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++From capsules to beans and babies!!! ++ (soy, clomid, vitex,...),

As long as she has moved i am sure she is fine. I didn't get the big kicks untill 25+ weeks now i get the big pushes in to my ribs
Jess~ Thank you i feel very preg now that i have hit the 10 week count down.

Madrid~ Good luck Hun i hope it brings you your sticky bean you have waited long enof now.
Hope you get that extra sticky bean Madrid... I really do :flow: xx
We ended up in L&D yesterday i had a bleed and was so scerd that there was some thing wrong but all it fine and Jaden seems happy and is the right size for weeks BP a bit high but that could of been down to worry. So now i am not aloud to lift ANYTHING.

When we was there there was a woman in labour and OMG it brot it home that that is going to be me in 7-10 weeks even though i have done it 2 times befor it scerd the hell out of me. But DH couldn't stop LOL at her as she realy sounded like a cow bless.
Today is cd 1 for me!! If DH is willing, we will be officially ttc again!! I figured since my ticker says 4wks left of folic acid, I would be ok. By O time, I will only have 2 1/2 wks at the most left, so I decided to cheat. :D
Yay for TTC i realy hope you dont have to wait long for a BFP. How has your cycles been why you have been waiting have you being oing on your own and about what cd?

All is well with us no more bleeding thank god and DH has been realy lovly with me not letting me do any thing but it got a bit boring by last night i don't like just relaxing. We have the MW tomorre.
Tmr sorry to hear about the bleed. I'm sure that was scary! I'm glad all is ok and you are resting!

Autigers wooo hoo! Fx for you x
I had to wait to try because of those methotrexate shots I got after my mc. I also had to make sure I took enough folic acid because those shots depleted all the folic acid in my system. My cycles since the mc have been pretty good. The first was 25 days and I o'd on cd12 and the last cycle was 31 days and I O'd on cd18 or 19(I think O was delayed because of stress). I didnt have to take anything to O this time. :happydance: I really hope I dont have to wait long for a bfp either!
Dani~ Wellcome back how was the hols? Have you done a test? as you are 16 DPO?
Hey it was fab! Loved it. Yea. Mostly bfn. 2 evaps on same brand but frer neg so not reading into it.

My O isn't right prob as I wasnt temping and ran out of opks. FF just guessed based on the info it had. But I thought it was right. Who knows.

My opks dark all month so no idea what up. I've ordered a ferning scope for next month x
I have a ferning scope don't realy think they are that good as they never had FF when i was oing but helps some. good luck.

hope every 1 else is doing ok. We are off to the MW today should be seeing her every 2 weeks from now on but i don't think i will as they have cut back that much i have only seen her 4 times this hole preg and in the book it says i have another at 34 weeks then 37 then nothing as it is at the hospital from 40 weeks. Realy hoping i will not ned the 37 onwards appts.
Yeh just figured it couldn't hurt. Came today but useless how to use it lol.

Good luck at mw x
Just put a bit of spit on it 1st thing in a morning and leave it to dry then look at it if there is ferning it will look like loads of trees or ice on a window if nothing it will be nothing or dots and lines
I did but don't see nowt, probs cos AF due though.

Where did hotpink go btw?? not seen her in ages!
Autigers - sorry about your mum, yeah for TTC
Dani - Hope you had a nice hols
Madrid - good to see you around, praying for that sticky bean for you
Tmr - induction is because of GD had it last time as well
Angel - the bump is coming along nicely
Jess - how is the little one doing?

Girls doing ok, but the pelvic girdle pain is getting worse, saw the physio today. I will be seeing her again next week.
My hols were good, thanks. Sad to be home but got to get on with it!

Sorry you are in pain, my last pg I rem the pain the first few days and I was miserable, luckily it stopped long before the MC. I thought it was there to stay!

Hugs x
Dani~ That could be why then as you should only get it when it is o time. Don't know where hot went she just stoped coming on.

Lolly~ Sorry about the pain i had it bad with my LO but not got it this time. 4 days untill 3rd tri for you yay!

Autigers & madrid~ How are you doing?

MW went OK didn't realy do much my BP has come down again which is good Jaden is on track on the 50% line thing and she went thourgh the birth plane every thing she asked me i said i don't mind i just want to go with what my body wants as the time. I have asked for a water birth but there is only 2 pools so i have to see how i feel at the time and if they are free.

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