From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Cute pics, Chloe! She has cute little cheeks, and a funny expression in that second pic :)
Hi Yoms! How far along are you now?

Happy Valentines to all!
What a cutie!! Such a precious Valentine!

Glad to hear your doing well Yoms!

I did talk to the dr. about the spotting and she said to keep an eye on it. Both times it has happened has been after exercising. I think I'll take it easy for a while.

Have you ladies worked out during your pregnancy. My dr. said it was fine as long as I don't work out to breathlessness. I only did yoga one night and run/walked on the treadmill another. I guess I'll hold off maybe for my first trimester. I'm going on vacation in a few weeks so I was trying to drop a few pounds before I got my BFP. Of course I'm not dieting now, just trying to stay healthy.
ugh, i hate my crappy internet connection that causes things to post twice! sorry for cluttering the board.

I exercised during my pregnancy, although it was light. I bought a denise austin pregnancy workout dvd that has workouts for the different trimesters. it helped my backpain. Prenatal yoga also helped my back pain, but wasn't much of a workout. I did some hiking and even went zip lining when i was 21 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy workouts are pretty lame if you are used to more intense stuff, but i would recommend exercising now to help strengthen your back, even if its not intense. I couldn't believe how much my back was hurting by the end there, and how stretching and light weight lifting (like 3 lbs) really helped with the pain. I stayed away from cardio tho (still am, but have no excuses now :haha:)
Hi ladies,

Firstly congratulations to you all on your pregnancies! i also spot for days after OV to AF and it really gives me hope to see that others have had the same symptoms as me and still managed to get pregnant!

I have been actively ttc for two years and have had the spotting ever since I came off the pill. Most of the time it's about 5/6 days before AF but sometimes it's as early as 2/3 days from OV all the way to AF. I have spotted every single cycle before AF except when I did get PG last year. Unfortunately that ended in mc very early and it's almost been a year and I've still not got PG again. I have noticed I get cramps before my periods start and I'm really worried it might be endo. I've been referred to a FS and have been given progesterone to take after OV (400mg suppositories). That reduced the spotting but it didn't go away. i decided not to start taking them until 3dpo to make sure id ovulated first and of course the dreaded spotting started the same evening before i took the first one. Typical! Im also having an HSG done in April (dreading that!). I've told the FS about the spotting but he doesn't think it's an issue and said if I had endo bad enough to affect fertility it would have shown up on the ultrasound I had done of my womb :-k I also asked if I could try Clomid incase I'm not ovulating properly and he said no because I get positive OPKs each month and had satisfactory day 21 test results (even though I always started to spot shortly after and my temps fell). Also had day 3 bloods done and I was told they are normal, although prolactin was in the 300s which seems high.

I hope you don't mind me posting but would you mind telling me if you ever found out what caused your spotting and how you managed to get pregnant? Did you need Clomid / IVF or did you fall naturally? And how long did it take you to get PG? Is there any advice you could offer me? Really feel at my wits end about this. It's so disheartening when im at work and go to the bathroom only to see the spotting has started so soon and to know at that point im not pregnant yet again. Also since my mc my best friend, sister and SIL announced their pregnancies and they fell straight away. I've spent hours and hours online trying to find out what's causing it. I feel like things are moving so slowly and that I'm running out of time as in my 30s.

Thanks x
Aww Chloe how cute! Happy valentines to your little Gabriella!

Welcome back Yoms, hope everything is well!

SB I don't really exercise but like walking with my dog, me and my friend who is preggo take the dogs out & we're out quite a while at the weekends, but I'm having to slow down now. I got really breathless & still am, but now I'm waddling & very slow, it's really hard work! I'm also finding I get pain in my bladder & uterus when I walk about sometimes, not nice :nope:

Welcome buninmyoven! You should join the TTC thread for support (see first post) they're lovely ladies. I was 8 months on clomid, no answer to my spotting & my FS wasn't interested. I wasn't one of the worst spotters on the thread though. In hindsight I just think it was extended pre AF spotting made worse when I starting taking Agnus cactus/vitex & the stress was continuing it after I stopped taking it. I hope you get your BFP soon Hun, the cycle you got your last BFP did you do or was anything different? I'm sure the cliche 'relaxation' had a lot to do with mine... :wacko: p.s I love your avatar!

Mummies/mommies, how long before your birth did your baby's head engage? I was seen today & nothing was said but have noticed on my notes it's 3/5. I'm not getting excited as I knw it could stay like that a long time, but at least it's moving in the right direction & am curious!

Mrsp - H didn't engage until it was time to go. My dr never gave me the numbers but said he was floating, even though my cervix was dilating.
Chloe, I'm 16+3 today. Time is flying by! Your girl is gorgeous, what a cute little face!!

Sbmack, glad your dr wasn't concerned about the spotting. I've not been working out at all. I've felt too exhausted and sick until very recently so just getting to work and back has been enough! I'm hoping to start yoga soon.

BIMO, welcome! I got pg after only 4 cycles off the pill and had heavy spotting from 1-3 days past ov until AF... so it seems that the spotting didn't affect me getting pregnant at all. I have no idea what the cause is, and suspect either luteal phase defect or endo. I changed my diet to include more essential oils (seeds, nuts, fish, olives etc) and also took a B-vitamin complex in case it was the former. It sounds like your FS is doing a lot to help and hopefully the progesterone and HSG will bring some clarity. Good luck xx

Hi MrsP! You're soooo close now! eek!
Ha that's funny daydream !

Question about what you use to change nappies, wipes or cotton wool & water? Johnsons do extra sensitive baby wipes & is 'clinically proven' to be as gentle as water but a friend of a friend who is a mw said its tosh & you should only use water for the first few weeks :wacko: x
I finally found some time to have a cup of tea and check out and reply to the thread.

MrsP, it can come any time now! Are you ready? Crossing my fingers everything goes well, can't wait for you to share your birth story and the pictures of the little one. Get ready for some tears too! My dh didn't cry, I've probably only seen him cry once in my life. He's so adorable with his little girl though and so dedicated. Love listening to his songs to her, my new ticker was inspired by his singing You're my sunshine to our girl :)

Daydream, that 4 generation photo sounds great. I'd love a pic like that but all family members are all over the place and so far away. My husband's aunt/godmother Anne is coming to visit and I'm glad she'll be one of the first in the family, since our lo was named after her. Each time she calls, she ends up :cry: she's so humbled and overwhelmed. We'll def take a picture of that.

Chloe, I love the pictures, thank you for sharing. Don't they change so quickly. I'm looking at the pictures I took right after birth and she's already changed. Before we know it, daddy will be performing background checks on a guy who asks her out. Sorry you're having a hard time putting your baby in daycare, but it will only make you both stronger.

Cat, hope the pregnancy keeps going smoothly!

Sb, glad to see you on here. I spotted heavily right after conception, passed large clots, which were mistaken for miscarriage. After that I didn't spot for a couple of months, but it eventually came back, usually brown, with some red once or twice. The spotting didn't affect my pregnancy though. I keep looking at my daughter thinking: I've been told you didn't survive, I've been told all the spotting is bad news, I've been told you won't make it, and here you are in my arms :)

Yoms, excited to see you here too. I know it's hard to keep up, but keep us posted. Hope the pregnancy is going well.

Bun, I never found out what caused the spotting and didn't do anything extra the month we conceived. I'd usually start spotting shortly after O, and it would last all the way till AF. The month we conceived spotting was at its worst. Sorry I can't give you a magic tip that will do the trick. Everyone's story on here seems to be slightly different, but as you can see, we all spotted and all were able to conceive. Don't despair!

AFM, everything is going well, we're slowly figuring out the routine. The girl knows her schedule already and though I set the alarm at night to feed her, she is the one who usually wakes me up with cute sounds 5 minutes before the alarm goes off. We started feeding her formula here and there, so that I can get more than 3 hours of sleep in a row. With my epilepsy I have to be careful because seizures are usually caused by sleep deprivation and exhaustion. My DH and mother in law have been amazing though and are making motherhood so much easier. My healing is going well too, bending and turning is still hard, but I can walk straight now. I just need to buy some grandma underwear that reaches all the way to my breasts, because every panty I have ends on the scar tissue line and it's been bothering me ever since they took the bandaid off.

A tip for expecting mothers: get a couple of onesies or shirts that have 'pocket' sleeves. I don't know about other babies, but mine was born with pretty sharp nails and would accidentally scratch herself until I could give her proper manicure (no nail polish, I promise). Putting her in those onesies and covering her hands helped to keep her skin nice and smooth without any scratches.
Here's our little bundle of joy


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Just wanted to let you all know I'm stalking this thread! Hopefully will be able to post here myself one day but am enjoying all your stories and successes !

Your babies are all very cute! Glad it's going so well for your all!

Bun- come join us in the ttc spotters thread!

So great to hear from you Katie! She is beautiful!!!

Thanks for sharing your spotting story. I'm at the dr. right now. I woke up in the middle of the night to heavier red bleeding and cramps on my right side. They are worried about an ectopic, but I just got an US and there was a sac in the uterus. It's too early to see anything in there, but it's good that its showing there and that its not a tubal. I'm still really worried I'm miscarrying though. Waiting to meet with the midwife right now. I won't really know for a few days while they monitor my hormone levels.

Welcome Bun. Definitely check out the other spotting thread. Great ladies on both sides!
Hope everything goes well, sb! Thinking of you and crossing my fingers!
Thanks ladies, yes I will check out the ttc spotters thread. I feel so relieved to know I'm not the only one who gets this, and more especially that people are still able to go on and have babies even with the spotting! And what beautiful baby pics. Makes me want one even more now! X
Ah I wrote a long comment and lost it. :doh:

Katie - glad all is going well, your LO is adorable

Mrsp - we use cloths and water since we are cloth diapering and its easier than having to fish out disposable wipes. Also I think LO has sensitive skin as we had several bouts of diaper rash at the beginning. His poops don't really stick to his skin, so water does the job just fine. We only use wipes when out and about

Sb- thinking of you. Hope all is fine, and I'm glad they're watching you

Afm - we are battling our first colds, was hoping that we would wake up better today but nope. He did go six hours sleeping last night though so maybe he doesn't feel as bad as we do. I'm just continuing to Bf and hope he's getting lots of good antibodies

I added one photo.. It's only letting me do one attachment, I'll add a couple to my journal too. I've meant to write monthly updates, but haven't finished that yet.


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Ahhh Katie you've made me cry :( of happiness of course lol :) Anne is beautiful, such big pretty eyes! Glad to hear things are going well. Thanks for the tip too, I've got some packs of scratch mits & also some babygro's with fold over mits in them. No we're not particularly ready for LO to arrive as dh is still fitting/tiling & painting the kitchen! :haha:

Daydream, what a gorgeous happy pic of Harrison! Hope you're both feeling better soon.

Thanks for dropping by cupcake! Hope you get your BFP soon.

Sbmack I hope it's just a blip & everything turns out ok, it could just be something similar to Katie. Thinking of you & keep us posted :hugs:

Hope you can join us soon buninmyoven :thumbup:

Sb, glad to see you on here. I spotted heavily right after conception, passed large clots, which were mistaken for miscarriage. After that I didn't spot for a couple of months, but it eventually came back, usually brown, with some red once or twice. The spotting didn't affect my pregnancy though. I keep looking at my daughter thinking: I've been told you didn't survive, I've been told all the spotting is bad news, I've been told you won't make it, and here you are in my arms :)

Katie, how many weeks were you when they said you miscarried? I searched back through the other thread to read your story. I think you were earlier along. I'm 5+2 today and it's not looking good. The heavy bleeding comes and goes. No clots though. The midwife called and said my hcg results weren't optimistic at 16,000. It sounded like she thinks I am miscarrying and spoke of monitoring me to see if it passes naturally or if it will have to be removed. I will go back for more bloodwork on Monday and to meet with my dr. I don't have any severe cramps it's just like you said in the other thread that something is always there. It feels like when I had a cyst.
Sb, I was 4 weeks and 5 days. I felt cramps during bleeding, but not on the day I passed those clots. Thinking of you and crossing my fingers everything goes well. Try to rest and take it easy.
:hugs: sb. I hope everything works out. Take it easy over there!

Katie, gorgeous pics! I agree with the use of the little mits. Gabbys nails were razors, and its awful trying to cut their nails. Even now I have trouble and she will scratch herself.

MrsP, I use alcohol free wipes by earths best and seventh generation, but I have heard that water and cotton is good for the first month or so. If gabby was irritated by the wipes I would have switched, but I belve her poo caused the most irritation.

Hi cat! Nice to see you pop in :)

Daydream, cute pic of your little man! Love the outfit.

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