I was excessively wet down there Friday but I chalked that up to hubby's ... Excessive expulsion the night before . I'm really no good with blunt tmi stuff.
I think this cycle is a bit of a wash- an experimental one, but still a wash.
The opks might be just too confusing for me at this point with my last super long and weird cycle.
Meagan, I'm taking DHEA and CoQ10 (the active form which is called ubiquinol). I'm pretty sure it's the DHEA making my sex drive go nuts. It's over the counter, give it a try!
I'm great! Things are good here. No idea what DPO I am- I didn't test after Mondays test ( had no more tests anyway lol ) but we dtd on Monday
Haven't done it since, I'm trying to respect hubby's not wanting it to seem like super TTC and have a bunch of sex that ends up being routine and boring. So we got Thursday Friday and Monday in Won't be testing unless I have a reason to- I.e late. I made that promise to hubby
Hi. Hard to believe that I also don't know how many dpo I am. I didn't write down my last period or ovulation and my sense of time is terrible so it's unlikely that I will remember correctly.
I'm feeling really sad today. I had a FB pregnancy announcement that hit close to home. I'm just so angry that cancer has made my life so hard. I'm resentful that my friends are so worry-free and able to make choices about having babies when they want to. Of course this just makes me more confused about whether or not I want another.
Hubby and I talked a bit today and agreed that about three more months is our limit for ttc. After that we really will have tried everything reasonable to get pregnant. Our only (and probably best hope) would be to give it more time, but because of my cancer we don't have that luxury.
Aww Sara I'm so sorry honey . Cancer is terrible no matter to who or what kind. No one thinks it'll trickle into other parts of your life, like TTC, and then it does and it makes it suck more.
I completely understand about the Fb thing. One of my girlfriends is pregnant and I've "unfollowed" her so her million pregnancy posts done constantly show on my feed. Another friend of mine his wife is pregnant and she tags him in everything. Makes checking facebook for all the other things you actually want to see not fun
Who knows - glass half full style - maybe once you let go of TTC and have things happen as they should maybe it'll surprise you My fingers are crossed and my warm and fuzzy feelings are out to ya
We are good, thanks for your post - it's a bit nicer to try to do it a bit stress free-r. It's hard at the same time but seeing him being more relaxed ( so far ) is nice.
I don't have anything to say Sara that will make it better but I am truly sorry that this has happened to you. I feel like you ladies are friends I've known for a while - & I truly hate that cancer has taken away something that should be so joyful... I pray that you can either have a miracle baby or find peace in your decision to stop TTC. We're here for you no matter the decision
Meagan - I'm happy things are getting better for you as well when things get tough, just remember it will always get better... I am hopeful that you will have your little baby in no time!
I'm doing well - finishing summer semester of school.. thank goodness. I get a three week break and during that time we are taking a short "babymoon".. My friend in FL said we can use their guest room for free so now we can take the trip that I didn't think we could afford due to saving for the baby
I get to look like a beached whale for 3 days!! Lol
Going to bed soon.. Have a good weekend ladies. SIL baby shower this weekend.. Our nephew will be here in less than two months!!!!
I was wondering how you were holding out Meagan! Its definitely not easy to wait for sure!! You can do it though I have faith in you!
Everything is well over my way.. Had another scan yday. Cervix is showing no change - so my doctor is encouraged that I shouldn't have no signs of labor... 20 week scan in two weeks!!! Then we get to take a baby moon for a couple of days at the beach. I'm so excited!
I told hubby I wouldn't test- and he would notice a purchase of anything other then dollar store tests so I'll stick to not testing - if I'm period free still by.. Next Friday ish I'll test
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