From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Sb, I just bought a regular extra long pillow and that helped me get comfortable at night.

I don't have any stretch marks either, but I had my C-section at 37 weeks, so maybe my belly would've looked different had I gone full term. I used Bio Oil twice a day; actually I still do since my belly looks somewhat like a deflated balloon.

Chloe, love your progression. I was just looking at the pictures and videos from when Anne was born and couldn't believe her size. Like Gabby, she's not really interested in rolling over, but she's mastered the skill of spinning. Every morning her head is where her feet were last night - somehow she manages to turn 180 degrees. I wish I could have a time lapse video of how she does it. This also causes her to kick and turn on her mobile. Imagine our surprise the first time we heard the music coming out of her room in the middle of the night. Gosh, she just woke up from her nap and turned the music on again :baby: It's time to eat.

Here's Anne's progression


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Hi ladies-I just realized I forgot to update on here-yesterday i was told my blood pressure was really high and that my amniotic fluid dropped from a 9 last week to a 6 this week-quite low. I was told no more work which is bittersweet-but also that I need to go back for an US and non-stress test at the hospital tomorrow and there is a chance of induction if it worsens. I hope I do not have to get induced due to pregnancy complications but we will see-had a hard time sleeping last night due to this and assuming the same will happen tonight as well....
Oh and katie-annes progression is amazing-she is such a cutie!
Thanks for the rec. Chloe. Ordering the same pillow today!

Katie, Anne's progression is adorable. Hope I remember to take monthly pictures. I've been trying to take a bump pic every week to see how I'm growing. I'm pretty lousy about taking pictures in general...that will surely change once the LO is here though.

Almost, I hope they don't have to induce you, but they will do what's best I'm sure. Just hoping you're not too uncomfortable these next few days. Good luck!
Katie, Anne's progression is great! its amazing how much they change so quickly!

SB, hope you like the pillow!

Almost, I hope you don't have to get induced, but if you do, I'm sure you're in good hands! I'll be watching this site for an update. Just think, you could be holding your LO tomorrow!!

Gabby sat up for quite a while unassisted yesterday! I was so excited. Its only a matter of time before she can prevent herself from falling backwards. She is pretty good at not falling forwards now, but once she starts going backwards, there is no stopping her, lol!
Almost, don't stress out if you have to be induced, once you see your little treasure, everything will be forgotten. Crossing my fingers everything goes well. I can't believe how close you are. Hope you can get some rest before the big days arrives. Or has it already arrived?

Today is a mini anniversary for me - one year since that smiley face showed up on my OPK and Anne's journey started :)
No, no baby yet! Unless he comes naturally before my appointment tomorrow morning, I may be continuing my wait! We will see tomorrow morning!

Chloe-exciting about gabby-go gabby go! =)

Happy mini anniversary katie! time sure does fly doesnt it!

yay for ordering your pillow sbmack! the order I am waiting for in the mail is my insurance covered breast won't be here until 2 or 3 weeks after babys arrival-hope it comes sooner than that!
Wow I've missed so much in a few days, hope I remember to reply to everyone!

Ella I was spotting anywhere from 6 dpo to 10 dpo but no spotting bfp month.

Lovely bump pics jelly & almost! Almost if you didnt already know you were having a boy I'd say from your bump you were team pink :rofl:

Katie Anne is just adorable, love your onesie stickers, you can't get them in the uk so I got some shipped from etsy but unfortunately missed month 1 ha!!

Harrison is adorable daydream, & funny how he's happy screaming I bet it's annoying!

Sb I had a pillow I used between my legs & it really helped my back.

Gabby is so cute Chloe, she looks a lil chunky monkey in that last tub pic, so cute!

Almost I hope you don't have to be induced Hun but what will be will be :hugs:

Ooh jelly it sounds promising hope things start happening soon!

Nell sorry you're having a rough time of it Hun, I have a very cryie baby too, she screamed all yesterday afternoon.

I spoke to soon when I said she had a good night, we've had a rough week. Looks like she'll be going over to formula full time soon, she's just so unhappy on the Breast & so much more whingey, I just don't think I satisfy her, same as Katie I don't think I have enough milk :( I feel awful about it, like I'm poisoning her giving her formula which is bloody ridiculous! I think if I get to 3 months bf then it's still an achievement & more than most in the uk.

I'll see if I can upload a pic on my new iPhone, if not I'll have to try from the laptop x
Penny at 2 months x


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hi there cute little penny!!! =) MrsP-sorry to hear you think you may be drying out.

afm no induction yesterday-baby and I passed all our tests with flying colors and have an appt. monday for a nonstress test again, then ultrasound and followup tuesday....busy busy at the dr's.......come out little boy mama is ready for you!!! =)
Penny is so precious!!! Try not to feel bad bout the formula. You've done what you could and if she feels better, than its what's best.

Yay for no induction, almost.
Glad to hear no induction, almost! Hope all continues to go your way and you get the birth you want.

Penny is such a cutie! Looks like such a happy baby. Don't feel bad about the milk. Have u been EBF or do you give her bottles too? If you give bottles you may want to try a few days of just bf and see if that takes your supply up if you want to try to continue bf. Otherwise enjoy the freedom of not having a baby dependent on your boob all the time! That is what gets the most tiring for me. That and going 13 hours at night without bf and waking up to painful boobs...

G is still asleep. It's 930 and she fell asleep at 8 last night! Woke at 430 but she was just talking to herselfand eventually fell back asleep around 5 with no help from me. Yay!
Pleased to hear no induction almost! :thumbup: long walks, ball bouncing, raspberry leaf capsules & orgasms seemed to get penny out near enough her due date! :blush:

Thanks ladies, I cried talking to my mum about it before though she agrees its for the best. It's not really me not producing lots milk that's the issue, the health visitor says its a vicious circle as she has colic, feeds frequently to get rid of it but in turn then gets more wind. She's had bottles on & off since around 3 weeks of expressed milk, then introduced formula at 8 weeks on an evening in a bid to settle her through the night which to be fair worked. We use dr browns bottles now & she doesn't get colicky after :) but still does after the breast! :( despite gripe water which helps a bit. I do want her to take bottles so I can have a social life & for daddy to be involved, but hoped I could combine feed. I think it's in penny's best interests & my sanity to stop so we can get rid of the colic & make us both a lot happier, boy is it hard with her high pitched screaming!

I wish I could take a nice long few walks but it has been stormy for the past 3 days here!! Hoping tomorrow and monday will allow me some nice walking time in the sun!
Hi everyone! I'm glad to see all your success stories from the spotters thread! Such cute babies everyone has too!

One day I'll see if I can figure out how to make a ticker in my sig. I'm just 5 weeks along so still holding my breath for a sticky bean.

DH & I agreed not to tell anyone until my 6 week confirmation appt on the 3rd, but we had some close friends & his mom & sis in town this weekend and he blurted it out when we were toasting to celebrate other things, because he was about to have an anxiety attack. Lol!

Now I feel bad I haven't told my siblings (my sister is 20 weeks pregnant too!) or parents, but I'm trying to plan a special way to tell them.

So far my only symptom is sore bbs since CD21. I have little twinges of what I call "uterine awareness". Not quite cramps, just little waves of sensation. I'm assuming that's normal from things I've googled. Anyone else know what I mean?
Congrats alice!! I pray it is a sticky bean for you too!!! How exciting you and your sister will have babies so close together that is fantastic! I am not sure about the "uterine awreness" I had no such thing-but all women have different symptoms!

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