on Friday so its nice to have some family time!!

Hope everyone is well lovely ladies and babies!

Lots of love
Glad to hear hv is happy with Grace!! and only once during the night!! thats a success in itself!! can't believe your registering for nursery already!!

We've not registered Dylan yet as dh might be posted soon as he's in RAF and being promoted soon. So not sure what the future holds for us, dh is convinced we're moving down Oxford way but I really hope we stay put for my jobs' sake. I've got a nice job to go back to and it would be perfect to just go back for a bit and then have lo#2. So if we have to move I don't know what will happen!! might just have lo#2 straight away as dh would be away more if we moved, so not looking forward to that. we'll find out any day now hopefully!

Dylan is waking 1 or 2 times depending when he gets down for sleepies! Last night we put him down at 930 and he woke at 1230 and then again at 5. Yesterday and today have been fun, he's been having explosive poos right out the side of his nappy!! I even just threw one of the onesies away!! He's in size 3 nappies now!! such a big boy!! and we're really close to getting a smile, I am getting a grin, especially when I was giving him a talking to about his poo, he just looked at me and grinned!!!

Well, he's asleep now, going to try to clean a bit then off to the post office! I've made a yummy bbq pork in the slow cooker, so I can't wait for that to be done!!

what's everyone else up to?? any baby issues? problems?? excitements!!??
Hello, hello, hello!

Sorry...still no Internet over my way so typing on my silly phone again which drives me nuts!

I apologise if i've already told you some of this, blame the baby brain! I opted to go to a different hospital & my GP surgery have royally screwed it all up, Roo had her 2 week check at 3 weeks and the first time the HV came was tdoay!! And she's 25 days old! She had the hearing test and is now 8lb so still slightly underweight but he said nothing to worry about.

Last night we had a fab night as she slept 10-1.30 then 2.30-6.45 and has our alarm not gone off she may have slept longer!

Expressing is going well, it took a few days but it's back, yay! So she gets a good 4oz feed in the morning and evening so I'm dead chuffed about that. Hubby went out Sat night to 'wet her head' and i stayed at my mums, thank god as he didn't get in til 1am!

Otherwise all is good, house is sorted, I sort of feel like I know what I am doing & the day just whizzes by until hubby is home around 4pm.

Donna- how's Dawson doing? I hope you're getting lucky on the sleep now the milk is in! That's fab!

Liz- yay for smiles! We haven't had any either & I cannot wait! We have made a tentative plan for number 2 as well, and thinking June/Juy next year we would like to conceive, so I'll be back to work in the July but only until Feb/Mar 2011, fingers crossed! Have you got a time frame in mind? Have you managed to pick up any books yet?

Lori- so happy for you that Grace is sleeping well too, doesn't it make the whole world brighter?! Sounds like you have a fab week ahead, I tried to get hubby to take Fri off but he's too busy at work :(

Chelsie- loving your pics of Macie Moo she is SO cute!! How's it all going?

Well we are off to bath Roo now, have a fab evening all and keep your fingers crossed that this darn home hub comes tomorrow so I can post more & get back to my former Internet shopaholic self!!

Bought some books today!! (well actually bought a couple last week but thats a diff story!! took one back today because of bad grammer!!! the book kept repeating the phrase, 'mama can have been', and I bought the book at asda, so took it back but they didn't seem to care, gave me my money back but were not going to take the stock off the shelf like I told them to!! hahaha)

Bought some julia donaldson gruffalo and monkey puzzle and then aliens love underpants and dinasaurs love underpants. have some baby touch and feel ones too!!

I just typed this and then wondered if you meant adult books hehehe... but I wanted to tell you I'm half-way through guilty pleasures and I LOVE it!! sooo enjoyable and its not predictable either!

we don't have a time frame for lo#2 but need to keep in mind something I learned today is that you need to go back before the 25 weeks to get full maternity again... or something like that, I've not read up on it proper but heard rumours... but who knows if I'll have a job to go back to if we move!! and if we're moving, we might as well through caution to the wind and start ttc lo#2 straight away! birth control at minute is condoms so its easy to change our minds!

dylan is 8wks + 5 (adjusted 2wks+ 5) and weighs 12lb 9!!! got our 8 wk injections tomorrow!! o no! wish us luck!!

Liz -love your siggy -I was trying to think of some way to incorporate the babies names too; but I wasn't very successful lol- may need to steal your idea. LOVE LOVE it!!!!

Can hardly believe Dylan is 2 months old and Dawson is just a week lol -they were due 1 day apart haha. I had Dawson weighed on Sunday and he was down to 7lb 15oz,getting weighed again Friday so will be interesting to see how much he has re-gained since my milk has come in. I had NO milk at all until night 4 (colostrum only) and then hardly anything for the next few days either, my wee guy was hungry ALL the time; both day and night and I was so exhausted. I have had a few days of constant feeding over the past 2 days, wee hungry hippo has been feeding constantly; hours and hours at a time. I was almost for giving up and giving him some formula -was beginning to think my milk making days were numbered (and have to admit to being really upset about it all last night -bit of a melt down tbh) but awoke this morning to lots and lots of milk and one very happy and contented baby today, thank goodness. Think it was probably the codeine and diclofenac I was prescribed for my spd and birth trauma combined with him being a biggish sized baby and just really hungry haha.
So hoping he sleeps better tonight now.

I had to take Dawson to the docs beginning of the week too. He has a lump on his cheek, which I thought felt like a fatty cyst but wanted to get it checked out. Anyway Doc agrees - feels like a fatty cyst so she was not concerned at present but it seems to be getting bigger :-( so I may need to take him back next week to see the paediatrician as it is a bit concerning. Doc told me it was (probably) fine and to wait until his 6 week check to see paed then but I am not so sure.

Can't believe you and Nat are both planning number 2 already lol - I know I was sure that this was my last one already but even if it wasn't (and I hadn't had severe spd lol) then I am still a bit raw from the labour lol - still at the 'never ever again' stage.

In saying that lol, in all seriousness, if I was planning anymore I would have loved them close together in ages :-( but not to be -spd and having a toddler /infant doesn't go well together.

Hope getting Dylan's jabs went okay Liz -I used to get so upset for my LO's when they had to go haha -used to hate seeing their little faces crumple lol

Nat -hope Ruby continues to sleep better, and glad the expressing is going well - Are you back to breast feeding or are you expressing only? As it has taken my milk so long to come in, I am going to wait a few weeks to make sure my milk is totally established and then start expressing too,so daddy can have a shot with feeding EBM too.
Hope the new house is fab and you are enjoying it -are you all unpacked and sorted now. What a busy busy time you have had, with new house and new baby lol.

Lori - Cant believe you have registered Grace at nursery already haha -I really need to look into childcare myself. I already know there are limited places for babies under 2 years so better get my skates on I s'pose. Really still in denial about having to go back to work lol -hoping for a lottery win haha, really am dreading it already -I worked when all my others were small and loved working AND being a mum but this time I just feel sick about it all- would so love to be able to afford to be a SATM this time.

Chelsie - Hi, hope all is well with you and Macie Moo

Well , I am feeling much better -even ventured out to the park without crutches for the first time in 6 months yay!!!! Was a bit sore the next day as I overdone it a bit but still was great just to get out there haha.
We registered Dawson's birth on Monday, so now officially Dawson James
We are (weather permitting) planning a trip to the safari park tomorrow with all the family, taking a picnic and driving round seeing all the animals, going to the sea lion show and letting the boys let off steam at the adventure playground. So looking forward to that, as long as my mw comes early enough (she has promised me first visit -as she forgot me yday and is a bit embarrassed about it all haha) and of course, if it stays dry lol.
Otherwise, just looking forward to continuing to feel better and to getting back to normal.

Love to all mums and babies
Hoping for fabbie news from Beadette real soon.

Take care everyone, and kisses to Dylan, Ruby Roo, Macie Moo and Grace (Goo?? lol haha -sorry!!)

Well I got all excited today that my home hub arrived in the post, only to receive a call from BT to say they haven't connected our phone line yet & they're unsure how long it will take!!!

Liz I did actually mean adult books haha! Glad you're enjoying it, is that the one about the cousins & handbag company? If it is I loved it too!

Well Roo did very well last night and slept 9-12 then 1-4 then 5-7!! So I felt human today as really I only lost out on 2 hours sleep in all which I can totally handle!

Last week l was a bit crazy and spent every day doing something whilst also trying to settle her into a routine, which was stupid as I was just on my knees by the end of each day so now this week we are taking it easy and just chilling and taking it slow in the day times to try and sort our lives out!

Right I am off for a cuddle on the sofa with hubby, have a good evening all!xx
Feel free to copy my siggy Donna! glad you like it! I wish I was creative enough to do some type of picture one but I'm afraid I'm not that technologically able! Glad to hear your milk is come in and that your perservered! And it sounds like your getting better too but take it easy!! Don't go overstretching yourself and getting injured!

Dylans jabs went ok... he was asleep and then he got jabbed and he screamed and had little tears and everything! but I was ok, with all the bloods and stuff that have been taken and with his time in hospital I was kind of used to him being prodded by now. But after both legs were done he went back in the pram and fell back asleep, so all in all not too tramatic! but he has been a bit more whingy this evening after sleeping most of the afternoon. heres hoping for a successful sleep tonight!! meeting some antenatal class people tomorrow for coffee! I dont want bags under my eyes!!

Nat- the book is about the bags and such, I'm one chapter from finishing and I started that one first because your note said that one was your fav! I've not bought any other books lately, been reading the kiddie ones I got for Dylan hehe quite cute they are! Dh even reading them to him tonight and it was so cute!! sorry your being sent around and around with BT, I'm sure you've given them an earful already, hope they sort it out soon!

well just watching big brother and hoping to go to sleep soon!! Can't wait for Dylan to sleep through, that day comes eventually doesn't it!!!???? ;) But I'm so in love its worth it!!!! xxxxxxxxx
Well - last mw visit tday. Dawson's back to his birth weight of 8lb 6oz, feeding well (although still 2 hrly zzzzzzzzz, he did manage one 4hr stint last night from 11pm - 3am, so that was great but I never went to bed until just after midnight - I knew I should've gone with him at 11pm but me and DH were enjoying a wee snuggle and some well needed us time lol) and looking great so that is us both signed off. HV on Monday.

Sitting here, anxiously awaiting the postman - aaarrrggghh. DD gets her standard grade results today. Hope she has done well, although I could seriously be out of pocket if she does lol - be worth every penny though tbh

Have a fabbie day ladies - love to all xxx

Well how weird not to be celebrating it being Friday! I could her used to this 'staying at home' business, but sadly not an option!

Donna how did your daughter get on? Fab news about Dawson, clearly the feeding is going well!

Liz I keep meaning to ask, where did you fond your baby massge class?

Hope both Lori & Chelsie are getting on ok?

Ruby turned 4 weeks old yesterday, the time has flown by!! I'm a bit sad actually as she is too big for all her 'early baby' clothes now :( so she is in newborn and will probably be on her way to 0-3 months soon!

Hubby finished work at 1 today so we did some DIY and got a black out blind up in her room, so i'm going to have all her daytime naps in there from tomorrow and use the crib as at the moment she only uses the Moses basket in our room and i'm worried she won't handle the transistion once she gets too big for it.

I have become the Nazi baby whisperer!! It works so well for her to nap and be awake for an hour, just she would like to nap for 3 hours at a time and I only let her do 2 so sometimes the staying awake is a struggle! Honesty it is hilarious, nothing phases her, she really never ever cries and just happily stares at you or she is out like a light, there doesn't seem to be an inbeyween phase but that's fine with me! We went to visit my friend on Tues whose baby is 10 days younger & if she isn't feeding she cries constantly, he said from 7-10pm she cries until she goes purple!!

Anyway, Roo is allowed to nap until 6pm then it's up for food & bathtime and then dinner for us before her dream feed at 8 and then 10. Last night it took me 20 mins just to get the bottle in her mouth for then ten pm feed hahaha!! I was laughing so much! She is a nutter.

The book says by day 3 they should be in the swing of it and tomorrow is day 4 so keep your fingers crossed!!

Have a fab weekend all xxxx

Well Loren passed all her exams so she is well pleased; but tbh I expected a bit more :-(- she got 2 x2's, 5x 3's and 1 x 4. I expected at least one or two 1's and more 2's.
At least I am not hundreds of pounds out of pocket lol- well 200 but could have been 800 lol. And she really expected a fail for her physics and got a 3, so that was good. She is staying on to get higher biology, chemistry, english, maths and PE; although still not sure what she wants to do with herself in the long run.

Nat, what is the baby whisperer thing? I am totally clueless haha- and what is a dream feed? Not that it would work with Dawson just yet, I dont think - he feeds all the time- a right wee grubber lol. He was in bed with me and DH all night last night too -oops lol. I was too tired to keep trying to settle him in his basket lol and we had been out all day yday so I was sore too. I just let him feed and fall asleep lol then change sides haha - am gonna regret this action I know.

Hope your baby whispering is a success, let us know how it all goes.

Hi to everyone else - hope all is well xxxxxxx
Well it is almost 3am and after an awful evening & huge rows with hubby what absolutely brilliant news to wake up too!!! I'm absolutely thrilled for you!!

Sending anything sticky I can think of in your direction!!!xxx
Thanks Hun! Xxx

sorry about the rows flower! Saw that you had a drunken hubby yesterday evening on FB! X
OMG What fabbie news hun, so pleased for you and your hubby xxx
sending tonnes of sticky dust, love, hugs, kisses, all best wishes for your lil poppy seed -c'mon baby STICK STICK STICK!!!!

Take care hun and brilliant news xxxxx

Nat, sorry you n DH have been arguing hun, its hard work this first year with new baby, change to family/ couple dynamics etc xxxx
Hi ladies sorry i havent been on for so long!!! Been a very busy week!

Congratulations Beadette!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of sticky dust to you!!!

Well Macie is poorly at the min, and unfortunately i suspect its colic :cry:
i feel so sorry for her and so useless as i feel like i cant do anything to help her!!!!!!!!! We@ve started to give her Infocol! Hopefully it will start kicking in soon.

Hope everyone is ok.
Sorry its short and sweet

Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
YAY Beadette, I know I already posted in your journal but want to RE-EMPHASISE how excited I am for you and how much I look forward to following your pregnancy!! Sending you lots of sticky dust!!

Chelsie- sorry Macie is a bit poorly, heres hoping for a swift turnaround back to her baby self!!

Nat- I don't know how you are coping with the schedule!! My schedule changes from day to day!! ;) Some days he's really sleepy and can sleep all day, and then days like today where he is up most of the day feeding every 1-2 hours!! (he normally did 3-4)

Donna- glad you had exam success in your house! how is the feeding going?

Lori- how are you??

Well think I had mastitis sat night / sunday... had fever, chills, sweating, dizziness, headache, o it was awful!! I seem to be better today though, called gp but they didn't want to give me anything as I was feeling better now. Also, Dylan has gone 6 hours in the night 2 times in the last week!!! yay!!!! So I feel a bit more rested at the minute. And dh was soo good to me yesterday when I was poorly and did all the nappy changes and took care of me too!!

well, dh home now, i'm off to have a bath! and start another book you sent me Nat - Thanks again!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey ladies!!

Sorry Ive not been on in a while...been so busy and just not managed to get laptop out!
Beadette - WOW!!!!! So so so so happy for you!!!

Not had a chance to catch up on previous pages but I hope everyone is good!
Grace now weighs 9lb5 so is doing really well! I am good also!

Nat - sorry about rows hun, hope all is good.

Donna - hows you?

Chels - hope the Infacol works!!

Liz - hope the mastisis (sp!) stays away. A friend had it and it was awful...she was so poorly!!

Well, peace is short lived, Grace is awake and looks hungry! Greedy girl!!

Lots and lots of love and I promise to be online more often or to ctach up via FB!!

hi ladies

Lori- wow 9lb 5oz already hun - Grace is doing well lol- I get Dawson weighed tomorrow, am really interested to see how much he has gained - feeds all day and night long haha. I can't believe he is 2weeks old already, where did the time go??

Liz - Oh poor you with mastitis, glad you are feeling better hun. Glad you had DH there to look after you. My DH went back to work yesterday and I admit to being a bit lost without him lol- really miss having him about lol. He still came home last night and ended up making the dinner and doing the dishes etc as everytime I tried to start something Dawson wanted fed or changed or something. Paternity leave should be MUCH longer haha, just to look after the mums :-)

Chelsie- hope Macie is ok, colic is horrrible isn't it? Poor wee tyke, hoping the infacol is doing the trick. Might not be relevant but many breast fed babies are diagnosed incorrectly with colic and it can sometimes be an oversupply problem -too much foremilk, and not enough hind milk - its to do with the letdown reflex being a bit slow and baby constantly gets loads of foremilk -I am sure there are a few threads about it in the breast feeding forum - might help :-) xx

Nat -hope you are okay today and Ruby doing fab too.

Nina -YAY!!! Just needed to say that again lol woohoo!!!!!

I agree Donna!! Paternity leave should be much longer! I kept thinking thank goodness I was ill on a sunday!!

Just had Dylan weighed, 13lb 5oz, at 3 weeks adjusted age, so he's off the chart!!

Well this is a flying visit, haven't had lunch yet and have our antenatal class reunion tonight! Should be fun!

Is it totally crazy :wacko: that ????? ...

- Despite mad crippling SPD, which is still problematic and I am still on painkillers and NSAIDS's/ months of crutches, isolation and total boredom etc...

-Despite hourly breast feeding, no sleep and still being 2 stone above my 'normal' weight lol and ...

-Despite a horrid labour, induction, stirrups, forceps, fetal distress, meconium and shoulder dystocia ...

I am so thinking how nice it would be to have another one haha OMG -Would never have said that this time last week lol haha

Even DH jested last night -seems a shame we are giving up on having more babies -when we seem to do it so well lol -sure we are totally biased of course, but our little guy is just SO perfect haha :cloud9::cloud9: .

Maybe I am just SO sleep deprived, I have gone a little nuts haha :wacko::wacko:

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