Daydream - belated happy bfp anniversary
Mrsp - piccies please!
Chloe - i hope gabbys appointment goes well, i know how hard it is to not worry there's something wrong.
Everyone else- hi
Afm: sorry i've not been around, i have been reading but things have been a bit tough and i now feel at least i have some positive things to share too. I'll try to be brief, but will likely fail!
Firstly, after just mentioning our lovely doggies on this thread we found out my beloved lab boy has cancer. He's only 6
it's in his chest cavity on the ribs and is inoperable, we were given an estimate of 2, maybe 4 months left with him. I think that was 6 weeks ago now. He has a pain relief patch now after a bit of trial and error with meds and is now back to normal walks for now so still has a great quality of life. Dreading that we'll likely have to make *that* decision to free him from pain. We couldn't leave him to suffer in pain if or when his breathing and mobility is affected.
Leila, yes leila now not layla, is currently good
after christmas she developed some haemangioma, one in the middle of her forehead. That one has now grown to 5p sized and is raised, i hope it will go at toddler age and she won't be too taunted for it.
Then a couple of weeks ago leila was suddenly lazy with her head. It was tilted to her left shoulder, she could turn her head but only with her chin down. She then started being off her food so i though teething, but then was gesturing to one side of her head crying in pain so i though maybe ear infection. She ended up in a&e and had a brain mri. She cried and wriggled through it so the images were very blurred, the dr had some neuro concerns because of her multiple haemangioma and her excess crying since birth but feels he can see that enough on the mri looks normal (v's blurred) to not repeat the mri with sedation.
So, onto the good, the head tilt disappeared as suddenly as it arrived and leila then cut her first two bottom teeth together a week later ( so last week). She is laughing, grabbing at toys, often has her fist in her mouth to munch on and then yesterday rolled front to back a couple of times, but then not today. She is much better at tummy time now and pushes herself up on her arms, she used to hate it with a passion.
She is still such a little grumbleweed during the day and cries at the slightest thing but her excessive wind and gut pain is much improved and her crying is better than it was. At nights she is a dream and has been sttn 7.30pm until 7.30/8am every night for just over a month now