From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

How many ozs did you get in what timeframe Nell? x
I used to get 5-6oz total in about 15 minutes, i never had the parience to sit for much longer tbh, i found with the mini electric it would literally pour out and then slow to a drip drip, whereas with the hospital grade one it only ever started at the drip drip - it didn't seem as productive.
That's brilliant Nell! I've bid on one on eBay, if I don't win it I'll get the BIN one if its still not sold x
Today is my anniversary of my BFP! What a difference a year makes.


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daydream, isn't it amazing what 12 months can bring!?!

How have you and Layla (leila?) been, Nell? What milestones has she hit? Gabby is laughing and chewing her hands, has a very strong stomach and keeps trying to sit up, but has no interest in trying to roll over or grab things on her own.

Gabby is still 95% for height and weight..16 lb 5oz and 25.5" long! she is outgrowing her 9 month sleepers, and i'm finding it next to impossible to find 12 month sleepers. apparently when they hit 12 months the sleepers are all skin tight, probably because babies are walking/crawling by then and have thinned out. They even say on the tags that they should fit snugly. Poor gabby will be like a little sausage stuffed into those things!

Cardiologist appt on April 19, and haven't been able to make neurosurgeon appt yet. Ugh I just want to get these overwith so I can stop worrying that something is wrong!
Aww lovely pic daydream, happy anniversary!

Chloe I hope gabby is ok, I can't remember what the problem is with her? Wow she's a big girl haha, any more pics?

Hey have I not posted pics of penny yet?!

We are still waiting for a pic of baby P!

Gabby has a heart murmur and the doc wants to make sure her skull isn't a funny shape, so we have to see a neurosurgeon. I'm hoping its just my doc being overly cautious. She didn't seem worried about either but said it would be best to get it checked out sooner rather than latyer just t be safe. So now I get to spend the next two weeks worrying...
Daydream - belated happy bfp anniversary :)

Mrsp - piccies please!

Chloe - i hope gabbys appointment goes well, i know how hard it is to not worry there's something wrong.

Everyone else- hi :)

Afm: sorry i've not been around, i have been reading but things have been a bit tough and i now feel at least i have some positive things to share too. I'll try to be brief, but will likely fail!
Firstly, after just mentioning our lovely doggies on this thread we found out my beloved lab boy has cancer. He's only 6 :( it's in his chest cavity on the ribs and is inoperable, we were given an estimate of 2, maybe 4 months left with him. I think that was 6 weeks ago now. He has a pain relief patch now after a bit of trial and error with meds and is now back to normal walks for now so still has a great quality of life. Dreading that we'll likely have to make *that* decision to free him from pain. We couldn't leave him to suffer in pain if or when his breathing and mobility is affected.
Leila, yes leila now not layla, is currently good :) after christmas she developed some haemangioma, one in the middle of her forehead. That one has now grown to 5p sized and is raised, i hope it will go at toddler age and she won't be too taunted for it.
Then a couple of weeks ago leila was suddenly lazy with her head. It was tilted to her left shoulder, she could turn her head but only with her chin down. She then started being off her food so i though teething, but then was gesturing to one side of her head crying in pain so i though maybe ear infection. She ended up in a&e and had a brain mri. She cried and wriggled through it so the images were very blurred, the dr had some neuro concerns because of her multiple haemangioma and her excess crying since birth but feels he can see that enough on the mri looks normal (v's blurred) to not repeat the mri with sedation.

So, onto the good, the head tilt disappeared as suddenly as it arrived and leila then cut her first two bottom teeth together a week later ( so last week). She is laughing, grabbing at toys, often has her fist in her mouth to munch on and then yesterday rolled front to back a couple of times, but then not today. She is much better at tummy time now and pushes herself up on her arms, she used to hate it with a passion.
She is still such a little grumbleweed during the day and cries at the slightest thing but her excessive wind and gut pain is much improved and her crying is better than it was. At nights she is a dream and has been sttn 7.30pm until 7.30/8am every night for just over a month now :)
What a great year, Daydream!

Yes, Mrs. please.

Chloe, I hope everything goes well at Gabby's appt.

Nell, so glad Leila is alright!! You must've been so stressed out thinking something may be wrong and having to watch her in an MRI machine. Also, how lucky are you that she's such a good sleeper!
Aww,Nell, i'm sorry about your dog! Pets are part of the family and I know it must be rough. Enjoy the time you have with him while he is feeling ok and take pictures of Leila with him so you can show her when she is older :hugs: Would love to see an updated picture of her! How was teething? did she get fussy when they cut through? I am dreading that, but so far aside from drooling and chewing on fists, no signs of teething. How does it work with BF? has she bit you yet? :haha: I laugh but i'm sure its not so funny when it happens! Glad her health is no longer a concern! These babies sure do know how to give us a scare, don't they!

Sb, how have you been feeling? 12 weeks now, you're right at the fun trimester with no sickness, eating whatever you want, and not waddling around with a giant belly :) Enjoy it!

Stupid neurosurgery office was closed at 2:30 when i called them yesterday, and are still closed now at 9:00..seriously, how much more narrow can their office hours get?!? I'm also convinced that gabby is too fat to roll over and will probably crawl before she rolls. Had her on her tummy last night and was just watching her flailing around. I need to record her amazing laugh one of these days. nothing is sweeter than the sound of a baby laughing. :cloud9:
Nell, thanks so much for sharing your story. I'm so sorry to here about your dog. I had a lab growing up and they are the sweetest dogs. It must be very tough to see this happen. On the positive side, I'm glad Leila is doing well, and that you went with your preferred spelling!

Chloe, I hope everything is fine with Gabby. She is such an adorable little (big) thing!

Mrs P, still looking forward to your long birth story!

AFM, everything is going smoothly here. I'm getting bigger by the minute and finally got some maternity clothes from my sister. Unfortunately, they're almost all too big for me, but I'm going to wear them anyway because I don't want to spend money! I'm now feeling the baby move and my OH has felt some little kicks as well, though he says he can barely feel it.

We have an ultrasound next week to get one picture they weren't able to get last time and also to check the location of the placenta to make sure it is out of the way. The last time my platelet count was checked, it was back in the normal range. I have to go back every month to keep an eye on it.

My only complaint is posterior pelvic pain, but I've stopped wearing any kind of heel and have been working on keeping good posture and such, which has made a big difference. I'm also trying to strengthen my leg and ab muscles to improve it as well. Did anyone else have this? It's a pain in your lower back or butt, where the pelvic bone attaches to your sacrum (tail bone). Apparently it happens because the ligaments are relaxing, muscles are stretched and weakened, you're carrying additional weight, etc.
Cat, so exciting to feel baby kick regularly, isn't it!! One day you'll get annoyed by it, and then when you don't feel it, you'll want it back asap as reassurance :) I did not get that type of back pain, although i have heard the same thing about loosening ligaments. I had lower back pain, but it wasn't by the tail bone. I found relief by doing a deniese austin pregnancy dvd and also got a lumbar support pad for my office chair at work. doing just 10-20 minutes of stretching and light weight training (3 lb weights) really helped my pain even tho it felt wimpy when I was actually doing it. I did prenatal yoga a couple times too, and told the instructor what kind of pain i had so she could help tailor some stretches to that. I would highly recommend finding something like that. I wish i would have done more, but i got so busy i just couldn't find the time to fit it in.
Cat, I had never heard of posterior pelvic pain, but I sometimes get shooting pain in my butt. It's usually only on one side. Had no idea what it was. Mine isn't that bad though. Hope yours goes away!

Chloe, sorry about your dog. I was so relieved to read Gabby was fine that I forgot to send hugs about the dog.

I've been feeling great. I'm afraid I'm going to have a screamer because I've been so lucky and haven't been sick at all.
Nell - sorry about your dog :(. Very happy to hear Leila is doing so well! These babies sure keep us on our toes

Cat - enjoy feeling baby move! I miss it so much! I didn't have the tailbone pain, I just had pain in one of my hips. Swimming helped me.

Sb - you are so lucky you didn't get sick. That was the hardest part of my pregnancy

MrsP - pictures pleeeeeease!

Chloe - hehe re gabby not rolling, that could definitely be true! H used to roll so easy when he was just a few weeks old because he had no weight to him. Now it's a real chore and he only does it every once in a while
Chloe - I think I might get some sort of support pillow for work. I have been doing stretching and light weight-training and prenatal yoga once a week when I can make it. Those have really helped!

sbmack - A shooting pain in my butt is how I would describe it, but I hope you don't have posterior pelvic pain. I think it doesn't normally rear its ugly head until a little later in the pregnancy. I don't remember when I first felt it. Mine has been off and on and has happened on both sides, but not both at the same time. I'm glad you're feeling fine and haven't had sickness!
Aww Nell I'm so sorry about your dog, As a fellow lab owner im so sad for you :sad1: the next few weeks will be difficult enough without having a baby to contend with, my heart goes out to you :hugs:. With regards to Leila's birth mark, some friends of ours baby who's now 2 had one which started off as a little red dot, got bigger, though perhaps not more than half a 5p piece, it was on her forehead too, then gradually stretched & disappeared, I'm sure it was gone by her first bday. I'm pleased she's ok with the worry you had over her! :thumbup:

Cat we need an updated bump pic! :) I had back pain in pregnancy, in 2 different places, one lower right back, the other upper back which only occurred at work as I have a desk job. However, since birth I've had horrible lower back pain on and off through the night & when I get up, obviously sleeping is aggravating it, it's very annoying :growlmad:

Having a bit of a difficult time here, Penny not settling very well, a bit whingy, possible colic so I've just started her on infacol tonight. It's supposed to take 3 days to see any difference but already she's been farting like a trouper :haha: so it seems to be doing something! :thumbup: gosh newborns are so hard, it's really tiring, I think especially when bf'ing!

Hi to everyone :wave: and yes I know pics needed ASAP! x
Mrsp - sorry you are having a rough time. You're right in growth spurt territory as well. I hope the meds help little P. farts are always good!! And yes bfing is definitely hard, but will get much easier very soon.
I'm putting in an updated bump pic, Mrs P! It's from about 4 weeks ago, so it's not really up-to-date, but I haven't taken a picture since. So in this picture, I was about 19 + 3.

Sorry to hear that Penny is having a hard time. I hope things are improving!


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hello ladies,

glad could join u all here ! thanks 4r all the wishes..i'm scaring myself with somethin or the other almost every other day..i'll b 16 weeks tmrw but not showing :( last week my doc dint seem to worry at all but i'm a constant worrier...i'm feelin better 4rm past 3 weeks,no nausea(touchwoo) & good energy,not being hingry every 30 min

sorry if i miss somethin..still trying to catch up with the thread here..

nell- sorry abt ur dog :hugs: i understand how u feel..mine passed away last yr(my parents place) but she was almost 18..hope u enjoy ur time with her!
glad to know leila is good !

chloe- did u happen to get that appnmt ? i can almost hear gabby's laugh :)

hi daydream !

mrsp- sorry little p is giving u a hard time..hope things get better soon !

cat- thats such a cute bump !

sbmck-glad to know u rnot feelin sick..i had that when i was 7/8/9/10 weeks..dint feel like waking up 4rm bed,dint feel like cookin,eating..i have those sudden sharp cramp like things in my pelvic area going down to my butt..doc said its just the pelvis expanding..

i'm having pain in my left ear,teeth & going up to my left forehead..i cant c my pcp now & hoping its just sinus & not my wisdom dentist is off till obyn said its ok to pull my tooth out but i cant really c it so, they may have to cut open in which case the anesthesia & not sure if they can do that now..pain is not bad but definately disrupting..i'm beating myself up missing my regular dental in jan :grr:

have a gud weekend !

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