from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Nina -everything continues to be crossed for you hun, and I too check up on you daily- even if sometimes I dont get the chance to post, Really hoping everything goes brilliantly this time around hun -you deserve it xxx

Liz -I have to agree with Nat, I love Humphreys corner too, I looked at this for DJ's room but my DD has always loved elephants and collects them so as is's kind of her thing I decided against it -didn't want her feeling like I'd stolen her elephant thing from her lol.
How does having the cyst impact in your decision for LO#2? I presume it is not causing any pain or problems just now hun??

Nat - congrats for getting back in the saddle (so to spk lol) - I must admit to being really nervous about it this time around too - sutures are still sore and I am still bruised and swollen from the forceps so am not thinking about it too soon (and still having slight lochia too :-() , but would like to think it wont be too long- we need that closeness and I miss it!!! After Ben it was only a few weeks before we DTD again but no stitches or anything that time around; and tbh cant remember whether there was spotting or not but seems logical that there would / or could be some.
I do hate condoms though, and I'll not get my coil until 6 weeks PP so will need to lol

Drreading AF too- it's been lovely not seeing that witch every month haha

look at you Donna with your new ticker!!! I think if I put one on it would be too 'real'. I really want to order pizza every night!!

Thanks for the humphrey corner vote, at least could use it for lo2 room if boy or girl! I don't know how the cyst will impact lo2, which is something I need to bring up pronto if we plan to try again soon. But then I think I'd like to loose weight too so do I just want to pile it on again if I put in the effort to lose it? I'm still undecided, I think dh would just go along with whatever I want :) I hope the cyst doesn't give us any problems, and I too dread the arrival of AF, its been sooooo nice having a year off!! ;) xxxx
look at you Donna with your new ticker!!! I think if I put one on it would be too 'real'. I really want to order pizza every night!!

Thanks for the humphrey corner vote, at least could use it for lo2 room if boy or girl! I don't know how the cyst will impact lo2, which is something I need to bring up pronto if we plan to try again soon. But then I think I'd like to loose weight too so do I just want to pile it on again if I put in the effort to lose it? I'm still undecided, I think dh would just go along with whatever I want :) I hope the cyst doesn't give us any problems, and I too dread the arrival of AF, its been sooooo nice having a year off!! ;) xxxx

Lol :haha::haha: I am still eating all the usual crap lol -chocolate, pizzas, chippy food lol but thankfully feeding DJ every hour or so has it's benefits haha -can almost get into my size 8 maternity jeans lol -not quite the same as my regular clothes haha, but it's a start, right???

I am desperate to get on my Wii Fit, still waiting on clearance from the physio about my torn abdo muscles and spd though, so still have to be really careful just now. In fact went to the park yday and was really sore last night with just pram pushing, so maybe that shows me that I need to take it easy lol. DH should have been pushing the pram but he ended up in the pub :-( with his stupid alcoholic uncles, his brother, dad etc - What is it with men??? Sunshine and going to the park HAS to encorporate a beer garden!!!!
lol - dont really mind them going to the beer garden lol... but did mind being expected to chauffeur every one around afterwards (DH - '' Donna will drop you off later, wont you honey?? She doesn't mind, she can't drink anyway!!')- I didn't do it but just being expected to do it was bad enough lol. He'll pay today!!!! Stupid man:haha::haha::haha:

hi ladies

self indulgent thread lol-pics of my little Deej aged 3 weeks -lol - where has the time gone?

hope everyone else is well xx:hugs:xx

DJ 3wk (2).jpg



Lovely photos Donna!! He's very adorable, I like how he's watching the camera in the third pic and he is very alert!!

So I've gone with Humphreys corner!! I've got some stuff being delivered today, I went into mothercare with dh to have him help me choose (didn't help!!) but they didn't have the humphreys stuff, I asked someone about it and she said she could order it in store and I was like, 'o no, gotta order it online as I've got a voucher code!!'. And she was like, 'depending on how much you want to spend I can use your voucher code and do you a better deal with more money off' me, 'ok then!!!' So I got loads of money knocked off and I'm sooo happy, I can't wait to get it on the bed, have to go into town today and get a curtain rod as bought the curtains too!! yay!!

yeh i agree its sooo sweet and have u seen the new bear stuff range in mothercare replacing please look after me?? so adorable
Hey lovely ladies!!!!

I am so so so sorry I have been missing for a long time!!! Been so so busy and only been on FB via my phone - cannot handle BnB on my phone! Its torture! Haha!!

Had a quick catch up on the thread and its great to see how people are doing!

Wanna - DJ is adorable in those piccies!! What a cutie! Hows he doing? With the breast feeding, we still do on demand but Grace can go 2-3 hours through the day and 4-6 at night! She slept from 11pm til 5am the other day! Record!! Hehe! Oh and I do alternate boobs each time although if she does decide she wants to feed again within an hour I tend to use the same boob. I am also expressing and she is happy to take a bottle from Andrew - allowing me to get some sense of normality of having a social life! Haha! Went out for friends bday for 6 hours on Sunday afternoon! No alcohol but lots of girlie giggles!!

Nat - hope youre feeling better hun. The dynamics of a r'ship definitely shift when baby arrives, and sleep deprivation will just be adding to the changes! Lots of big hugs hun! And well done on DTD! I have been mega horny (TMI) lately but were gonna wait til 6 weeks! Hubby also horny as hell! Haha!!

Liz - so pleased you got all of the Humpreys Corner stuff!! And at a discount too! Woohoo!! Baby shopping is so much fun!!

Chelsie - big hugs hunni! Hope you feel better soon! Lots of love!

Nina - how you feeling chic? I need to catch up on your journal!! Lots of love!

Well, Grace and me are doing so well! She is such a good baby! I love being a mummy! We have a diary full of things to do each week which is fab! Been to baby group today and made more new friends! Lovely! We're donig baby massage soon and a swimming course when she is 8 weeks! She is at a bday party (our nephew) on Sat! Got her party dress at the ready! Hehe!
Grace now weighs 9lb14! Such a good eater! And the breast feeding is going so well. I originally said I would stop at 6 weeks but Im just going to keep going until I decide to stop! Hope to do 3 months if possible! I only have a stone to lose now to be back to pre-preg weight....BF and walking loads with the pram is deffo helping! Can get my jeans on again, which feels great.

Im off to watch a bit of tv and have a cuppa while Gracie woo is sleeping!

Lots and lots of love ladies and babies (and bumps!)

Hi Ladies

Nina -fx'd all is well hun thinking of you xxx

Well, my lil chunky monkey is 10lb 7oz already haha -up from 9lb 2oz last week -wee grubber. I knew he was much bigger, as all his newborn stuff doesn't fit anymore lol but was expecting about the 10lbs mark haha. Haven't weighed myself yet this week -am hoping that as he gains the weight, I am also losing it lol. I am in no real rush to lose it, but is nice to see my shape returning to normal on my Wii lol -last week I was back down to within my ideal BMI range (top of the range right enough lol) already but still 2 stones heavier than I started out.

Good weight gain from Grace too Lori -its good news but tinged with a touch of sadness for me lol - glad DJ is gaining well but am quickly losing my last ever newborn stage - know I am going to be so broody again in a few months time lol -if spd could be cured / or pre-determined that it wouldn't be so bad this time then I'd definitely have another lol

Deej is having a litle snooze- he only ever really catnaps -and then we are going out for lunch with my sis and nephew -my nephew is a bit jealous of DJ haha -he has been the baby for the past year and now there is another little person stealing the limelight lol -I am sure they'll be best of pals in future years though.
Oh and yep - 4 hours last night of sleep AGAIN yipee!!!! WOW how wonderful is four little hours when you are sleep deprived haha. Please let it continue!!!! That's only 2 nights in a row so too early to be counting my chickens I s'pose haha

Lori -when did you start expressing? And how? I am worried about expressing and then Deej needing fed and not getting satisfied iykwim??? I meant to ask HV this morning but got so caught up chatting about his weight gain etc that it totally went out my head.
Liz -do you express also, and if so -same question to you please hun - I never expressed with my others and really need to make sure Deej takes a bottle as Ben was terrible when I went back to work - refused milk from cup or bottle for months and then I was on catch-up allnight and back to work next day zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Nat and Chelsie -hope your lil princesses are doing well, and both of you gorgeous mummies too of course! Hope you got another reasonable sleep too Nat -makes such a difference doesn't it??

Gemma -congrats on reaching 28 weeks hun - to think my lil guy will be another 3 mnths older once your baby arrives is scary - Want to keep him a baby for as long as possible but at the same time am excited about how he'll develop, what type of person he'll be, when he'll sit up, cut his first tooth, take his first step etc lol

Have a good day ladies and babies and love to Nina and Gemmas bumps, Dylan, Ruby , Macie, Grace and all lovely ladies from me and Deej xxxxx

I'm baaaaackkkk!! Well I have never missed typing on a keyboard so much in my life! I do love my iphone but not THAT much.

Well the photogrpaher has just left, she came over to take some photos of Ruby, fell is love with Buster and did some of him too! Jody doesnt know about it, I have no idea how I am going to keep it a secret until Christmas but I am so excited! She said I will get the thumbnails in about a fortnight so I cannot wait to show you all!

Roo did another good night last night, she slept 10pm-2am and then 3am-7am so I am a happy bunny today! She seems to be a total nightmare about going down in her cot at nighttime though, it takes anything up to 2 hours to settle her, despite her doing it all day absolutely fine! It is a little frustrating but I have moved the chair next to her crib now and my practically being in the crib with her patting and sssshing seems to help!

Anyway, I am off to FINALLY change my signature, god isn't having the internet a wonderful thing?!

Donna - love the pics of Deej, he is SO cute and so alert! Great news on his weight gain, Roo has her 6 week check on Tuesday and I cannot wait to find out what she weighs, she has outgrown all her 'early baby' stuff and is into 'newborn' now so I imagine she is around 10lb too.

Liz - Hope all is well with you and Dylan, have you still got him in your room?

Lori - it sounds like you have some fantastic things on offer for new mums, how on earth do you keep going?! I can barely last 2 hours without needing a nap!!! Would love to see some new pics of Grace if you have the time!

Chelsie - I hope you are still getting good nights from Maisie and that things are better in your house too.

Nina - Sending bucket loads of PMA your way lady xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Gemma - You must post some bump pics on facebook so we can see!

Right ladies lots of love to all! xxxx
Nat -great idea for xmas prezzie for Jody - I want to get some family shots done professionally -but want to wait until Deej is a bit bigger and maybe get some smiles or giggles.
You'll need to show us the pics definitely,

well done roo for being a good girl and sleeping for mummy xx

Loving your new siggie, espec the PMA for our Neen xxx
Well -knew I was counting my chickens lol -night from hell last night.

Deej just couldn't be settled, really windy and dentonox colic drops doing nothing to help. Wee soul was screaming and obviously in pain, then wanting more milk, taking it and being sick and then having more colic aaaaaaaaaarrghhhhhhh!!!

So tired today!!

But good news too yay!!! -Was talking to my sis about my childcare options when I return to work (only 35 weeks away sob!!!) and she was like 'Well I will watch him D'oh!!!!' She watched my other kids when they were small but hasn't since she fell pregnant with Aiden (Ben went to breakfast club and latchkey at school and the other two didn't need a babysitter by then) and I didn't want her to feel obliged to help out again. So yay!!! So glad - really was getting worried about getting a nursery place or childminder as I plan to only need care 1 day per week and understandably childminders would prefer to have a fulltime child rather than part timers. And also, makes going back to work less daunting knowing my lil man will be with his auntie and cousin. Still hoping for a lottery win lol -dont want to go back at all -feel physically sick at the thought to be honest, want to spend the early years with Deej. Have never been a SAHM before (and maybe it would drive me mad lol) but I dont want to miss anything with his development.
I hate my job though (only started it last July, and its not for me, staff are all weird and the job is boring)- so I am sure that has a lot to do with my reluctance to go back too; but at least we self roster so I should be able to make sure I only need child care 1 day per week. Damn damn damn, maybe DH can get another job haha. Problem is, if I decide to get another job, it will be near impossible to get the same pay for 10 shifts per month and only 4 midweek day shifts per month that require child care.
Definitely NEED a lottery win lol!!

I know Lori was looking into nursery placements but what is everyone else doing when they go back to work? and when are you all due back? - I am due back end April. Are you all going back same hours or reducing them at all? I currently do 13 shifts per month (fulltime) but want to go back 10 shifts only -which is 2 x 2 and 2 x 3 per month.

Deej grumbling so better go get a cuddle with my gorgeous wee man.

glad dj is doing so well Donna and cant offer any advice about going back to work as I had to leave my job to move for hubbys job so I dont have a job to go bk to, would love to finish uni but it would mean leaving hub in north west while we moved north east, it would kill him and i would miss him so much. I cant believe how quickly all bonfire babies are growing! My pregnancy is totally dragging, we are pretty organised and have most things so im ready for her. I would love to post bump pic and nursery pics Nat but my camera has dissapeared off the face of the earth since we moved :( need to invest in a new one i think, love to all xx
Hi girls, thank you so much for all your well wishes! And Nat I LOVE the siggy! You are so lovely! And all the PMA you've been sending me seems to be working as I'm feeling very positive despite the brown watery spotting the other day! It has now stopped thankfully!

Thank you for all your support, especially at a time which is so hectic for you all! I do really appreciate it and am so glad of your friendship! Love you all lots!!

Love to mums and babies!! Xx

ps - early scan at EPU on Thursday - will keep you updated! Wish on everything you can for me!! Xxx
Hi girls, thank you so much for all your well wishes! And Nat I LOVE the siggy! You are so lovely! And all the PMA you've been sending me seems to be working as I'm feeling very positive despite the brown watery spotting the other day! It has now stopped thankfully!

Thank you for all your support, especially at a time which is so hectic for you all! I do really appreciate it and am so glad of your friendship! Love you all lots!!

Love to mums and babies!! Xx

ps - early scan at EPU on Thursday - will keep you updated! Wish on everything you can for me!! Xxx
I just wrote loads and lost it all, i'm devastated!! grrrrrr and Now i can't be bothered to retype it all!!!

Neen- glad you decided to spill the beans on the date, we will have everything crossed for you!!

Donna- going back to work prob july 2011 full time, don't think they'd let me go part time so useless exercise me thinks. Will put him in nursery, there is one five minutes away so need to go check it out! I started expressing with Dylan straight away as he went to NICU and needed the milk in a tube. Since getting home from hospital I dont express as much but started up again doing it in the morning trying to get 5oz to freeze. expressing boob he's just finished feeding from and starting on the other one until I get 5 oz.

Dylan went 8 hours friday night, 10pm to 6am and then 7 last night 930 to 430, we've had him in his own room in his cotbed since thursday so think that is really working for us! hope I'm not jinxing it too!! well it looks like its going to be a lovely day so going to have another coffee then get outside and do something! xxxxxxx

How are we all? No problem at all on the siggy Nina, I am glad you liked it!

Gemma, whoops I knew I would miss someone, will get it edited pronto, please excuse my brain of mush!

Well I am doing very well as my whole family is on holiday...I usually HATE it when they are all away and I am the only one here but I am doing ok! Hubby helped massively last night as we had a bad night with Roo, so I feel not so bad tonight which is fab!

Today we popped her back to bed at 7am and had a lie in until 9am which was lovely! Wednesday and Thursday we had two great nights, I write down everything from the time she woke up, to when she sleeps and how much she eats each time and both those days between 1pm and 10pm she took 12oz of milk. So Friday she only had 8 and same for yesterday. She has had 11.5oz today!! So I am going to go and give her a 'dream feed' in a few mins and hopefully that will help for tonight as I could sure do with at least 4 hours sleep!

Our oven has broken :( so dinners can only be on the hob or in the slow cooker! A friend of ours is a Hotpoint technician so knows all about appliances and says he will come and look at it tomorrow, fingers crossed he will! And on top of that our bed is broken! I think it is actually just not been put together properly since we moved, as the slats have started to pop out! One by one last night on Jodys side this 'pop' would happen and by this morning he was far closer to the floor than me, it was quite funny!

So we went bed shopping today as our matress is 8 years old anyway, so about time we replaced it! So fingers crossed we don't need a new oven too as we don't have the funds for that right now. If only it were BBQ weather and it wouldnt be a problem, instead we have severe weather warnings! Trust it to be the one summer we all dont have to work and they suspect floods!

Roo is doing fabulously, her neck control is superb and she can stay awake for about an hour and 45 mins now between naps, she is starting to smile and is so sweet as whenever she hears my voice she looks for me! I could literally eat her!

I feel so much better, I think I was actually suffering with the baby blues a bit more than I realised and things seem a lot easier, and far more enjoyable. One thing I am finding hard is having anyone in the same boat, both my 'mummy friends' have babies 5 and 7 months old so they are at totally different stages to me. My two friends whose babies are literally within days of me both live over an hour away so although we text and email I just wish I had a baby group or something like that which means I could meet some local mums.

I have tried to find a local baby massage group but there doesn't seem to be one, only people that will come to my house, for a one to one. How have you guys met people? Or did you know people before who were due around the same time?

Right, I had better get moving on sorting out Roo's bits for bed time.

Hope you have all had fab weekends, how lovely not to have work tomorrow!!

Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxx
have u checked the NCT website Nat for things in your area? Iv started going to a bumps, babies and beyond group and met some pregnant mums through there. Sorry to hear about your bed and your oven, hope its fixable.. although i hope it doesnt come in 3's for you as they say it should. Sounds like Ruby is thriving :) loving that she looks for you so sweet, I cant wait for that, you made me all excited to meet my little girl xx

oo and thanks for adding me in your siggy :) x

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