From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Love the bumps, jelly and almost!!! I miss having a cute baby bump, although I don't miss the back aches and inability to stand for more than a few minutes at a time without getting tired..

Hi Ella - I spotted from about 2 DPO until AF, so about 12 days, and then AF lasted 7 days. That left me with like 1-2 weeks of not bleeding until the next time of spotting. I ended up with my BFP after 10 months of TTC (although only about 5-6 cycles of actively trying) and i spotted as normal the month i got my BFP. My hormones were supposedly normal, although my progesterone was on the lower side of normal. Never found a cause for the spotting, all i know is that BCP fix it, and since having DD, I haven't had a period or spotting yet! woo hoo! I am hoping that my spotting magically goes away once my period returns. We shall see,

Katie/Nell, would love to see an updated Pic of your LOs! and of anyone else's LOs! baby pictures are just too precious!

Yum, any bump yet? Post a pic! how is the job going?
Here's a recent picture of our little guy. I can't believe he's already five months old!

Chloe - How is Gabby doing? Have you started solids yet?
Hi Ella, welcome to the thread. I hope you'll get your BFP soon. My spotting would usually start right after ovulation, so I would spot for about 10 days, then have a week of my period and only about a week with no spotting or bleeding at all. This cycle repeated itself every month. I only felt cramps during the actual period, never during the spotting stage. My hormones were fine and my OB didn't find anything out of order. The month I got pregnant I had the same spotting pattern and then it suddenly got worse - I started bleeding and passing large clots. I even thought I had miscarried. Fortunately, bleeding stopped and my pregnancy was fine. I like to think it was some sort of 'spring cleaning' - the body was prepping for the baby and getting ready of all the extra mess that was in the way. We didn't do anything different the month we conceived. Hope you'll get your very own BFP soon.
I would spot for about a week before AF , however 2 months before my BFP that just stopped. I hadn't done anything differently or started taking anything new. I only had the issue after having my first child and hot diagnosed with PCOS do I think mine was hormone related in some way. Hope you get your BFP soon.

Daydream can't believe it's 5 months already I remember you getting your BFP
Almost, Jellycat, LOVE your bump pictures. I kind of miss mine. I couldn't wait to be done with the bump stage and was eager to meet my girl, but now I sort of miss it all. I almost feel like trying for another baby right away. Though I think we'll wait a bit longer before trying to make a buddy for our little one.
Sorry for not posting much, life has been crazy busy and now I found out that we'll be moving AGAIN, so it's only gonna get worse. Fortunately my in-laws will be coming to help. Our little Anne is doing great, she's already 15 weeks old! She started sleeping through the night about 2 weeks ago and it's been heaven. No more middle-of-the-night feedings. She's very chatty, always smiling and only crying when she really needs something. I love her to death! I'm a bit bummed cause I no longer produce enough breast milk and she only gets about 12 oz of my milk a day, the rest is formula. I'm jealous of you, girls, who have freezers filled with your breast milk. I don't know why it matters so much to me, plenty of kids were brought up on formula and are doing just fine.
Here's an updated photo of Anne


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Daydream, love his dimples!! Have you noticed if his eye color has changed since birth? Gabby's have a little bit of brown in them now, so i'm wondering if they will continue to turn all the way brown like DH or if they will be hazel like mine. Not sure when they are supposed to stop changing colors.

Gabby is doing well and gave me a nice 12 hour uninterrupted sleep last night! She isn't on solids yet. She hasn't shown too much interest and I'm in no rush before the 6 month mark. I give her 2" pieces of fruits and veggies to hold, but she will grab them wrong. She will grab say, a green bean, so that it is sticking out of the bottom of her hand, by her pinky, but then she will try to shove the top of her fist in her mouth, by her thumb, so she wont actually get any food. I hold stuff up to her lips to lick, just so she can taste stuff, but thats as far as we have gotten. one more week and she will be 6 months. holy crap!! I guess I can't put this whole solids thing off for very much longer. I'm going to do BLW, just got the book, although it seems pretty straight forward.

katie, glad you and anne are well and sleeping through the night! Don't feel bad about the milk supply. You have given her what you have, and she will appreciate that forever! Why are you moving? Military family?
Katie, just saw the pic. Love it! her eyes are so wide and cute :) She looks like she should be well on her way to a full head of hair soon!
Thank you Chloe, for your kind words. Any new pix of Gabby? Anne was born with a head full of hair and then went almost bold. The hair is back now, except for a bald spot on the back of her head where it meets the mattress. I'm kind of curious what her hair will eventually look like, my hair is blond, my husband's hair is pitch black and hers looks brown right now. I'm pretty sure her eyes are going to stay blue. The shape and the color looks just like mine. Yes, we move a lot because my husband is a Marine. I don't mind as long as he's homebound.
Katie- Anne is so ADORABLE! Just absolutely precious and I'm so happy that she's sleeping well for you. I'm sorry about your supply, but I understand your feelings. It's something so personal, but you have to know that Anne is 1) so happy to get the 12 ounces you can give her (which is a great amount btw) and 2) will be perfectly healthy with the formula.

Jellycat - Gosh I know, it feels like just yesterday, but then so far away at the same time. haha. Life has changed SO MUCH in these past five months.

Chloe - H's eyes are getting lighter. Mine are very light blue and DH's are a steely blue/green. So H will be our blue eyed boy so it appears thus far.

We are going to do purees for solids, but I want to give him the opportunity to feed himself. I have the BLW book, but I just don't feel comfortable with some of it, but I love the thought that babies should feel, smell, experience their food instead of just having a spoon shoved in their mouth. I'm going to make my own purees so I can control the thickness and hope I can get a consistency that he can mush around in his hands and eventually feed himself. He's not interested at all, which is good because I too want to wait until six months since allergies run in DH's family like crazy, so anything I can do to help protect from that I want to.

For our sleep situation, H managed to roll over in his swaddle yesterday morning while I was watching him on the monitor, so we've gone cold turkey from the swaddle. I was dreading last night, but he did great! He did sleep on his back for a while, but then rolled to his belly and slept like a baby like that. He's a pro at rolling, so I'm not worried about him being on his belly, plus we have the angelcare movement monitor as a backup protection just in case. He went down at 8pm, woke up at 2am to eat and then at 6am. After the 6am feeding he still does another hour or so of sleep, which is nice so I can get ready for work in peace.
Hi all, just popping in to update, i do read but life is still chaotic with a crying baby (still :() and very sick dog.
Adorable photos of Anne and Harrison - i'll add a leila one soon when i'm on my laptop rather than ipad.

Leila is 6 months today and we reluctantly started weaning. Leila has cmpi so no dairy for her until over 1 year. It was a non event, we're trying BLW and leila touched none of her foods at all today. This isn't really a surprise, i've been sitting her in the high chair for a few weeks and she won't even touch a toy on the tray. The tray is clearly 'dangerous' in her eyes!
She still isn't rolling, she did front to back well over a month ago a few times in a row and then never again since. No sitting either. She has great eye hand co-ordination through, grabs and passes items from one hand to the other already. Sleep wise she's been doing 7-7 since around 3 months, she fights daytime naps now though as she'd rather be up and awake but grumpy!
She still cries a lot but laughs a lot too, she's really one extreme or the other and the other babies we see seem more middle of the road.
Nell - from what I read some babies are motivated by different things (I think this is in the Wonder Weeks book), so H is definitely more physically motivated, whereas he doesn't laugh out loud too often, nor "talking". He does sometimes, but that's not really what he likes to do. And I am so not thrilled with the other boy at daycare who taught H how to scream when he's happy. :trouble:
Katie - my hair is also blond (and straight) and DH's is black (and curly!) so i am very curious what gabby will end up with. Right now its looking possibly like a light brown or dirty blonde.

Daydream, good luck with the purees! I will probably end up doing some of that too because i want gabby to actually be able to eat some of her food rather than only play with it. we'll see tho.

Nell, wow, 6 months!! Glad mine isn't the only one completely uninterested in rolling. I'm glad she is letting you sleep at night, even if she cries some during the day. Looking forward to seeing a picture. And i hope your dog gets better soon!

Daydream, LOL about the screaming. I dread what bad habits other babies will teach Gabby. So far she hasn't picked anything up (other than illness, that is)

I dont have any 'good' pictures at the moment, but I did make this collage the other day of her progression in her tummy tub. The one on the far right was taken about a week ago. I love that her feet are coming out the top :)


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That progression is amazing! She looks so tiny in that first picture. Isn't it hard to believe they were ever that small? My niece was born last weekend, and I was just in awe of how tiny she was!
daydream, katie and chloe-your lo's are just too cute!!!

thanks on the bump compliments ladies! I do have stretch marks on my love handel on the left side-weird!! Then only a little bit where my belly button piercing was-hoping they will face and shrink-my stretch marks on my side are quite deep and itchy fun =(
Almosthere - That's where I got mine, none on my belly but got them on both sides. And I didn't even get them until like the very last week. Mine are still pink but they are fading.
I love hearing all the updates about all your LO's!! I'm learning so much. I just goggled 'BLW' :)

Harrison looks so cuddly! What a happy baby.

I also want to squeeze Gabby. So cute. Love the progression picture.

Anne is so pretty. How lucky that she's already sleeping like a champ.

Looking forward to an updated picture of Leila!

Almost and Jelly, what lovely bumps. I'm looking forward to showing more. I'm almost to the point where I'm noticeably pregnant as opposed to people wondering if I've just been drinking too many beers.

Question for you all...did any of you buy a pregnancy pillow? I'm starting to have a tough time sleeping.
Hi! First post. I'm looking for info to do with spotting and found some threads here that I'll pick my way through... but I have a question for you ladies that were 'chronic spotters' and ended up conceiving. Could you tell me what day you normally would start spotting on, what day you started spotting on during the month you conceived (if you did spot that month), how long spotting lasted, etc.? Basically a bit of a run down of your dpo experience the month you conceived. We're not actively trying, but I want to know what to look out for. And, I'm a little worried of course that I may have problems conceiving due to this :( (I spot for about 2 weeks each month (sometimes more, sometimes a little less, period is included in these days and lasts about 3-4 days), hormones normal, although estrogen a bit on the high side)... I also cramp the entire time I'm spotting, as well as around the time of ovulation. Is that anybody else's experience as well??

Thanks in advance! :)

I normally started spotting a week after I O'd. The last few months before I got my BFP it started later. I was taking B vitamins and going to accupunture. I got pregnant my 10th cycle ttc. The month I got my BFP I didn't spot.

Good luck, Ella!
sbmack-i did not buy one but my mom had one of those long soft ones that doesnt need a cover over it-it was weird using it at first but it became a sleep saver for me!! I highliy reccomend a body pillow!!
SB, i used a pregnancy pillow. is the one i got. It became quite a life saver for me, supporting my stomach and helping with hip pain. DH wasn't a fan of it, as it took up like half the bed :haha:

I never got the red stretch marks while pregnant, but about 2 weeks after giving birth, i noticed my stomach has quite a few white lines below my belly button, to my pelvis. So I somehow skipped the red mark stage and went right to the faded stretch mark stage. I think I may retire my bikini this summer in favor of a tankini that covers my stomach.

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