"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

I chose my Dr very well. I did lots of research before I chose a Dr. I guess it's what I get for being so high risk.

Thanks so much ladies!! I am thrilled and cant wait to see what they are on Wed. :happydance:

How are all of you ladies doing today? Feeling ok? Any new symptoms, food issues?
i had a lil cramping today and i know i shouldnt worry cause there is no bleeding and this is normal but with our past i know its so hard not to worry..i prayed on it and feeling better now...i think i wont rest until i get a scan so i know lil rainbow is ok in there...so im going to call my old doc office tomorrow and sched for next week when i know they can get a hb, they usually do scans the same day there for dating and thats all i want cause i'm going to continue with my specialist...feb 3rd is just to long to wait n i will drive myself :wacky: by then lol!!
AWWWWW sunkiss.... I'm so sorry honey. It really is nerve wracking isn't it? I'll for sure say a lil prayer for you. I am still cramping too ever now and then. Its very normal as long as you have no blood. I know you know that but sometimes we just need to hear it again.
Hope you can get in soon and get your head to un wind. :hugs:
Praying for you Sunkiss. I know how you feel. At least they aren't bad though. My cramping the other day was like AF-cramping. Almost worst, but everything is fine. It's definitely more nerve-wrecking after a loss. Take it easy young lady.
:hugs: You're in my thoughts, sunkiss...remember if you don't bleed the chances of mc are quite low. Hope you can get a scan soon to confirm everything is ok.
thanks so much ladies, this is why i luv this group because i know u ladies can understand the struggle :hugs:

i think i had my first freak out moment lol, sure there will be more but i have u wonderful ladies to always reassure me...i feel totally fine now, lil rainbow must still be getting settle there lol, i will get that scan next week though, i just want to hear the hb so bad n its too hard to wait...going to pack that lunch for tomorrow, ugh nice long wknd over.
Yes cramping is sooo very normal- have to imagine our uterus was pretty small 5 weeks ago and now its on the fast track to growing! Even if its the difference between a plum and an orange thats still so much growth in such a little time and its bound to cause some cramping and pain! No blood and you're good!
I definately can tell the difference in my stomach- I wonder if its because its not my first pregnancy? I guess the growing utuerus has to make room so its pushing all the other organs up and over and outta the way. So i'm sure thats whats going on, definately not bloating anymore. I know i'm only 6 weeks, but I know something is happening in there!
We are hopefully going to mexico in the beginning of february and i'm hoping I can have a little belly by that point. Just a tiny little one would be fun!! Crossing my fingers...
I guess I should slow down a bit and take it day by day- wait for my ultrasound first and then let my excitement take over! Countdown till ultrasound is 8 sleeps....
Cannot wait to see the first set of heartbeat posts, so very excited for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

MrsMcd123- yes having 2 kids running around can be tough- but they are my livelyhood and my life would not be as fufulling as it is right now without them. My daughter is 6 in march and my son is 2.5- he will be 3 when baby comes so its the perfect age in my persepective! My daughter was 3.5 when my son was born and it made life so much easier to have a potty trained preschooler around, very independant and actually quite helpful. So i'm hoping for the same situation this time! My son was not an easy baby so I feel prepared for anything at this point.

Does anyone else have kids?????
so true bree!! yes i think u will start showing sooner since this is ur second pregnancy, every woman i ever spoke too said they showed earlier with their second, its because the muscles were stretched before so u have like a head start, i think i will show a lil earlier this pregnancy too since i was showing a lil with my angel, im so looking forward to that..u will probably feel baby moving earlier too, i felt my first movement at 17 weeks and it was such an incredible feeling, ppl describe it all the time but until i felt it i had no idea how special it really was, i cant wait to feel that again :D

wow mexico is so lovely, i am so jealous!! have a wonderful vacay :D
Hi All

Been a while since I last checked in....nice to see were all doing well.

Sunkiss i know how you feel with the cramping, I had a little cramping last night and jumped out of bed t ogo to the loo as I was worried (tmi lol but it was only gas) I was so relived.

I am not noticing any new symptons this week, still a little nausea here and there and gas. BB's hurt more when I go to bed at night and if I put pressure on them but not sore.

Nearly hitting the 6 week mark, halfway through first tri :)
Calling my Dr this week (thursday probably) hopefully ill get to arrange a booking in appt with my midwife, its a start.

I am not noticing any new symptons this week, still a little nausea here and there and gas. BB's hurt more when I go to bed at night and if I put pressure on them but not sore.

Gas is my huuuge annoyance right now! I'm constantly letting out these huge, massive burps! I'll feel sick to my stomach really really bad, then a half hour later I let out a huge burp and my stomach feels better again. My BBs are hurting more at night too, same as yours. Pressure hurts. I don't know if it's in my head but to me if feels like they're getting more firm too.

I've been fighting the urge to nap for the past couple of days hoping that if I don't, I'll sleep better at night but it hasn't made a difference so I'm going to start with the naps again. I feel like I should take advantage now while I can. That's one thing that freaks me out about having a baby is that sleep is soooooo valuable to me and I get really grouchy if I'm not sleeping well. So I definitely worry about that. But I'll deal with that when the time comes.

How's everyone else feeling?
Hey gang! I am feeling rather edgy last few days. Like almost moody. Mostly at work though. People are just getting on my nerves easier than normal. LOL Which is funny because I love my job and the people I work with. Hmmm... I'll have to work on that I guess.

I am noticing that my stomach gets kinda icky when I eat now. It goes away after a while but man I am not enjoying eating these days.
Its so funny how we worry about the sleep- I was a huge sleeper prior to kids and it was a daunting thought leading up to the days of my babes being born. Your mommy instincts kick in and you really don't think about it too much, maybe for the first 2 weeks but thats generally when baby sleeps alot too so make sure your number one rule is to sleep when baby sleeps no matter what time of day it is or what needs to be done around you. Its the advantage of having your first baby, you can sleep as much as they do! Not so much the case when you have a second.
Its always my numbers one piece of advice that I try and tell new mommas. Who cares about laundry or dishes or dust bunny's for the first couple weeks! And nap, nap and more naps while you are pregnant if you can. Your body needs the rest, its building body parts and brains and all that important stuff- no wonder we're so exhausted!!!
I can't wait for the weeks and days leading up to due dates, I am a pot full of knowledge for new mommas..... I love helping out with any questions!

I am not noticing any new symptons this week, still a little nausea here and there and gas. BB's hurt more when I go to bed at night and if I put pressure on them but not sore.

Gas is my huuuge annoyance right now! I'm constantly letting out these huge, massive burps! I'll feel sick to my stomach really really bad, then a half hour later I let out a huge burp and my stomach feels better again. My BBs are hurting more at night too, same as yours. Pressure hurts. I don't know if it's in my head but to me if feels like they're getting more firm too.

I've been fighting the urge to nap for the past couple of days hoping that if I don't, I'll sleep better at night but it hasn't made a difference so I'm going to start with the naps again. I feel like I should take advantage now while I can. That's one thing that freaks me out about having a baby is that sleep is soooooo valuable to me and I get really grouchy if I'm not sleeping well. So I definitely worry about that. But I'll deal with that when the time comes.

How's everyone else feeling?
I am not noticing any new symptons this week, still a little nausea here and there and gas. BB's hurt more when I go to bed at night and if I put pressure on them but not sore.

Gas is my huuuge annoyance right now! I'm constantly letting out these huge, massive burps! I'll feel sick to my stomach really really bad, then a half hour later I let out a huge burp and my stomach feels better again. My BBs are hurting more at night too, same as yours. Pressure hurts. I don't know if it's in my head but to me if feels like they're getting more firm too.

I've been fighting the urge to nap for the past couple of days hoping that if I don't, I'll sleep better at night but it hasn't made a difference so I'm going to start with the naps again. I feel like I should take advantage now while I can. That's one thing that freaks me out about having a baby is that sleep is soooooo valuable to me and I get really grouchy if I'm not sleeping well. So I definitely worry about that. But I'll deal with that when the time comes.

How's everyone else feeling?

I somehow missed this post (bottom of the page?) but I almost feel like I could have written it! Except for the part about burping half an hour later, because I'm not managing to do that as well. The worst thing about it is that it always gets bad at night and sometimes the stomach pain wakes me up :growlmad: I can barely find enough time to sleep now that I seem to need 11-12 hours, so it's a big problem! Last night I think I slept about 9.5 hours and I've been soooo exhausted and grumpy today. Tomorrow I have to be awake from 6:30 AM to 9:30 PM so I think I will have to take a nap...usually not a fan of napping but no other way it will happen!

Planning to try acidophilus for the gas, and if that doesn't work then simethicone. I'll let you know how it goes. Careful if you buy a simethicone drug though, I nearly bought one with peppermint oil as an "inactive ingredient" :shock: not safe for preggos!
my gas was horrible the first 2 weeks after ovulation but it has been much better lately, still not much symptoms, must be one of the lucky ones, but my nips are getting hella sensitive/sore since yesterday and my boobs are starting to feel just a tad heavy so i anticipate the sore boobs are on the way as scheduled woohooo lol!!

i think i may have a uti hence the cramping i had yesterday, had a lil funny discharge too, i remembered i had 2 of em in early pregnancy last time around, i never get this thing any other time ugh, apparently its common in early pregnancy, i made an appt to walk in tomorrow morn just to get it checked out, wanna be on the safe side and not take any chances, so happy they fit me in, and i may be able to get a sono tomorrow too so i can see lil rainbow, i made sure to ask that on the phone lol :happydance:

i will fill u ladies in as soon as i get into the office :D

oh jewelz the patients work my dang nerve everyday even more so now and i have to pray everyday for the patience :rofl:, something i work on also!
my gas was horrible the first 2 weeks after ovulation but it has been much better lately, still not much symptoms, must be one of the lucky ones, but my nips are getting hella sensitive/sore since yesterday and my boobs are starting to feel just a tad heavy so i anticipate the sore boobs are on the way as scheduled woohooo lol!!

i think i may have a uti hence the cramping i had yesterday, had a lil funny discharge too, i remembered i had 2 of em in early pregnancy last time around, i never get this thing any other time ugh, apparently its common in early pregnancy, i made an appt to walk in tomorrow morn just to get it checked out, wanna be on the safe side and not take any chances, so happy they fit me in, and i may be able to get a sono tomorrow too so i can see lil rainbow, i made sure to ask that on the phone lol :happydance:

i will fill u ladies in as soon as i get into the office :D

oh jewelz the patients work my dang nerve everyday even more so now and i have to pray everyday for the patience :rofl:, something i work on also!

Oooooh I hope they give you the sono tomorrow!! I wish I was getting mine tomorrow.. I get to schedule it tomorrow but it'll be another week or so :( I'm going crazy with anticipation!! I just want to see a heartbeat!
Morning ladies!!!
Yay Sunkiss I hope we get to see your lil bean in a photo soon.
Bree I am so grateful to have you on this thread as you will be knowledgeable to us when it gets closer to delivery.
Got more blood work done this morning. I should get back results in the next few hours. The tech told me that depending on how my numbers look is how they will determine if I need an ultrasound or not. I think my Dr might tell her different though as I'm not sure she knows I have MTHFR. *shrug* Guess I know later.
Morning ladies!!!
Yay Sunkiss I hope we get to see your lil bean in a photo soon.
Bree I am so grateful to have you on this thread as you will be knowledgeable to us when it gets closer to delivery.
Got more blood work done this morning. I should get back results in the next few hours. The tech told me that depending on how my numbers look is how they will determine if I need an ultrasound or not. I think my Dr might tell her different though as I'm not sure she knows I have MTHFR. :shrug: Guess I'll know later.

I had nightmares about my brother all night last night. I woke up sad this morning. :cry: Hope he is ok... I don't really have a relationship with my brother at all and we don't talk. This whole dreaming thing is getting kinda personal now. LOL It needs to back off a bit.
goodmorning ladies!!

i got a yolk sac, omg we got a lil rainbow yolk in there lol :yipee:

i was so freekin out when they were about to do the sono already thinking the worst and there was my lil yolk :cloud9:

so the tech puts me at a lil over 5 weeks which is about right, i know i ovulate late in my cycle, so i knew the edd was gonna be off..too early for the fetal pole or hb which was the same as before, but i am so happy i got to see my lil rainbow, tech said seeing the sac n yolk are good signs, means something in there is growing :happydance:

so happy i went because i did have a yeast infection..eww havent had one of those in many yrs...i knew something was off, not taking any chances this time around..i got a pic of the sac and i will upload later when i get home, aww my first pic of rainbow, so happy right now and cant wait til next week sono!!

jewelz i know what u mean with the dreams, i have been dreaming some weird stuff myself, guess thats a part of pregnancy too :shrug:
This whole dreaming thing is getting kinda personal now. LOL It needs to back off a bit.

Seriously!! This crazy dreaming is non stop, every night! I woke up so paranoid early yesterday morning because I had a dream that everyone was coming after me with guns, like it was the zombie apocalypse except with guns. My husband had already left for work so I just got up, went around the house making sure all our doors were locked, went back to our room, locked THAT door then went back to bed.

sunkiss, so glad you got to see your lil yolk sac!! :) :happydance: I know I won't get to see anything at my appointment today but I'm still excited about it, puts me one step closer to getting to see my baby and I'll at least have a date to look forward to to see it :thumbup:

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