"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

I find out on Friday if she wants to do a scan or not before my next normal visit. I take a blood thinner daily yes. I wont have to do injections unless she sees a clot in my sac.
Wow ladies, I went to bed early last night and have been doing catchup with everyone and it feels like so much has happened since yesterday morning!

Yay Sunkiss- A yolk it is and a yolk is such great news!!!! Glad you got to see something in there :)
I'm counting down 7 more sleeps and I'll get to see a heartbeat and little bambino in there! At 7.5 weeks i'm hoping I will get to see something by then?!!!

Jewelz- you must be going crazy with all the beta numbers, I'm sorry you have to go through this. Its hard to find out information that doesnt quite make any sense yet there is nothing you can do to make it feel better. Just try and be optomistic- don't read into it to much!!! Hope to hear whats next for you? More beta checks???

Krippy- I'm so sorry for your loss :( Life can be so unfair sometimes.... You are a tough cookie and you will get your baby in your arms someday soon!
Hey we're both from B.C!! I'm from Vancouver Island... crazy to have someone on here that is only a days drive away!

Symtoms to report- well, a slight nausea in the am before breaky but quickly goes away once I walk my daughter to school. bbs still feeling a bit tender, not quite as much as they were but they have definately increased in size. Apparently they do all their extra growing in the first 3 months and then don't get any bigger until your milk comes in. I do remember this happening early with my son and then they were the same for a long while. Nevermind nursing- thats a whole other story!!!!!!! I was a survivor of 15 months of breastfeeding my son, was so very lucky to be able to do so for so long with him :)
Starting to feel my lower tummy pop out. Its very low- kinda like theres a balloon in there! Not hard or anything but its there. Will have to post my 6 week pic soon, to keep up with my belly diary :)

Hope everyone is well- love all the storys, so happy to be a part of such a great group!
i forgot what ur levels was the last time jewelz, but at ur stage i would say those numbers are pretty good, i remember last time pregnancy i believe my hcg was in the 1500 range at a lil over 5 weeks..is that about avg? not sure what it should be then but doc was happy with number...i know how frustrating it is though cause i feel it too, we just want to know that everything will be ok, i will pray tonight for all of us, just bought some white candles too, we are covered!!

oh my gosh c1403, 10 weeks? man i would be pulling my hair out literally!! that sucks hunny, why is it that they wait til 10 weeks? i could see maybe 8 but its nerve wrecking especially after a loss to have to wait that long...i guess if it is not a viable pregnancy not much they can do anyways but still just ease my mind and give me something here!!

hey u know what, i am bloody pissed that my fav mist and lotion from bath n body works is out of stock ha ha!!! the hormones had me going off today even at my hunny when he didnt answer the phone, went off on the pharmacy for not having my meds, went off on the sales girl for igging me and eating crackers...woosah i gotta get it together and get control cause i dont normally react that way!!

oh that is so good to hear that ur trying again krippy, are they treating ur thyroid now? ur ending will be happy too because u have that special little boy watching over mommy and he will make her wishes come true, u so deserve it!!
Question for you ladies...At what dpo did you get your BFP? I am going crazy waiting. I know that I can wait until Sunday or Monday but I kind of don't want to. ;) When did you test and get a positive? I don't remember when I got pregnant with RJ what dpo I was when I got my positive...Driving myself insane symptom spotting and hoping and wishing!
Bree- what's next for me is more blood work on Friday to do one more check.

Krippy- I got my BFP on the day I was supposed to start my cycle. 14dpo

Sunkiss- man you're telling me. The hormones are enough to make anyone run and hide fro me. I'm gonna have to figure out how to deal... Lol I hope pregnancy doesn't make me mean. My hubby will wanna move out on me.
I think my levels are good to just rising slowly. They will get there. I'm not worried. As long as my levels are falling I'm a happy mama.
Well, despite not getting my appointment this morning, I did get great news! Since I was so upset I decided to go do another hcg check to make sure things are on schedule, and it's at 30,343! My last check was 10 days ago and it was at 2,086 so I used a doubling calculator and the doubling time was at 54 hours which is really really good! When your hcg is between 1,200 and 6,000 they want the doubling time to be between 72-96 hours, and above 6,000 the doubling time goes to 96+ so my doubling time is even faster than what they want it to be! I also got an email from my OB's nurse saying that due to my circumstances and my appointment being cancelled today, she scheduled an appointment with my OB for next Tuesday! So I *think* I'll be getting my sono then! Not positive, still waiting to hear back from her to see if that's what the appointment is for :thumbup:
oh yes bree @ 7.5 weeks u will def be able to see ur lil bambino and hb, i know u cannot wait!!

i got my bfp 11dpo, although my chart says 12, i believe i ovulated day 20 oppose to 19, i would try n wait 2 more days, but hey i am a poas addict so i cannot talk :haha:

wooohooo MrsMcD123, those numbers are really great progression, at least that can put ur mind to rest a little, hopefully u get to have ur sono next tues also, that is my next sono date too :D
ok i was suppose to put this pic up when i got home and i almost didnt put it up because i got a call from the midwife i saw today that kinda upset me until i realized the dates are all wrong...

so she called and left a msg saying they wasnt able to see much on the sono and it is a very early pregancy, (this was fine because i knew this) then she went on to say that she sched me for another sono next week to see progression, (great this is what i want!!) then she said, i also want to repeat ur bloods to make sure the numbers are doubling (ok?) then this is the part that upset me so bad, she said if u have any bleeding please go straight to the er :growlmad:...emmm why in the blue hell would u ever leave a msg like that, seriously she knew of my lost and my worries, omg i was so upset and hysterical over it, then i remembered, omg they think i am 6weeks 3days, duh i know i ovulate late in my cycle because i chart, they predict that i should ovulate on day 14 when i ovulated on day 20 which puts me a whole 6 days, nearly a week later than i actually am!! this i already knew, i believe i am 5w 4 or 5days which should be totally normal to just see the sac n yolk, wooosahhhh, i am gonna call her n tell her how upsetting that msg was to me, i know she meant well but she could have left that last part out!! God and my angel is in total control!!

im ok now after i realized the error and back to happy again :happydance:
Here is my lil rainbow yolk :cloud9:


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sunkiss- hugs.. they are just trying to be careful. i am a radiologist. i read these studies. and what we say is... yolk sac seen without a fetal pole, likely early pregnancy but cant exclude blah blah blah, recommend follow up. since your dates are "off" thatd also make the study be read more equivocally. quite frankly there is no way to tell what is going to develop on a super super early scan like this. the sac looks nice and round and fits with your adjusted dates. and yay for a short interval followup so you can confirm the normal development
:wave: Hi sunkiss junior!! :happydance: So exciting! I'm sorry about that message :hugs: I think your interpretation is absolutely right, they must think you are a week ahead. I'm glad you know enough about your cycle to understand what's going on!
MrsMcD, so thrilled to read about your numbers. Still hoping for twins for you!

I POAS again today...hopefully if all goes well it will be the last time before my scan! It somehow managed to be darker than last time (which I thought was about as dark as it would get) so I'm pleased with that!

How's everyone feeling? :hugs: I had to deal with my first attack of pregnancy questions at work today. I have this one colleague who tends to lack, hm, social finesse in general, and she wouldn't leave me alone :lol: I didn't lie outright, which I think I can get away with because in the past when asked whether I'm pregnant yet I've generally tried not to answer, too, so I have a precedent. Not sure it will make anyone less suspicious but at least it makes me feel better! Anyone else had to deal with that yet?

Other than that, I had a long day today and I'm feeling grateful that I got through it! Lots of downtime tomorrow to catch up on sleep and errands. My husband and I have started joking about how much I'm acting like a baby myself these days -- hungry, tired, fussy. I really feel a bit as though I'm being controlled from inside! :haha:

And, Bree, you made my day with what you said about all the breast growth being in the first three months :p I think I'm getting close to having grown a second cup size, and I was feeling rather scared of where this was headed...maybe there's hope!
Also, Krippy, I got my first BFP at 10 DPO. Before that I got negatives at 8 and 9 -- knew it was a bad idea to test so early but I was so convinced that I was pregnant.
Hi Ladies

So ive refered myself to a midwife, I should get either a call or email in 10 working days confirming my appointment....another long wait!!

Still feeling nausea, ive had some orange juice this morning (to help with my consitpation) and I'm convinced its going to repeat on me.

Whooooo sunkiss lovely pic. Shame about the message but you know your cycles better than they do.

6 weeks today finally :) I feel like every thursday is a milestone, i POAS again and the line came up within linke 3 seconds, loving that!!!

Kripy - I got my BFP at roughly 16/17dpo and had negatives from 11-14dpo. Same with my chemical pregnancy.

My OH told his mum were pregnant again, she seemed pleased but said to him 'oh you should wait till 12 weeks' I was a bit peed to be honest as we only told her as she gets really pissed off if the last to know anything....and i didnt need to hear that i should wait, i know we should but just want to tell our nearest and dearest. I wont be keeping her posted much on whats happening.

MrsMcDee I dont know much about numebrs etc but seems they are going up quite fast...maybe twins I wonder....

Jewels try not to worry, it seems your dates are uncertain anyway, at least your being seen again soon.

Sunkiss...I know 10 weeks, its doing my head in, every day i get my diary out and tick the days off. I gues seeing as we have a national health system here they dont see any point in seeing you before 10 weeks unless you have had 3 or more losses. So frustrating though as I just want to see someone and make it all offiical.

I know how you feel about moods, I was feeling sick last night and OH came home and he said he was feeling sick too...So my reaction was you cant be sick, only I am sick, Its all about me...blah blah blah....we both saw the funny side to it though in the end.

Anyway I am soooooooo tired, cannot wait for the weekend so i can get some extra sleep.

Lots of love xxxxxxx
thank u so much drsquid for ur expertise, i totally usnderstand why she needs to warn me, i was just so upset behind the last part of the msg, i felt as though she could have been more tactful and spoke with me on the phone before telling me that..

i am so lost now, back to feeling crappy, this is why its no good to do early scans, i didnt have this issue last time, i should have lied about my lmp to solve this whole worry i will have to wait til next week now..i called the midwife back and explained to her i knew the dates were off because i ovulated either day 20 or 21 unlike the norm to ovulate on the 14th day so i am technically a week behind, she still went on to explain that as the health care provider she must explain to me what the odds are and everything could be fine but this could also be a missed miscarriage..i just wanted to crawl under a rock and die when she told me that, she said in the 5th week they should pick up a heartbeat...emmm the last pregnancy where they dated me at 5w 5days all they saw was a sac, no fetal pole, nothing but a sac, then when i went back at 7weeks there was my little embryo with a strong hb, i explained all that to her and she still went on to warn me...i am totally confused now, i shoulda never got this damm scan to begin with so early..i know i am no more than 5w6days at the most but maybe 5w5d, so i am assuming this development should be normal at this point...please tell me i am right so i can relax, my head is in a frenzy right now...sorry to bring u ladies down, just not feeling good now.
So awesome to have the first sono pic up in our thread!! Amazing! Congrats sunkiss. I would have been so upset with that message as well. Thank Gosh you know better and can tell them they are off with their dates.
Just to ease your mind sunkiss I wouldn't worry about the scan. I'm pretty sure you are right about your dates and its well known that the heart beat starts in the 6th week. If you are 5w+5d then they will not be able to get a heart beat and your scan is very accurate to your timeline of when you ovulated. Don't stress yourself out and over think it to much. You are going to have another scan very soon so they will be able to tell something then. Just relax, breath and remember God is in control. He's still on the throne and will take good care of you and your lil rainbow.:hugs:

Looking forward to hearing updates from you girls about your next appointment. Its so exciting to hear about everyone's developments.
I slept a clean 9 hrs last night and still could barely peel myself off the sheets this morning. I am having to kick myself out of bed lately. I can't imagine how hard it's going to be later on. I tease my husband every morning when the alarm goes off and tell him "I quit." He laughs and says "yeah, me too." LOL

No new symptoms as of late but I can report my :holly: are feeling very full and get more tender as the days go by. I am already pretty chesty (38D) without being pregnant so I am concerned with how big they really are going to get and how much they will make my back ache from weight. My best friend was a DD before she got pregnant and was in an F by the end. I'm a little worried here. LOL

Kinda worried about a tooth that has been giving me a hassle for the last three days. I have invisalign braces on my teeth so they are always moving. So I'm not sure if that's the problem or if it's something else. I just had my teeth cleaned like 3 months ago and had x-rays so I know I don't have any cavities that I'm aware of. I go back to my dentist on the Feb 9th to get new braces so I'll ask him then. I'm just hoping it's not a cavity b/c I don't think they will take care of that while I'm pregnant. BOO! My dentist did tell me that when you are pregnant you teeth tend to move faster b/c your bones soften so that may be whats going on here.
Hi all

OMG today has been a long day... work was driving me up the wall, I had to step in and do EVERYTHING people are just so damm lazy... and to top it off i now have a cold/flu. I just feel so ill, headache, sore throat, achy, nausea and soooo tired. I came home and have had a nice bath and going to sleep it off soon once ive had some food...not ruined my appetite all I want to do is eat!

Jewels being pregnant does affect your teeth somewhat as here in the UK we dont generally getxsz dental treatment on the nhs but when pregnant you get it for free up until baby is 1. I must admit I havent been for years but really should go and may do so now while its free lol

How are the 6 week bumps looking, although techinally were all a bit different now as sunkiss is back a few days based on ovulation, jewels is back a week too....lol. Will need to do a list of estimated due dates :)

I honestly thought when in the bath I had a more defined bump, not up top where the bloat is but further down above my pubic bone?? I think thats where it is lol it just felt more firm/round and not like fat lol

Anyway, still no email from my midwife unit so I bet they will take the full 10 working days to get back to me and then ill wait 2 weeks for booking and and another 2 for scan OMG its driving me crazy

Jewelz, I totally hear you, so far I've gone from a G cup to a GG to nearly an H and counting. Here is how I feel about it: :lol: :shock:

C, pregnancy is supposed to affect your teeth, I think it is supposed to make tooth decay more likely, I can't remember exactly why though? Maybe because the baby is taking calcium from you? Or because of hormones...probably both.

I don't have a bump at all yet, just bloat. I missed my bump photo at 6w, was way too tired that evening! Not much to see anyway. Can't wait to see the progression for those of you who are starting to show!

I seem to be feeling uncharacteristically :growlmad: this morning...particularly about the fact that I feel like I have to eat ALL THE TIME even when I don't really feel like eating, otherwise I get a stomachache! A friend suggested choosing snacks with more protein instead of simple carbs that are digested quickly...I've definitely been snacking mostly on cereal, oatmeal bars, and crackers so maybe that will help. But I need to go grocery shopping...and before that I want to take a nap...and before I take a nap I need to EAT so that my stomach doesn't implode! :brat:
Wow so I looked it up and yes it is true that pregnancy can effect your teeth greatly. You hit it right on the head when you said its b/c the baby sucks all of the calcium out of you. Its also b/c your bones soften during pregnancy which can cause teeth movement or cracking. So brush up ladies or go see your dentist. I go every 6 weeks so I'm good. LOL

Oh the eating.... It's picking up for me recently. I feel like I'm always snacking on something. Of course its always something healthy and small so I don't feel to bad about it yet. I haven't gained anything yet either so I think I'm doing ok. However I did eat a McDonald's chicken biscuit for breakfast. I ate half of the biscuit part and all of the chicken. Too much bread for me.

I wish I knew how to take naps. I would do it all the time. A nap for me is 4 hrs. LOL I cant just lay down and snooze for 30 mins to an hour. Makes me feel worse when I get up. I love to sleep and its my favorite hobby but napping is just not for me. We are so active I couldn't find the time to take a nap anyways. I work full time and tend to my husband and house when I get home, so my day is always very full. We are out being social a lot with friends, so who has the time? Oh how life is going to be so different come September. Yay!!! Looking forward to the change.

I'll post another belly pic sometime in the near future. I'm not showing in any kind of way, just massive fat and bloat! LOL Pic to come...
thank u so much drsquid for ur expertise, i totally usnderstand why she needs to warn me, i was just so upset behind the last part of the msg, i felt as though she could have been more tactful and spoke with me on the phone before telling me that..

i am so lost now, back to feeling crappy, this is why its no good to do early scans, i didnt have this issue last time, i should have lied about my lmp to solve this whole worry i will have to wait til next week now..i called the midwife back and explained to her i knew the dates were off because i ovulated either day 20 or 21 unlike the norm to ovulate on the 14th day so i am technically a week behind, she still went on to explain that as the health care provider she must explain to me what the odds are and everything could be fine but this could also be a missed miscarriage..i just wanted to crawl under a rock and die when she told me that, she said in the 5th week they should pick up a heartbeat...emmm the last pregnancy where they dated me at 5w 5days all they saw was a sac, no fetal pole, nothing but a sac, then when i went back at 7weeks there was my little embryo with a strong hb, i explained all that to her and she still went on to warn me...i am totally confused now, i shoulda never got this damm scan to begin with so early..i know i am no more than 5w6days at the most but maybe 5w5d, so i am assuming this development should be normal at this point...please tell me i am right so i can relax, my head is in a frenzy right now...sorry to bring u ladies down, just not feeling good now.

I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about, especially with your last experience. I'm sure they just have to explain that to cover their butts. Have they checked your hsg levels? When will your next scan be? The fact that your sac was round and there was definitely something in there is a good sign! :hugs:
Jewelz, I totally hear you, so far I've gone from a G cup to a GG to nearly an H and counting. Here is how I feel about it: :lol: :shock:

C, pregnancy is supposed to affect your teeth, I think it is supposed to make tooth decay more likely, I can't remember exactly why though? Maybe because the baby is taking calcium from you? Or because of hormones...probably both.

I don't have a bump at all yet, just bloat. I missed my bump photo at 6w, was way too tired that evening! Not much to see anyway. Can't wait to see the progression for those of you who are starting to show!

I seem to be feeling uncharacteristically :growlmad: this morning...particularly about the fact that I feel like I have to eat ALL THE TIME even when I don't really feel like eating, otherwise I get a stomachache! A friend suggested choosing snacks with more protein instead of simple carbs that are digested quickly...I've definitely been snacking mostly on cereal, oatmeal bars, and crackers so maybe that will help. But I need to go grocery shopping...and before that I want to take a nap...and before I take a nap I need to EAT so that my stomach doesn't implode! :brat:

At 6 weeks, your uterus is only about the size of a plum so I'm sure all any of us are feeling is the horrible bloat :winkwink: I'm the same as you when it comes to snacking, I get sooooo sick if I don't eat, I get horrible hot flashes, feel so sick to my stomach, it's especially bad when I first wake up until I can force myself to eat something.

So far I don't think my BBs have grown at all which is fine by me, I'm a 38DD so I'm not particularly looking forward to them growing. Plus my chest has been SOOOO broken out with acne I wouldn't want anything else drawing more attention to them. The acne is so embarrassing! :shy:

So I'm pretty sure that I'll be getting my first sono next Tuesday :happydance: I'll be 6 weeks 6 days so there should be a heartbeat! I implanted really early too so that might even but my due date up by a couple days or so \\:D/
thanks hun, i guess i am worrying for nothing, i did some research online and seen others at my stage have the exact same development so that put my mind at ease again for the moment...man the hormones are kicking in lol!!

on the upside, my boobs are getting heavy and nips have been sore now for 3 whole days :D

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