From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Hi ladies,

Hope all is well with everyone! Had our 12 wk today and everything is good! Measuring 12+1 so due date is 30 December! Just so happy that baby was there and looking good! Got a couple pics which ill post. Any gender thoughts? Xx


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oh lovely, jods! How are you feeling?? 12 weeks is close to the time you should start feeling better, if you are ill at all, that is. I think i started feeling better around 13 weeks. I looked back at my 12 week scan and looks pretty much like yours, so I'll guess girl :) I think some people think the forehead is supposed to be able to help predict, but how is beyond me :)

SB, lol about big bb's! I never really got that way when pregnant, unfortunately, but once my milk came in, BAM, there they were! I hope you find a nice supportive bra! And the weight lifting exercises that helped me most were the rowing and lifting type that were designed to strenthen the back. 3lbs on biceps was a joke, but it was surprisingly helpful for the back exercises.

Gave G green beans last night and she loved them! I think I am going to start teaching her baby sign language for the basics. I found a great website and it seems like it may pay off in the long run if it can reduce frustration for her in communication. She has been a little crab the past couple nights, not wanting to go back to sleep after waking in the middle of the night. Every time we put her back in the crib she would wake up and cry.
Chloe - is gabby feeling all better now after her jabs ?

Jodspods - I'm thinking girl based on skull theory but am pretty rubbish at these kind of things

In regards to just keeping a particular time for feeding this is exactly what my soil did when she went back to work kept the bedtime nursing until her daughter decided she no longer wanted feeding. Worked well for them

Had sweep yesterday and was contracting all day between 4-6 mins apart but then tailed off and nothing today ..... Another sweep booked friday
jods - I'm going to guess boy, but I'm not too sure if I'm seeing a nub or not. Sometimes it's hard to tell.

Chloe - oh how fun! I think I'm going to do carrots in the next batch of food I make. Reading Tyler Florence's Fresh Start cookbook has me so inspired! Lately we've just been doing sweet potatoes and pears.
Thanks ladies! I'm still feeling sick but hope that passes soon! I've got a bum picture they gave us but it won't post on my iPhone so I will try to post later then you can see what you think! I think she gave us the photo cos we thought it was funny! X
Finally I managed to crop the picture to be able to post it! I'm thinking possibly girl with this but that could be beginnings of a boy....


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Oh almost that sounds like an awful birth, my tear was only 2nd degree, & for you to be cut as well as tear Urgh :( Hope you are on the mend soon.

Jodspods great scan pics, I'm thinking :pink:

Bun I got pregnant on clomid, I was on it 8 rounds, last couple I didn't spot much but previous rounds it didnt make any difference to my spotting.

Jellycat good luck Hun hope the 2nd sweep works!

Katie, penny had her 3 month injections on Monday, she screamed so bad compared to the 2 month ones & she held her breath :sad1: took her to baby massage yesterday & couldn't join in, she was fine all day then screamed when we got there!

My AF not returned yet but I got EWCM yesterday so pretty sure she'll be here in 10-14 days. I text DH & said I'm ovulating if you fancy another one :haha:

SB I put about 10lbs on early on, by the time she came I'd put on just over 2 stone which is apparently normal!

My BBS went up 2 cupsizes & a week after I stopped bf'ing were straight back down & are so soft & droopy, boo! :cry:

Cute little bum, Jods!! I'm not good at gender guesses, but I say boy. I hope your sickness goes away soon!

Mrs. P, I hope Penny is felling better today!

Good luck with the baby sign language, Chloe. I know a lot of daycares teach that and it definitely helps with early communication. Yay for G liking green beans. I hope my little girl isn't a picky water. I've heard it sometimes takes 7 times for them to like something if they don't right away...I hope I have the stamina to keep trying.

Daydream, how is H doing with solid foods this week?
oh poor Penny! have you had to give any pain or fever relief? I managed to keep tylenol out of Gabby's system until her most recent round of shots. And LOL about droopy bb's! Mine look like deflated balloons by the end of the day, and then in the morning they are huge and perky. Gotta love BFing!

I too put on around 2 stone - I think closer to 32 lbs (thanks to google for converting it for me!). I always forget how much I actually weighed since I gave birth so quickly and wasn't prepared with my final measurements

Jods, after seeing that, i'm thinking boy now. Girls have 3 lines from that angle, but i see no lines. its also quite early, so who knows!
Harrison has been eating great this week. We're doing sweet potatoes and pears, he LOVES the pears. I want to make carrots and a few other veggies whenever I get a chance so that we can try something new soon :) Maybe tonight I'll stop by the store so he can do bananas again tonight.

I gained 30 pounds total from prepregnancy weight, but if you count my lowest weight during the first tri, it's more like forty because I lost more than ten pounds in the beginning. I'm at prepregnancy now, but that's not where I want to be, I'd actually like to lose 30 more because I'm overweight. I want to start exercising but I literally have no idea where I would fit it in during my day unless it's right before bed. My 1.5 hours of commute everyday is really impacting my day now that H is here and also uses a lot of my time.
Lovely scan, jods! I'm gonna guess a girl :) Hope your sickness passes soon!

Sb, funny about the big boobs:) I look at my nursing bras in disbelief now, I can't believe my bbs were THAT big when I was nursing...

MrsP, hope Penny is back to normal. Ovulating already? Are you ready to give it another try? ;) How's formula feeding going? I'm still very sad bf is over :( I wanted to give Anne the best for as along as I could. I really hoped to bf for at least 6 months. On the other hand, it's nice to feed her at 7pm and not have to do another feeding till 7am. She definitely sleeps longer at night after formula and I feel well rested now.

I had something that resembled AF two months ago. The flow was as heavy as during normal AF and lasted for about four days, but the color and consistency was much lighter than usual and there was zero cramping, which has never happened before. Not sure what it was. No spotting otherwise, hope it stays that way once regular AF returns.

Chloe, baby sign language? I've never heard of that.

Hope Jelly is doing well! Thinking of you!

Here're some photos of Anne from our latest photo shoot. Would love to see more pictures of your los.


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Katie loving the middle picture of her smiling very cute.

I'm OK had another false alarm last night so spent most of day on my ball, 3 rd sweep tomorrow morning hoping that will trigger me into labour
Katie - Oh wow Anne is SO CUTE! I'm jealous of your good sleep! H still wakes up at least once a night. But it's not too horrible, but I would definitely would love to get more!

Jelly - GL dearie! Come on baby!!
Anne is adorable!!! Glad she's sleeping well for you.

Good luck tomorrow, Jelly!
Come on Jellybaby come out come out!!

I gave her calpol Chloe, not sure if you have it over there but is just a baby paracetamol type medicine. We have baby sign language over here too, think it's called makaton?

Aww Katie Anne is adorable! The formula feeding is going fine though I don't like her poops now ha ha! She's sleeping usually 11 hours a night but this morning has been going over 8 and is still asleep! :wacko: In some ways I find it more convenient but in others less. And yes I'm still gutted too I'm not bf'ing :sad1: Why did you stop again?

Daydream I'm with you on the finding time to excercise. I've got a spare tyre/muffin top, whatever you want to call it lol and dieting won't help, I need to do excercise but when would I fit that in?! Every nap she has during the day I'm doing housework or out and about with the pram. I walk the dog a few times a week (DH or his dog walker the rest obviously ha ha) which helps but need to do more....

Penny is fine now thanks everyone :)

With JJ I'd give him his bottle then put in his bouncer facing me whilst I do an exercise video then jump in the shower, afternoon I'd go for a quick 30min hill walk that I gradually built up the distance each day. Found it the easiest way to workout. Walking is great calorie burner and pushing buggy too
I have no time to work out either. DH keeps getting on me to work out, but honestly, i spend my 2 hours with gabby every evening, then i want an hour to myself, and then its bedtime. And on the weekends, my priority is spending time with Gabby, not trying to get a 6 pack. I should just start working out during lunch at work. we have a gym, and a shower if i am so inclined. would certainly be a time saver. If only i didnt also spend 40 min a day pumping and need that extra lunch hour to catch up on that days work.

Baby sign language is supposed to help them communicate the basic needs with you before they are able to speak. so you have signs for things like mommy, daddy, milk, food, done, more, happy, and diaper (probably more, but those are the basic ones), and you are supposed to make those signs when you say the words, and baby will be able to communicate with you via hand gestures for a while, which is supposed to help alleviate some frustration down the road.

Come on baby Jelly!

Took G out to a restaurant crawl yesterday. she tried hummus for the first time and LOVED it. here is a pic of her enjoying it :) Gave her some canteloupe and mango which she also enjoyed, but which freaked me out because she was biting them (more BLW stuff, which continues to give me heart attacks). I am a much bigger fan of purees!


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I was the same with JJ would panic with any blow food still don't like to give him grapes uncut or cherry tomatoes and he's almost 3!

No signs of labour so off to hospital today to discuss and possibly have induction as its already booked for today

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