from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Hey ladies!

Just checking in, any news from Donna? Cant stay to chat, Grace is asleep so Im off to get a couple of hours!

Love and hugs to all

I hope she doesn't mind me posting, I'll leave off the details for her but I just got a text to say she has had her little man!!

Congrats Donna!xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh I'm so glad!! Congrats Donna - can't wait to hear the story!!! Xxx
Yay!! Congats donna! Can't wait to hear all about it and see a piccie!!! Do we have a name yet?? Xxx
Awwww congratulations Donna!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it and see piccies and of course hear his name! lol. xxxxx
Hello Ladies

Well, as Nat let you know, thanks for updating Nat xx - yes we have had our little man.

Went into hospital yday morning at 08:30 but no beds, sent away and back at 13:00 to labour ward. Had my waters broken at 15:45, then little Dawson was born at 18:28.

Bit traumatic at the end ,he became bradycardic , there was meconium present and I was only 7cm so it was mad panic ,getting theatre staff paged and ready etc but thankfully I went 7 -10cm within a few mins and with the assistance of stirrups and foreceps (ouch ouch ouch with spd double ouch!!) he was out... at last -rushed away by the paediatricians for resus -longest 5 mins of my life I tell you -then heard him cry and was so glad. There were about 10 members of staff in the room at one point and they were struggling to get his heart rate to come up and trying to get me to move onto my alternate sides etc, at which point I was just screaming for a c-section to just get him out -And at least I was still kind of out of it with gas and air, poor DH says his heart was racing and it was really really scary - thought we were going to lose him for a minute. Yeah and after his head was out ,his blooming shoulder got stuck -and I tore, after going through the forceps delivery of head with nothing too- typical.

So so glad we were in hospital tbh, dont know what would have happened had we been at home -would hope spontaneous labour and water birth etc would have been completely different but with the brady, the meconium and the shoulder dystocia OMG!!! Any one of these and I would have needed blue lighted to hospital.

But you know what??? Totally worth every bit of pain - for the past 9 months with spd and the delivery.
I couldn't walk last night but feeling a bit better today, and home now - paeds are all delighted with him and he is breast feeding like a pro and he is so gorgeous.

My little Dawson John weighing at at 8lb 6oz, lovely dark hair and perfect!!!



oh donna he is so precious! congratulations and well done. i just cried at ur birth story, see you going this far over happened for a reason, you were in the best place. It must have been so scary like I couldnt imagine, im so pleased you and Dawson and doing fine :) love the name.

Hope for a speedy recovery, enjoy your long awaited little bundle, sending lots and lots of hugs xxxxxx
Donna, massive congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dawson is lovely, i bet you are so proud already!
Glad you and him are home ad doing well,

Lots of love to you both from me, Stuart and Macie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
well done you!!! Dawson is a lovely name choice!!! he looks absolutely perfect!! Know your a bit sore now but are you feeling better pain wise?? Glad your bfeeding is going well... soooo happy for you..

and thats it!! bonfire babies have all arrived!! xxxx
Oh Donna! I loved Reading your story, I'm so sorry it was so frightening for you, the 10 seconds of the cord around Rubys neck was bad enough so I can't imagine what it must have been for you! As they say, everything happens for a reason so thankfully you were in the best place, so glad you're all ok and he us just gorgoues, his hair is do dark!! Does he look similar to DS?

Well it's half 8 and I'm in bed, we had a rough night after a very sleepy day yesterday but today Ruby has been a superstar & awake LOADS!! I hope it doesn't continue to tonight though as she doesn't seem to sleep more than 2 hours today. I had her 2 week check at the doctors today, she is all fine & such a little star as she didn't fuss once through the whole thing! Finally someone weighed her as they hadn't since leaving the hospital and she's 8lb, go Ruby Roo!! She was 6lb 6oz at birth and 3 weeks tomorrow (which is madness) so she's doing brilliantly. I'm gutted she isn't teeny tiny still as she's getting long but hey ho, she's getting the good stuff as I managed to express 1 oz for her today ;)

tomorrow we have the cranial osteopath at 11.30 so that should keep her awake again! It's so lovely in this sunshine to walk up to the doctors & the complemantary health clinic I'm going to tomorrow I can walk to as well! Mum came over this morning & I took buster out for 45 mins then walked to and from doctors & walked Bust again when hubby got home so I've done well on fitness today, the GP said I can start to use my exercise bike from tomorrow thankfully.

Liz- thanks for all your support with expressing etc I really appreciate it ;)

Lori - I hope Grace is allowing you lots of lovely sleep, and that all is going well your end and you don't have too many visitors!

Chelsie - Macie is to die for, I'm loving your fbook updates! Sounds like you've taken to everything like a duck to water!

Nina - stalking you and awaiting the news of that :bfp: so excited for you !

Anyway ladies, Ruby has stopped grumbling so I'm going to ZZZZZ while I can, and keep everything crossed for a very good night!

Lots of love xxxxx
Oh Donna, he is absolutely gorgeous! A real stunner! Congratulations

You have all had such beautiful babies!!

Make sure you let me know which forum you are heading to so I can continue to stalk you and see pics of your gorgeous bubs xxx
Ah Donna!!!!! He is AMAZING!!! Well worth it like you say!! Sorry it was traumatic towards the end, but sounds like the medical staff were on the ball!!

I love his name, really unusual and trendy!!! I bet you are so over the moon and completely on cloud 9!!

Lots and lots of love to you and your gorgeous new baby boy!!
Hey girls!!

All is well in the Bennett household! Grace is doing so so so well!! She is feeding and sleeping well and she loves her bouncer chair and is wide awake when she is in there! We had our first little outing as a family yday, went to the local retail park! Grace slept nearly all the hour and a half we were out!
Andrew back to work today as has a busy two weeks, so he is staggering his days off, also self employed so better to have a few days in per week to keep finances in order! Gonna be hard watching savings deplete rapdily....but so worth it!!
My mum is off work tomorrow so were going to go somewhere local for lunch which Im excited about!!
Visitors have calmed down dramatically which is good! People are so generous when they have been visiting, I started to feel really bad for not wanting people to come, but I suppose it was because they were excited!

Nat - thats great about Ruby's weight and that you're managing to express! Well done!

Chelsie - hope things are good hunni!

Liz - how's things?

Donna - hope you are managing to rest a bit and enjoy some time with your fabulous family! What are the other children like with him?? I bet they are smitten!!

Nina - keeping fingers crossed that this is your month my love! Big hugs!!!

Well, Grace is sleeping and I have just been ordering some grandma, grandad cards on Moonpig - love personalising cards for people! And now I think I will have a little nap before I sort the washing and make something nice for tea for Andrew coming in!

Lots of love to all mummies and babies!!
Hiya girls,

Lori, so glad to hear how well Grace is doing! I hope i'll be joining you in the mummy club soon! I'll keep you all updated anyway.

I just want to thank you for all your support to me! I was looking back at when this group was first started - how much has happened for me since then!

I certainly didn't plan that my first year of marriage would have had such heartache for us both but I think i've learned a lot from it and am much stronger now!

Anyway just wanted to send hugs to you and your precious babies! And ask that you keep in touch so that when I have my baby (which I will - PMA) I will have all you lovely ladies to get advice from! x x x x x x
Neen! stop making me blubber! of course we'll stay in touch and if you need anything just let me know, and remember I'm relatively close by so if you do need anything do let me know!!! I can't even start to imagine what you've gone through your first year or marriage, just makes it so much stronger! I'm positive your second year of marriage will be much rosier!! xxxxx

Dylan and I are doing well, we had a couple rough nights as he has started whinging in his sleep but last night he fell asleep from about 930 to 2 and then 3 to 7 so I'm feeling quite good this morning!! I got my hair done yesterday so I feel more presentable today too so I'm thinking of going into work. I need to finish cleaning out my desk ha hahaha!!! plus the boss mentioned about taking me out to lunch on company moolah so might take her up on it, but not sure if I can be bothered!! Plus I've got my last baby massage class today!! bit sad to be ending as I've sooo enjoyed it!

Dylan still hasn't smiled yet, its so frustrating!! I know all babies are different but I worry myself between him being an 8 week old or an adjusted age of 2 week old baby... his charts follow adjusted age, but I'm not sure what his development will follow as 6 weeks is quite a gap!! who knows when I'll get that first 'real' smile (He has the windy ones...)

Well my house is a tip today but I'm not that bothered!!! Dh has taken monday, wed, thur off and now has gone onto 7 day 12 hour shifts with work. we had some nice days together though, i got loads of bargains this week too for Dylan its so exciting... plus 2 new hot milk bras coming in the post anytime... hopefully today! I hate my mothercare bras - no support!

Donna- hope your having an amazing first couple days with little Dawson, lets see some more photos!!! hope he's settling in well!!

Nat- your crazy!!! I couldn't imagine getting on the exercise bike!! I can't be bothered, I'm so jealous you've got that dedication to sort it out so quickly, pass some this way pleasE!!! I can't stay away from cookies!!

Lori - glad the first outing is behind you!! it gets so much easier! Did you get anything nice?? I love a good bargain!!

hows the feeding going for you all'??, I think Dylan is having a growth spurt (again!!) I didn't get him weighed this week as have to get his injections next week so thought I'd get him weighed again then as I don't think your supposed to go every week.

and what you all doing during the night during feeds? I watch music videos on tv!! the light is dimmer than turning on the light and it keeps me up to date with all the top hits, I actually am better at knowing who sings what!! and I love the katy perry california gurls video!! I woke dh up last week to watch it when it came on, dont think he was that happy at like 3 am to be woken up to watch a music video hehehehe...

well, guess I should be productive and get something done, but I'm too busy watching the catch up of big brother, which is hilarious!!!

love to you all!!! xxxx
Hi Ladies

Thanks for all the well wishes

Well, Dawson an I are doing fine -I am totally shattered lol -he is feeding constantly and my milk supply isn't in yet so I have one hungry grumpy baby sometimes lol -slept for 3 hrs last night; which is better than the nigth before haha -but not much!!!!
And slept on my chest again -oops my bad!!!! A crib, a moses basket, a cot and a pram and he sleeps with me on the couch haha. Ohh well, hoping once my milk comes in, he'll settle down a bit -poor wee guy is just so hungry and alert and taking in loads of air too as he gulps away trying to ease his hunger haha -so then has terrible colic.

Means I get tonnes of cuddles lol -he's attached to me practically 24/7 haha; which I am loving -still cant get enough of him.

He is looking a bit jaundiced today ,and hasn't opened his bowels since yday early morning so am thinking of stopping taking my codeine -sure its constipating him.

Have visitors up from London for a few days -staying at my sis's though -thankfully as I am not a great hostess atthe moment, as you can appreciate lol and a busy weekend of visitors expected too.

Liz -I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of smiles -like you say, Dylan is only 2 weeks adjusted and its still early days.

Nat- hope the pumping is going well, and you have managed to get Ruby into a night/ day time cycle a bit better -Dawson is the same haha -not fun when they are wied awake 1 am- 5am when all you want to do is sleep.

Lori- hope all is well with you and Grace

Chelsie -Likewise - hoping Macie is doing well too

Nina -fx'd hun -really hope this is your month and please keep popping by, and I'll be popping into your journal too, to keep an eye (if thats okay?)

I s'pose I'd better fix my siggy at some point lol- but not today -little guy is wanting more booby juice so better go and appease the wee guy.

Love to all mummies, Dylan, Ruby, Macie, Grace and of course Nina from Donna and Dawson xxxxxxx
Woohoo for booby milk haha- hoping my lil guy starts sleeping some now!!!!


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