Oh Donna! I loved Reading your story, I'm so sorry it was so frightening for you, the 10 seconds of the cord around Rubys neck was bad enough so I can't imagine what it must have been for you! As they say, everything happens for a reason so thankfully you were in the best place, so glad you're all ok and he us just gorgoues, his hair is do dark!! Does he look similar to DS?
Well it's half 8 and I'm in bed, we had a rough night after a very sleepy day yesterday but today Ruby has been a superstar & awake LOADS!! I hope it doesn't continue to tonight though as she doesn't seem to sleep more than 2 hours today. I had her 2 week check at the doctors today, she is all fine & such a little star as she didn't fuss once through the whole thing! Finally someone weighed her as they hadn't since leaving the hospital and she's 8lb, go Ruby Roo!! She was 6lb 6oz at birth and 3 weeks tomorrow (which is madness) so she's doing brilliantly. I'm gutted she isn't teeny tiny still as she's getting long but hey ho, she's getting the good stuff as I managed to express 1 oz for her today
tomorrow we have the cranial osteopath at 11.30 so that should keep her awake again! It's so lovely in this sunshine to walk up to the doctors & the complemantary health clinic I'm going to tomorrow I can walk to as well! Mum came over this morning & I took buster out for 45 mins then walked to and from doctors & walked Bust again when hubby got home so I've done well on fitness today, the GP said I can start to use my exercise bike from tomorrow thankfully.
Liz- thanks for all your support with expressing etc I really appreciate it
Lori - I hope Grace is allowing you lots of lovely sleep, and that all is going well your end and you don't have too many visitors!
Chelsie - Macie is to die for, I'm loving your fbook updates! Sounds like you've taken to everything like a duck to water!
Nina - stalking you and awaiting the news of that

so excited for you !
Anyway ladies, Ruby has stopped grumbling so I'm going to ZZZZZ while I can, and keep everything crossed for a very good night!
Lots of love xxxxx