from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Nat, one word - SURESTART!!! all the stuff there is free and there is an assortment of people that go to the groups so there is bound to be someone there to 'chat up' ;)....
and I agree with Gemma too, NCT!! I just joined the NCT a couple weeks ago (dont think you need to be a member to go to groups though) but if you go on the NCT website you can find groups near you!!

Also... Dont forget we're here for you too!!!!! so whenever you need anything just let me/us know!!! Good luck with the sleep tonight!! Dylan went to sleep around 830 tonight so he's bound to wake up earlier than the 430/6am we've had last couple days, but I'm still hoping for a hat trick!!!!

Liz - thanks for the expressing advice xx I managed 4 oz between last night and this morning, so Dave can give him that later tonight and we can see how he takes to the bottle - hope he doesn't get nipple confusion!!!

Also, well done on Dylan sleeping so well. Brilliant, good boy Dyls. I am tempted to try Deej in his own room as he is such a noisy sleeper, and I am sure that half the time I actually disturb him when checking to see if he's actually awake or not lol. Once he has been disturbed then he ultimately wants fed again lol. I am just thinking if it doesn't work, then I could be walking back n forth all night - but I s'pose I can always take him back into mine.
Cant believe Dylan is nearing 3months already - where has the time gone?

Nat -how'd Ruby get on at her 6wk assessment /check-up? I need to phone up and make an appt for my postnatal check -I keep forgetting to do it D'oh!! Baby brain!!! And also haven't claimed my child tax or child benefit either- keep forgetting that too. You'd think with being home all day I'd have loads of time but I really dont lol!!!!
Can hardly keep up with the washing, housework etc -in fact tbh an NOT really keeping up lol -but nearly haha.
Glad you are feeling a bit better hun and hope Ruby Roo sleeps abit better for you and Jody -sleep deprivation is really hard, I know that feeling really well, not fun!!!

Nina -All the best for Thursday, I'll have everyhting crossed and will be thinking of you then babe, really hope that it all goes really well, and that your lil sweetpea is growing beautifully. This MUST be your time!!!! xx

Gemma - Hi babes, hope you are well!!! And lil bump too of course. Hope you are enjoying your new house and meeting neew friends at your bumps and beyond meetings. I am contemplating taking Deej to baby massage soon -the classes run here between age 6 and26 weeks and I think he'd enjoy it but I am not sure yet. It is done on the floor and at the moment I am still not allowed to get down on the floor due to my pelvis so need to see what the physio says; I have a physio appt on Fri to check my torn abdos and re-assess my spd situation.

Lori - WOW you are a busy new mum lol!!! Where do you find the energy and time?? haha, Little Grace must be getting so big now too -any more pics to share? What weight is she now?

Chelsie -how are you and Macie Moo getting on? -see from FB you had a not so good night hun, hoping you catch up on the lost sleep today... and welcome to the club haha, haven't had a decents night sleep in 4 weeks haha.

Love to all mums, babies and bumps xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm just coming on to moan really, so that I don't cry!! After last nights succes of Roo sleeping 10.30-4am tonight she decided to do 10.30-1 awake til 1.40, up again 2-3 and now 4am!!! So as you can imAgine I haven't had much sleep!!

Hope everyone else is having a better night, sitting here think if you Nina & sending you all the love & luck I have!xxx
oo sorry you have had such a crap night Nat, hope its just a one off and she will go back to sleeping as well as she did the other night xx
Oh poor you Nat -hope little Roo went back to sleep not long after your last post xx

And also, that you get some catch up zzzzzzzzzzzzz's today.

Deej is still so unpredictable too -had 2 nights of a 4 hour sleep then up all night the next two nights and then regular 2 hrly last night -but not wakening in between; just wanting fed, burped, nappy changed or whatever and back to sleep -but still in with me oops!!! I dont get up with him though, I keep him in the darkened room, dont speak to him at all -only hush when really upset. I know that just as I do start getting some kind of routine going that the teething will start lol and put a stop to it again.
Is Ruby still confusing day and night? Deej is still a bit out of sync with what is what -but I find that by keeping him in the same room (sorry DH but you need to go elsewhere if you are getting too disturbed ), keeping lighting to a minimum and no noise including talking of any kind for night time and kept downstairs with lots of noise and light, even when sleeping (or cat napping in his case) and lots of chatter seems to remind him that upstairs and dark is bedtime and not for playing.It does get easier, hope you are feeling okay. xxxx

All the best to Nina for today -really hoping and praying for a positive outcome for you hun- you really do deserve some happiness after all you have been through. Everything crossed for you and will be thinking of you all day. Love n hugs xxx

Hi to everyone else, hope things are well with you all, need to go and see to His Highness now lol -grumping away lol

love n hugs xxxxxxxxx
hello ladies!!! Yay for Neen and her wonderful little hb today!!! ItsN just made my week really!!!

Hows the expressing going Donna?

Nat - hope you got some sleep today!!! Sounds like you had a rough night!! I've been extra tired recently, I think this weekend would be a good weekend for dh to try to do a bottle feed of ebm at night so I can get a full nights sleep!!

Dh family coming to visit this weekend but staying in bnb close by so at least they're not staying here and we can still have our routine!! (which isn't much of one really!) But after Nat was talking about baby routines I started to try to make an effort of a routine. I think its working, at least at night, he is doing minimum of 4 hours at the moment, and then wakes for 30 mins or so then back down for at least 2 hours to 4 hours and then if I need it, another sleep for 2-3 hours! But last couple of days I've been trying to get him into bed earlier as for weeks his bedtime has been our bedtime and now I'm trying to make more of an effort to get him down for like 8ish. He went down at 9pm tonight, (oops did food shop so was late!) but he fed for like an HOUR!!! before going down to sleep so fingers crossed he goes for 8 hours tonight!! please please please!!

well I'll report back in the am!!
Yay for Nina xxx -So pleased hun xxx

Liz -Good luck for tonight- hope you get your 8hrs -I'd be glad of 3 or 4 lol

Well expressing went fine for two days - 4 or 5 oz expressed and taken well by Deej but last night was terrible and today too with my lil guy having awful colic - dont know if its coincidence or not but never got the chance to express today as he was so grumpy and I dont want to make matters worse, so I'll start again once I have the colic under control.
But no nipple confusion and took the bottle really well for his daddy too :-)

Deej is still awake now, hoping he'll go down soon and sleep for at least afew hours cos I am absolutely shattered, as is Dave -and he is working all weekend too

Oh I hope the routine works for you Liz!! I'm just dream feeding Roo now in the vain hope it means a good night ahead!

Donna sorry to hear that Deej has colic :( I hope you get it under control soon.
And great news he took to the bottle so well!

Liz did I send you any Louise Bagshawe books? I'm Reading one now which I can't put down!! If you like her I'll send it over for you, it's fab!

Right I'm off as left handed typing on my iPhone drives me bonkers!!

Good luck everyone for tonight!!xxxx
hi ladies

any nice weekend plans anyone?

my two elder boys are away to the football with both grandfathers, dd off to the cinema and me, dh and deej will have some nice 'us' time so yay. No plans yet but the sun is coming out and the poochy loves a swim in the loch, so may be a nice day for a walk up the park. As long as dh does all pram pushing lol - my stupid car broke down yday nd i ended up walking for what seemed miles n miles, so i am sore today. Although just general aches n pains from muscles I haven't used in months; pelvis feeling much better every day... even after some bedroom aerobics ;-) so TMI, but soooooooooo great lol- really missed it haha - a whole month, that's the longest ever haha

I have lost another 4lb this week - yipee, nearly half way back to my pre-preg weight.AND still munching haha, ate a whole bag of M &M s yday the large share bags lol- mmmmmmm

Nat - hope Ruby is better hun, poor wee soul.
hope everyone else is good too, wee deej is going 3hrly practically all the time between feeds now so I am feeling so much less tired and less like a milking machine lol

have a good w/end mummies xx
Well hello all!

It is crazy how we have all gone from manic 3rd trimester posting to barely once a week! These busy babies we have ;)

Well this weekend was hard, hubby had said he was going out on Saturday night - I could have gone too but my whole family was on holiday & i wasn't about to take Roo to a pub! - anyway, turns out it was quite a boring evening and he was home by 11 and quite sober.

On Sunday my parents were home from their holiday, J had done the first night shift & was shattered so said he was going to meet 2 of his friends while I went to see my parents. That was about 4pm...I had said to him that it was cool to go but don't get drunk so we could have dinner & watch X factor without him falling asleep!

He promised...come 7 he isn't home, neither by 8. Finally he texts me back about 8.30 & says he's on his way, I was very good & only text once to ask where he was!! He rolls in absolutely steaming, knowing full well I'd be peed off so is on the defines before he gets in the door.

In hindsight it was stupid rowing that night cos he didn't remember any of it.

But I was so upset that we did anyway. So 'we went to bed about 10, not really talking & then in the morning he was full of remorse. I'm usually a complete pushover & never let a row continue but everything is different now.

I said to him that neither of us ever grew up with passed out drunk parents on the sofa & neither is Roo, he agreed & I'm 99% certain that he took it all on board.

Part of me is still skeptical as we had this row 2 weeks ago & here we are again but it does feel different now.

So anyway, otherwise everything is fab with me, I had Roo weighed last week & she was 9lb 15oz so doing well!

Her sleep patterns are still fairly erratic with her taking ages to settle between 7&8, sometimes I have to go back upstairs 3 or 4 times until she goes off, last night I gave her a dream feed at 10pm but she only took 1oz so I set my alarm for 11.30pm & she took 1.5 and slept til 3am! She usually wakes between 1&2am so that's pretty good!

Today my friend came to visit with her little boy who is 2 weeks younger than Roo which was reall nice, she had an emergency c section under general so it was interesting to swap birth stories!

Tomorrow my friend is coming to visit whose little girl is 5 days younger, I went to see her a few weeks ago so i can't wait to get another pic of them together!

Anyway, would love to know how we are all getting on?

Chelsie - good luck with the feeding & pumping, I hope someone has the answer for you!

Liz- how's Dylan? I'm going to text you after this to catch up!

Lori- I hope your hubby is ok after his accident & you & Grace are getting lots of nice sleep!

Donna - I'm so sorry about your car hun, that's the last thing you need! And alone time with hinny & Deej sounds lovely, we went for lunch just the 3 of us on Tuesday & it was so nice.

Nina- keeping a watchful eye on you missy & Roo is rooting for your little bean!

Gemma - saw your nursery pics, it looks fab & I love the butterflies!

Love to all,

Nat xxxx
Yes I agree we've slowed down here quite a bit!! and then have to spend ages catching up!! I need to make more of an effort to type more 'shorter' messages more frequently!!!

Nat- Yeah you sent me a bagshawe book but I've not read it yet as read the one Tasmina one and then not had time for any more reading!!!

Donna- glad the expressing was going well, saw some pics u uploaded to latch on britain, well done you!!

Lori- sorry to see hubby was in an accident, hope everything is okay with you!?

Well dh family here last weekend.... it was alright, they stayed at bnb so wasn't too intense, but we did have some baby snatching and pram snatiching incidents..... I'm way overprotective. and for some reason when granny calls dyls her baby, it upsets me! But enough of that I'm not going to dwell, they've left now and don't live locally so it will not be a frequent occurance.

Had dyls weighed last week at 11w+5 days and he was 14lb 15 oz! so he must be a bit over 15 lbs now!! I heard once you hit the 3 month mark the weight gain starts to slow down! and the teething has started I think, the past two nights we had inconsolible crying, but not for too long so I can't complain. Tonight he seemed to go down well, had to resettle him a couple times but I think he's down now for the count. He's been sleeping to about 4am every morning. Lucky me!! I am kind of catching up on sleep!

I had an awful headache today but its gone now. Had to call hubby home from work at 3pm to watch dyls as I was a mess!! had thrown up like 4 times and massive head splitting headache. Then I got to sleep til 530 and feel loads better now. And one of the worse things is I had to cancel dylan's second lot of injections as it was at 250 today around the time I was hugging the porcelain throne!!! And we can't reschedule until 2 weeks as next wednesday we're in london registering his birth and getting him a US passport at the US embassy in London. (still searching out a reasonable place to stay as going to make a mini hols of it)

Hubby is out tomorrow on the piss so I'll report back to you Nat as to how we get on with it. But he's out with work to celebrate his promotion which he got last week (dont' know if I mentioned??) But its all good news as he's staying where he is and changing jobs in the same building so we get to stay here for at least another 5 years and can start looking for a house now if we decide to!

Well, even though I got a nap in today I think I'll go to sleep now!! Tomorrow we have our first swimming lesson!!! I'm so looking forward to it!! Hope Dylan likes it!!!

well talk soon, and more often!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi ladies

Aren't all our bonfire babies doing so well? Can hardly believe Deej is over 5 weeks already - time really really goes fast this side ofthe fence; my pregnancy seems ages ago now.
Had the lil chunky monkey weighed today and he is 11lb 12 oz now

Liz many congrats to your hubby on his promotion - does this mean house hunting??. Hope Dyls enjoyed the swimming today.
Nat - our sleep patterns are still crazily erratic too, I am so delighted if I get 3hrs between feeds at the mo' and 4 or 5hrs would be bliss haha.
As for the car- mysteriously started again when hubby went down to get it lol and has been running fine ever since lol - the walk done me good though haha - i lost 4 lb last week.

Nina- hugs n kisses to you and blueberry and hope your real life bump buddy is okay xxx
Lori - hows you and Grace getting on?
Chelsie- hop you and Mcie are well.
Gemma - lovely bump hun and gorgeous nursery too xx

Its freakishly HOT here today. Where did that come from? I went to the park yday too lol- and it rained and today i have been stuck in with one poorly child (although seems to have recovered very well since i got him home lol- the 13y.o)and waiting on HV. Typical.

Hi girls - just droppin by with some love and hugs for you and my BnB nieces and nephews!! xxxxx
we might go house hunting Donna, but tbh, we have really cheap rent atm so might just stay where we are for now, but who knows!! We should prob get on the property ladder, but not sure if its best for us as not sure if we'll want to move to America at some point sooo.... its been the 'housing debate' for the last five years. we'll see if it continues 5 more hehe but if something amazing came up I think we'd consider it!

Hi Neen!! glad your mw went well today, it always makes it soooo much nicer if you get on with them!!

Our swimming lesson today was really good. I'm still so excited by it. In like the first 10 minutes they were like, ok when I clap my hands all the babies will go underwater, and I was like omg already!!?? but then the pool lady came over to me and said it would be alright so under dylan went and he didn't look too traumatized by it and he didn't cry so guess he liked it!! then we did some movement to music and some jumping off the edge. They were impressed that dylan was so chillaxed....

soo anyone been to chessington world of adventures???? I booked our 4 night stay in north outskirts of london but now I feel I should book near epsom where dh parents have just relocated to, but dh said he's happy not staying near them...... o who knows! I'm glad I'm still breastfeeding though, it will make the packing for our 4 night journey so much easier!

nat- have you read jane green girl friday or beach house? If not have a look on amazon or something and see if they're up your street, if so I'll send them your way!

well girlies, hubby is out and I'm here trying to plan the family holiday, figures!! (not really holiday, point is to go to the US embassy)

my dog is laid beside me on sofa and I think he's having dreams of running as his paws are moving hehehehe

well I'm off xxxxx

Liz I have been a few times as Chessington W of A is a 5 min drive!! And your in laws live in Epsom, that's about 10 mins from me!! Chessington is a really nice day out, the animals etc are fab & everyone loves a ride on the bubbleworks!

On a clear day, the woods I walk in with Buster, we can see all the rides on the hill whizzing around!

Epsom is really nice, but you might get a little bored staying there for 4 days, there is a Holiday inn next to Chessington but we actually call it 'Chavington' for many reasons so...AVOID!

Cobham is lovely, home to most of the Chelsea footballers, right on the M25 & about 15 mins drive to Epsom, so that could be an option? Then you can meet Ruby & I for coffee in Esher which is millionaireville!

Donna it is so funny how being pregnant feels like it happened to someone else! Just the belly leftover to remind me! The weirdest thing is for me, is that it feels like I knew all along that Roo was a girl, to think I called her a 'he' for 9 months seems most odd, poor thing!

Nina- I'm off to stalk you now my lovely!

Liz i meant to say, I can't remember on those books so I'll go & check out amazon now and let you know x
Hey ladies!!!

I've finally got a spare 5 min to catch up with you all!!!! Woohoo!! So busy lately, I never get a chance to get on the laptop!

Liz - ocongrats on hubbys promotion!! And congrats on Dyls weight - wow!!! He is doing so well!! Are you still breast feeding exclusively? We've introduced one formula feed at night and its working a treat!! Grace sleeps almost thru the night now!!

Nat - hope hubby has listened to your concerns and that the next time he goes out all is well! Have you had a night out yet?? I have a big girly nght planned for 9th October!! Ive been out but not had a drink due to BF! Looking forward to a proper girly night!! Hows Ruby doing? What weight is she now?

Donna - wow!! DJ is thriving with that weight! Woohoo! Are you still BF? Weve had some lovely weather here this week too, its been lovely!

Chelsie hows things hun?

Neen - lots and lots of love to you and the bean! x

Well a quick update from me! Grace is doing really well. Now weighs 10lb13 and is now 6 weeks old! Scary how time has flown by! We are so full of busy doing different social, sing and sign, bumps and babies etc....Surestart here is fab and Ive made lots of lovely new friends, as well as doing things with my friends who are already on maternity. Off to the coast for lunch and a stroll today.
As you know, Andrew was in a crash on Friday....he is so lucky to just have soft tissue damage. It was my brother driving as they were travelling home from work. My bro has a broken nose and a sprained thumb...he is away on hols to New York today, with a big fat nose bless him! My bro only has a Citreon C2 and it was completely crushed....I almost passed out when I saw the car....honestly dont know how they werent seriosuly injured! Andrew has went back to work and do basic admin tasks (timesheets, ordering materials etc) at a reduced wage as he is self employed and we cant afford to be down 2 incomes! To be honest, hes not a poorly person and he hates being off work unless we have a holiday, family events etc!

Grace is sleeping ~(usually) for 6 hours at a time at pleased! She went down 9-3 last night then 3.30 til 9! Cant complain as it means I feel normal!! We usually let her nap downstairs til we go to bed, but last night we gave her a bath, a formula bottle, read her a story then left her in her crib with the monitors! I was so nervous, but she lay awake for a while making noises then within 20 mins she was flat out!! Let's see if tonight is such a success! Hehe!!

I had my 6 week check yday, all good! Although I wasnt told to keep taking iron tablets as I am anaemic after losing a lot of blood in labour! So I took iron tabs for 2 weeks (thats all hosp gave me) but I need to take them for 6 months! Ive had a few dizzy spells but put it down to being tired or missing a meal with being pleased the doc mentioned it and gave me more tablets!! Hubby and I DTD last night! It was a bit strange and uncomfy at first, but then we both enjoyed it! I know it will be better once I relax more and now I know there is no pain involved! I was so worried it would really hurt!

Well, I best go get Grace and me ready! She is on her activity mat at the min having a great time! She started to smile last weekend, and she sticks her tongue out when you do it to her! I'll try and get some piccies on soon.

Lots of love and hugs to everyone!!!!

Hi ladies -well what a good night we had last night -know I am a bit premature at saying this and have probably totally jinxed myself lol but SO hoping that this is going to be the start of better sleeping habits haha -Deej slept in his moses basket for the first time at night.He still needed fed every 3 hrs (exclusively breastfed) but at least I got him to go in his own bed in between times lol. I fed him at 11pm, then again at 2.30am and then 6 am -when I brought him in with me for a cuddle and then we both slept until nearly 10 am.

Liz , baby swimming lessons sound great -I wish our area done them -there's a 6month queue to get the older kids on a waiting list for swimming lessons here just now but I would love to go to baby lessons with Deej, sounds fab. And it really is the best time to get them used to it , whilst they are tiny still. Did you wait until Dyls had had his first jabs before taking him? or not -there seems to be a lot of difference in opinion on that one nowadays.When are you off on your London trip? I would love to go! We have relatives in london and want to take Deej down and show him off and it's so much easier whilst he's little and breast feeding- no sterilisers, bottles etc and he still sleeps a lot (in between feeds, etc) but with the kids at school and Dave working it's not so easy. Maybe October school week would work!

Nat - I agree with Lori - about time you had a girly night out and left hubby at home with Roo lol ;-) although I am the worlds worst at doing it -cant drink as breast feeding and would worry about how he was settling without me there haha -Dave is great with him but I must admit to being a bit of a clingy mummy -no-one can sooth my baby as good as me and I tend to take over a bit lol. I do leave him to go to the shops etc but only between feeds haha. We are going to a wedding reception at the beginning of October and are taking him with us ; and the older kids too of course (and the couple dont mnd) but hubby had suggested us going alone and having an us night and I said no!! It is only 4 weeks away and I am still enjoying every little minute with Deej just now, and dont feel the need to leave him (just yet haha).

Lori, nice to hear from you hun -wow you are busy !! I am thinking of going to baby massage but my pelvis is still giving me pain and I am not allowed to sit on the floor yet -they tend to do the baby massage on big mats on the floor so I may missout! Other than that, there is nothing else here that I know of -in saying that, I only manage to keep on top of the house, the bigger kids, Deej and hubby without adding anything else into the mix too haha. Deej has started copying faces too now, sticking out his tongue etc and have had the first few smiles too- so cute!! Haven't managed to catch any on camera yet!!

Love in hugs to you too Auntie Neen xx

Have a good weekend everyone xxx
Oooo nat, I didn't realize it was that close to you!! well, I've scoured the web for a decent place to stay and nothing really compares to the deal I got at the witham abbey marriott so we're going to stay there this time and try to avoid dh parents or meet them in london. With staying in witham abbey I think there is another zoo type thing north london near there so might check that out. When Ruby and Dylan get a bit older we'll have to meet up at chessington!! (or just for coffee) as I'm sure we'll make it down to epsom soon. mind you plans could change and we might end up in epsom, dh hasn't told his parents that we're actually NOT staying with them as they think we are!! oops, I have until 4pm to cancel on sunday which is the day we're going down. Dylans been a right wingebob today so kind of not looking forward to the travel. He'll be fine in the car, but 4 days not at home, not so sure this was the best idea!!
or a bonfire babes meet up in london??

Donna, Dylan had his first set of jabs before we had swimming but only because it happened that way, I would have taken him without the jabs. Have to rebook his second lot now, forgot to do it yesterday

Lori, yeah we're still bfeeding exclusively... got a bit daunting last night, probably the first time I've been v. frustrated. he kept throwing up all the milk and then was still hungry and crying and crying.... I'm sick at the minute, I think I have a little cold developing which didn't help and I think Dylan is starting to get it too :(

Plus I think we're teething now!! argh!

and I went to the local boots ytday and got his highchair!!! got a m&p one which was half price!! they're getting rid of a lot of baby stock to make room for christmas stuff!!! so absolute bargain!!! set him in it today and he doesn't seem too bothered, the seat reclines quite a bit so he looked quite cosy.

well, must be off now, there is a local car boot on I want to go have a wander and we're going to witham abbey tomorrow so have some packing to do today!! just booked sea life tickets for monday and have a bogof for tussauds.... so hitting up london monday and wednesday I think. will be nice to get away, yay!

Hi ladies.... hope you are all well as i haven't had a chance to catch up on all the posts as of yet!
Been so busy... been spening alot of time at home with my parents!

Well i was planning to start expressing last week but was having MAJOR difficulty! I had a health visitor come round to try and help me and it seems that i am purely unable to express.... so i planned to compliment, but Macie now doesnt latch to me so she is purely on formula now!
I dont mind at all though as i had always said that i want to do exclusive for 6 weeks and anything after that was a bonus! So she is now a formula baby hehe.
She got weighed last week tuesday and was 9lb 2oz!!!! WOW lol. But yet she is still wearing newborn clothes and doesnt fit into any of her 0-3's. which is a shame as she has some beautiful outfits that i can't wait to put her in lol.
She's just so skinny and long hahahahaha

Well hope you are all well ladies
Lots of love me and macie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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