From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Chloe - yes i did have a c section with Leila. I had a pretty easy pg no real aches and pains - still walking my dogs 2 hours a day until d day when with no bp warning i got eclampsia, lost my vision and had seizures all within an hour or so.
In the UK the only guidance is to wait 6 months, i now gather the important marker for a vbac with no increased risks is 18 months between deliveries.

This pg has been totally different, i had awful MS and took meds ( likely due to triplets though) . My c section scar was itchy and sore in the first tri which was a bit un-nerving. The round ligament pain started from around my NT scan and it feels like my insides are being twisted, sometimes so sharp i feel nauseous. I had no idea it's common in 2nd or more pg tbh. Other than that just physical tiredness and struggling to sleep which i think i was lucky to do so good with first time around! Oh and i'm bigger, i looked very heavily pg in first tri when it was triplets but even now i'm 27 weeks and about the size i was at 38weeks with Leila.
Katie - good to hear from you, how is Anne doing?

Btw - has anyone heard from yum or mrsHy? They must be Mummies too now :)
Wow Nell congratulations. You really have been through it with this pregnancy, I hope you enjoy your time with Leila before baby arrives!

Hi everyone else! Here's some pictures of Grace!!

She's doing well! I've just got 4 and a 1/2 hours solid sleep!! She fed lots before bed though! We're getting there with the breast feeding although my nipples are beat up! We're going to go to a support class today for some guidance! Although she only lost 5oz in 5 days so I'm very chuffed.


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5 days old sitting on daddy's knee!


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Oh and I meant to say we decided to go for Grace Minnie as her name. Minnie is after my great gran who will be 94 next week and my DH has always had a soft spot for her as has she for him so it was his suggestion!!
Oh Jods she's beautiful, her eyes are so bright and alert and her skin so good for a newborn :)

4.5 hours sleep is fab too :)
Jods, she is gorgeous! She looks so alert on daddy's knee! Love it!

Katie, great to hear from you! I'm glad Anne is well. Please share a pic as she is almost 1?!?! Can't believe where the time has gone!

Nell, would love to see a 1 year pic of little leila too! I love to see how much hair babies have at 1 year. some have a full head and others, like mine, have very little. I am dying to be able to put clips in gabbys hair! So are you going to try for a VBAC or just go straight to C section? I believe in US they recommend 1 year before getting pregnant again after C section. Does Leila sleep well for you? I can't recall if she was a good sleeper or not. I had never heard about the round ligament pain being worse in 2nd pregnancies. I don't believe i had any with G.

Haven't heard from Yum since her LO one was born. Hope she and MrsHY are well!

The cat ladies on here may enjoy this...Gabby playing with my cat Chloe (Now you know where I got my username :) )
Grace looks so beautiful and wide-eyed for only five days old!

Chloe - Look at Gabby go!! It's so crazy to see how well she is walking! Harrison still only has taken a few steps, will stand on his own all the time, but once he decides he wants to go somewhere, he drops and crawls. Who knows when this kid will decide that walking is better than crawling.
Hi Katie!! Would love to see a current pic of Anne.

Nell, so sorry for your loss and that you've had a rough pregnancy thus far :hugs:

Jods, Grace is gorgeous and so alert! Love Minnie as a middle name!!

Look at Gabby go!! Chloe , she's such a cutie patutie!!
When did your babies start rolling over? Stella doesn't really seem interested, but her friend James (born 2 days after her) already is. She will be 3 months on Monday, which is also when I go back to work :cry:

Pumping should be interesting. I'm going to have to do it in my car a lot since I am in outside sales and don't work in an office. I am lucky though because I'm going back 4 days a week and will have Wednesdays off. My mom will watch her 3 days and DH and I will switch off and work weird hours that day. I get to keep my insurance and didn't take a big pay cut so I'm pretty happy. Also, my friend (James' mother) has the same day off so we can do mommy things together!
Jods! She is soooo lovely! Huge congrats!!!!

SB, sorry you have to go back to work already...but look forward to the sanity break of being able to talk to adults :) Gabby was a very late roller, sometime around 6-7 months for front to bad, and then back to front followed a couple weeks later. Good luck pumping! If you haven't already, you should get a car adapter, hands free bra, and double electric pump. I have at times pumped in the car under a hooter hider. Its not the most pleasant, but as long as i could watch videos of G on my phone, i was able to get through it. I hope the 4 days a week thing works out for you. I"m considering doing the same thing, and i would get to keep all of my benefits too if i worked 32.5 hrs. Let us know how you like the reduced schedule and extra baby time!
Sb - sorry you have to go back to work so soon. Leila rolled front to back at 3 months but didn't do back to front until 10 months!

Chloe - that video is brilliant :) i will try sort a photo for you, i use my ipad and there are no photos on here, will crank up my laptop - Leila has a whopping head of hair, i have to trim her fringe as i'm too worried about choking to put clips in. Her hair is all over the place - think lego man hairstyle! She sleeps 7-7 and has just moved to one nap a day which is usually around 1 1/2 hours :)
Jods, she's beautiful, she looks so alert and seems much older than 5 days.

Chloe, great video, love Gabby's giggles. She can walk so well, when did she start walking? Anne's only cruising the furniture and doesn't stand on her own for more than a couple of seconds.

Sb, Annie started rolling over on her stomach around month 4 and it took her almost a month to learn how to get back on her stomach. Sorry you have to go back to work already.

Nell, sounds like you are having a very different experience with your second pregnancy. The first pregnancy was so uneventful for me I'm afraid I might be fooling myself thinking the second one would go just as smoothly. Hope the rest of your pregnancy and baby's birth goes smoothly.

Anne's been doing very well; she won't stop talking, climbing everywhere, going after cords and outlets, chewing on dirty shoelaces, picking up every little speck she sees on the floor and putting it in her mouth. She's a very giggly and smiley girl and overall a very pleasant baby, she even survived two transatlantic flights with us this Christmas without major drama. She's eating all sorts of solids, but she's still crazy about her bottle and wants it every time she eats. It's almost comical how fidgety, impatient and fussy she is between the last spoon of solid food and first sip from her bottle. Like we haven't given her a sip of liquid for an entire week. We've been introducing her to regular cups, but that's still a very messy business.

Here are some photos I took of her every month.


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And some more


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Katie, too cute! She looks like a different baby at 4 months! Her expression in the 10 month pic is the best! and I love the giant stuffed veggies :) Gabby started furniture cruising and taking one or two steps around 11 months but didn't walk well on her own until 12.5 months.. now she is an old pro!

Nell, I know how hard it is to make it to a computer! Hope to see Leila and all her hair soon!
Katie - She's such a doll! It looks like she already has quite a fun personality. I love the monthly pictures to see how fast their hair grows out! I need to edit H's 11 and 12 month ones still :x
Katie, Annie is so freakin cute! I esp love the 8 and 11 month pics!!

Work has been good so far. Tomorrow is my day off during the week. I love only having to work for two days and then get to be home with Stella. Pumping has been interesting. I do have a battery pack and I had a hands free bra, but I broke the zipper off of it today. Hopefully I can fix it. Yesterday, I thought I was facing empty work trailers, but I saw a guy go in one while I was pumping. Then, when I was leaving, I saw someone looking through the blinds!! Today was also interesting. I was working with a co-worker and we were pressed for time so I pumped in the back of her car on the way to our next appointment. What a sight. I have a shawl that I use but I'm sure I had some nip slip getting set up. Haha. I really don't care at this point though.
You go girl Sbmack!!!! Glad you're seeing the bright side of life!

Katie.....loving the pics....wonderful idea! Did you buy the tshirts?
I took the three month pics today.

Gobs, I have stickers I bought off Amazon.


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