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++From capsules to beans and babies!!! ++ (soy, clomid, vitex,...),

Thanks girls!!

tmr - 50 days will fly by in no time. Can't wait for him to come so we can see come pics!!

I am not taking soy or anything, just letting my body do it on its own. :) I am on cd 19 and finally got a +opk, so I am praying I will catch an egg, but if not there is always another cycle.
Good luck and keep us posted n how your TTW is going. Iv got a lot on the next few weeks so time should go by kids are off next week then my dad gose in hospital for an op.
No he has trigger finger and has to have it cup open and some thing done pluss they has to do some jabs in it but has to do done under xray. But he can't drive for 6 weeks and he is a driving treacher.

How is all the babies coming along not seen Angel or FG on here for a bit. And WHERE is HOT pink?

nothing new to report Jaden seems very happy pushing about in there i have woke up with a bad head today not had 1 for months now just hope it passes and dosn't turn in to any thing as bad as i normaly get them.
Tmr - oh dear, that's terrible if he's a driving instructor, bless him :flow: I hope he recovers well :)
good to hear Jaden is very nice and healthy! I've been feeling LO move around quite a lot now! 3 days ago I saw her moving under my belly looads, felt like she was in a very odd position though and she hasn't done it since :dohh: xx
I love the early monvents when you can see them. All Jadens moves are big and painfull now. I was lay on my side the outher night and every time i do he kicks my outher side but the outher night he was streching that much you could make out his foot soo cute but looked bigish LOL
Hi Ladies,
I have been busy, so not updating much.
Baba, is having big kicks lately, the Pelvic girdle pain is really getting to me this time.
I have 4 more weeks left at work, techically 3wks since I have a weel annual leave as well. Looking forward to this.
How are you ladies doing.
Tmr ahh bless, must be soo cute when you can make out what is what!! Im still waiting for OH to see or feel her :dohh: xx

Lolly - bet you can't wait for that!! Hope your pain ease up :flower: xx

As for me, things are ok, my aunties friend is giving me lots of baby stuff that's still brand new that she got for her daughter that sadly passed away a good few years ago now, she said she thinks its time to let them go now and wants to see them go to a good home. SHe doesn't want anything for them and I feel so bad :nope: I appreciate it so much
Also, got a horrible pain in my hip and leg again today xx
Lolly~ I feel your pain i have bad pelvis pain all the time i can't sit still for to long and it just hurts to much.

Jess~ Thats realy nice of your aunties friend i can't not begin to understand how it feels to lose a baby. I was talking to my nabour that lost theres at 41weeks the outher day she is due in Sept and is so scerd od any thing happening this time. But she looks very well and is trying to not let what happend get in the way of enjoying this 1.

autigers~ Looks like you are in your TWW and bd the day befor and day after :happydance: realy hope it ends in a BFP.
Tmr, it's horrible isn't it? Scares me. Her little girl was fine all the way up to labour and she had a still birth :nope: Atleast they'll be used in a good loving home :flow: xx
I try so hard not to think about it but when the little man dosn't move for a bit it scers the living day lights out of me.
hey ladies, hope everyone is well :)

I feel bad telling you guys as I feel it's her news to share, but I see you wondering how Hot's doing.. I've got her on my FB. She's pregnant! I think she's in her 6th week now, not too sure about that, 6th or 7th :happydance:

Here's my bump pic at 26+4


Been having lots of swelling in my hands and feet, seriously putting a damper on anything that I wanna do around here.

We've got our first baby shower in a little less than 2 weeks, on June 16th :happydance:

hope everyone is well xx
FG~ Your bump is coming on nice now and your in 3rd tri in 1 day. So happy to hear about hot wonder why she hasn't been on. My hands have started to swell my wedding ring dosn't fit me any more. Bet you can't wait for your baby shower wish we had them here.

Nesting has gone up a bit i total empted my back room yesterday and cleaned every where in there did all the bedroom the day befor and planning on doing my living room today i even got out the pain as the door from the back room looked durty so gave it a bit of a paint my DH thinks i have gone mad LOL.

Think i lost some of my plug yesterday (tmi sorry) I never did with my outher 2 but there has been a lot of never did with this 1 like BH i never got any with R&L but get them all the time now.
FL - lovely bump coming along!! Im jealous you have your baby shower coming along :blush:
Yay for hot and her pregnancy :) xx
Hi ladys hope you are all doing ok.

Had the m/w yesterday Jaden is head down but not engaged yet. So i don't think he will be coming early boooo but they think he isn't going to be as big as my outher 2 boys as he is 2 weeks behind.

34weeks today only 6 more togo.....
Tmr, bless, Im sure he'll be here before you know it!
Are you nervous about it all or quite relaxed?
How big were your other 2 then? xx
Not nervous at all loking 4wd to the birth as i LOVED my last 1. Rueben was 9lbs 3 Lucas 8lbs4.
Naww it's good to know your looking forward to it! Are you planning to go all natural?
They we're big healthy babies then! xx
Yes only had a bit of G&A with my LO hit DH with it as he was doing my head in and then for got about it for the last hr or so.

Been having bad BH today all day with pains in to my back hoping it is due to him moving down
haha oh dear, I've told OH I don't want him annoying me lol.
I plan to go natural, but depends at the time I guess. My mum will be there as well though so I think she'll be helpful and reassuring as she's had natural births too
Sorry to hear your in pain today - f'xd he is moving down! xx

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